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August 02, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-08-02

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________THE MCIAN . oIT '

Ellis Family
Receives Offers
Of Local Aid
Search Continues for
Permanent Dwelling
Three local families have offered
temporary use of their homes, but
no permanent living accommodations
have turned up yet for Mr. and Mrs.
Gale Ellis who want desperately to
have their fatally ill little boy Pat
with them in his last days.
The carrot-topped, five-year-old,
confined to the University Hospital
with a rare blood disease, would be
spending his short remaining life-
time with his former. Marine Corps
father and his mother. But Ann Ar-
bor's crucial housing shortage has
made it impossible for the Ellises to
find permanent rooms. And Pat must
have specially cooked meals you can
not get in hotel and other commer-
cial restaurants.
The Kalamazoo family have had
offers today from three families who
offered to take them into iheir homes
temporarily, and of the use of one
apartment until September. Local
civic organizations are on the look-
out. But Mrs. Ellis has been unable
to find even the, "any kind of a room"
she asks on a permanent basis.
University hospital rules confine
the time the family can spend to-
gether now to an hour a day.
Studebaker To.
Present Talk
John W. Studebaker, United States
Commissioner of Education, will pre-
sent a lecture in the current series
of talks on science at 4:10 p.m. Mon-
day in Rackham Lecture Hall.
"The High School Curriculum in a
New World" will be the subject of
Studebaker's address.
Prof. Howard A. Meyerhoff will
speak at 8:10 p.m. Monday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre on "Some
Social Implications of Natural Re-
Prof. Meyerhoff is the executive
secretary of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Sci-
ence and professor of geology at
Smith College.
'At 8:10 p.m. Tuesday Prof. Louis
Wirth will speak in Rackham Amphi-
theatre on "Social Science Research
and the Impact of Science upon

Dr. Furstenberg Outlines Plan.
For Veteran Sponsored Study



INTERLOCHEN GONDOLIERS - Principals in operetta, "The Gondoliers," to be given by high school stu-
dents today at the National Music Camp,. Interlochen, Michigan. Left to right: Brad McGowan (Don Alham-
bra),. Helen Francis Beaty (Gianehetta), Shirley Gatzert (Tessa), Lyle Mason (Luiz), Eloise Stoughton (Cas-
silda), Esther Petry, (The Duchess), Duane Smith (The Duke), Clifford Johnson (Guiseppi).

New Control
For Air plane
Automatic Gyroplane
To Make Sky Safe
Skyway comfort and safety has
been advanced by the introduction of
a new automatic gyropilot which will
provide fingertip control of an air-
plane's flight.
This new device, the size of a
nickel box of matches, permits turn-
ing, climbing, descending merely by
the twisting of a knob, and can also
be set to guide the plane at a fixed
altitude and direction with controls
The instrument can be used con-
tinuously by the pilot in controlling
the plane from take-off until final
approach to a landing. An additional
accessory, the automatic approach
and landing control, to be installed
later, will automatically guide the
aircraft on its approach to the run-

'Gondoliers' Featured by High
School Group At Interlochen

Highlighting this week's programs
at the Interlochen National Music
Camp will be the Gilbert and Sulli-
van operetta, "The Gondoliers."
The production, for which profes-
sional costumes and setting have
been sent from Boston, is scheduled
for 8 p.m. today.
The operetta, to be presented by
the high school operetta group un-
der the direction of Maynard Klein
of New Orleans, La., includes thir-
teen solo roles, a chorus of forty and
a high school operetta orchestra of
50 pieces.
The regular Sunday evening or-
chestra concert at 8 p.m. will have
as its guest conductor Walter C.
Welke of the University of Wash-
ington, Seattle. Welke is the regu-
lar conductor of the music camp sym-
phonic band. Among the composers
to be represented in the concert will

be Wagner, Schumann, Ravel and
von Weber.
The Sunday afternoon concert will
be presented by the All-State orches-
tra under the direction of Elizabeth
Green, director of orchestras in the
Ann Arbor Public Schools. The High
School Girls' Glee Club directed by
John S. Elwell of Saginaw and the
National Music Camp high school
band under the direction of the
camp president, Joseph E. Maddy,
will also participate in this concert.
Graduate Students
Will Hold Formal
A wishing well will be the central
decoration theme of the Graduate
Student Council annual semi-formal
dance at 9 p.m. today on the Rack-
ham Building terrace.
Jerry Edwards' orchestra, fea-
turing Cuban numbers will play for
the affair which is open to graduate
students and their friends. Refresh-
ments will be served.
(Continued from Page 2)

