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August 01, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-01

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Fifty-Sixth. Year


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Battle of the Wheels . .

.. .,., j i


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
pf student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenhelim
City News ................................ Clyde Recht
University ........................... Natalie Ragrow
Sports ................................. Jack Martin
Women's .................................. Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager .................... ... Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
to re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re-
pubiication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
second-clss mail matter.-
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by a., $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers epresettive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by membersof The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Municipal Beach
'TUDENTS who like outdoor swimming and
sunbathing, but who complain about the in-
convenient distances to lakes near Ann Arbor,
are missing opportunities offered at the muni-
cipal beach.
The municipal beach and the Huron River
have, in fact, several advantages that other
nearby outdoor swimming facilities lack.
The Huron River has been declared safer for
swimming than many of the enclosed lakes in
the vicinity of Ann Arbor by city health offi-
cer, John Veenstra. He maintains that the two
or three dams and the remnants of three or
four ot'hers located between Ann Arbor and
Dexter speed up the circulation of the wa-
ter. Furthermore, there is below each of these
dams a pool of serene water in which natural
anti-bacterial agents, as sunlight and river
vegetation, work to purify the water.
On the other hand, nearby lakes in this re-
gion do not have systems of alternating dams
and pools to speed circulation and purify the
Recreational facilities - docks and diving
boards at the municipal beach-have been de-
signed especially for swimmers. These docks are
spaced twenty, thirty and ninety-three yards
from the pier, offering them a chance to do dis-
tance swimming in the presence of life guards.
Other bathing beaches nearby space docks ten
or twenty yards from the pier; this may facili-
tate life guarding but would limit swimming.
In addition free swimming lessons ar given at
the municipal beach by qualified experts. There
are classes for beginners, advanced beginners,
advanced swimmers, life savers-junior and
senior, and for adults.
Other advantages of -the municipal beach
are proximity and low-cost for dressing rooms
and locker facilities. Located about half-mile
;orthwest of the campus, the beach may be
reached with a minimum of transportation
and within a very short time. Bearing this in
mind, it seems a shame for students desiring
outdoor recreation to spend both time and
money traveling to and from more distant
swimming areas.
-Marilyn Koebnick
Constructive Act

A RECENT editorial in The Daily by Tom
Walsh urged that the University remove all
bicycle racks from the campus. This editorial is
to urge the University to provide more racks for
greater convenience to the students.'
The bicycle menace to pedestrians was cited
as sufficient reason to ban bicycles on the
campus. It would seem, however, that it is
not the bicycles that menace walkers, but the
way that they are driven. With care and con-
sideration for others, there should be no '
danger nor inconvenience.
Bicycles serve a useful and admirable purpose
on campus, since most students live a consid-
erable distance from the campus and use the
bicycles for transportation.
Although there might seem to be a reason
for the ban on automobiles, there is no sense

