:.THE MICHIGAN DAILY' FRIDAY, A UG I~ t Art tw zi~ Fifty-Sixth Year MAN TO MAN: 'Tarnishe' Pledge .1 , L OOeaipe Edited and managed by students of Michigan under the authority of thel of Student Publications. the University of Board in Control Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ............................... Clyde Recht University ........................Natalie Bagrow Sports.......... ..................Jack Martin Women's .................................. Lynne Ford Business Staff Business Manager ........................ Janet Cork Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, m second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.. By HAROLD L. ICKES T HE ROAD To HELL may be paved with good intentions but this cannot be said of the road to Palestine. If there ever was any doubt that Jews who want to go to Palestine should be allowed to go, that doubt was resolved by the bloody po- grom recently in Kielce, Poland-a pogrom that has been followed by more murders of helpless men, women and children. And while Jews are being made a blood-sacri- fice to ignorance and superstition in Poland, the United States of America, and its only slightly less powerful particeps criminis, Great Britain, are allowing more tarnish to gather upon the faith that we have pledged to the Jews. Instead of redeeming the promise of the Balfour Declara- "~~~l ~ t t~ ~6~~~-'" N " 'Guinea Pigs' Far~e* ... To the Editor: This much publicized examination (Graduate Record Examinations) does not test a student's knowledge of a subject, but is chiefly a "concen- tration" or a speed test. For example, the mathe- matics examination which requires a person to "work out" 45 problems in 55 minutes is a farce. Many students could get a grade of 90 per cent for their knowledge of mathematics, but because they are not fast workers they must take a grade of perhaps 30 per cent because they cannot cover the ground. This is a very unfair examination for those who are slow work- ers. This examination appears to be a "racket" enabling certain persons with new-fangled ideas to stay on a "payroll." Also there should be more expressions of opinions on the part of grad- uate students who are made the "guinea pigs" of these examinations. -Wm. J. Kennick * * * tion that Palestine ,should become a "National Jewish Home," the british are encouraging the King of Saudi-Arabia in his resistance to further Jewish immigration. And so, it seems, is the United States. I have before me the Saudi-Arabian budget for 1945. It opens with the exhortation "In the nane of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassion- ate," which of course means neither mercy nor compassion for the Jews. This budget shows these interesting items under the heading, "Sub- sidies received during the year:", Remainder of minted Riyals received from America under 1943 agreement .... $2,700,000 Value of 200,000 sovereigns received from Bri- tish Government ....... ....about $2,400,000 Value of 450,000 pounds received from the Bri- tish Government .......... about $1,800,000 Value of 92,013 pounds received from the British Government for the account of the Saudi Legations............. .....about $400,000 Received from the American Government out of the 10,000,000 riyals (1944 agreement) ...... about $1,200,000 Total....................... about $8,500,000 In other words, the American Government has been subsidizing a foreign potentate whose announced purpose it is to defeat the policy that we have announced with respect to Pal- estine. Almost a year ago the Secretary of the Inter- ior was asked to join in a recommendation that the Congress appropriate $20,000,000 to "lend" to King Ibn Saud. He refused. Now, it appears, that, without the consent, or even the know- ledge, of the American people, we have been contributing to King Ibn Saud through some convenient device such as the Export-Import Bank, Lend-Lease or the R.F.C. However, the operation has assumed a differ- ent form. Saudi-Arablia is now applying for a "loan" of $10,000,0000 from the Export-Impork Bank. There has been no publicity in connection with this negotiation. In this, as in other in- stances, the United States seems to be able to operate behind an iron curtain of its own. In the meantime, the 100,000 homeless Jews who have been counting upon President Tru- man's support of their wish to emigrate to Pal- estine are wondering with dread whether they will be able to establish themselves there in timi to escape the death that other ignorant and bloodthirsty mobs may inflict upon them. In the meantime, also, the American repre- sentatives on the so-called Anglo-American Cab- inet Committee now in Lonaon made a mock of President Truman's recominendation of a year ago, after the shocking Harrison report, that there be admitted to Palestine immediately the 100,000 homeless European Jews about whom we talk so much and do so little. The President again made this urgent recom- mendation two months ago, when the Anglo- American Committee of Inquiry, after four ar- duous months of travel and first-hand investi- gation, reported unanimously that the 100,000 must be allowed to go to Palestine immediately. As has happened so often in the past, in foreign affairs America has cut her suit to a pattern imposed by the British. I regret this both as an American and as one who has a deep sense of respect and liking for the Bri- tish. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) BILL MAULDIN af n aN lJ a K" New Proposal T HE LATEST "big brother" sug- gestion the United States has ex- tended to her Latin American neigh- bors is that they standardize their military forces along the same lines as the United States Army and Navy. This proposal is in direct op- position to the hands-off policy re- cently advocated in regard to South America. In Mexico, the suggestion of standardization was received with extreme disfavor. Military authorities there claim that unifi- cation of training and equipment would leave the Latin Americans too closely bound to the United States. A Mexican general recently inter- viewed by an American correspond- ent declared that Russia had made the United States look "foolish" in deciding postwar issues. Latin Amer- icans do not wish to become irrevoc- ably entangled with a country that cannot hold her own in world affairs and such entanglement might be the result of closer military connec- tion with the U.S. The present situa- tion, where American and Latin American armies are in continuous friendly contact is considered suffic- ient. This problem is merely one phase of our Latin American relations and it seems apparent that, while openly avowing no further inter- ference in South American affairs, we are subtlyutrying to strengthen our position and influence in that area. However, Mexico, and other countries as well, are beginning to catch on to Anierican tactics. Pat- ronage is at an end and diplomatic relations based on equality are the order of the day. -Phyllis L. Kaye "Mother is a little fountain of energy." NUPRiSUNTED FOR NATIONA. AOVERTIStNG O National Advertising Service, Inc. "a" College Publishers ReP reseta ive 420 MADION AvE NEW YORK. N.Y., cStCA40 * BoSTON + LoS AnILUS . SAN FRANcISCO DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: PHYLLIS KAYE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Lasting Peace TWENTY-ONE NATIONS are today engaged in an earnest attempt to capture the most elusive object in the world-lasting peace-in an incongruous atmosphere of hate, pessimism and active preparations for war. The peace-makers, meeting in Paris just six 'years after Hitler's savage conquest of that city, have nevertheless made an auspicious be- gining by scoring a double victory at the very start: the first is the decision to open both the committee meetings and the general Con- ference sessions to the public, and the second is the publication of the preliminary drafts of the peace treaties submitted to the Con- ference by the Big Four Powers. These treaty drafts are at the moment the most important concrete and material aspect of the world's concerted efforts toward peace. As such, they will guide the work of the Confer- ence and, equally important, they will serve as the criterion by which the world will judge that work. That it is the imperative duty of every citi- zen of the world to consider these proposals with seriousness and a sense- of personal ob- ligation cannot be too strongly emphasized. Because the texts of. the treaty drafts have been printed in full in the most outstanding newspapers in the country, there is abso- lately no excuse for negligence on the part of every adult, no matter in what occupation he may be engaged, student, farmer, business- man, housewife or government worker. The Danubian nations are dealt with in these treaty drafts according to the degree of interest they showed in deserting the failing Nazi cause and the zeal they displayed in aiding the Allies. .The draft treaties for Italy, Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Runania saddle the former Hitler satellites with reparations, strict economic con- trols, loss of territory and reduction of their armed forces. These nations are not left entirely unarmed or without hope, although their armaments are greatly reduced, to be sure. Frontier alignments and many difficult economic matters await the most decisive discussion. The treaties are, of course, not final. They must be subject to action by the Conference and finally by agreement among the Four Powers, one of which, the Soviet Union, has emerged as Europe's dominant power, political and psycho- logical as well as military. The crucial points of disagreement among th Powers include a wide divergence of opinion be- tween the Soviet Union on the one hand and the United States and the United Kingdom on the other in the matter of interpreting economic re- lations between Allied and federated nations. For the rest of us, the essential problem re- mains not one of technical treaties, but the summoning up of a determined will to peace and international morality, without which treaties may be torn up and pledges violated, because merely signing a lot of formal docu- ments will no more guarantee peace than did the Treaty of Versailles and all its predeces- sors. -Natalie Bagrow 'Sticks of Dynamite' ., * To the Editor: EING a Puerto Rican myself, I was very inter- ested to read what Miss Lillian Martin had to say on education in my country, on the first page of last Sunday's Daily. Words become sticks of dynamite when they are used in re- lation to countries and peoples. It is a delicate enough proposition to speak of one individual, infinitely more so when we try to feel the pulse of a cultural collectivity, the intricate result of time, events, and millions of spirits. As an in- dividual and a Puerto Rican, I wish to point out to Miss Martin and The Michigan Daily my ob- jections and comments to the article in question. Latin America's educational system is quali- fied as "crude." I don't know what is meant by its "crudeness"--the writer or speaker gives no explanation. It seems to me that out of the most elemental consideration toward the two hundred or so regular Latin American students in this University, one should abstain from such words unless full proof is to be offered. Furthermore, though the technical, specialized preparation of the average Latin American stu- dent is inferior to the North American's, the