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July 27, 1945 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-27

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Dances Were Common

At Universit0
A dance in University Hall was an
annual affair in the '70's.
And the traditional chapel of the
nineteenth century college was lo-
cated in that old building, now con-
demned to be levelled after the war.
Its dome was once much larger.
The auditorium, on the second of
the four floors, seated student au-
diences asembled to hear such men
as Theodore Roosevelt and William
J. Bryan. The president's office
was located there at one time, as
were the offices for the Regents,
faculty and steward.
This list of functions, gathered
from sources for "The University of
Michigan - An Encyclopedic Sur-
vey," served to indicate the impor-
WACs Resent
Civilian G1rlS
Relations in Overseas
Agencies Are Strained
By The Associated Press
ROME-Take a pert little U. S.
WAC in olive drab and put her in
the same office with an American
civilian girl in all the fripperies dear
to a woman's heart-and the temper-
ature will be 20 degrees cooler inside.
Relations between the WAC and
their civilian sisters working for var-
ious American governmental agen-
cies have been icy because the WAC
girls feel they have been hurt-in
more ways than damage to tender
feminine feelings-by the "invasion"
of the "civvies" which began in Italy
about a year ago.
Difference in Pay
A WAC T/5 earns about $74 per
month for essentially the same type
of clerical or secretarial work for
which the civilian girl overseas gets
a civil.service yearly base pay of at
least $1,800 plus $1,188 to $1,80
yearly for living allowance.
There's more to the strained rela-
tions than meets the pocketbook.
Limited Privileges
The WAC is under Army regula-
tions and discipline and if she's of
enlisted grade her privileges are lim-
ited. The civilian girl rates officers'
privileges and is her own boss after
working hours.
"I don't think it's fair to discrimi-
nate against those who wear the uni-
form," declared T/3 Elsa Wendt of
Pacific Palis, Calif., who has been
overseas 24 months and was in secre-
tarial work 16 years before she volun-
teered. "The point is, they give less
honor to those who wear Uncle Sai's
Chinese Retake
Yank Airbase,
Near Kweiin
CHUNKING, July 26-(P)-Chi-
nese troops have seized a seventh
former American air base with cap-
ture of Namyung in the important
Wolfram mining district 150 miles
northeast of Canton, the Chinese
high command announced today.
Due west, other Chinese units
punched to new points within six
and eight miles of the triple airfield
city of Kweilin, and fought in the
streets of a ninth airbase city, Yang-
so, 45 miles'to the south, a commun-
ique declared.
Namyung, abandoned last Jan.
2 by the U. S. 14th Air Force, was
the aerial starting point of ship-
ments to the United States of wol-
fram, a mineral vital to the pro-
duction of war munition.
The Chinese won Namyung, 65
miles southwest of Kanhsien, on

Monday, and the enemy retreated
westward toward Kukong, on the
Canton-Hankow railroad 125 miles
north of Canton, the high command
Two hundred and fifty miles west-
ward, Chinese troops struck yester-
day to a point only six miles west of,
Kweilin, now apparently manned
only by Japanese rearguards.
On Tuesday, another Chinese
column had won a position on the
railroad only eight miles south-
. west of the city, and was reported
stabbing on towardKweilin. Liang-
Kiangyi, 12% miles west of the
city, was taken Tuesday, the Chi-
nese said.
The high command declared its
forces on Wednseday also captured
the railroad town of Yungfu, 32 miles
southwest of Kweilin, which had
been a main stumbling block to the
advance of the principal Chinese
units of Kweilin.
Bob Andrews
Elected New
VO President
Bob Andrews has been elected pres-
ident of the Veterans Organization in