To the Editor:
HATS OFF to Tom Walsh for his worthy cru-
sade against the horrendous practice of bike-
riding on campus. Huzza. Bravo.
Here at Michigan where some people (not
many, happily) piddle away their time by plan-
ning save-OPA rallies, combating racial and reli-
gious discrimination both within and outside of
the University, attempting to strengthen and tru-
ly democratize the Student Legislature; etc. (you
know, those people), it is reassuring to note that
someone concerns himself with the things that
count. There is someone on whom the vital isues
are not lost.
C.. . . . .. . .. .
IN APRIL this column reported that a nation-
wide pattern of violence against the Negro
people was beginning to appear. It cited at that
time the brutal and unjustifiable shooting of
two Negroes in Freeport, N.Y., when the Negroes'
had not committed any illegal acts. The police-
man. who was guilty of this shooting is still
walking his beat in Freeport. The column also
cited the destruction of the entire Negro com-
munity in Columbia, Tennessee, by the Tennes-
see State Police,
In connection with the Columbia case, a
nation-wide protest forced Attorney - General
Tom Clark to appoint a Federal committee to in-
vestigate the trial of the accused Negroes. The
net effect of the report by the investigating
committee was a white-wash of the entire affair.
That it was a white-wash cannot be denied.
Certain characteristics of the trial itself have
been consistently held by the United States
Supreme Court to be violations of civil liberties.
For instance, in the Tennessee trial nearly half
of the population of the judicial district in which
the trial is taking place are Negroes. Yet neither
the grand jury which indicted the defendents
nor the trial jury has even one Negro member.
Such a procedure was held in the Scottsboro
case, more than ten years ago, to be a violation
of the constitutional guarantee of due process of
As this column also warned three months
ago, these outrages in April were not mere iso-
lated incidents. That they were, on the contrary,
a part of an organized attempt to deprive the
Negro people of all social and political rights
was amply proved by the newspaper stories last
The newspapers reported that a Negro .in
Mississippi, accused but never convicted of the
minor crime of stealing a saddle, was beaten to
death and his body thrown into a river. The six
men accused of this crime of murder are now
in th custody of the law officers of Mississippi.
It is not yet decided whether they will actually
be brought to trial.
The newspapers also reported the lynching of
two Negroes one a war veteran, and their wives
in Georgia. More than sixty bullet holes were
counted in the bodies of the four victims. Three
of them were not even accused of any crime
except that of being Negroes; it was alleged that
one of the men had stabbed his employer. The
employer has not died, and shows no sign of
There have been numeous exclamations of
horror at these incidents. President Truman has
ordered the FBI to investigate the Georgia lynch-
ing. Gov. Ellis Arnall has offered a reward of
more than $10,000 for the apprehension and
conviction of the guilty men. Even Governor-
elect Gene Talmadge of Georgia, one of the
nation's most notorious race-bigots, uttered the
pious declamation that "such incidents are re-
But we wait in vain for some plan from.
high circles of government for preventing such
incidents in the future. These lynchings have
all been too well-organized for them to have
been mere accidents. A vigorous and well-
planned campaign is necessary in order to
smash this rising terror against the Negro

Attorney General Clark recently stated in a
speech that his office has received notice of more
than 1,500 violations of civil liberties, but is
powerless to act because of the Supreme Court
decision in the 1873 Slaughterhouse Case. If this
is true, an anti-lynching provision to the Con-
stitution is urgently needed. An anti-lynching
bill has been introduced into Congress annually
for more than ten years. It has always been
killed by the filibuster of Southern Senators, but
it has also been opposed by such liberal Senators
as the late George W. Norris of Nebraska, who
feared that such a law would be unconstitution-
There is a clear need 'for Federal action
against lynchers. Four states, not merely in
the South but New York as well, have shown
that they are either unable or unwilling to
protect the lives of their citizens.
-Ray Ginger

