A TI IER BE RIGHT: Fifty-Sixth Year Isolationism-Dead+or Alive? BILL MAULDIN 4, t C. 31 , -_ yy 4 Edited and managed by students of the University of dichigan under the authority of the Board in Control ) Student Publications. Editorial Stafff danaging Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS ity News .................................... Clyde Recht rniversity.......................Natalie Bagrow ports ................................... Jack Martin romen's.......... ................ Lynne Ford Business Stafff Msiness Manager ........................ Janet Cork Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or therwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re- ii611itian of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as econd-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- er, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. R6PAESRNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 6Y National Advertising Service, Inc. 0' College Pblisbers Representative 420 MADISON Ave. "New YORK, N. Y. CS ICAO BOSTON " LOS ANGELS SAN FRANCISCO Wember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ELINOR MOXNESS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Sfor Action ANOTHER Peace Conference has begun. SO WHAT? So there will be more bickering and more wrangling but nothing will be accomplished. This attitude is predominant today. You and I have become cynical and indifferent towards all peace conferences. They'll never make a permanent peace, we say. World conflicts can't be solved by the UN or any world organ- ization. With a final shrug of our shoulders we end the discussion with, "Well, war is in- evitable." While we are spouting this cynicism, the world is drifting slowly but surely towards World War III. Look at the headlines. Civil war in China. Fighting in Palestine. Revolution in Bolivia. Trouble in Austria. Big Four deadlock. Suspic- ion. Espionage. Atom bombs. But we don't talk about World War III. Why. Because we know that the devastation' and hu- man slaughter will be far greater than in World War II. We don't think about World War III because we don't want to think of some day sending the sons we are now raising off to kill and be killed. And so we shut our minds to war, yet remain cynical towards all attempts at peace. But peace can never be obtained without tre- mendous effort nor kept without eternal vigil- ance. No matter how perfect the plans are for, the United Nations, that organization simply will not function properly unless the people of the world get behind it. It's time we stopped being cynical bystand- ers. It's time we woke up to the fact that peace is' being made or broken RIGHT NOW. If we continue to be apathetic, pessimistic, and cynical, no peace will ever be made. If we want peace, we've got to work hard for it,-now! What can we do? We can make our demands for peace so strong that selfish interests will have to step aside. We can make diplomats in Paris and New York see once and for all that we want a just and lasting peace. We can let them know that this time we must have a peace, based not on secret deals and power politics but on under- standing and good will among men. We can do this singly. We can do it collec- tively through liberal organizations. We can do it by writing our congressmen and presi- dent, by talking up a determination for peace among our friends, and by voting out of office in November the men who are hampering the peace effort. But the important thing iV if we want to pre- vent World War III we've got to work hard for peace now! -Walt Hoffmann By SAMUEL GRAFTON LOS ANGELES - Oh, everybody agrees that American isolation is dead, deader than a door nail; hurrah, it's dead. But American isolation is a most lively and determined corpse; it loves to leer and thumb its nose at those who are conducting funeral ceremonies over it. A case in point is the new bill for stock-piling strategic and critical materials, which Congress MAN TO MAN: The Canol Pro jed By HAROLD L. ICKES DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Hugh A. Fulton, Chief Counsel for the Truman Committee. James H. Graham, a dollar-a- year adviser (and worth every cent of it!) to General Brehon Somervell. The Canol~Project wa a brilliant idea to get oil from the Norman oil field in Canada to Alas- ka in the hardest, most circuitous and most ex- pensive way. The following is verbatim testi- mony from the Truman Committee's inquiry into ydetails of the three hour War Departmnent con- ference which resulted in the recommendation for the construction of the Canol Project: Fulton: How many miles did you think that pipeline was going to be? Graham: About five or six hundred. Fulton: How many did it turn out that it ac- tually was? Graham: I do not know. Fulton:: Are you aware it was longer than you contemplated? Graham: No, I do not know. Yulton: How much did you estimate it would cost in terms of materials and manpower? Graham: On a war ploject I never make an estimate. Fulton: Who . .. made any estimate of any kind? Graham: None was made that I know of. Fulton: Who ... had any factual background to make any such estimate? Graham: I do not know. Fulton: How much did you figure it would cost per ton to cart materials over that route? Graham: We did not figure. Fulton: How are you going to transport 20,- 000 barrels a day over a 3,000 barrel a day pipe- line? Graham: In my statement ... before the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I said: "Eventually you will have a larger pipeline?" Fulton: You mean you'd tear up the pipeline and Graham: No, put another alongside of it. Fulton: How big will