CONTROVERSIAL REPORTER Swit~t ~ See Page 2 VOL. LVI, No. 23S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1946 woommoommoo Walter Appointed New Dean of Students -- r 79th Congress Is Adjourned Early Term Finished in Midsummer For First Time in Eight Years By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-The 79th Congress, which wrestled with vast issues of war and reconversion, passed into history tonight. The Senate adjourned at 7:27 p.m., and the House at 5:42 p.m. (Cen- tral Daylight Time), ending the Congress' second session which began last Jan. 14. It was the first time in eight years that Congress hasgone home in mid-summer., "It is going to be said that many things were left undone by the Con- Senate Group Will Continue Profits Probe Mortar Shell Inquiry To Get Top Priority WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-MP)-The Senate War Investigating Committee served notice tonight it will seek out and expose any "instances of dis- loyalty and dishonesty on the part of public officials." .c The committee announced its pur- pose in a statement following a closed session held to plan its work during the adjournment of Congress. May Again Named Earlier in the day EliTha Walker, investment banker, had told the com- mittee aboutat unpaid $5,00 note signed by Chairman May (Dem., Ky.) of the House Military Committee and linked the Congressman's name to the affairs of Murray Garsson, muni- tions maker, as long ago as 1941. The committee decided against holding further public hearings until after Sept. 1 "except for an emer- gency." It annothnced that: 1. The first case to be herd pub- licly after that date by the full com- mittee will be on the results of its inquiry into defective 4.2-inch mor- tar shells which killed American sol- diers. Alaskan Road Studied 2. "Second priority" will be com- pletion of its investigation of the Al- askan Highway which will require field studies by a subcommittee. 3. "In its public hearings, the com- mittee will undoubtedly deal pub- licly with cases of war procurement in all of the principal industries." Chairman Mead (Dem., N.Y.) has said that these will include the auto- motive, aircraft, aluminum and ship- building industries. These points would be in addition, it said, to its investigation of "dis- loyalty and dishonesty on the part of public officials, and the slip-shod business practices generally which have tended to increase the cost of the war." Congress Stops Raise In Social Security Tax WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-(P)-Con- gress headed off a $2,000,000,000 rise in 1947 old age and/survivors insur- ance taxes today, as both Houses shouted approval of a compromise So- cial Security Bill freezing the tax another year at the present one per cent level. As it went to the President's desk, the measure provided approximately $150,000,000 additional annually for 2,000,000 needy aged persons, 75,000 blind, and 772,000 dependent chil- dren. This would amount to about $5 a month additional for each aged and blind person and $3 for each depen- dent child. Rep. Reed (Rep., N.Y.) commented to the House "what we are giving the old folks in this bill wouldn't buy two meals for a mem- ber of Congress in a Washington res- taurant." Moreover, Rep. Monroney (Dem., Okla.) said that in freezing the social security tax for another year "Con- gress is playing a tragic joke on it- self. We are risking insolvency of the social security fund, and later we will have to take funds from the treasury egress that should have been done," said Speaker Rayburn (Dem., Tex.) in a .farewell to the House. "In a few instances this may be true, but on many occasions it is better to leave things undone than to rush them through in too much of a hurry. There is always a new session ahead to take care of such matters." Barkley Applauds Performance In the Senate, the summation of Democratic leader Barkley (Ky.) was that "on the whole, a magnificent mass of legislation was enacted." Barkley termed this Congress "one of the hardest working, and one of the hardest worked." The final business, by a coinci- dence, could serve to illustrate the tone of the first and second ses- sions-:-all-out international coopera- tion, hot disputes over domestic is- sues. Jurisdiction Accepted A resolution committing the na- tion to accept the compulsory juris dictiont of the world court under the United Nations - something bat- tled to death in former years-was passed by the Senate with only two dissenting votes-those of Senators Shipstead (Rep., Minn.) and Langer (Rep., ND.). On the domestic scene, there was a row between the Senate and House over increased federal benefits for needy persons. The provision was contained in a bill freezing the social security tax at one per cent for em- ployers and employes for another year. A conference committee finally worked out a compromise, however, and the two chambers shouted it through during the day on voice votes and sent it to the President. Reuther Attacks Auto Production 'Monopoly Rule' DETROIT, Aug. 2-()-A union- sponsored labor-management confer- ence to speed auto production-with major producers conspicuously ab- sent-ended today with Walter P. Reuther charging auto's big three with "monopoly controls." Immediately denied in manage- ment circles, the accusation