PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY _29, 1945 THE MICHIGAN hAhN SATURDAY, JULY 28, l94~ MINES AT CASSINO: eroes St llU Associated Press Correspondent CASSINO-Perched like a rust brown beetle at an impossible angle on a rugged hill flanking Monte Cassino was the burned out shell of an American tank. "There's several American dead still in that tank and the others you can spot down there," commented an American officer, sadly. Americans who may have wondered why it took five months to crack the German defense on this "hill in Italy" may be appalled that the bones of heroic dead of six allied nationalities still are unburied more than 14 months after Monte Cassino was uried ASSOCIATED PRESS PUCTU RE NEWS Hooper Trial Is Adjourned Defense Pleads Men Are Political 'Footballs' By The Associated Press BATTLE CREEK, Mich., July 27- Arguing its case before a jury of six women and eight men, the defense charged today that the four defen- dants in the Hooper murder conspir- acy trial were the "football" in a po- litical game needed by the prosecu- tion to "precede the trial of Frank D. McKay." Case Adjourned Following an eloquent opening ar- gument by special prosecutor Kim Sigler and defense arguments by at- torney R. G. Leitch of Battle Creek and Maurice J. Walsh of Chicago, the case was adjourned until 1:30 p. m. Monday. "Sigler wants you to infer McKay put up $15,000 for this murder," Walsh told the jurors. "If you bring in a verdict of guilty here it will be a tremendous help'to the McKay case. McKay isn't a de- fendant here. You can't find he gave money to these men or you'd be find- ing McKay guilty along with them." "Why didn't the prosecution con- tinue its investigation and get the ac- tual murderer?" Walsh shouted. "I'll tell you why. They needed a murder conspiracy trial to precede the trial of McKay." Men Are "Footballs" "It's part of a political football game and these men," he turned and pointed at the defendants, "are the footballs." McKay, Grand Rapids politician, is scheduled to face trial Sept. 5 on a liquor conspiracy charge. Sigler opened the argument with an hour-long description of the mur- der plot which witnesses had de- scribed in detail during the nine days of testimony. The fiery prosecutor turned time and again toward the defendants, Harry and Sam Fleisher, Pete Ma- honey and Mike Selik, accusing them of being "vicious individuals" who "stalked Senator Warren G. Hooper like a hunted animal because they wanted to close his lips." "The people have established a diabolical conspiracy of wicked men bred and born in the den of iniquity that is O'Larry's Bar in Detroit,"Sig- ler asserted. He termed the $15,000 allegedly paid for Hooper's slaying, "dirty, lousy dollars." Goering Has Heart Attack During Storm MANDORF-LES-BAINS, Luxem- bourg, July 27-(PA)-Reichmarshal Hermann Goering suffered a heart attack during an electrical storm last night and there now is a ques- tion whether he could figure in a war crimes trial without endangering his life. Capt. Clint L. Miller, Sumnit, Mo., army surgeon at the interrogation center where Goering is interned, said no one could prophesy how a man under such high tension would react under the stress and excite- ment of a war crime trial and added "Goering is so emotionally unstable you never can tell about his type." Miller attributed Georing's attack to his fear of thunder and lightning. MSC Continues To Take Out-Staters EAST LANSING, July 27 -(R)- Stanley E. Crowe, Dean of Students at Michigan State College, said today there were no immediate plans to restrict students during the coming fall terms to persons living within. Miehigan, although there already was a housing shortage on the cam- pus. stormed. But death awaits those, who do not exercise caution in the sad chore, just as it caught the Americans in the tanks. The Germans mined the entire area so heavily that before last hon- ors can be paid those who fell in the long battle, demolition crews must clear the section to be searched by the burying details. Spell of ,Death The smell of death no longer hangs over the battlefield, but the spell of death spreads its depressing hand everywhere. The flutter of a rag of what once was a uniform beckons the visitor to the sight of a whitened jawbone and a splintered rib partly concealed beneath the rocky rubble of a one- time German machine gun nest. None can bury these pathetic rem- nants of a man until the spit is checked for mines. Yet this grisly reminder is only a few feet below the imposing granite shaft erected by the third Polish division to the memory of more than 900 men of the division who fell on Monte Cassino. Two Plain Crosses - In another direction, a few feet from the wall forming a sen'i-circle