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July 27, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-27

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FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1945

Mnlaper RevealsJp lns fr .
Prof. Swinton Will TeIIT::::
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How Jpan poposd to eal ith Geat Bitai:and.he.Uited.tate
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Truman Visits
Troopson, n on
Of Occupation
By The Associated Press
President Truman put aside the mo-
mentous duties of the Big Three Con-
ference in Potsdam temporarily to-
day and visited thousands of Ameri-
can troops in a swing through the
Rhine valley to get a first hand view
of the American, occupation zone.
In brief impromptu talks the pres-
ident promised to help the troops find
the United States "as you like it and
want it to be" when they return home
and expressed the determination to
implement the ideas of his "great
predecessor," Franklin D. Roosevelt.
In less serious vein, he shook hands
with hundreds of GI's, scores of them
from his native Missouri, climbed in
and out of his touring car dozens of
times for reviews and informal chats,
and played the piano in jazzy style.
Afterward he commented: "A damn
good piano."
Looking fresh and happy - despite
the 97 degree heat which wilted some
others in his entourage, the president
covered a 49-mile route after a 90-
minute flight from Potsdam in the
plane, "Sacred Cow."
Secretary of State Joseph Byrnes
and Brig. Gen. Harry Vaughan, the
president's military aide, flew in a
separate C-54 transport. Gen. Eisen-
hower accompanied the party on the
Bell, Workers
Get Pay Raise
WASHINGTON, July 26--0P)-The
War Labor Board's National Tele-
phone Commission awarded a three
dollar weekly increase in starting
rates for nearly 6,000 traffic employes
of the Michigan Bell Telephone Com-
The Commission also increased top
rates from three dollars to five dollars
for the various classification of em-
ployes. It reduced from nine to eight
years the time scheduled for progress-
ing from the starting to the top rate.
Affected are more than 4,700 oper-
ators, 200 dining service workers,
about 1,000 central office clerks, sup-
ervisors and other employes repre-
sented by the Michigan Telephone
Traffic Employes Federation, Inc.

returned to Ann Arbor May 23. He
went to the Philippines in 1940 to
teach at the University of Manila.
The Tribune quoted the condi-
tions for disposal of "remnants of the
American fleet and military facili-
ties," as laid down by Rear Admiral
Tanetugu Sosa in the magazine
Meiho last year.
American naval vessels and air-
craft would be confiscated by
Japan, Sosa said, and the United
States should pay indemnity, at
construetion cost, for scuttling or
deliberate damaging of any ves-
Under the Japanese regime, expen-
ses incurred in taking over ships,ein-
cluding expenses in bringing them
home or disposing of them, would be
paid by the United States.
Ocean liners would be handled in a
way similar to that of war vessels,
and naval arms and ammunition
would be confiscated, Sosa continued.
Japan planned to eliminate
American naval facilities, including
naval stations, yards, arsenals,
schools and other training organ-
izations, and to destroy private
shipyard facilities, except those for
coastal and river craft.
American steel and oil production
would be allowed only with restric-
tions, Sosa said.
To insure adherence of the United
States to the conditions listed, the
nation would be kept under strict
surveillance for more than ten years
after the war and perhaps indefi-
nitely, he continued.
As for the economic future of the
United States, Yahei Nisiya, expert
on financial affairs, said that curren-
cies to be issues and government
bonds to be floated would be "purely
financial instruments, not market-
able domestically."1
Private banking, monopolistic
trusts, cartels, and industries, and
capitalistic methods in agriculture
would be banned, according to Nisi-
ya's plan.
Stock market speculation would be
given up and labor unions disbanded,
if Japan had her way. Workers
would be given a definite social
Nisiya pointed out that Japan is
the only country with a political
authority free from any economic in-
fluence and that Germany is aiming
at this pure sovereignty, which would
be initiated in various sections of
the world after the downfall of Great
Britain and the United States.
15,000 Acrts Ruined
The Japanese say 15,000 acres of
Tokyo have been devastated by bomb-
ing and so they are going to plant
vegetable gardens on them.
Furthermore, the Japanese appar-
ently figure that Tokyo has been so
well burned over by Superforts that
they won't need water reservoirs or-
iginally built for fire protection.

