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July 03, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-03

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raping Holes Appear
n Michigan Price Line'
Heavier Inroads on Consumer Pockets
Seen As Result of OPA Upheaval




Confusion, Prices.

By The Associated Press

Michigan attempted to hold fast
against a steady upward surge in
prices Tuesday. but gaping holes be-
gan to appear in the battle lines.
Livestock- prices showed a tenden-
cy to rise higher than packers had
anticipated, and this, with smaller
Instead of increased supplies, brought
heavier inroads upon consumers'
Rents on Rise
Rents, too, were on the rise, with
the number of cases reported to OPA
offices growing by the hour.
- Detroit retail meat dealers swung
into a unified boycott of packers
charging exhorbitant prices. Whole-
salers contended they were operat-
ing at the same or a smaller margin
of profit and asserted only a public
curtailment of purchasing could stop
the spiral.
Demands for a buyers' strike came
from several groups, including the
United Automobile Workers - CIO,
through its president, Walter P. Reu-
ther; Michigan CIO council president
August Scholle; and the Michigan
area council of the American Veter-
Beef' UP
A survey of wholesalers showed
beef which sold for 21%Y cents a
pound Saturday was selling Tuesday
for 41 and 42 cents. Frankfurters
Jumped from 29 to 40 cents a pound
and sausage from 31 to 43 cents.
Retailers in most instances passed
along the price increases and res-
taurants reflected them on menus.
Car Racketeers
Traied by U.S.
From Detroit
DETROIT, July 2-(P)-The gov-
ernment continued today to trace
automobiles from the streets of De-
troit to the Cairo, Ill., auction lot
which OPA has described as a hub
of a $3,000,000 illegal used car ring.
Seven defendants are on trial be-
fore an all-woman jury in federal
court, charged with conspiring in
what OPA has labelled "the nation's
largest used car black market."
Twenty-two have pleaded guilty.
Names of five of the seven on trial
were brought into the record again
today as assistant U.S. attorney Jo-
seph Murphy continued his policy
of calling to the stand Detroiters who
sold cars to the defendants, and fol-
lowing them with southern dealers
who made over-ceiling purchases at
'Wildcat' Strike Sends
Plyemouth Workers Home
DETROIT, July 2-(P)--Chrysler
Corp. announced today that it was
compelled to send 5,000 Plymouth
division workers home at noon be-
cause of what it described as a "wild-
cat" strilee of 93 employes in the
Plymouth tire and wheel depart-
The company statement said the
workers complained because they had
not been paid for a half hour when
the plant suspended operations be-
cause of a lack of bodies.
Hold Your Bonds

Some wholesale meat prices in De-
troit were doubled.
To combat the growing trend, Alex-
ander Bell, president of the retail
meat merchants' association, said
retailers would pay only prevailing
OPA prices plus an increase of ap-
proximately seven cents to absorb
the loss of government subsidy.
Almost a lone bright spot in the
picture was in fruits anG vegetables.
The Detroit Union produce terminal
manager reported there was a plen-
tiful supply available, with prices
Rents Doubtful
From some landlords and hotel
managers came announcements thatl
there would be no increase in rents,
at least temporarily, but these appar-
eitly were in the minority.
The OPA office reported receiving
428 reports of rent boosts ranging
from 10 per cent to 300 per cent.
Price increases even extended to
Detroit parking lots, many of them
hiking prices five to 10 cents an hour.
At Grand Rapids, prices were re-
ported soaring in grocery stores and
meat markets, OPA authorities said.
Butter was selling there at $1.50 a
pound, an OPA price clerk said. Cube
steaks rose from a ceiling of 55 cents
to 90 cents while hamburger jumped
19 cents a pound from its former
UAW-CIO officials in Flint de-
manded that their international of-
fices immediately reopen wage ne-
There still was no- official inter-
vention by either state or local gov-
ernments, although Gov. Harry F.
Kelly issued a statement appealing
to landlords, producers and mer-
chants "not to yield to greed and self-
Mayor Edward J. Jeffries of De-
troit said he would telegraph Michi-
gan congressmen urging them to vote
for a stopgap OPA resolution.t
Unmonists Clash
In Hollywood
HOLLYWOOD, July 2-()P)-Rival
AFL unionists engaged in bloody
clashes at two movie studios today.
Many were bruised, two required hos-
pitalization and four were arrested.
Production was slowed generally.
Peace feelers went out a few hours
later from the strikers, who were
denied immediate support from the
Los Angeles AFL Council last night.
As last fall, the pickets are mem-
bers iof the conference of studio un-
ions, headed by Herbert Sorrell, and
the gate-crashers were members of
the International Alliance of Theatri-
cal and Stage Employes. Intervention
by high AFL officials nationally end-
ed the 1945 dispute, after scores were
injured and jailed.
The two factions have long been
at odds on jurisdictional matters.
Both enlist members from various
trades-carpenters, electricians and
the like. Among the pickets' signs
were some saying "this is not a juris-
dictional fight."