In four years on the campus I have never
seen an accident involving a bike; I know no-
body who has seen such an accident, or at least
none of my countless friends has ever mention-
ed it to me; I must confess ignorance of the
campus casualty rate from bicycles (What is
it, Tom, old boy?) But I am certain, as a re-
sult of information gleaned from several lofty
editorials in The Daly, that not a day passes
but hundreds are laid low by low-flying super-
charged jet-bicycles Oh, it makes my blood
boil just to think of it!
Students of Michigan, unite! Face the issue of
the day with courage and conviction. Read
Walsh's editorials for inspiration. Join the Anti-
-Velocipede League parade which will extend
from here to there and which will begin and end
in the Student Publications Building. Help fight
the campus's prime evil. Support the Walsh-
backed bill outlawing round wheels.
The issue is simple: The People vs. the Bicycle.
Which shall it be?
-0. G. Johnson
P. S.: Yes, I have. It's a Schwinn.
Discussion of Inflation .. .
To the Editor:
A NEW OPA law is now in effect, but the public
has not forgotten the trying days it went
through. Gone are the days of indifference-all
of us now realize the significance of the problem
of inflation. The many demonstrations through-
out the entire nation against inflation indicate
the new awareness of the American people.
And yet the danger of inflation is still here.
As consumers and citizens it is our respon-
sibility to help solve this vital question. We, as
Co-op members on this campds, feel that this
existing problem is of such immense importance
that it must be brought to the attention of the
To achieve this end we are holding a panel
discussion on "The Problems and Solutions of
Inflation" at the Owen Co-op House this Fri-
day. All interested students are invited to at-
4end and to participate in the discussion of
this matter of vital national importance.
-Kaete L. Boenheim
Max Kung
Wm. V. Gamzon
'The J hole is Greater' . .
To the Editor-
THE WORLD has to look to its number one.
nation for leadership, and it is the duty of
that nation to set the pace in the ideal that it so
proudly displays, as one of justice and demo-
cratic principle.
It is quite disgustingly embarrassing to note
that this number one nation is ignoring its duty
and instead setting an exquisite example in Fas-
cism. There is no doubt that the Fascist through-
out the world can take heart again, as well as
learn something new in the democratic method
of torture and lynching.
The potency of its diplomatic power is con-
siderably lessened by the atrocious crimes
that are perpetuated in the name of democ-
racy. This fascist tendency must be stopped.
This nation can well afford not to have the
principles of the founding fathers destroyed
by a group of irate Fascist Southern Gentle-
men. The nation is no greater than any part
thereof and that part which is infected with
the contagious virus of hate, prejudice and
bigotry must be cleaned out.
-L. W. A. Wheaton, Jr.
"ANGEL STREET," fourth of the Michigan
Repertory plays this season, purportedly a
psychological thriller, enjoyed a well-received
opening at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last
One of the most difficult play types to per-
form skillfully, the Victorian era character study
by Patrick Hamilton was at best when turned
into downright enjoyable humor by Robert
Bouwsma as "Rough," the inspector. He carried
the show with his excellent characterization.

On Dorothy Murzek as "Mrs. Manningham,"
the terrorized wife, and Hal Cooper as her crim-
inal maniac husband, fell the burden of depicting
distraught minds in circumstances of frenzy.
Their first scene suffefed from over-dramatiz-
ation, with Miss Murzek forcing the situation.
Cooper exercised remarkable ability in his ef-
forts to keep the tone of the situation within
its proper limits.
Judy Greengard as "Nancy" caught on im-
mediately, aided by swishing white apron strings
and saucy golden curls. The other servant,
"Elizabeth," portrayed by Beth Laikin, was like-
wise immediately effective as the kind of stolid
type you must accept.
Too much cannot be said for Dean Currie's
setting, which was expected to emphasize fear,
and did, or for Lucy Barton's costumes.
And Director Claribel Laird's pre-performance
concern that lines might not be picked up rap-
idly proved worthwhile. There" was no lag, and
in the climactic scene between Cooper and Miss
Murzek, timing was deadly and effective.
-Will Hardy

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WWI., 1--V

H ALF A DOZEN urgent health re-
storing and perhaps life saving m
tasks face the World Health Organi-
zation now being planned by the
United Nations Assembly in New
Studies of the n:gration of in-
fantile paralysis and of fluctuations
in the severity of polio epidemics
need to be made. Maps need to be
made showinb the amount in coun-
tries around the world of virus di-
seases, such as typical pneumonia
and infectious hepatitis, known to
the layman as jaundice.
Diseases like diptheria, dysentry
and influenza should be routinely
typed in as many centers as possible.
The new influenza vaccine gives pro-
tection against types A and B 'flu
virus, but health authorities need to
know, before advising vaccination of
a population, whether A, B, or some
other type is starting up in epidemic
On tuberculosis, venereal diseases
and disorders resulting from malnu-
trition, extensive information must
be gathered so authorities will know
the problems to be faced and over-
When plans were drawn up for a
new international health organiza-
tion after World War I, Knud
Stowman, chief of UNILRA's epi-
demiological information service,
pointed out, not enough data were
available for an exact appraisal
of the epidemic situation in the
whole of Europe. The situation is
much better at present.
-Science News Letter


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"Sometimes I wish you wouldn't make a career of it ...





