FAIR WARMER ArN Ew.r DatIt Book Critic O'Malley Turn to Page 4 VOL. LV, No. 20S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Thunders 89 to 2 Approval of Unamended United Nations Charter Empire State Building Debris Covers Five New York Blocks At Least Fifteen Killed When Bomber Crashed Into World's Tallest Structure By The Associated Press NEW YORK, July 28-An Army bomber, flying low through heavy fog, punctured the 102-story Empire State Building today and killed 15 persons in one of New York's most bizarre disasters. Police said the death toll might tonight to search the burned and Colby, Hayden W Ill Address IRA at, Union Race Discrimination Is Tomorrow's Topic Psychological and social aspects of racial discrimination will be the top- ics of talks by Dr. Martha Colby and Robert Hayden of the faculty at a meeting of the Inter-Racial Associa- tion at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30' CWT) tomorrow at the Union. A Human Problem e s " "The so-called Negro problem in America is .a human problem," Robert E. Hayden of the English department said yesterday in an interview. "A great deal has to be done to change people's mind set," he said. "We must see the Negro as a human being, not as a symbol of inferior- ity,"''Hayden-;"who-wil- speak on the social aspects of racial discrimina- tion, declared. "So many devices for eliminating prejudices," he said "are merely temporary and don't help settle anything. Through a process of education and a change of attitude toward the negro," he maintained, "the situation can be improved." "The race situation," Hayden said, "is something that affectsrallNegroes from the time they are born to the time they die" He believes that there must be a complete integration, that the Negro must be a part of all phases of Amer- ican life. "Negroes," he said, "must attempt to see life in larger terms than ex- perience and background have en- abled them to do. They must," he added, "ally themselves with pro- gressive forces working for the bet- terment of mankind." "It is absurd for the Negro and non-Negro to attempt to minimize this problem, as its effects are all around them," Hayden declared. A Study Problem . "Many more fields of knowledge should concern themselves with the problems of racial discrimination," Dr. Martha Colby of the psycho- logy department said in holding out hope for an eventual solution to the problem. "There is a serious lack of inte- gration of the findings of experts con- cerned with the problem," she stated in a recent interview. "I should like to see," she added, "a symposium or- ganized at which every branch of knowledge connected with race is represented." Clayton Named Delegate To UNRRA Council Meet WASHINGTON, July 28 -(I')- Assistant Secretary of State William L. Clayton today was named United States delegate to the UNRRA coun- cil meeting opening in London Aug- ust 7. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Dr. Ernest . Ligon will speak on "How Christian Attitudes Are Developed" at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) in Kellogg Audi- exceed 15. Rescue workers continued twisted wreckage of the 79th floor, " through which the B-25 "Billy Mit- chell" bomber plummeted at 9:49 a. m. (EWT). Smoke and flames enveloped upper floors of the 1,248-foot tower- world's tallest building-and three ex- plosions jarred midtown Manhattan, strewing broken glass and debris five blocks around. Three Killed in Bomber Three of the dead were aboard the bomber, which had left Bedford, Mass. The crew had talked with La- Guardia Field here by radio, and was on its way to land at Newark, N. J. Army officials identified the crew members as Lt. Col. William F. Smith, 27, of Watertown, Mass., and S/Sgt. Christopher S. Domitrovich, 31 of Granite City, Ill. The name of the third occupant, said to be a Navy enlisted man, was not immediately announced. Victim Identified The first civilian victim identified was Paul Bearing, 35. A former Buff alo, N. Y., newspaperman, he had been employed by the NationalhCath- olic Welfare Council, in whose offices the death toll was highest. Other bodies were burned beyond recognition. Of the hundreds who fled to safety, some in panic, at least 20 were injured by blazing gasoline u or -falling- debris. a. -.. Anxious friend and relatives of persons believed to have been in the building streamed into the nearby west 30th street police station for information tonight while attempts were being made to identify the bodies in Bellevue hospital morgue. Three explosions were heard as the plane sheared through the stone ex- terior of the 102-story structure, which swayed like a tree in the wind. Flaming gasoline spread through of- fices and corridors and down elevator shafts. The screams of trapped per- sons, many badly burned, spread panic in the upper stories. Great chunks of debris were hurl- ed from the flame and smoke wrapped tower for five blocks around. Fire trucks and ambulances converged on the building as thousands gathered in the streets. U. S. 9th Army Returns Today By The Associated Press (N.Y.) The main body of the Ninth Army Headquarters was scheduled to sail today (Sunday) from Le Havre for the United States. Advanced units left July 21. 