THE MICHIGAN DAIL elIfn Student 4 Education Here Yields Returns .." Dr. Gale Emphasizes Dollar and Cents Value The dollar-and-cents value of training foreign students in U.S. ini- versities deserves greater emphasis during formulation of our enroll- ment policies, Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the International Center, said yesterday. He revealed that there will be no increase of foreign students on cam- pus in the fall term because of lim- itations imposed on out-of-state stu- dents. Quotas established for the various schools have been filled, thus limiting enrollment to approximate- ly 500 foreign students, he said. "However, we must not forget that the people of Michigan, and of the United States, will benefit in a finan- cial way from the teaching of for- eign students here," he said. "In the not-too-distant future, the students with us now will hold re- sponsible positions in industry and government in foreign lands and they will naturally turn to this country when they want equipment, technical advice, or other services," he explained. He cited the example of Indian industrial engineers who will pur- chase American equipment when they return to their homeland and actively participate in the great industrial expansion now taking place in that country. "To be sure, the importance of promoting international accord by training foreign students in ourways of life is of tremendous significance," Dr. Gale said. "But the economic factor is likewise important, and it is too often overlooked when we consider the problem caused by over- crowding of colleges and the public tends to wonder why we continue to make room for students from other countries." He advocates coitinued acceptance of as many foreign students "as con- ditions will reasonably permit," and long-range planning for future years when facilities for higher education are expanded and greater numbers of visiting students can be accom- modated. Palmer, Student Panel On Air Sociologist To Discuss Cultural Understanding ,# RAF BOMBERS OVER NEW YORK-A dozen British Lancaster bombers, part of famed Roayal Air Force Squadron 35, pass over New York City during a goodwill visit to the U.S.f PUT DOWN THAT BOOK! Vast Recreational Activities Offered Here Strit Secrecy Shrouds U.N. Military Group NEW YORK, July 27-(P)-The United Nations Military Staff Com- mittee, potentially one of the most powerful groups in world history, ap- parently is marking time with a sharp eye on global developments. Charged with setting up an inter- national land, sea and air force to maintain peace in the world, the committee operates in such strict ;crecy that after six months of ses- sions here virtually nothing is known of the progress, if any, made by the generals and admirals. - The chiefs of staff of the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France and China have seats on the commit- tee and all have top-ranking generals and admirals in their delegations. The veil of mystery has kept even other groups of the United Nations in the dark. The Security Council, its parent body, still awaits reports from the -committee. The United Nations press section puts out a brief notice every time the committee changes its chairman un- der a rotation plan, but most of the time the U.N. shies away from the group in awe. This much is known: 1. The committee meets usually once a week. 2. Delegations have submitted various memorandums, which have been discussed, but no definite de- cisions have been made known. 3. Much of the committee's time is spent arguing over words which have a shade different meaning when translated to another language. 4. Apparently nothing is going to come out of the committee until the peace treaty conferences in Paris end. Ignatieff To Discuss Soviet Nationalities Prof. L. Ignatieff will give, an il- lustrated talk on the nationalities of the Soviet Union at the weekly meet- ing of Russky Kruzhok, the Russian Club, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the In- ternational Center. Prof. Ignatieff is a visiting pro- fessor in Russian from the Univer- sity of London in Ontario. Following the lecture tea will be served from' the samovar. Graves Conferring Here Mortimer Graves, administrative secretary of the American Council of Learned Societies, is spending several days in Ann Arbor to confer with members of the Linguistic Institute and other faculty and administrative members of the University. Prof. Eugene Nida To Speak In Linguistic Lecture Series By TOM WALSH The ancient myth about the dull drudgery of summer school has been completely exploded here at the Uni- versity. Any student needs only to read The Michigan Daily or one of the University's 55 bulletin boards to realize that there are more recrea- tional facilities and entertainment opportunities available to him here than to his vacationing friends in Detroit or other Michigan cities. ,Sports, outdoor jaunts, plays, lec- tures, dances, recitals, and countless special interest groups lend an al- most infinite variety to the extra- curricular recreational activities now open to the summer student. Sports Readily Available For the athlete all of the conven- tional sports are available either right on the campus or close by- baseball at Ferry Field, golf at the University course, tennis at the In- tramural Building or at Palmer Field, indoor swimming at the Union, hand- ball, basketball, volleyball, and bad- minton at the gyms, and, for the girls, horseback riding at a coopera- ting stable. The out-of-doors enthusiasts who prefer to enjoy nature in their non- studious moments can picnic along the river, canoe on the quiet waters of the