By The Associated Press
Record-high cattle prices and
above-ceiling . premiums for hogs
brought farmers to the nation's live-
stock markets in droves yesterday
as buyers and sellers groped uncer-!
tainly in the confusion left by OPA's
This was the situation:
Stocks steadied. Cotton futures fell
off. Wool was up. Textiles didn't
budge from OPA ceilings and none
was offered for sale. Poultry jumped
7 to 10 cents a-pound,
Flour Upped.
Flour reappeared at OPA-plus
prices but below black market.quo-
tations. Cattle hit $22.50. Hogs closed
at $17.50-short of yesterday's $18.50
top but above OPA level.

stance, had zoomed 25 per cent abo
the $18 OPA ceiling in two days
unrestrained trading.


cabin with 2-story living room and
cobblestone fire place completely
furnished, 1" acres overlooking
Mackinaw Island. Ready to move
in. Complete book of pictures
available. A bargain. Don't miss
this one. Inquire Wm. G. Kirby,
Realtor, 500 Michigan Bank Bldg.,

ATOMIC CONFERENCE-Four m;nembers of the six-man sub-committee of the United Nations Atomic En-
ergy Commission confer before meeting at the Henry Hudson Hotel, New York City. Left to right: Sir
Alexander Cadogan of the British Empire, Dr. Herbert V. Evatt of Australia, Andrei Gromyko of Russia, and
Luis Padillo of Mexico. Representatives of France and the United States are also members of the sub-com-

Jewish Agency
Claims British
Police Abuses.

Outrages ii Palestine
Detenltion Cdip Cited
LONDON, July 2'-(P)--The Jew-
ish agency for Palestine accused Pal-
estine police tonight of using "med-
ieval tortures" against Jews in the
Athlet detention camp near Haifa
and asserted Jews were "beaten up,
given enemas, and pulled by the sex-
ual organs."
The agency declared some victims
"probably will remain crippled for
A spokesman for the British co-
lonial office said the office had
received no reports of mistreat-
ment, and that "the allegations
seem absolutely unfounded."
Athlet houses Jews detained on
charges of illegal immigration. There
have been no reports that Jews
arrested in Saturday's operations in
Palestine were taken there.
The agency's statement was made

* *. *
U.S. Proposes UN
A-Bomb Authority
NEW YORK, July 2-(P)-The
United States delegation to the
United Nations Atomic Energy
Commission today for the first
time, suggested that serious vio-
lations of a proposed treaty con-
trolling atomic energy should be
referred to the U.N. Security
The, American view was in a
detailed memorandum on what
the treaty should contain which
was submitted by Ferdinand Eb-
erstadt, New York investment
banker, to the Atomic Energy
Commission's sub-committee No.
1 in the sub-committee's second
secret session.
The French representative on
the sub-committee, Prof. Frederic
Joliot-Curie, presented the French
views on the proposed treaty in.
a memorandum handed in at the
same time.

L qor Control
Board Refuses
Permit Appeals
LANSING, July 2-(P)-Four ap-
peals from license revocations were
denied by the state liquo' control
commission today and a fifth license
was ordered cancelled.
The commission turned down the
appeals. of the four on the grounds
of "questionable ownership." They
included: George D. Kamps, 22045
Michigan, Jasper Vailla and Philip'
C. Coppola, 4462-72 Chene, Detroit,
and Walter.Bukowski, 108 Washing-
ton, Bay City.
Chairman John P. Aaron said Cop-
pola and Failla were penalized be-
cause they suppressed the fact that
former State Senator Joseph C.
Roosevelt, a brother of Coppola, was
a one-third owner of the business.
The Saginaw Bay Yacht Club, of
Essexville, lost its license on the
grounds it had failed to eliminate
slot machines as ordered by the com-
Confronted with petitions for two
class "C" licenses in Whitehall,
where the voters recently approved
liquor-by-the-glass, the commission
asked the village council to decide
between the two applicants, Conrad
C. and Louis Quint and John Fiel-
stra. Under the statutory limitation
only one license is allowed in that
World War three
MONTREAL, July 2-01)-Fred'
Rose, convicted of conspiring to com-
municate information to.Russia, said'
in a statement today that "the Ca-
nadian 'spy scare' can easily be-
come the match that sets off World
War III."


