Record Volume of Goods Expected in Six Months WASHINGTON, July 30 - (P) - A "record volume" of goods may flow to consumers in the next six months, Civilian Production Administrator John D. Small forecast tonight on the strength of rapid recovery in steel and coal. Factory output hit a new postwar peak in June, Small revealed in his quarterly report. It toppled pre-war ,monthly records in washing ma- chines, vacuum cleaners, gas ranges, electric irons and table model radios. Slumps Noted in June Some slumps were noted, but not enough to offset the general rise. Autos dropped 11 per cent in June from May but rose again in July; farm equipment and tires also de- clined in June, by three and 10 per cent respectively. "Additional production gains were registered in July in spite of un- certainties concerning price controls and the adverse effects on production resulting from holidays and vacation periods," the CPA administrator said. One warning note was sounded: it is probable that a "serious shortage 'ALAS!' Stein's Work Arouses Varied Faculty Views By NATALIE BAGROW Either the works of the late Ger- trude Stein are enjoying "a mere fad" or her influence will be felt for many years in both literary and artistic circles, according to opin- ions expressed yesterday by three members of the faculty of the Eng- lish department. Several members of the depart- ment declined comment on the famed writer on the grounds that they were either "uninterested" or "incompe- terit." 'Stream of Consciousness' "I think that Gertrude Stein was right in saying that there was no mental activity required to under- stand and appreciate the style of writing known as 'stream of con- sciousness'," Prof. Bennett Weaver said. He was of the opinion that her writings "caught on because of their curiousness and her skillful pulicity campaigns" but that in a short time "no one will pay any attention to'her work." Prof. Roy W. Cowden said he thought that Gertrude Stein might become an even greater influence as a personality than r s a writer, since she was so much' interested in all forms of art." He recalled his con- versation with Miss Stein several years ago when she was in Ann Ar- bor on a lecture tour. She spoke fa- vorably of Avery Hopwood, he said, since she considered him "one of the most interesting and promising Americans" who had visited her place in Paris. Sincere Approach to Public "I do not think," Prof. Cowden declared, "that Gertrude Stein ap- proached her public with her tongue in her cheek. She was more sincere than that."1 A directly opposite stand was tak- en by Prof. Amos R. Morris, who said that the attention which she attracted by her "frivolous notion of style ought never to have happened in an intelligent society." "Gertrude Stein's claim to glory, if any," he said," was that she was able to fool a whole generation of people who pretended to be interested in literature as art. She demonstrated that in literature, too, Barnum was right." of labor is developing" which may prove to be "an important limiting factor in production by the end of the year." Business Prospects "The prospects are that business will, first, have to recruit back into the labor force large numbers of those who have left it since V-J Day, and second, require that large amounts of overtime be worked if production schedules are to be met," the CPA chief predicted. Despite the fact that 10,000,000 veterans and 50,000,000 war workers have been discharged into the labor market in the last 12 months, the in- dustrial demand for workers has been so great that unemployment has risen only 1,600,000 and "still may be con- sidered remarkably low," Small said. Small took sharp issue with organ- ized business groups which contend that removal or relaxation of price controls will bring a spurt of goods to remedy consumer shortages. No Flood of Goods Expected "Rising prices cannot be expected to bring a flood of goods into the market," Small declared. "The econ- omy is too close to full production to allow a significant overall increase in output except through increased man-hour productivity." Unless industry and labor learn how to boost productivity without increasing the cost of each item made, "Prices will rise further," he predicted. If manufacturers try to outstrip competitors by outbidding them for labor and materials, the result will be less production, in- creased costs and higher selling prices, he said. "Both labor and management," he added, "must attempt to arrive at an equitable distribution of earnings for something like six months of full production until a flood of goods sat- isfies the demands of the country." Building Materials Trend A steady trend in building mater- ials, especially lumber, was shown in June. Brick and insulating board production mounted to new postwar highs. The lumber shortage still 'is severe enough, however, to hold down house- hold furniture output, with produc- tion well below the 1941 level. The volume of new construction rose 11 per cent in June, to $921,000,- 000. But Small noted that the rate of housing construction leveled off from earlier months, gaining only 10 per cent as against 24 per cent in May. Bills Pictures Duties Of Schools to Public Interpretation of education to the public was described yesterday as a mandatory responsibility of the schools by Mark W. Bills. Bills, who is the Flint school sup- erintendent, spoke yesterday to the students in the School of Education, where he is a visiting instructor this summer. "Anything