y Hall in'70's
tance of University Hall until the
turn of the century.
Even back in 1875 the "esthetic
value" of the building and its dome
was doubted, according to an editor-
ial in the Chronicle, which asserted
that 'the sight of the dome would
have caused Michael Angelo to hang
his head in shame" and which ob-
jected to the brick and stucco walls.
The dome rose 60 fees, above the
building and 140 feet above the
ground. It was 30 feet in diameter
and had been designed to support
a statue. "Pepper boxes" dotted the
roof around it, until in 1879 two
circular corner turrets, two turrets
at the base of the dome and the
balutrade bordering the roofs of
the two wings were removed by Re-
gents' order.
The dome itself, weighing 112,000
pounds, was replaced during the
Christmas holidays of 1896 by a
smaller one made of iron.
Completed in 1873, University Hall
covered 61,903 square feet of floor
space and joined Mason Hall, which
had been opened in 1841, with "South
College Building," the present South
The chapel was located on the
north side of the corridor on the
main floor and seated 550 students.
Late in the last century the chapel
exercises were discontinued and the
room was used for class meetings
and general assemblies. It is now
occupied by the offices of the Dean
of Students and the Registrar.
Across the corridor from it were
the President's offices, now incor-
porated into the business offices.
It was in this room (A) that re-
ceptions fcr the senior class were
given. Students annually danced
at this party from 1873 until 1877
when "religious beies objected."
A paivillion. on campus was then
built for dancing, but the practice
was resumed in 1882, growing into
the custom of a Senate Reception.
New buildings, such as Angell Hall
and Hill Auditorium, have detracted
from the original functions of the
U. Hall, but evidences of its former
importance remain and it still pro-
vides rooms for many necessary ac-
tivities of the University.
U. S. Bombers
Blast Slhangrhai
By The Associated Press
MANILA, July 27, Friday-More
than 300 Far East Air Force bombers
smashed Shanghai's air dromes Wed-
nesday, setting raging fires while oth-
er units of Gen. MacArthur's air for-
ces returned to the attack on Japan.
Japan's hoarded fighter planes
came out of hiding for the first time
in weeks and intercepted Liberators
as they swept in over northern Kyu-
shu where the important air center of
Tsuiki was left wrapped in flames
and rocked by repeated explosions.
The attack on Shanghai's net-
work of airfields was the fourth heavy
raid in a week on that base of Japan's
waning air power on the Asiatic main-
Other heavyweights from bases on
Okinawa cratered runways on Kikai
Island in the Ryukyus south of Kyu-
For once the Japanese offered bat-
tle, and seven of 30 interceptors that
rose to challenge the bombers were
shot down. One American bomber
was lost.
Union Defies
DETROIT, July 26--P)-The De-
troit Building Trades Council (AFL)

defied an order of the regional War
Labor Board today by authorizing
continuation of the strike of 12 De-
troit-area lumber yards.
Ed Thal, secretary of the council.
said continuation of the strike had
been approved unanimously by the
United Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners, Millmen's Local 1452
(AFL). The men are striking for a
closed shop, wage adjustments and
other grievances.
The strike has stopped all private
building in this area, the Detroit
Retail Lumber Dealers Association
Louis C. Miriani, chairman of the
RWLB, who issued the order to ter-
minate the stoppage Wednesday,
said the dispute probably would be
referred to the National Board.
The 200 lumber yards closed by
owners last week as a result of the
strike were reopened Tuesday after
company and union representatives
had been summoned to a War La-
bor Board hearing.
Ending a strike begun June 18,
1.000 Midland Steel Corp. workers
will return to work Monday. The re-
turn-to-work decision was made at
a meeting of Local 410 UAW (CIO).
S Sgt. Anning Returns
From European Theatre