Huron; or take evening strolls through the Nichols Arboretum which is only a few blocks from the campus. On the pleasant, rolling Ann Arbor Jester Leads In Texas Vote, countryside, bicycling is also an ex- tremely popular pastime. - Several series of recitals have been planned for the benefit of the music- lovers". The Sunday evening series of Faculty Chamber Music Programs is presented by guest faculty members, and contains such noted artists as violinists Lois Porter and Gilbert Ross and the well-known duo-pian- ists, Vronsky and Babin. Also open to the public without charge is the Monday night lecture-recital series entitled "A Survey of Piano Litera- ture" given by Lee Pattison, noted pianist and composer, who is Profes- sor of Music at Scripps College at Claremont, Cal. One or two weekly recitals by stu- dents fulfilling degree requirements provide additional evenings of re- laxation and entertainment during the summer session. Play Production Five outstanding plays, including productions of George M. Cohan and George Bernard Shaw's works, are presented for the entertainment of the summer scholars by the Michi- gan Repertory Players. For the theatre goers also, the Art Cinema League is showing a Span- ish, a Russian, and three French movies, including the famed "Pepe Le Moko" starring Jean Gabin. The serious student who likes to mix his recreation and his education will be most likely to attend the twenty-one lectures sponsored by the University of Michigan Summer Lec- ture Series. With the underlying theme of "The Social Implications of Modern Science,' the lectures are being presented by permanent and visiting faculty memoers and special lecturers who are outstanding au- thorities in their fields. Besides these campus-wide activi- ties of general interest there are an untold number of special interest groups which are open to all students. The International Center holds weekly teas each Thursday where foreign and American students can get acquainted and the Student Re- ligious Association has a similar pro- gram on Fridays to bring together people inte 'ested in. the broader as- pects of religion. The French, Ger- man, and Russian language study groups meet regularly, generally for social events, and the Graduate Council holds weekly mixers or out- ings. The list is hopelessly incomplete; the interested student can find every- thing on campus from church groups and Co-ed charm conferences to University Flying Club meetings and "Smash Inflation" rallies. League Dances For the highly conventional stu- dents, the Michigan League holds dances each Friday and Saturday evenings. Indeed, no matter what the apti- tudes or interests of the summer student, the University of Michigan has some type of recreational activi- ty available for him. The pendulum has swung a long way in the opposite direction; in- stead of being facea with a lot of dull homework and a desire for some re- creation, the student here this sum- mer often has so much of his time absorbed by the ever-increasing num- ber of outside activities that beckon to him that his problem now is how to complete the required amount of homework. Club Picnic Planned All students planning to attend the Russian Club picnic are urged to make their reservations before Wed- nesday by calling either Violet Mise- kow or Marcia Bry at 5898. The picnic will take place at 4 p.m. Saturday at Riverside Park. Baseball and group singing are planned for all the Russian Club members and their iriends who at- tend the picnic. By CINDY REAGAN Prof. Eugene A. Nida, who will speak on "Systems of Formal Syn- tactic Structure" at 7:30 p.m. Wed- nesday in Rackham Amphitheatre, is the author of a book on "Mprphol- ogy: The Descriptive Analysis of Words" released Friday by the Uni- versity Press. Prof. Nida is an instructor\ of lin- guistics at the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of Ok- lahoma and will speak here as part of the series of Wednesday evening lect lres sponsored by the University Linguistics Institute. Second Linguistics Volume The purpose of Prof. Nida's book, which is the second volume in ling- uistics to be published by the Univer- sity Press, is to introduce students of linguistics to the techniques em- ployed in the descriptive analysis of words. "Morphology" covers a wide range of problems which occur in the word analysis of various types of lan- guages. Prof. Nida's approach to problems of word analysis is ex- clusively a descriptive one, but it takes into consideration the practical problens of such students as mis- sionaries and those who are forced to solve linguistics problems in actual- language situations. "In reading the book, students learn not only about language prob- lems but they also have the oppor- tunity to try to solve a series of syn- thetically constructed problems by practicing on successively more com- plex ones," Prof. Nida said. "They will eventually be qualified to handle. material from real languages." Ten Sections The book is' divided into ten sec- tions dealing with such subjects as "The Constituents of Words," "Form- classes," and "The Criteria for De- termining Words" as well as a series of practical suggestions on the col- lection of data. These include not only methods of filing but also sug- gestions on how to work with in- formants (native speakers). "The informant is always right," says Prof. Nida, "but you must not let him discourse on the whys and wherefores of his language. Your best informants are the everyday people whom you meet on the street." Some thirty languages, including such familiar ones as French, Ger- man and Spanish, and such unfamil- iar ones as Chichewa (a Bantu lan- guage of Africa), Cakchiquel (a lan- guage of Latin America) and Eski- mo serve as illustrations which are. based on Prof. Nida's own investiga- tion. Observations Put Into Practice. The observations of Prof. Nida, are being put into practice by several members of the Linguistics Institute in courses and lectures this summer. Informants are being used by instruc- tors of the Institute in the following languages: From the Far East: Chinese and Japanese; From the Middle East: Gujarati and Hindustani; From Europe: Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian; From America: Cherokee and Sen- eca. "While morphology deals with the analysis of words as such, syntax covers the relations of words with each other,"~ Prof. Nida said. Although his book deals with the analysis, his lecture Wednesday will cover the subject of word relations. Chinese Doctor Bfegins Work A4t U' Hospital The present condition of China was characterized as "much improved" by Dr. Philip T. Liao, who arrived here Friday after a 12 day non-stop trip from Shanghai. Formerly with a hospital in Chungking, Dr. Liao has received an assistant residentship at the Univer- sity Hospital and hopes to stay in this country to study for a year or two. He said that China's main prob- lem is, of course, inflation, for she has no resources and her heavy in- dustry has been destroyed by the Japanese. He praised American help to China, stating that without it she could not have won the war. Dr. Liao gave as his purposes in coming here, first, to bring his medi- cal knowledge up to date, especially in the tuberculosis field, second, to improve his speaking of the English language, and third, as he is a Chris- tian, to attend churches in this country. The doctor stated that he hoped to become a specialist in tuberculosis, because one is badly needed in Chungking, where about 70 per cent of the city's population are afflicted with the disease. Dr. Liao cited mal- nutrition,.a bad climate, with almost no sunshine, congested living condi- tions, and very poor sanitation as causes of this high rate. For a time during the war, Dr. Liao served as liason officer between the Chinese and American armies, acting mainly as interpreter in the Burma Road sector. Last year he worked with the United States Army and also taught Mandarin to American offi- cers. "One Nation for All" will be the topic. of a discussion between Prof. Edward N. Palmer, a visiting lecturer in the sociology departmentand five Ann Arbor high school seniors on a program at 6:30 p.m. today over WPAG. Prof. Palmer who received his post- graduate degree from the University of Michigan was awarded a Rosen- wald Fellowship for graduate studies in sociology in 1940 and since 1942 has been a member of the faculty of Fisk University. Much of Prof. Palmer's work has been in the sociological study of the Negro. In 1937 he assisted with the American Youth Commission in the investigation of the personality devel- opment of the Negro youth and later participated 'in the Carnegie Cor- poration's inquiry into "The Negro in America," a study which culmin- ated with the publication of "An American Dilemma" and "The Char- acteristics of the American Negro." The five students who will discuss with Prof. Palmer the furtherance of intercultural understanding among young people in Ann Arbor High School are Robert B. Elliot, David T. Dagiwada and Andrew Frank, mem- bers of the Student Council, William C. Godfrey, its president and Lyn H. Marcus of the Debate Team and the journalism staff.{ Watch for Announcement of Student Book Exchange U, Ii /I DALLAS, Tex., July 27-P)-First returns from the Texas election bur- eau on Texas' hard fought first Dem- ocratic primary gave Beauford Jest- er a substantial lead over Homer P. Rainey, former University of Texas president. Returns from two of 254 counties, both incomplete, showed Jester with 9,424 votes and Rainey with 6,798. John Lee Smith ran third and Grov- er Sellers fourth. Election officials throughout the state today reported record breaking throngs as Texas Democrats voted in one of the most bitterly fought primary campaigns in history. The total vote was expected to run well above 1,500,000 by the time the polls close. Adding to the state's registered poll tax holders were thousands of war veterans and old people, exempt from the tax. Also, Negroes were voting for the first time in large numbers and leaders of the race pre- dicted that between 50,000 and 90,- G000 would mark ballots.. Fourten candidates were listed for governor, five of whom waged a bit- ter eight-week campaign. LAST 3 DAYS OF OUR uy Clearance MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Featuring Reductions to 1/2 in TgAT WAS GI?,AT!/ T'WAT ANYTHING, I 27 STRIKE-OUTS ALWAYS DO IT WHEN 1'/V IN ONE& GAME ! IN A HURRY TO GET HOMAE AND LISTeN TO WPAG -~ S _ '~5HO W FS On the Air 7:00 A.M. to 8:15 P.M. in July Dial 1050 P' G 4 COATS $.12.95 19.95 $25.00 Shorties, Casuals, Pastels and Dark SUITS $14.98 $22.50 $29.95 Tailored and Dressmaker Styles in 100% Wool. DRESSES $5.00 and $7.00 Cottons, Spuns, and Rayons BETTER DRESSES $10.00 - $12.95 $16.95 Original Values to $35.00 Original Values $49.95 Original Values to $49.95 Special Sale of Books Playsuits, Sunsuits, Shortalls Mostly printed cottons at $2.98 -$3.98 -- $5.00 =.$7.00 Originally priced to $14.95 , We are closing out our surplus stock of Law Books at 19c, each A large and varied number to choose from. COME IN AND BROWSE AT ACCESSORIES Odd lots of Blouses, Skirts, Summer Purses, Gloves, Collars, Dickies, Summer Jewelry, and Flowers. Reduced to 1/ A ' i c c '- ' " ' 1' Ii I Al i NAlI-F5 FIN'JAL