less than a presentation of the facts in a continuou pro- gram," he declared, "weakens the partnership between school and home which is unique in American education." highlights On Campus Linguistic Institute .. Douglas Rae Taylor will be the principal speaker at the luncheon conference of the Linguistic Insti- tute at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the Mich- igan Union. Taylor, who spent nine years on the West Indies island of Dominica. will discuss the Creole language as it is spoken there. He has made a special study of the remnants of the Carib Indian tribe, once a distinct racial group but having since ming- led with other races until there re- main less than 300 still following tribal life in Dominica. Creole, Taylor has explained, is a patois based on French, but having many different forms in the West Indies, Central America and in the United States. * * * Education Club Meets .. . The Men's Education Club will meet at 7:15 p.m. today in the Union. Dr. J. Harold Ennis, professor of social sciences at Cornell Col- lege, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, will speak on the "Unhappy Triangle-Man- agement, Labor and the Public." Dr. Ennis was a member of the War Labor Board during the war and is a private arbitrator at pre- sent. * * * Russian Club Picnic .. . Today is the last day on which reservations may be made for the Rusian Club picnics to be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Riverside Park. All students interested in attend- 'ing the picnic may make reservations by calling either Violet Misekow or Marcia Bry at 8598. A baseball game and group sing- ing are planned for all the Russian Club members and their friends who attend the picnic. * * * Lewis To Lecture .. . Prof. Howard B. Lewis, director of the College of Pharmacy, will speak on "Nutrition" at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Amphi- theatre. Prof. Nida Will Speak... Prof. Eugene A. Nida, linguistics instructor at the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma, will speak on "Systems of Formal Syntactic Structure" at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Nida, whose talk is the fourth in the series of Wednesday evening lectures sponsoredtby the University Linguistics Institute, is the author of a book on "Morphology: The Des- criptive Analysis of Words" released Friday by the University Press. RC4O4OGO r .. Diamonds andO Wedding sue= RINGS 717 North University Ave. 9o<.-.yro-a<-oe--o --I T H E T H R OQN E H A L L--The throne hall in Bangkok, Siam, is visited each day for 100 days by the present King Phumiphon Aduldet until the cremation of his late brother, King Ananda Mahidol, who died from a gunshot wound. MAKE T H ElIRS VAN I L L A-...A Navajo mother and her apple-cheeked baby enjoy their ice -cream cones during a recent all-Indian pow-wow in Flagstaff, Ariz., which brought northern tribes together and attracted many tourists.,-- TR0PHYsam Snead of Hot Springs, Va., the firstU.S. golfer to win the British open tournament in 13 years, displays they championship trophy after S .-his return home. TEMPLE O F E M E R A L D B U.D D H A-The temple of the emerald buddha is"one of the show places in Bangkok, Siam. And said to be valued at seventy' million American dollars. VETERANS' NOTES The Veterans' Administration is urging all veterans to continue to re- mit their National Service Life In- surance premiums promptly regard- less of whether they receive their re- ceipts promptly. NSLI files for the Michigan area are being transferred to the Colum- bus, Ohio office on October 5 in an effort to relieve the overburdened New York office. In the meantime, however, the VA says to send prem- iums to the New York Collections Subdivision and the cancelled check or money otder stub will be a suffi- cient receipt. While in the service all veterans should have received a certificate of insurability when they subscribed to National Service Life Insurance, ac- cording to the VA. Actual policies are yet to be issued but the veteran can apply for the temporarycertifi- cate when he mails his next premium to the New York Office. Plenty of 'Coke' From a Large Selection of SPALL&ALUm . Recently Received VAUGHN MONROE: On the Moonbean Racing with the Moon, Paper Moon, etc. P 142 ................. $3.41 JOSEF MARAIS: Songs from the Veld (No. 2) Marching to Pretoria, Train to Kimberley, etc. A 302 ....................... ....... $2.88 ANDRE KOSTELANETZ: Musical Comedy Favorites Vol. 1 Begin the Beguine, Tea for Two, etc. Vol. 2. Night and Day, Dancing in the Dark, etc. M 430 ................................$3.93 M 502 ............................. . $3.93 YALE GLEE CLUB Whifenpoof Song, Away to Rio, Shenandoah, etc. C 79 .$2.88 TOMMY DORSEY: Showboat Make Believe, Bill, Ol' Man River, etc. P 152 . . .................. ... $2.88 JO STAFFORD: Songs Yesterdays, Over the Rainbow, etc. BD 23................................$2.88 Hot Jazz, Folk Songs, Show Tunes, Dinner Music, 'Waltzes, Piano Music, Spirituals, . Rhumnbas . .. You will find a wide variety of small albums in stock at the AIR-CONDITIONED /jA a A T E A S E- Lynn Walker, (top), Chicago, and Mary Ellen Gleason, Hollywood, relax on Atlantic City's steel pier.'° - C 0 M P Q S I T E P I N U P-Hollywood actresses pose for a composite sketch by Merlin; the artist. L. to r.: Martha Montgomery (legs), Karen X. Gaylord (torso). Virginia Belmont (head). ENSIAN DISTRIBUTION TODAY 10:30 A.M. to 12 Noon andit P.M. to 4 P.M.