general cultural background of the former is superior to that of the latter. Puerto Rica has been prepared for self-gov- ernment since before the Spanish-American War, and Spain, recognizing the cultural sov- ereignty of our island, was already taking de- finite steps for the prompt grant of indepen- dence by 1898. However, according to Miss Mar- tin we have "hit upon" the ideas of mass edu- cation "as a .means" of readying the island for statehood or possible independence. Our in- crease in education, the same as the world's, is a, manifestation of maturation, of the fact that we are, and have been for some time, ready for self-government. If Miss Martin's statement were true, I would say my people were not ready for independence, for such a -premeditated out- burst pro education as a "means" to self-gov- ernment would be significant of, our immaturity. Education is the imperative result of a thirst for knowledge springing out of the demands of an advancing cultural state, and not a decision towards a specific aim. "Only since 1943 has an active effort toward general education been speeded." Though I consider this statement drastic, I agree with Miss Martin. But she fails to explain that edu- cation's enemy in Puerto Rico has always been the island's limited economy, and not a lack of interest in the people. Lack of text-books and school buildings, underpaid teachers, and the monetary burdens laid upon youth at a very early age are the foes that education has al- ways faced. As the economy of the island has improved, the opportunity for education has increased. Yet, and I wish to stress this par- ticularly, the cultural demand of the Puerto Rican people has always been the encourag- ing aspect of our education. I think Miss Martin, or The Michigan Daily, has expressed ideas on Puerto Rican education negligently and inaccurately, leading to the pos- sibility of serious, misinterpretations on the part of the reader. -Richard F. Defendini CINEMA Art Cinema League presents "Heart of a Na- tion, with Raimnu, lichele Morgan and Charles Boyer in Rackham Amphitheatre. HIS French propaganda film was seized by the Germans who entered Paris before it could be shown. Obviously intended to rally the nation from its pre-war apathy which even in war undermined French efforts, Heart of a Na tion depicts the history of one family "through three wars." The fact that the French fought the Germans three times within the lifetime of a really-old man was reiterated at least seven- teen times. I'm afraid the film rather had it coming to it when the young lady with me said she felt as though she's been through three wars herself watching the piece. It seems that the Germans confiscated all the films when they entered Paris. Significantly from the point of view of French movie-making, this was the only one concerned with a subject which bothered the Nazis 'enough for them to ban it. One copy of the picture escaped, however. Charles Boyer has tacked a prologue and English narrative onto it, and added a De Gaulle-to-the- rescue sequence. The Boyer additions seemed to me to add the final, hardly forgivable, obvious touch to this already obvious propaganda piece. The writers of Heart of a Nation had more than a little good material to work with. The idea of following a family through recent history, although trite, has its merits. In addition there were' some fine humorous sequences. But the film suffered from lack of cutting, and from its commonplace treatment of material too familiar to take such handling. The technical camera work was spotty, running from dull to poor most of the time. Complete sympathy with the French cause (although not so certain and complete regarding Gen. De Gaulle) and my enjoyment of several very amusing scenes did not save Heart of a Nation for me. -Milt Freudenheim Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 22S Notices All Veterans enrolled in the Univer- sity under Public Law 16 or 346 who are not receiving subsistence allow- ance are requested to report to Rm. 100 Rackham Building Monday, Aug- ust 5, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., so that action can be taken to expedite payment of sub- sistence due. Mr. Scallan of Proctor and Gamble wilJ be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, on Friday, August 2 to interview any young men who are interested in sales work. Call extension 371 for an appoint- ment. The fourth clinic will be held at- the Fresh Air Camp Friday, August 2, at 8:00-p.m. The visiting consultants will be Dr. Wilma Donahue, Director of the Psychological Clinic and Mrs. Margaret Pintler, Chief Psychologist in charge of the childrens' division of the Psychological Clinic. The regular meeting of the Uni- versity Women Veterans Association will be held at 7:00 Monday evening, August 5, at the Michigan League. A discussion of the coming year's activities will be held, and all inter- ested service women are urged to attend. "Solutions for Inflation" will be the topic for panel discussion sponsored by the Inter-Cooperative Council at the Robert Owen Cooperative House, 101 Oakland, on Friday, August 2, at 8:00 p.m. Prof. William B. Palmer, of the Economics Department, will lead the discussion. The public is cordially invited. x The Kamehameha School for Girls in Honolulu has an eighth and ninth grade English position. Candidates should have some training in speech correction, remedial teaching, and be able to put on an eighth grade play. This position is for a woman between twenty-four and thirty years of age with two years of teaching experience. For further details call the Bureau of Appointments, Miss Briggs. The Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the Uni- ted States of America has teaching