4The main body of the 20th Armor- ed Division cleared the port yester- day for home. Army units arriving in the United States today (Sunday): At New York-These units of the 15th Air Force Headquarters and Base Service Squadron, 534th Air Service Group; 787th and 784th Air Material Squadrons, 960th Air Engi- neer Squadron, 745th, 746th and 747th Bomb Squadrons, Headquarters and Base Service Squadron, 537th Air Service Group; 964th Air Engineer Squadron, 744th Bomb Squadron, Headquarters and Base Service Squadron, 530th Air Service Group; 956th Air Engineer Squadron, 780th Air Material Squadron, Headquart- ers Detachment, 45th Bomb Group; 736th, 737th, 738th and 739th Bomb Squadrons, Headquarters, 454th Bomb Group. Also arriving at New York are the 41st Depot Supply ,Squadron, 151st Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squadron, 5th Medical Supply Platoon, 499th,, 567th, 531st, and 767th Army Postal Units, 3136th and 3138th Quarter- master Service Companies. Railroads, Govt. Agree n' - -- - I - - -1 B-32's Join Far East Air Force Against Japs By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 28-The B-32, most recent of the Ameri- can heavy bombers, is in action against the Japanese with the Far East Air Force. The Army Air Forces' announce- ment today that the new bomb- ers are toperating with General George C. Kenny's FEAF nappar- Rntly precludes possibility that the B-32 will be used by Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining's 20th Airforce. This "global air force" uses B-29s, the so-called "very heavy bom- bardment" type. Jap Battleship, Hyuga, Sunk by Carrier Pilots Warships at Kure Base Blazing After Air Raid By The Associated Press GUAM, Sunday, July 29-Ameri- can and British carrier planes of Admiral Halsey's Third Fleet all but finished off the Japanese Navy Sat- urday in the third inland sea raid of the week, returning fliers reported. They listed the 29,990-ton battle- ship Hyuga among the major craft sunk in the series of attacks. Other Ships Burning Other warships were seen battered and blazing around the Kure Naval Base where, one air group command- ed declared, "We did a beautiful job." The Japanese Navy, once the world's third largest, was reduced to scattered light units. AII. of Japan's heavy ships have been sunk or put out of action, the reports of the fliers and Admiral Nimitz' Saturday communique dis- closed. Score Direct Hits Three of the first four planes roar- ing in through heavy anti-aircraft fire in the latest smash- at Kure dropped half-ton bombs squarely on warships. Jap Party Boss Hits Ultimatum; Officials Silent SAN FRANCISCO, July 28-(P)- The President of Japan's powerful totalitarian political party declared today his country would never ac- cept the Allied surrender ultimatum as Nippon awaited an address by Premier Suzuki on the war and the coming "battle of the streets." While the Japanese government officialy remained silent on the edict from Potsdam, and Tokyo's news- papers reached a common refrain of rejection, Gen. Jiro Minami, presi- dent of the political association of great Japan, gave the first reaction to the ultimatum by an acknowledged public figure. Radio Tokyo quoted Minami as saying Japan would never quit and the "entire Japanese nation will re- main absolutely unaffected in their resolute determination to save their country from national extermina- tion." The broadcast, recorded by the Federal Communications Commis- sion, quoted Minami as describing the ultimatum terms as "contrary to what the Japanese people think are righteous peace conditions" and say- B-29's Blast At Six More Nippon Cities Warning of Raids Given in Advance By The Associated Press GUAM, Sunday, July 29-Between 550 and 600 Superfortresses put the torch to six Japanese cities early to- day, the first of 11 war centers warn- ed that they would be destroyed by fire unless Japan surrendered uncon- ditionally and immediately. A little over 24 hours after Maj. Gen. Curtis Lemay bluntly told the Japanese his Superforts were coming -"and you can't stop us"-seven task forces carrying 3,500 tons of the dreaded fire bombs struck in early morning darkness. The target cities were: Tsu, Aomori, Ichinomiya, Ujiya- mada, Ogachi on the main island of Honshu, and Uwajima, one of the four largest cities on Shikoku. Additionally, they hit Shimotsu Oil Refinery near the city of Shinotsu, 45 miles south of Osaka. The bombing was unique for two reasons. It was the first time in the history of warfare that an enemy had been told in advance where the bomb- ers would strike and was given a bet- ter than 50-50 chance to block the attack. Sixty Superforts flying from hard- won Iwo Jima Island for the first time lengthened their strike and dumped seven-ton loads of incen- diaries on Aomori, in the northern- most part of Honshu, a 3,700 mile round trip from their base on Tinian. It was the most northerly Japanese city yet hit by the Superfortresses. Five other Japanese cities;Nagoka, Nishinomiya, and Koriyama on Hon- shu; Kurume on Kyushu; and Hako- date on Hokkaido, included in the original list of 11 that were forewarn- ed their time was coming quickly. Suspect Jailed For Insolence County Judge Holds G 1mbling investigation John Easley, 45, of 602 Gott St., was sentenced to 60 days in the county jail yesterday for "insolence" while being questioned in connection with gambling in Washtenaw Coun- ty. Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, one man grand jury on gambling, has been holding secret sessions in the county building for five days. Released en Bond Four men, alleged to have main- tained and operated a gaming room at 118 E. Huron St., have been ar- rested, arraigned, and released on cash bond. They demanded examin- ation which has been set for Aug. 10. They are: Dan Raftopolous, 63, Wilson Haight, 33, Hal Lee, 36, and Cliff Mahlke, 28, all of Ann Arbor. Confiscate Equipment Police confiscated gambling equip- ment which has not as yet been eval- uated. "All the big gambling operators in Ann Arbor are -either under indict- ment," prosecuting attorney John Rae said, "or are being watched by local police authorities who have done a magnificient job in the clean- up.', Workship To Initiate "How Christian Attitudes Are De- veloped" will be discussed by Dr. Er-, nest M. Ligon at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) today at Kellogg Audi- torium in the first of a series of lec- tures in connection with the Reli- gious Education Workshop, estab- lished here today. Christian, Jewish Attitudes Rabbi Leon Fram will speak on "Attitudes Taught in tlie Jewish Home" at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) today in Kellogg Auditorium. Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, will introduce the speakers. Under the direction of Dr. Ligon, the Workshop will be held from 9 to 12:30 a. m. EWT (8 to 11:30 a. m. CWT) daily at the Union. Public lectures will be held throughout the two-week program. To Formulate Plans The Workshop consultants, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the educa- tion school, Dean David M. Trout of Central Michigan College, and Frank- lin H. Littell, director of the Student Religious Association, will meet to- day with Dr. Ligon and Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious education, to formulate final teach- ing plans for the Workshop. The mid-week public lecture will be given by Prof. Francis J. Donahue of the University of Detroit. He will. discuss "Church and State Education" at 3 p. m. EWT (2 p. m. CWT) Wed- nesday at the Union. JAG Dept. Has 170th -Birthday The Judge Advocate General De- partment, four-fifths of whose pres- ent complement of 2576 officers have been trained at Ann Arbor, will cele- brate its 170th birthday today. Founded July 29, 1775, by act of the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, the JAGD today, in the words of the judge ad- vocate general of the Army, is the "largest law firm in the world." With the growing complexity of military organization, the JAG Department has expanded till its activities now encompass a growing number of fields, from military justice to mili- tary claims, legal assistance, plant takeover, war crimes, international law, promulgation of opinions on military affairs and the enforcement of military law on 1,800 continental military reservations. Distinguished men in law and gov- ernment mark the roster of Army judge advocates from the found- ing of the department to the pres- ent day. Organized under the lead- ership of Lt.-Col. William Tudor and Capt. John Marshall, later to serve as Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, the department in this cen- tury boasts the names of Felix Frank- furter, an associate justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, and Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, both former Army judge advocates. Dr. Ligon, Fram Will Speak at Kellogg Today Run-Offlo T Of al SettleAdopted 'U' University of Philippines, Tsing Hua, Receive Most Votes in Campus Election A run-off election between the Universities of the Philippines and Tsing Hua, the two institutions receiving the highest number of votes in the cam- pus election Friday, will be held next Friday. Capturing 187 and 104 votes each of the 517 cast, the institution's names were announced at the "Adoption Dance" last night. The Execu- tive Council of the Student Organization for International Cooperation reported that a large number of the ballots were invalidated because Speakers Series Here they had not been stamped. At a meeting yesterday of the exec- utive council, members having no knowledge of the results of the elec- tion, decided that since no univer- sity received a. clear majority of the votes cast, a run-off election should be held. In this way, they believe, it can be made certain that the univer- sity ultimately chosen will have the backing of a majority of the stu- dents. The run-off will be held in con- currence with the election of three Union vice-presidents and one soph- omore representative to the Ehgi- neering Council which is being reheld. A break-down of the 517 votes cast is as follows: Philippines, 187; Tsing Hua, 104; Kiev, 78; Strasbourg, 52; Athens, 36; Warsaw, 32; Berlin, 10; Munich, 3; McGill, 2; Alaska, 1; Hei- delberg, 1; Oslo, 1. State Goerina To Stand Trial -on 'Stretcher MONDROF-LES-BAINS, Luxem- bourg, July 28-()-Reichmarshal Herman Goering, who collapsed from a heart attack during an electrical storm two days ago, will face trial when his time comes if he has to be brought into the court room on a stretcher, an authoritative source said today. This policy will apply to all mem- bers of the former Nazi government, all members of the Wehrmacht and anyone else listed as a war criminal, the