7 Million Men
To lie Thrown
Against Jape
ArmyiReveals Plans
For Knockout Puner
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 26 - The
United States Army revealed plans
today to deploy 7,000,000 soldiers for
one gigantic knockout punch unless
Japan heeds the Potsdam ultimatum
to surrender or be destroyed.
Gen. Jacob L. Devers, new chief
of Army ground forces, told a news
conference that he hoped to get 7,-
000,000 men "redeployed against the
Japanese in a single blow."
"There's no use doing it peace-
meal," he said.
After Demobilization
The 7,000,000 total will be the ap-
proximate size of the Army after
partial demobilization. Devers ex-
plained that he did not mean the
whole 7,000,000 will actually be on
the firing line. Millions will be in
the service of supply and other
branches in the United States and
elsewhere, but all will be part of a
single team with a single objective.
Even before the Potsdam procla-
mation was made public Japan's ra-
dio feeler for a "soft peace" had been
sharply brushed aside here, both by
the state department and leading
No Comment from Grew
Joseph C. Grew, Acting Secretary
of State, declined even to dignify
the enemy's newest feeler with a
formal statement.
Asked for comment on last night's
broadcast which in effect pleaded
for modification of Allied demands,
Grew sent out word through the de-
partment's press section that there
would be no direct reply from this
'It Just Can't
Be The Army'
Soldier Says
By The Associated Press
GULL LAKE, Mich., July 21-"I'll
wake up in the morning and find it's
a dream-I know I will."
That's what Pfc. Jim Doyle of Nor-
walk, Ohio, said to his companion the
other day as they lay stretched out
on blankets on the shore at the Gull
Lake annex of Percy Jones Hospital
Center, former palatial summer home
of W. K. Kellogg.
Both paralyzed from the waist down
due to spinal cord injuries, they lay
there because they couldn't sit up
alone. This was Jim's first trip out
of the hospital in months.
And why shouldn't he think he was
dreaming? After all, he'd just come
in from a motor lanch ride on the
lake. He was about to eat a picnic
lunch, and all afternoon he could
just lie in the sun or go for more
rides on the water.
"It's fantastic," Jim commented,
pulling himself up on his elbow and
looking over the elaborately land-
scaped grounds. "It just can't be
the Army."
triling Labor
May Delay .flair
Raids_ Patterson
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 26-Acting
Secretary of War Paterson said to-
night that airplane worker strikes
in Chicago an'd New Jersey will stop
the B-29 attacks on Japan unless the

men go back to work at once.
Thus, he said, the strikes will be
doing something the entire Japanese
empire has been trying unsuccess-
fully to achieve.
Patterson said in a statement
"The entire Japanese empire has
been unable to stop the heavy B-29
attacks on Japanese war industries,
but the strikes at the Wright Aero-
nautical Plant at the Paterson, N. J.,
and Dodge Division of the Chrysler
Corporation in Chicago will stop
those attacks unless the strikes are
terminated at once.
Some 18,000 workers are out at
the Chicago plant. A union spokes-
man said grievances have accumulat-
Race Discrimination
Will Be Discussed
"Psychological and Social Aspects
of Racial Discrimination" will be the
topic of two talks before an Inter-
Racial Association meeting at 7:30
p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Monday
at the Michigan Union.
Robert Hayden of the English de-
partment will speak on the social
aspects of the problem, while some
psychological aspects will be pres-
ented by Dr. Martha Colby of the
psychology department.
'Dynamic Kernels' Are
Harvested at Tecumseh
TECUMSEH, Mich, July 26-(IP)-


P A N O P L Y F 0 R P A R L I A M E N T-In a rehearsal for the ceremonial opening of the British parliament, the Windsor greys,
followed by the Royal Horse Guards, pull a dummy coach away from Buckingham palace.

B E A U T Y W I N N E R - Eleanor Cahill (above) of Coro-
nado, Calif., won a $500 war bond and a modeling contract as vic-
tor in a nationwide "Miss Stardust" beauty contest.

'A U T O C L U B' S IG N S--S/Sgt. Robert B. Shields (top)
of Providence, R. I., and Sgt. James H. Farry of Schenectady.
N. Y., AAF members of the "Okinawa Auto Club," add a new
sign to the post at Main and Broad streets.,

W A C H E A D .. Col. Wes.
tray Battle Boyce (above) of
Rocky Mount, N.-C., is the new
head of the Women's Army,
Corps, succeeding Mrs. Oveta
Culp Hobby, who retired July 13.

0 K I N A W A L A U N D R Y C O. - Laundry really gets done at this plant of the 594th QM,
laundry company on Okinawa. After being sorted in tents it is washed in trailers.

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