vacancies in Alaska, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah in the following fields: English, Home Economics, Music, Mathematics and Science, Social Sci- ence, Commercial, Arts and Crafts, Manual Arts, Elementary, Physical Education. Salaries consist of cash stipend, maintenance, and traveling expenses to field. Full details may be had at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Lectures There will be a lecture by Clifford Woody, Professor of Education on Friday, August 2, at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The topic will be "Reading Interests of Boys and Girls." Forum: The Unrest in Palestine: A lecture and discussion, led by the Rev. BernardsHeller, Ph.D., athor of "The Odyssey of A Faith," former- ly with Hillel Foundation, in the Rackham Amphitheatre, Sunday, August 4, at 8:15 p.m. Lecture on "Supersonic Wind Tun- nel Tests at the British National Physical Laboratory": Dr. W. F. Hil- ton will lecture on this subject at 3:30 p.m. today, in Kellogg Auditor- ium, School of Dentistry. Lecture will include a series of slides and one 15-minute film. The faculty and stu- dents of the several departments in Engineering and of the Physics and Mathematics Departments are cordi- ally invited to attend this lecture which is sponsored by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for George Middleton McEwen, English; thesis: "The Emergence of Critical Impres- sionism in England," Saturday, Aug- ust 3, at 10:00 a.m. in Rm. 3223 Angell Hall. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe. Concerts Student Recital: A wind instru- ment program, assisted by Mildred Minneman Andrews and Beatrice Gaal, pianists, will be presented in Harris Hall, Friday afternoon, August 2 at 2:00. The program will include Andantimo by JeanJean, La Joyeuse by Dacquin, Aubade by Dewailly, Sonata Opus 167 by Saint-Saens, Aria and Chorus by Mozart, Pest Horn by Marschner and Prayer by Gluck. The public is cordially invited. Student Reital: Friday evening, August 2, at 8:30 p.m. Charles Mathe- son, tenor, assisted by Ruby Joan Kuhlman, pianist, will present a pro- gram in the Pattengill Auditorium. Given in partial fulfillment of the re- auirements for the degree of Master of Music, Mr. Matheson's program will include selections by Caldara, Rachmaninoff, Schubert, DAlbert, and Griff es. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Betty Jean Huser, pianist, will present a recital in Rackham Assembly Hall, Saturday, .August 3, at 8:30. -Miss Huser's pro- gram will include Toccata in F sharp 1minor by Bach; Sonata in E fat major by Haydn; Sonata No. 1 by Almand, and Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel by Brahms. The recital is given in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. The public is cordially invited. Vronsky and Babin, distinguished performers of music for two pianos, will be heard in a special summer concert Thursday night, August' 8, in Hill Auditorium. They will be pre- sented under the auspices of the Uni- versity Musical Society. Tickets may be purchased at the offices of the University Muslva8 Society, Burton Memorial Tower, at popular prices. Student Recital: Philip Malpas, organist, will present a recital Sun- day afternoon, August 11, at 4:15 in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, N. Division Street. Mr. Malpas' program will include: Organ Concerto in B flat major by Handel, Toccata by Frescobaldi, Fantasia and Fugue in G minor by Bach, and Carillon-Sortie by Mulet The public is cordially invited. University Symphony Orchestra: The University Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Thor Johnson who will be assisted by Andrew White, bari- tone, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will present a program in Hill Audi- torium, Tuesday evening, August 6, at 8:30. The program will include compositions by Copland, Verdi, Brit- ten, Schuman and Berlioz. The public is cordially invited. Chamber Music Program: The third in the current series of Sun- day evening chamber music pro- grams will include Quartet on a Flk Theme, which was composed in 1940 by Ross Lee Finney; Quartet Move- ment in C minor, Op. Posthumous by Schubert, composed in 1820; and Quintet, Op. 57, composed in 1941 by Dmitri Shostakovich. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Sunday, August 4 in the Rackham Lecture Hall, this program will be presented by Gilbert Ross and Lois Porter, violinists, Louise Rood, 'violist, Oliver Edel, cellist, and Lse Pattison, pianist. The program will be open to the public without charge. Faculty Concert Series: On Mon- day evening, August 5, in Rackh am Lecture Hall at 8:30, Lee Pattison, pianist, will present his fifth pro- gram in the current series of lecture recitals. Mr. Pattison's program will include: Sonata quasi una fantasia, Op. 27, No. 1, Sonata quasi una fan- tasia, Op: 27, No. 2. Thirty-two Vari- ations on a Theme in C minor, and Sonata, Op. 101 by Beethoven. The recital is open to the public without charge. Events Today Art Cinema League presentation "Heart of the Nation" with Charles Boyer, Raimu, and Michele Morgan. French cinematographic triumph. English sub-titles. Plus short: "Pri- vate Life of the Gannets" directed by Julian Huxley. Friday, Rackham Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Tickets avail- able at Wahrs and Ulrich's book- stores and 45 minutes before the show in lobby of League. Association Coffee Hour will be held in the Lane Hall Library from 4:30 to 6:00 on Friday. Visitors' Night will be held at Angell Hall Observatory Friday, BARNABY By Crockett Johnson To buck your father might be considered i The.Town Council must 1 You're ric.ht. r 71-- ( A protest meeting? But the] i II r I