that be? Graham: I don't know. Sen. Ferguson: Did you consult the Navy as to what they could do on transportation? Graham: No. Sen. Ferguson: You didn't consult the petrol- eum department . .. Mr. Ickes? Graham: I have already said "No" on that, Senator. Fulton: What tanker experts had you con- sulted? Graham: None. Fulton: How much discussion was there as to how much that refinery would cost? Graham: I do not think there was any dis- cussion, Sir. Fulton: Did you or anyone consider how much shipping would be required to dismantle that re- finery . . . and to transport it to Whitehorse? Graham: No. Fulton: That subject was not discussed-... and how much expense? Graham: I cannot tell you. Fulton: Tnat subject was not discusned was it? Graham: No. Result: Canal Project. Cost: $13,000,000 plus wages, maintenance, uniforms and supplies for thousands of troops. Now abandoned. Ion't make an estimate! Damn the dollars! Moral: A sober soldier can sometimes spend more money, faster, than the traditional "drunk- en sailor." (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) A New School Subject The schools in at least one American city have a unique opportunity to educate their children for life in a world that the United Nations is now beginning to touch in every field-political, so- cial, economic. The city . .. is New York, and the great opportunity for its schools lies in the pre- sence, in the city, of the United Nations itself, its councils, its committees, its commissions, and, beginning in September, its General Assembly. Next autumn the school system will introduce in the public schools, from kindergarten through junior high school program entitled "A Better World." Prepared by a committee of leading school superintendents and. administrators, and embodied in a manual for teachers, its aim is to help young people understand the importance of the United Nations through a study of American processes. -Knickerbocker Weekly has just passed and sent to the President. Mr. Truman has signed it, but with a pained expres- sion and an averted face; for the bill contains a howling isolationist clause to the effect that, except in certain circumstances, the critical materials which we buy for stockpiling must be made or produced in America. The clause defeats the bill. For one reason for stockpiling is that we are running short of certain natural resources, such as oil and sev- eral metals, and yet the bill (with that dreadful innocence which is part of the isolationist mood) solemnly directs the government to purchase in America the materials of which America is short. Even more important, however, is the fact that our entire foreign economic policy at the moment is based on the concept of free trade; and for our Congress to pass a "buy American" bill at this time, preventing our government itself from buying from the very nations with which it is negotiating, is fearfully embarrassing. It must make. Mr. Truman feel like a parent who tries helplessly to clap a hand over a child's mouth to keep it from blatting family prejudices and spoiling a party. American isolationism is also making itself felt in the field of atomic energy. As every- body knows, Mr. Bernard Baruch has been trying to sell the world on a proposal for establishing a global atomic authority, which would have a monopoly over atomic research. Now, this is by no means a "soft" proposal; we shall be very lucky if we put it over; for the Russians feel that we would be in the majority on such an authority, as we are in the Security Council; and the Kremlin has thrown a series of fits ever since Mr. Baruch first expounded his plan. Even so, however, the Baruch plan, with its trend toward internationalizing the atom, is too much for certain Congressmen and Senator Styles Bridges, Senator Homer Capehart, Rep- resentative William Lemke, and others, have be- gun a furious assault on Mr. Baruch, and on Secretary of War Patterson for supporting him. The brethren weep, objecting naively that Mr. Baruch wants to give our secrets away. It must give an odd feeling to the Russians, who profess themselves shocked by the Baruch plan, to learn that there are other prominent Americans who regard the Baruch plan itself as altogether too sweet and loving. There must be quite a flow of language around Mos- cow as the Rusisans try to understand this development; and their intransigeant feelings about us are perhaps not diminished by these outbursts. Finally (as the last in our little series of iso- lationist incidents) we have the fact that Presi- dent Truman has wanted to ask Congress to give an additional $1,250,000,000 to the Export- Import Bank, for making foreign loans. After a period of considering, and shuddering, the Presi- dent has decided not to make the request. He apparently fears that Congress might decide some of the money was going to Russia, and might break into so heated an anti-Russian out- burst, as to mess our foreign relations beyond hope of recovery. Actually, from the bargaining point of view alone, the President should have the power to make this loan, but he is afraid even to ask for it; and as one studies the record compiled here, one wonders if it can truly be said, as our philosophers of the second class say so often, that American isolation is dead. It has changed its form, to fit the postwar period and the atomic age; but a change of form is hardly the same as a death; a living frog is a living frog, and not a dead tadpole. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Cyclist Menace? BICYCLE RIDING on the campus proper must go! All too often are innocent students hit by cyclists hurrying across the diagonal at exces- sive speeds. Now the cyclists are even having col- lisions among themselves on the pedestrian thoroughfares.i No major accidents have been reported this year but any of the unfortunate entanglements which have produced cuts and bruises could have easily resulted in a more serigus calamity., The alternative of the anxious cyclist .who prefers not to plough wantonly through a crowd of preoccupied pedestrians is to ride on the grass next to the walks. As a result our lawns are in a pitiful state. Because of popular pressure, the Student Legislature has investigated the possibility of enforcing the long neglected ban on bike rid- ing on the campus block but such enforce- ment would be foolish and useless as long as the bicycle racks remain scattered throughout the campus. Bicycles could be kept off the campus with very little inconvenience, if any, to the cyclists if only the bike; racks were, moved to the outer edges of the campus block. In the public interest, to remove the nui- sance and potential accident threat which bicycles on campus now present, why doesn't the University move these racks? -Tom Walsh DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I h M I +I I Ilq I I11 1 Y (Continued from Page 2) Academic Notices Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August: A list of candi- dates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Educa- tion, 1437 University Elementary School. The Preliminary Examinations for the doctorate in English will be given during the 1946 summer session ac- cording to the following schedule: July 31, American Literature. August 3, English Literature 1700- 1900. August 7, English Literature 1500- 1700. August 10, English Literature-Be- ginnings to 1500. The examination will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 on the days indicated. Candidates should report to 3221 A.H. for instructions. Anyone desir- ing to take the examinations should see Professor Marckwardt immediate- ly if he has not already done so. To Graduate Students, in Educa- tion. The preliminary examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on August 26-27-28. Anyone desiring to take these examinations should notify my office, 4000 University High School on or before August 2. performers of music for two pianos, will be heard in a special summer concert Thursday night, August 8, in Hill Auditorium. They will be pre- sented under the auspices of the Uni- versity Musical Society. Tickets may be purchased at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, at popular prices. Concert of Operatic Arias and E~n- senbles: A concert of operatic aris and ensembles presented by the Opera Laboratory Course, under the direc- tion of Thor Johnson and assisted by the University Summer Session Sym- phony Orchestra will be presented in Pattengill Auditorium, Thursday eve- ning, August 1, at 8:30. The pro- gram will include: Marriage of Fig- aro, Don -Giovanni, and The Magic Flute by Mozart; La Traviata, Simone Boccanegra, La Forza Del Destino, and Rigoletto by Verdi; Lucia Di Lammermoor by Donizetti. The public is cordially invited.' Student Recital: A wind instru- ment program, assisted by Mildred Minneman Andrews and Beatrice Gaal, pianists, will be presented in Harris Hall, Friday afternoon, August 2 at 2:00. The program will include Andantimo by JeanJean, La Joyeuse by Dacquin, Aubade by Dewailly, Sonata Opus 167 by Saint-Saens, Aria and Chorus by Mozart, Pest Horn by Marschner and Prayer by Gluck. The public is cordially invited. Bridge Night: The International Center announces its second weekly Bridge Night to be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Inter- national Center, 603 E. Madison. All bridge players are cordially invited to attend. Flying Club: There will be a meet- ing for all members of the University Flying Club in Rm. 1042, East Engi- neering Building, Wednesday, July 31. °Final plans for operation change will be discussed and the Board decision on the landing case will be given. Remember to bring your cards and money for the picnic. Faculty mem- bers and students interested in flying are also invited. There are still a few openings in the club and anyone interested. in joining should attend this meeting. French Tea today at 4 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Michigan League. Open only to students and faculty people interested in speaking French. Michigan Christian Fellowship: The Michigan Christian Fellowship holds its weekly Bible study tonight at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall. Come pre- pared to discuss the sixth and seventh chapters of John's gospel. { d ,.J4AL 6 " y1 C ftS ,Mfro c nrv ? 9 .~.. It's something silly about the last days of the Roman Empire." 4 T HE PRESIDENT'S choices of three memb~ers of the new and highly important Decontrol Board are highly reassuring. All three of his appointees-Mr. Thompson of New Orleans, Mr. Bell of Washington and Mr. Mead of Dayton-have had ex- perience in both business and in gov- ernment. All three stand outside the immediate circle of officials who have previously been administering OPA and are therefore in a position to look at its problems from a fresh point of view. They are not the pri- soners of past policies. The job they are willing to under- take, if the Senate approves their appointments - as we believe it should, promptly, is a tough assign- ment, but one of critical importance to the country. It is, in a word, to sit in judgment over OPA itself in the vital matter of deciding how rapidly the area of price decontrol should be widened. In this role they will be sub- jected to all kinds of pressures: Pressure, on the one hand, which want ceilings removed before such action is fully warranted; pressure from other groups which would glad- ly use OPA as a permanent device for governmental control of all business activity. On the degree of good judg- ment, foresight and political courage of the members of the new board much will depend, including how rap-i idly there is to be an expansion of production and employment, and h6w soon this country is to return to those methods and practices of a free economy. -The New York Times College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores- try, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by August 1. