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"Of course he's objective. He's never been there."
( ControJerbial 2e orter Il
DURING the last two days doubt-
less many of us have been skulk-
ing up and down the rear stairs of our
apartment houses to avoid meeting
the landlord. A friend of mine left the
city late Sunday evening, with the
announcement that he did not want
lent Truman sees the dangers. He has 19D RATHER BE RIGHT:
against skuttle-and-run demobilization.1
perceived the threat of Soviet imperial- . ,mat
>ugh the smokescreen of pleas for Soviet A fter a
y." He understands that Germany is yet
ed. He favors loans for needy allies and By SAMUEL GRAFTON<
le national effort in feeding the world's LOS ANGELES-There were lots of!
He would support Britain. But despite scared people in Los Angeles this
at suggestion of world government, he week-end. I saw one women in a shop
s as though the United States should go almost white with fear when she
danger of atomic war rather than sub- heard that Mr. Truman had vetoed
the ersatz price control bill. "My
sovereignty to the decision of any ex- landlord!" was all she could say for
uthority. a moment; apparently her relation
inly the President has not staked his with him had been complicated and
id his political party's future on an all- tense and now he had her. Yet it was
mpaign to save the United States, hard to feel too much sympathy for
aps he is pessimistic of success. One of her or for the other shaken people. I
visers recently confessed that "it looks have been away from my home for
ugh- we do not deserve to survive." weeks, and I have been in dozens of
ps our provincialism is so deeply rooted, cities and towns, and I have not
osheard price control discussed, or in
orance of the world so extensive, that fact, even mentioned, in all that time.
can awaken us to the situation. Certain- It is a kind of epitaph that thet
d not ask for and do not relish the world American people waited until Satur-
lip which destiny has forced upon us. day afternoon, the 29th of June, to
:omewhere deep in the Americans are become scared.j
not only of kindliness and vitality, but They had been living, not on
ligence. borrowed time, but on borrowed li-
luestion is, will we succeed in tapping beralism; on something left over!
from Mr. Roosevelt, which they
had been enjoying without much1
sense of personal participation, or7
responsibility. They could even en-'
joy the luxury of hating what they'
or needed. I had the satisfaction of
seeing one filling station operator,
who has been crabbing for weeks
about government controls, grow
Editor: suddenly thoughtful on Saturday
iight we attended a meeting of the city afternoon, as he talked about the
of Ann Arbor. Though most of the house which he leases, and his food'
was concerned with purely local affairs, bills.
he members brought up a proposal con- The President's speech was listened
the O.P.A. He suggested that the city to with ferocious attention; and for
send a telegram to the Michigan repre- the first time in many months one;
es in Congress asking them to vote for felt something like a living relation-
rary extension of the O.P.A. Immediate- ship between the executive and the
hearing this, one of the aldermen arose, people, an intimation that there could
that this country had gotten along quite again be a kind of working partner-
the past 200 years without any such ship, toward coherent goals. I stood
and by the natural laws of economy, with forty or fifty persons, listening
andsobythenturaInelasat the radio, and there was an emo-
o so in the future. In reply to this a tion which has not been there on
arose in the gallery, stating that a tele- previous occasions, when Mr. Truman
f this nature was neither in favor of has merely acted like a president, in-
opposition to the O.P.A., but was only stead of being one. One felt on Satur-
st that Congress be given time to formu- day that there were useful jobs which
adequate plan for the future. He further could be done, if once again a Presi-
that in the past day prices had already dent would speak to the people of
alarmingly. Another of the aldermen what was needed, and would name
i emphatically that none of the five the names of those who stood in the
pers he read daily had mentioned any- way; and if the people answered him
ers e rad ail ha metioed ny- with equal warmth and candor.
f the sort. The motion was then over- there arthdfcor
ngly defeated. Further discussion failed do not like this kind of partnership
any response. Upon leaving, we were re- and prefer that we shall rattle plan-
by one of the opposing aldermen that lessly ahead. The trouble with that
uries for the future appeared bright. approach is that one wakes up to
he way home, we stopped at a place for strange week-ends, with sudden fear
ling snack, ordering our customary ham- clouding the face of a smiling coun-
and coke. Surprisingly enough, today's try, and whispering of the end of
as 30c; yesterday's had been 22c. things; while from far off Bikini
on me, bub, yah got ten bucks for a'cuppa comes a muffled report warning us of
even more horrid rendezvous ahead,
unless we throw off torpor and begin
Yours for a bright future, to think and talk and act, like a
McKenzie Ferguson, Leonard Leff, people together.
Warren D. Palmer, Robert M. Rene (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
to pay his rent until the OPA rent
ceilings had been re-instituted.
It was with severe misgivings that
customers entered the groceries Mon-
day morning. Doubtless some of them
had seen the news item in the pa-
pers last week about the really shock-
ing price increase in a West Virgin-
ia town. It seems, according to the
news item, that the OPA had decided
to remove the price ceiling on bitters.
Due to a typographical error, the lo-
cal daily in this West Virginia town
announced that there was no longer
a ceiling price on BUTTER. In a few
hours after the paper appeared, the
local price of butter had risen from
55 cents a pound to $1.50 a pound.