was made by the CIO United Auto Work- ers' president after he and other union officials had consulted for 90 minutes with representatives of three companies about obstacles in the way of faster car production. Only Kaiser-Frazer Corp., Willys- Overland Motors, Inc., and Stude- baker Corp., which together turn out a relatively small proportion of the industry's vehicles, accepted the UAW-CIO's invitation to discuss pro- duction problems. The conferees agreed a shortage of basic raw materials was the prime trouble, and Joseph W. Frazer, pres- ident of Kaiser-Frazer, asked the CIO's assistance, asserting: "If the CIO can help us get these materials, the CIO will help our- selves and all of America." No specive proposals came out of the conference, but the companies agreed to get together individually with the union in cooperative ef- forts to overcome a production lag TENNESSEE CANDIDATE VOTES -- With all five of her children in tow, Mrs. Leah Richardson arrives at a Memphis, Tenn., polling place to vote for herself for governor in Tennessee's Democratic primary. She lacked organized backing. EYE-WITNESS STORY: Veterans Keep Uneasy Peace After Election Day Gun Battle ATHENS, Tenn., Aug. 2-(P)-An uneasy. peace settled over this town today following a bloody, six-hour battle which left 18 wounded as com- bat-wise veterans forced the sur- render of a score or more deputized officers barricaded in the McAinn County jail. Dawn found this city of 6,930 with- Willow Village Salutes New Social Center The West Court Building of Willow Village will have its official opening with a dance and card party at 8 p.m. tonight. The building, on Midway Boule- vard between Clark and Holmes Road, is being opened by the Uni- versity for the use of married vet- erans and their families. The de- tainls of the opening are being handled by the Wives of Student Vet- erans organization. West Court Building will provide facilities for sewing, cooking, indoor sports, and perhaps typing, as well as a place to hold suppers,; dances, parties, and lectures. Mrs. Richard Pooley, who will be the social direc- tor of West Court, will have her of- fice there. Sharfnian To Head Wage Dispute Board Prof. A. L. Sharfman, chairman of the economics department, will head an emergency board set up to con- sider a wage dispute affecting 2,700 pullman conductors, President Tru- man announced yesterday. Board members serving with Prof. Sharfman are Prof. Walton Hamilton of the Yale University law school and Judge Robert G. Simmons of the Ne- braska Supreme Court. The board was set up July 27 as a measure to halt a threatened nation- wide strike August 7 of pullman con- ductors. out any legal law enforcement of- ficers, but with patrols of ribe-armed veterans patrolling the streets to maintain order. The battle followed a bitter polit- ical campaign which left nervesataut. An all-veteran slate of candidates had come forward in opposition to the one advanced by State Senator Paul Cantrell, head of the local Democratic organization here for 10 years. An eye witness to the beginning of the trouble, which later was to fill this town, located halfway be- tween Knoxville and Chattanooga, with the sound of nmusketry, was James E. Jarvis, managing editor of the Chattanooga Times. Said Jarvis, "As we stood on a crowded sidewalk across the street from the polling place, which had closed to start the ballot counting, we saw the plate glass doors shat- tered by the impact of two bodies, those of two election officials station- ed there by the all-GI ticket. "These two youths were still on their knees when Deputy Sheriff Windy Wise strode out of the broken. door, a pistol in his hand." Georgia Voting v ou Methods Tested BRUNSWICK, Ga., Aug. 2-(A)- The Federal courts were asked today to nullify the nomination of Gene Talmadge as governor on the grounds Georgia's unique primary system is unocnstitutional. Under the system of counting votes, intended to give political dominance to rural Georgia, Talmadge lost the popular vote in the July 17 Demo- cratic primary but won on the unit vote. The Democratic nomination is equivalent to election. Attorneys filing the suit in Dis- trict Court charged the county unit system, traditional in Georgia, is contrary to the clause in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitu- tion. Ethiopia Asks For Colonies From Italy Claim Opens Paris Peace Conference By The Associated Press PARIS, Aug. 2-Ethiopia asked the peace conference today to award her Italy's East African colonies of Eri- trea and Somaliland, which she said were "wrung from her by Italian ag- gression." The first nation to make a claim to the 21 peace-drafting countries against the colonial empire Maisso- lini forged with arms, Ethiopia- through her chief delegate Vice For- eign Minister Aklilou Abte Wolde- also said she expected to ieceive rep- arations from Italy. Ignores Decision The Ethiopian delegate made his country's claim for annexation of the two colonies despite the fact that the four-power foreign ministers council agreed to shelve the Italian colonial question for a year. The ministers, however, had decided to return the Dodecanese Islands to Greece. Other early victims of Mussolini's and Hitler's aggression-Czechoslo- vakia and Poland-preceded Ethiopia in airing their grievances and de- manding