_.___ .

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin Is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angel al by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 21S
Veterans' Wives' Club will not
meet during the remaining summer
months. The next meeting will ibe
on October 7.
All Veterans enrolled in the Univer-
sity under Public Law 16 or 346 who
are not receiving subsistence allow-
ance are requested to report to Rm.
100 Rackham Building Monday, Aug-
ust 5, between the hours of 8:30 a.m.
and 3:00 p.m., so that action can be
taken to expedite payment of sub-
sistence due.
Mr. Scallan of Proctor and Gamble
will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, on friday,
August 5, to interview any young
men who are interested in sales work.
Call extension 371 for an appoint-
The fourth clinic will be held at
the Fresh Air Camp Friday, August 2,
at 8:00 p.m. The visiting consultants
will be Dr. Wilma Donahue, Director
of the Psychological Clinic and Mrs.
Margaret Pintler, Chief Psychologist
in charge of the childrens' division
of the Psychological Clinic.
The regular meeting of the Uni-
versity Women Veterans Association
will be held at 7:00 Monday evening,
August 5, at the Michigan League.
A discussion of the coming year's
activities will be held, and all inter-
ested service women are urged to
Ushers for Vronsky-liabin two
piano concert (August 8): Students
who made application to usher for
concert may pick up their passes
Thursday, August 1 between 4:00 and
5:00 p.m. at the Hill Auditorium
Box Office.
The Willow Village AVC Chapter
will hold its regular weekly meeting
at 8 p.m. tonight at West Lodge.
All veterans living at Willow Village
are urged to attend.
City of Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission Announcements have been
received in this office for:
1. Occupational Therapist, $2,591-
$2,936. Closing date is Aug. 9.
2. X-Ray Technician, $2,373-$2,-
769. Closing date is Aug. 8.
3. Trained Nursing Attendant, $2,-
315-$2,385. Closing date is Aug. 8.
4. Nutritionist, $2,657-$2;930. Clos-
ing date is Aug. 7.
5. Student Technical Assistant
Specialties: Engineering, Business
Administration, General Science,
Physical Education, Social Science,
$1;928-$2,080. Closing date is Aug. 7.
6. Student Social Worker, $2,109-
$2,295. Closing date is Aug. 6.

7. Social Case Worker, $2,475-$2,-1
835. Closing date is Aug. 6.E
8. Medical Social Case Worker,:
$2,898-$3,312. Closing date is Aug. 6.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Mason]
State of Michigan. Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
the office for:
1. Student Psychiatric Social Work-
er A, $170-$190.
2. Psychiatric Social Worker AL
3. Psychiatric Social Work Admin-
istrator I, $200240.
4. Psychiatric Social Worker Ad-
ministrator II, $250-$290.
Closing date is August 14, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
"Solutions for Inflation" will be the
topic for panel discussion sponsored
by the Inter-Cooperative Council at
the RobertOwen Cooperative House,
101 Oakland, on Friday, August 2,
at 8:00 p.m. Prof. William B. Palmer,
of the Economics Department, will
lead the discussion. The public. is
cordially invited.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Lec-
turer for this week, Mr. Douglas Rae
Taylor, will speak on "The Creole
Language of Dominica," in Rm. 308
of the Michigan Union, at 1:00 p.m.,
Thursday, August 1. The public is
cordially invited.
There will be a lecture by G. Max
Wingo, Assistant Professor of Edu-
cation on Thursday, August 1 at
4:05 p.m. in the University High
School Auditorium. The topic will
be "The Fundamental Working Idea
of the Activity School."
There will be a lecture by Howard
B. Lewis, Professor of Biological
Chemistry on Thursday, August 1 at
4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The topic will be "Nutri-
There will be a lecture by Clifford
Woody, Professor of Education on
Friday, August 2 at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
The topic will be "Reading Interests
of Boys and Girls."
Forum: The Unrest in Palestine:
A lecture and discussion, led by the
Rev. Bernard Heller, Ph.D., author
of "The Odyssey of A Faith," former-
ly will Hillel Foundation, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, Sunday,
August 4, at 8:15 p.f.
Academic Notices
To Graduate Students in Educa-
tion. The preliminary examinations
for the doctorate in the School of
Education will be held on August
26-27-28. Anyone desiring to take
these examinations should notify my
office, 4000 University High School
on or before August 2.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thursday, August 1, from 2:10 to
4:00 in Room 312 West Engineering.
Professor Churchill talks on "Duf-
fing's Nonlinear Differential Equa-
There will be a discussion of the
question of organizing applied math-
ematics in America. Visitors are wel-
a - . f