Loss of subsidies was blamedI
increases in milk, butter, chee
flour and meat prices in some pa:
of the country, while others ch
to wait and see if Congress woL
make payments retroactive int
hoped-for resurrection of price cc
Retail outlets for food, cloth
and other staples generally stt
to their pledge to hold prices att
OPA level until Congress has
chance to do something.
Substitute Sought
Legislation for a substitute sys
of price control was stalled indefl
itely in the Senate. The White -Toi
summoned administration leaders
an 'anti-inflation' conference.
Increasing pressure came fromt
tenant population for emergency:
lief from rising rent prices throw
state and civil restrictions in the
sence of federal action.
In Chicago's grain market, the bi
iest day since last fall's crop mc,
ment saw dealers booking 1,000,
bushels of corn on a "to-arrive" N,
is at $2.15 a bushel-lO cents ab
the old OPA top.
Cancellation Clause
Orders contained a cancellat
clause in case OPA is revived.
Tagging along behind the boomr
hogs and cattle, poultry prices jurt
ed between 7 and 10 cents a poi
in Chicago and New York.
Just how long retailers would
able to hold the OPA line if m
kets continued to rise was an up
swered question but one which g
anti-inflation forces considera
Cattle prices at Chicago, for

men. Two

Can accomr
blocks from
Call 2-6663.

MANUFACTURER of temperature
instruments wants engineering stu-
dent for part-time work in Ann
Arbor. Hourfy basis to suit your
schedule. Write, stating age, year
in school, and hours available be-
tween 8 and 5 each day. H. 0.
Trerice Company, 1420 W. Lafay-
ette Blvd., Detroit, 16, Michigan.
*MALE STUDENT wanted for work
in fraternity. Call 2-6825, Mrs.
string quartet. Phone 2-6133.
ALL MEMBERS of Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity enrolled in the summer
session contact Bernard E. Burke,
K.R.S. 311 Glen Ave.. by postal
BROKEN STRINGS in your tennis
racquet? Call at 2-7360 for over-
night service or restringing. I pick
up and deliver. Dean McClusky,
417 8th St.
LOST: Tuesday, June 25. Gold
mounted black and white cameo
pin. Keepsake. Reward. E. J. Bur-
ton. 4701 Huron River Dr., Tel.
No. Main - Opposite Court House
Last Time Today
Starting Thursday
Anita Louise in
and Gilbert Roland in


Five Colleges
Get Allocations

pumlic a few ho
member of the
mittee of the J
at a news conf
being tortured
and "another
warned that
campaign migh
the British in t
The Jewish
gave no sour
tion, but said
some of the nm
Athlet camp h'
jure by thiri
In Jerusalem
of the Jewish a
British with it
violence, wasc
today by thez
the local agen
rested over the
British tomn
occupied the
of the agency,
the city.

LUrs aster Berl Locker, LANSING, July 2--(P)-An alloca-
world executive com-i.v
ewish agency, charged tion of $186,131 was granted to five
erence that Jews were Michigan colleges by the state admin-
and beaten at Athlet istrative board today to prepare sitesI
camp." Locker also and provide additional furnishings
a civil disobedience for housing installations for veterans.
t be launched.against The funds are to be used to pre-
pare sites, lay sewers and 'other
agency statement utilities and to complete the furnish-
ce for its iforma- ing of partially equipped war-surplusI
is reported that housing which the institutions have
any detainees at the obtained from the federal govern-
ave been gravely in- ment.
d-degree treatment." Included in the allocations were
an emergency office $22,035 to Northern Michigan Col-
gency, charged by the lege of Education to house 150 single
nvolvement in recent and 45 married veterans, and $35,765,
opened in Jerusalem to Michigan College of Mining and
only two officials of Technology for 170 veterans.
cy who were not ar- The b6ard also authorized the of-
week-end. fice of veterans affairs to use a $200,-
mies, meanwhile, still 000 appropriation as a revolving fund
regular headquarters to standardize the granting of sub-
in another section of sistence loans to war veterans at-
tending Michigan colleges.


---Last Day Today
--Thursday through Saturday-

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