security in the future to- day in a plenary session in Luxem- bourg Palace. Argue Over Chairman The round of speeches followed a battle between the big and small powers over whether the post of conference chairman should be per- manent or rotate among the four major powers. The small powers argued for a permanent chairman, suggesting President Georges Bidault of France, but Foreign Minister M. V. Molotov of Russia led the opposition to this, and the rules comnittee ad- journed a three-hour session without a decision. Speech Started With First Lie, Expert Claims When prehistoric man lied to pre- historic woman, human speech be- gan. This probable beginning of verbal communication was described by Prof. Edgar H. Sturtevant of Yale University, speaking at the first ses- sion of the American Linguistics So- ciety yesterday. The first human speech, beginning probably in the deliberate deception of one human being by another, was described by Prof Sturtevant as be- ing composed largely 9f wordless cries, like that of animals. The first "conscious, voluntary communica- tion," however, was probably, he con- tinued, the result of one person's de- sire to make another believe some- thing which was untrue. Human speech differs fundament- ally from animal communication, Prof. Sturtevant declared, in that it is learned by imitation, whereas an- imal. sounds are instinctive. He pointed out that one species of an- imal always has the same cry, re- gardless of individual environment. Other speakers yesterday included Adelaide Hahn of Hunter College, president of the Society, and Prof. Kenneth L. Pike-of the University of Oklahoma. Speakers at this morning's session will be Prof. H. Penzl of the Univer- sity of Illinois, Prof. J. K. Yamagiwa of the University of Michigan, Prof. E. A. Nida and Prof. F. Frauchiger of the University of Oklahoma, Prof. T. A. Sebeok of the University of Indi- ana and B. Elson and Joyce Jenkins of the Michigan Summer Institute of Linguistics. Erich A Walter, associate dean of the literary college, has accepted the appointment to succeed Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley, who will go on retirement furlough next Feb. 1. Selection of Dean Walter for the position was decided upon at the July 26 meeting of the Board of Regents, but announcement was delayed by Provost James P. Adams' office until the acceptance had been declared.' Dean Bursley, who will reach retirement age on June 14 of next year, * * * joined the faculty 42 years ago, in 1904, as an instructor in mechanical engineering and has been a professor since 1917. In 1921 he assumed the duties of dean of students in addition to his teaching duties. He was one of the first in the country to hold such a position. Served Since 1919 Dean Walter became a member of the faculty in 1919 as an instructor in rhetoric, and has been associate professor of English since 1935. From 1938 to 1945, he also seived as assist- ant to the dean of the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts and last year was made associate dean. His duties as assistant and assoc- iate dean have been concerned with supervision of the academic work of literary college students. This has included being chairman of the Ad- ministrative Board which decides on ERICH A WALTER probations, warnings and expulsions. Accepts post as dean of students His various other duties have in- * *cluded the chairmanship of the com- mittees on combined curricula. He also supervises the granting of liter- ary college scholarships. First Dean, of Students Dean Bursley was chosen as the first dean of students at the Uni- versity when that office was created .s in 1921 by the late President Marion L. Burton. Although at the time the office was established the duties were undefined, the work now assigned to the dean of students include the in- spection of rooming-houses for men, the administration of the automobile regulation imposed by the Regents, the auditing of the accounts of stu- dent organizations, the supervision of the financial affairs and of the. rules of eligibility for participation in extracurricular affairs other than athletic, and the maintenance of a personal. record card for each stu- dent. The dean of students is ex-officio JOSEPH A. BURSLEY chairman of the committee on stu- ... Will retire after 25 years as dean dent affairs and of the committees of students. on student conduct and on the Hon- ors Convocation. He is also an ex- officio member of the University British General Senate, the University Council, the dean's conference, the Board in Con- trol Fof Student Publications, the connittee on theatre policy and practice, the executive committee of the Interfraternity Council and the Attac Unius Orientation-Period Committee. HELPS REVITALIZE MILITIA: Tice Named National Guard Area Director s By JOSEPH FREIN Major John L. Tice, former com- mander of Ann Arbor's NationaL Giard unit. Comnany K. vesterday tablish his headquarters at Saginaw, Michigan. In his new position, Major Tice wil hp nnp ^f iahi.n+ dps +trnlnnp cleus of the new Michigan division recently was accorded the honor of retaining its old designation in recog- nifin of +th a hai,.- Tice has been active in National Guard work at intervals since first joining the local unit in 1921. In 1926, he entered the Marine Corps, with