ning, August 1, at 8:30. The pro-
gram will include: Marriage of Fig-
aro, Don Giovanni, and' The Magic
Flute by Mzart; La Traviata, Simone
Boccanegra, La Forza Del Destino,
and Rigoletto by Verdi; Lucia Di
Lammermoor by Donizetti.
The public is cordially invited.
Opera Class Concert under the di-
rection of Thor Johnson, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Pattengill Auditorium of Ann
Arbor High School, Thursday, August
Student Recital: A wind instru-
ment program, assisted by Mildred
Minneman Andrews and Beatrice
Gaal, pianists, will be preented in
Harris Hall, Friday afternoon, August
2 at 2:00. The program will include
Andantimo by JeanJean, La Joyeuse
by Dacquin, Aubade by Dewailly,
Sonata Opus 167 by Saint-Saens,
Aria and Chorus by Mozart, Pest
Horn by Marschner and Prayer by
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Friday evening,
August 2, at 8:30 p.m. Charles Mathe-
son, tenor, assisted by Ruby Joan
Kuhlman, pianist, will present a pro-
gram in the Pattengill Auditorium,
Given in partial fulfillment of the re-
ouirements for the degree of Master
of Music, *Mr. Matheson's program
will include selections by Caldara,
Rachmaninoff, Schubert, D'Albert
and Griffes.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Betty Jean Huser,
pianist, will present a recital in
Rackham Assembly Hall, Saturday,
August 3, at 8:30, Miss Huser's pro-
gram will include Toccata in F sharp
minor by Bach; Sonata in E, fiat
major by Haydn; Sonata No. 1 by
Almand, and Variations and Fugue
on a Theme by Handel by Brahms.
The recital is given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Saturday evening,
August 10, at 8:30, Arthur C. Hills,
clarinetist, assisted by Beatrice Gaal
pianist, Lee Chrisman, flute, and
William Poland, oboe, will present
a program in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Given in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Education,
the recital will include selections by
Stubbins, Saens, Delmas, Dacquin,
and Dewailly.
The public is cordially invited.
Vronsky and Babin, distinguished
performers of music for two pianos,
will be heard in a special summer
concert Thursday night, August 8, in
Hill Auditorium. They will be pre-
sented under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society.
Tickets may be purchased at the
offices of the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower, at
popular prices.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital at 7:15 Thursday evening
on the Charles Baird Carillon in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. His program
will include the following selections
by Mozart: Serenade, Sonata (violin,
No. 18) and Selections from Pigaro.
Mr. Price's next recital will be Sun-
day afternoon, August 4, at 3:00.
Events Today
French Tea: The French Tea. of
today will be held in rooms 316-320


What, m'boy? The pater
frowns on the O'Malley
plan? You certify that
he looks askance-

He thinks it's terrible.
And so does Mom. There's
going to be a big meeting
tonight. In our house ...

By Crockett Johnson
We're gathered togetheP informally, Cushlamochree!
of course. But anyone who wishes to Insurrection!
protest, can sign this petition ...
Tents aren't a solution. Houses are!
1 0


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