Congress, either failing to no-
tice the omen or actively reject-
ing it, chose to pass a fatally weak-
ened OPA extension measure. Presi-
dent Truman announced that the
Congress-approved bill would not
prevent inflation but would merely
legalize it, and consequently he
vetoed the measure. The House
failed to pass the bill over the veto,
and all Congressmen adjourned to
the nearest country club for the
There is now a furious battle or
Capitol Hill over the revival of price
control. Several political observers
and newspapers have stated that the
flood of letters reaching Congress-
men within the next few days will
doubtless influence their future ac-
Without risking everything by ven-
turing too far out on the weakened
limb, it should be possible to predict
some of the results if the OPA is
weakened or is allowed to lapse per-
manently. The most obvious result is
this .. . all fixed income groups would
suffer seriously. Any salaried em-
ployees from professors to floor
sweepers would immediately feel the
effects of rising prices without a cor-
responding increase in wages. Most
veterans, especially those now going
to college under the GI Bill of Rights.
would be hard hit for the same rea-
son. A powerful lobby to increase the
subsistence for student veterans
would be a prompt and inevitable re-
action, but there would be a consid-
erable period before any increases
could pass Congress. The earliest, pos-
sible date is next autumn when Con-
gress re-convenes, and in the mean-
time many veterans would be forced
out of school and inflation would be
greatly strengthened. In spite of the
obvious interest of veterans in a
strong OPA, the American Veterans
Committee is the only veterans or-
ganization waging a vigorous fight to
extend OPA. The policies of other
organizations, such as the American
Legion, are largely controlled by a
firmly entrenched hierarchy of con-
servative businessmen.
Another result would be immed-
iate union agitation for wage in-
creases. Congress condemned the
recent wave of strikes, but the
termination of OPA will surely
cause a new and greater series of
walk-outs. Congress in this situa-
tion followed the dictates of Big
Business in two ways. It knocked
out OPA (an action which will
cause more strikes); and also at-
tempted to prevent strikes by pas-
sing anti-labor legislation such as
the Case Bill. It is only in this con-
text that the recent efforts of Con-
gress to weaken the labor move-
ment can be really understood.
If you want to prevent inflation
help the veterans and all fixed-in-
come groups, and prevent future
strikes, write your Congressman to-
day to extend the OPA for one year
without amendments.
Publication in the Daily Official Bui-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 2S
Summer closing hours for women
students: Undergraduate women:
Sunday through Thursday, 11:00
Friday and Saturday, 12:30 a.m.
Graduate students living in under-
graduate houses are expected to make
individual arrangements with their
housemothers if it is necessary to
be out after closing hours.
For other student government reg-
ulations, women students are referred
to the pamphlet "Campus Regula-
tions--House Rules" copies of which
are available in the Office of the
Social Director, Michigan League,
Housing for women students for
the fall semester:
(1) Women students now enrolled
who have dormitory applications on
file in the Office of the Dean of
Women will be notified during July
of their assignments.
(2) Those who have applied
through this office for supplement-
ary housing and been referred are
advised to sign contracts with de-
posits immediately with the individ-
ual League Housemothers.
(3) Those who are enrolled for
the summer session who still need to
apply for housing for the fall semes-
ter are advised to call at the Office
of the Dean of Women immediately,
provided their admission is not lim-
ited to the summer session only,
Because the Fourth of July is a
holiday no tea has been scheduled at
the International Center for that
Full information regarding teach-
ing opportunities for dependents
Schools service in Germany is now
available at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Persons interested in seeing
representative will be notified as to
pis arrival if the Bureau has proper
addresses and telephone numbers.
The representative is scheduled to be
in Ann Arbor early in July.
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements have been received
in this office for:
1) School Administration Super-
visor III, $300 to $360.
2) School Administration Super-
visor V, $465 to $565.
3) Industrial Therapy Shop Fore-
nan A, $170 to $190.
4) Industrial Therapy Shop Fore-
mnan I, $200 to $240.
5) Blind School Piano Instructor
A, $180 to $200.
6) Hospital Physician III, $300 to
'7) Hospital Physician IV, $380 to
8) Hospital Physician IVA, $420
to $480.
9) Hospital Physician V, $465 to
10) Building and Loan Examiner
[I, $250 to $290.
11) Building and Loan Examiner
III, $300 to $360.
12) Ferries Executive III, $300 to
13) Chemist I, $200 to $240.
14) Chemist IT, $250 to $290.
Closing date is July 24, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
The Museum of Art presents "Pio-
neers of Modern Art in America,"
an exhibition.from the Whitney Mu-
3eum of American Art, at the Rack-
ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and
7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub-
tic is cordially invited.
Michigan Sailing Club: Members,
officers, and all those interested in
Joining: There will be a meeting at
,he Michigan Union Saturday, July
i at 1 p.m. After the short meeting
%e will go to the lake and work on
the boats.
The Men's Education Club will
meet at 4 p.m. today at South Ferry
Field for organization of baseball
The Women in Education will have
a garden party at the Michigan Lea-
gue Garden at 7:30 p.m.
Registrants: All those in summer
school who are registered with the
Bureau of Appointments, Teaching
or Business Divisions, are reminded
to come to the office, 201 Mason Hall,
and give us your addresses, phone
numbers, and courses taken.
Summer Plays, presented by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech will open
Wednesday, July 10 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Five produc-
tions will be given this season in-
' cluding "Papa Is All", by Patterson
, Greene, "Pigeons and People," by
Geo. M. Cohan, "Angel Street", by
r Patrick Hamilton, "The Apple Cart",
by Geo. Bernard Shaw and "The
By Crockett Johnson