informant said. Goering, who told Army doctors his terror of thunder and lightning brought on the atack, was still in a highly nervous condition but was in no real danger. Capt. Clint. L. Miller, Lee's Sum- mit, Mo., listed 10 other Nazi leaders now being treated for more or less serious ailments, but said all would be in condition to face trial when the time comes. Kendall To Air Five Are Absent in Final Vote Langer, Shipstead Refuse Approval By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July28-The Sen- ate thundered 89 to 2 approval to- day of the United Nations Charter, setting in motion the machinery for a world organization armed with force to keep future peace. In a history making roll call be- fore jam-packed galleries, 89 sena- tors voted loudly and clearly for American participation in a 50-na- tion league founded primarily on the principle of united action by the United States, Great Britain, Russia, France and China. Langer, Shipstead Vote "No" Only two, Senators Langer (R-N. D.) and Shipstead (R-Minn.) said "No" to a ratification action revers- ing the policy the Senate established 25 years ago when it rejected Wood- row Wilson's League of Nations. Senator Hiram Johnson (R-Calif.) aged and ailing member who opposed the League then and voted against this charter in, committee, was ab- sent. He is reported ill. Four others, Senators Bailey (D- N. C.), Glass (D-Va.), Reed(R-Kan.) and Thomas (R-Ida.) were absent when the vote was taken after six days of discussion. Johnson ws paired against the ratification reso0 lution with Thomas and Reed, who favored it. (On treaty votes pairs are on' a 2 to 1 basis.) So complete was the Senate's ap- proval of the charter'that not a ret- ervation or amendment was offered to the document drafted at the San Francisco Conference of 50 nations. Galleries Silent When Senator McKellar (D'-Tenn.), the presiding officer, announced the vote, the galleries were unexpectedly silent. Spectators packed two deep around the walls, included many men and women in uniform. Just before the vote was taken, Langer, whorhad waited for the dra- matic moment, arose and announced that he would not support the chart- er. He said he believed it was "frought with danger toward Ameri- can institutions and the American Ipeople." His coleague, Senator Young (R- N. D.) arose a moment later to de- clare that he would vote for the charter. fte disagreed with Langer's contention' that the Senate ought not to act while members of the armed forces are away from home. Shipstead made no statement to- day, contenting himself with a thor- ough-going criticism of charter pro- visions made earlier in the week. Fifty-three Democrats, 35 Repub- licans and Senator LaFollette (Prog.- Wis.) supported the charter on the final vote. The requirement of two- thirds approval for ratification thus was far exceeded. In a seven-hour finish day of speeches, the Senate heard Senator Bridges (R-N. H.) assert that the plain fact is that "in the charter we have an instrument for arresting acts of war by countries which lack the power of making war." Ievelli to Lead, Band Program SU S. Relations REPERTORY PLAYERS: betty Bloomqujt To Be Seen In 'Quaity Street' This Week Henry M. Kendall, associate pro- fessor of geography at Amherst Col- lege, will speak on "Problems in the Relations of the United States and the, Low Countries," at 4:10 p. m. EWT (3:10 p. m. CWT) Monday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The speech is the eleventh in a' series of lectures sponsored by the Summer Session on "The United States in the Post-War World." Prof. Kendall will be introduced by Prof. Kenneth C. McMurray, chairman of the geography department. The evening lecture will be given by Kenneth S. Latourette, professor of missions and oriental history, Yale University, on "Problems of Religious Cooperation at 8:15 p. m. EWT (7:15 p. m. CWT). He will be introduced by Franklin H. Littell, director of the Student Religious Association. Polish Boy To Stay At Least Six Months WASHINGTON, July 28 --(- Twelve-year-old Joseph Eugene Pa- remba, the Polish mascot smuggled into this country, by the Second Army Division, is going to get to 1 r s i P a The University of Michigan Sum- mer Session Band will present a var- ied program at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) Wednesday, in Hill Au- ditorium, under the direction of Wil- liam D. Revelli, Conductor. Guest conductors from the Grad- uate ivision of the School of Music will help direct the program which will include compositions by Sousa, Holmes, Morton Gould, McHugh, Gershwin-Summerfelt and, many others. The majority of these grad- uate student conductors are instruc- tors or teachers in band in schools in other communities, spread throughout the country. In commenting upon the 75-piece Betty Bloomquist will be seen in "Quality Street," the third produc- tion of the Michigan Repertory Play- ers for the summer season, which will open Wednesday through Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Bloomquist was last seen by Ann Arbor audiences in the first play "Quality Street" was first present- ed on the American stage by Maude Adams, and more recent theatregoers will remember it as a movie starring Katherine Hepburn. Annette Chaikin is' Cast Among the others heading the cast are Annette Chaikin, Betty Godwin,