around the Polish monument, are two plain wooden crosses. One contains the name of a British soldier. The other says "unknown German." Near- by is the tommy's shell pierced tin hat and the German's rotted shoes. A few feet away, in territory still taboo because it has not been de- mined, is a ghastly welter of British and enemy equipment. There is even the beloved "char" can of a Tommy, with dried tea leaves still clustered in the bottom. On the winding, narrow road lead- ing to the abbey there is a grass- thatched section of the rocky moun- tain where an Indian regiment per- ished after it had stormed within precious feet of the abbey. The Ger- mans cut them off and killed them at leisure with pointblank fire-or per- mitted the wounded the more exqui- site torture of dying from thirst. The abbey itself is ruined, but it is being rebuilt by its monks. Cassino below is a levelled mass of rubble-a flattened fetish to the fury of war. Fuel Conservation Will Begin in State LANSING, July 27 - (P) - Capt. Donald S. Leonard, State Sivilian Defense Director, today announced the start of a state-wide fuel conser- vation campaign, Dethmers Asks For Reform I State Prison. Gives Last Report On Institution's Condition By The Associated Press LANSING,' July 27-Attorney Gen- eral John R. Dethmers proposed sweeping changes in the management of the State Prison of Southern Mich- igan today in the last of four re- ports on conditions within an insti- tution he has described as a "play house." Abandoning the more sensational charges of vice, immorality, gambl- ing, drunkenness and favoritism in- side the prison which marked his oth- er announcements, Dethmers wound up his report to the public with a sober discussion of prison policies. Biggest Walled Prison He said corrections officers and guards informed him the peniten- tiary, called the biggest walled prison in the world, had no plan for dealing with "disaster, riot or serious trouble." The Attorney General recommend- ed the new administrators of- the in- stitution institute an immediate "gen- eral shake-down" of the entire place for contraband, asserting none had been held for a long time and that they should be ordered regularly. Turning to the effect of the alleged mismanagement may have on the minds of convicts, Dethmers said: "Certainly when inmates can visit the homes of prison officials on an even social vasis, drink intoxicating liquors, go downtown, drink in ta- verns, visit houses of prostitution, go to Detrot, stop at the best hotels, use chickens and farm produce to pay cabs from Jackson and as pay in exchange for the service of pros- titutes, use state and private cars for the purpose of driving to known hangouts to bring back whisky for prison officials, when inmates know that homosexuality is carried on openly, when the inmates find they have to pay another inmate 'prison politician' for a choice cell or soft job, they must stop and wonder about the sincerity of the program which proposes to make them good citi- zens." Professor Will Go To Chicago Meetinr Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski of the Department of Aeronautical Engi- neering will attend an annual meet- in gof the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America today in Chicago. Prof. Pawlowski is president of the mid-western branch of the institu- tion. P R E MI E R_-Joseph B,'Chif. ley (above) is the new prime minister of Australia. He is 60~ son of a blacksmith and was treasurer in the labor cabinet9 late John Curtin,!- O R I T A I N ' S B E R L I N P A R A D E - A view from the Prussian "victory column" lookin4i down Charlottenburger' Chaussee in Berlin, as 10,000 British troops began a parade ' I D I R E C T T O C 0 N S U M E R-On a farm near Wiesbaden, German women buy potatoes as soon as they are takers from the earth. Potato digging machine is at the left. - / ' . . .1. T 'Y' T - L T - vL LS LS * C U T E -- Angela Greene, film player, strikes a pretty pin-up inose with a beach bait. . . . . E BE WISE I " I Protect' YOUR Travel Cash safe when you carry RS CHEQUES. e' Travel money is TRAVELEF S T I N G E R S O F U N C L E S A M '-S N A V Y--Long rakish lines of the navy's patrol torpedo (PT) boats appear in view taken while these units of fierce-stinging "mosquito fleet" were maneuvering off Panama, where they're helping guard the Canal, ANN ARBOR BANK 101 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - - I "I 111, =- -- --%-- - , - 1r -I!, --- 7 7T AIL .-- .-- -- l - -- lw - - -*-W W v- - tbe/ickou4 tpiheP4 £ n Cr'd Cenet. Follow the example of smart diners and choose Ann Arbor's Finest Restaurant for your im- portant dinners. Good food, courteous service p i n t 9 7 9 ..Vy;* .:.: :}:rrr >:%.;.,h;.. , .' : "' " .uv^'s: ".