A graduate training program in
psychiatry sponsored by the Veter-
ans' Administration is expected to
begin this September.
The new program will train 10
medical doctors, to be appointed each
year to study for a three year period.
The trainees, expected to be for
the most part veterans themselves,
will be appointed by Dr. Raymond
W. Waggoner, chairman of the de-
partment of psychiatry at the Uni-
versity and director of the program.
The Veterans Administration will
approve and pay the tuition of each
trainee, who, after successfully com-
pleting the program, will be awarded
the degree of Master of Psychiatry.
As outlined by Dr. Furstenberg,
dean of the medical school, the pro-
gram will operate as follows:
During the first year, the basic
assignment of each trainee will be
the study and treatment of in-
patients at the Veterans Administra-
tion Hospital in Battle Creek,. plus
study in such formal courses as
neuroanatomy, clinical psychiatry
and psychotherapy.
The second year, each trainee will
rotate through three of the in-
patient services at the Neuropsychi-
atric'Institute at the University Hos-
pital (children's, women's, and men's
or veteran's), serving as resident for
three months in each. They will then
serve as resident in the Department
of Neurology and do other assigned
work and a course of study for the
rest of the year.
The final year, in which the group
will be divided into two sub-groups,
the trainees, will serve about four
150 Linuists
To Gather for
Annual Meeting
Approximately 150 language ex-
perts are expected to register for the
annual meeting of the Linguistics
Society of America, to be held today
and tomorrow at the University.
The program for the afternoon
meeting will include "The Malao-
Polynesian Word for Two," by T.
Dyen of Yale University, "Two Ways
of Intensifying Meaning in Thai" by
Mary R. Haas, of the University of
Califronia, "The Directions of Actions
in Chinese Verbs" by Y. R. Chao, of
Harvard University, "Two Morpho-
logical Notes" by J. A. Kerns, of New
York University, "Mazateco Tonal
Phonology" by Eunice V. Pikes, of
the Summer Institute of Linguistics,
"Chatino Noun Morphology' by M.
A. Gabler of the Summer Institute
of Linguistics, and "The Vocabulary
of the American Midlands" by Prof.
H. Kurath, of the University.
A subscription dinner will be held
at 6 p.m. today in the Anderson
Room of the Union. Prof. Kurath
is the local chairman in charge of
The evening session will include
papers on "The Origin of Language"
by E. H. Sturtevant, of Yale Univer-
sity, "Was There Originally a Spec-
ific Reflexive Pronoun?" by E. Ade-
laide Hahn, of Hunter College, "The
Phonetic Basis of Ventriloquism" by
K. L. Pikes, of the Summer Insti-
tute of Linguistics, Oklahoma.
The three sessions are open to the
Dr. Hopkins Will
Go To Camp Roth
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the University summer session, will
leave today for Camp Filibert Roth,
the University forestry station in the
Upper Peninsula.
Dr. Hopkins will spend the week-
end there on a building improvement
consultation for the camp.

Next week Dr. Hopkins plans to
visit theNational Music Camp at

7Two Ite& l'17 ia1


The Week of AUG. 4-12

months in the out-patient service and
approximately two months in another
department of the Neuropsychiatric
Institute. Six months also will be
spent at the VA Hospital in Battle
Creek in the out-patient service and
in the whrds.

Michigan Theatre Bldg.



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in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. All who are inter-
ested are invited to attend.
Spanish Teas: Every Tuesday and
Friday, language tables will convene
in the League cafeteria at 4 p.m. for
informal conversation practice. On
Thursdays, the group will meet at
the International Center at 4 p.m.
All stud.nts interested m practicing
Spanish conversation are invited to
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta initiation will be
held-in the Assembly Room of the
Rackham Building on Saturday,
August 3 at 3:00 p.m., instead of on
Tuesday, July 30, as previously an-
French Club: The fifth meeting
of the French Club will be held Mon-
day, August 5, at 8 p.m. in Rm. 305
of the Michigan Union. Mr. Richard
Picard, of the Romance language de-
partment, will lead a general discus-
sion on the subject: "Quel message
de l'Amerique dois-je rapporter en
France?" Group singing. Social hour.
International Center: Due to re-
decorating, the weekly tea dance this
Friday will be cancelled. The in-
formal tea dances will be resumed
next Friday, August 9, at 4 p.m. in
the Recreation Room of the Inter-
national Center.
Russian Circle (Russky Kruzhok)
will meet at 8 p.m. sharp on Tues-
day, August 6, at Rm. 206, Burton
Tower. Professor Glenn D. McGeoch
of the School of Music will speak
about the music of Shostakovich and
Prokofieff, illustrating the talk with
recordings. Members of the Russian
Circle, Russian students and their
friends are invited.
The Graduate Outing Club has
planned biking and swimming for
Sunday, August 4. Those interested
should meet at the Club Rooms in
the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday. Bring your lunch.

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