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans- m-itted. Opera Class Concert under the di- rection of Thor Johnson, at 4:15 p.m. in the Pattengill Auditorium of Ann Arbor High School, Thursday, August 1. Carillon Recital, Thursday, August 1, at 7:15 p.m. by Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur. Spanish Club: La Sociedad His- panica will meet on Wednesday, July 31, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Jose Rafael Munoz of the Dominican Republic will give an informal talk entitled "La Republica Dominicana de Hoy." Coming Events Art Cinema League presentation "Heart of the Nation" with Charles Boyer, Raimu and Michele Morgan. French cinematographic triumph. English sub-titles. Plus short:."Pri- vate Life of the Gannets" directed by Julian Huxley. Thursday, Friday, Rackham Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Tickets available at Wahrs and Ul- rich's bookstores and 45 minutes be- fore the show in lobby of League. Men's Education Club baseball series Thursday, August 1, at 4:00 p.m. at South Ferry Field. International Center: Due to re- decorating, the International Cent- er's weekly informal tea will be held in Rms. 316-320 in the Michigan Union at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 1. Foreign students, their friends, and all interested persons are cordially invited to attend. Language tables will convene. Concerts Student Recital: Francis Hopper, organist, will present a recital Wed- nesday evening, July 31 at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. Given in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Mr. Hopper's rogram will include selec- tions by d'Andrieu, Bach, *Vierne, Andriessen, and Hopper. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Samuel P. Dur- rance, Jr., baritone, will present a program at 4:15 Wednesday after- noon, August 7, in the Pattengill Auditorium. Given in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, Mr. Dur- rance will sing English, French, Italian, and German selections in- cluding songs by Debussy, Mendel- ssohn, Mozart, Schubert, and Strauss. The public is cordially invited. Vronsky and Babin, distinguished Faculty Recital: Yves Tinayre, baritone, wil present a concert at 4:15 Wednesday afternoon in Rackham Assembly Hall. Mr. Tinayre will be assisted by a string-quartet, oboe and flute in a program of compositions of the German Evangelical School. fThe public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Friday evening, August 2, at 8:30 p.m. Charles Mathe- son, tenor, assisted by Ruby Joan Kuhlman, pianist, will present a pro- gram in the Pattengill Auditorium. Given in partial fulfillment of the re- ouirements for the degree of Master of Music, Mr. Matheson's program will include selections by Caldara, Rachmaninoff, Schubert, D'Albert, and Griffes. The public is cordially invited. The Forerunner YESTERDAY HENRY FORD reached his 83rd birthday amid the celebration and well wishes of millions. This was entirely fitting, for the visionary Mr. Ford has contributed more to our every way of life than any other living man. By his genius and foresight he has helped put our nation on wheels. His production line tech- niques have revolutionized industry both for war and peace. But least known and most important, Henry Ford was the forerunner of present day economic thought. Back in 1914 amid the jeers of reaction- Student Recital: Betty Jean Huser, pianist, will present a recital in Rackham Assembly Hall, Saturday, August 3, at 8:30. Miss Huser's pro- gram will include Toccata in F sharp minor by Bach; Sonata in E flat major by Haydn; Sonata No. 1 by Almand, and Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel by Brahms. The recital is given in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Play: "Angel Street," by Patrick Hamilton. Michigan Repertory Play- ers, Department of Speech, Wednes- day, July 31, at 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. International Center: Due to re- decorating, the weekly tea dance this Friday will be cancelled. The in- formal tea dances will be resumed next Friday, August 9, at 4 p.m. in the Recreation Room of the Inter- national Center. French Club 'The fifthmeeting of the French Club will be held Mon- day, Auguist 5, at 8 p.m. in Rm. 305 of the Michigan Union. Mr. Richard Picard, of the Romance language de- partment, will lead a general discus- sion on the subject: "Quel message de l'Amerique dois-je rapporter en France?" Group singing. Social hour. Pi Lambda Theta initiation will'be held in the Assembly Room of the Rackham Building on Saturday, August 3 at 3:00 p.m., instead of on Tuesday, July 30, as previously an- nounced. BARNABY They're going to put up Yes. This is a model. hundreds of tents? Like this one? On the green? 1 think it's dreadful. r~te"rS r1 We need rea housing. Not tents- ! agree. Bu what can we - r B x e ? By Crockett Johnson Protest! Get up We'll back you. a petition ...We wl SWe sure wi-l /, >A~~ ~ 4jU