CRUISER SANTA FE TAKES ON WOUNDED--The light cruiser Santa Fe (right) takes on wounded men from
a destroyer somewhere on the high seas in the Pacifi c. Recently the vessel came to the air of the carrier
Franklin when the flattop was hit by a Jag suicide p lane.

looper Would
Have Been Key
Case Witness
By The Associated Press
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., July 26-
Had he lived, Senator Warren G.
Hooper probably would have been a
state witness in at least three cases
resulting from the Carr grand jury
investigation into legislative graft,
a witness testified Thursday shortly
before the completion of testimony
in the Hooper murder conspiracy
case. Hooper was shot to death last
January 11.
Ingham County Prosecutor Victor
C. Anderson related Hooper's appear-
ances before the grand jury and said
he testified "about Frank D. McKay,
Floyd Fitzsimmons and William
Green in connection with the racing
McKay is a Grand Rapids politi-
cian, Fitzsimmons a Benton Harbor
sports promoter and Green is a form-
er Republican state representative
from Hillman.
Highway Bill Mentioned
Anderson testified that, in addition
to linking the three. men with the
racing bill, Hooper named them in
connection with "the highway bill."
The highway bill was not further
identified in the records.
Testimony in the conspiracy case
was completed Thursday afternoon.
Judge Blaine W. Hatch said argu-
ments would be completed on Friday
and Monday afternoon and that he
would charge the jury Tuesday
Anderson Heard Hooper
Anderson said he was present whenI
Hooper appeared before -the grand
jury and that he also was present
when the Albion senator made state-
ments for the record before Kim Sig-
ler, special prosecutor for the grand
Rumors of graft in connection with
the Anti-Branch Banking Bill are
credited with leading to the' grand
jury investigation of the legislature.

Raise Point Value of Canned
Gos; More Meat Available.

Bethmers To Blast State
Prison s in Fourth Report
Banking Officers of "World's Biggest Prison"
Await "Early" Hearing Before Commission
By The Associated Press
!!{ LANSING, July 26-Warden Harry H. Jackson and six top officials of
the State Prison of Southern Michigan-all suspended from duty-tonight
awaited a fourth blast from Attorney General John R. Dethmers, ending
the official disclosures of vice, gambling, favoritism and mismanagement
inside the prison.
The prison was being run by Garrett eyns, State Corrections Director,
under orders of the Corrections Commission, and the ranking officers of the
".world's biggest priison" were on they'-
idle list awaiting an "early"'hearing
before the commission.d P isnodI:n a es
B1emands Dismissal
Outright dismissal of the wardenT
and his six aides was demanded by WT e AsoGiven
Dethmers in his third report of the
fIur-month probe. He will make his d
fourth and last Friday. DaUfleth e p rtr
InDddition to Warden Jackson,
the men against whom punitiveac- Convicts' News fapger
tion was recommended included:
Deputy Warden George I. Francis, Will Fell of Shakeup
Assistant Deputy Warden D. C. Pet- By The Associated Press
tit, Chief Inspector Walter L. Wil-JCSN ihJl 6-ot-
son, H. Charles Watson, Director of JerSN MichignPio,iJulyatesoigt
inmate Classification, Richard Riley il emMcigea an rsi cnts tiht
irector of Prison Athletics, and Jo- willareceiveaotiledaccountofeprison
seph Poirier, Accountant of Inmate x"sa o Be riso'ed
IFunds. These were all suspended. ion in a special edition of the in-
insttutintf ronglus-s,"rhedA mates' newspaper, the Spectator.
they na strongly-wordged Wardhen Harry Jnacso and hoishtop
criticism of the prison administra-sWaesar.
tors personally, declared their re- officials were suspended following a
onva is necessary to correct what report by Attorney General John R
he called "malodorous" conditions in Dethmers charging vice, gambling
the prison, and general maladministration at the
'Not Fun Houses' prison.
"The people of the state of Mich- Extra To Ben Distributed
igan expect- their prisons to be penal The special edition of the prison's
institutions, not fun houses," the At- weekly newspaper will be distributed
torney General said. "The judges to the 5,200 inmates late tonight, an
and prosecuting attorneys of this official said.
state expect that when felons are The newspaper's lead story, writ-
ccnvicted in the courts and sentenced ten by an inmate, will give a factual
to prison, the purpose to be served account of the suspension, naming
is punishment as well as segregation the suspended officials and their suc-
and rehabilitation." cessors h
When the opposite actually is true, Convicts' Reaction
Dethmers declared, "Then the public In a page one feature story onthe
is entitled to and will demand a dras- reaction of the convicts to the "shake-
tic remedy and change." up," prisoners were quoted as con-
Even if no wrong-doing could be cerned over how it will effect the in-
charged directly to Warden Jackson, mates.
SFrancis, Pettit, Wilson and Watson, The story quoted one convict with
Dethmers declared, they still must a wife and four children as saying,
be held responsible for the conditions "I hope the outside papers will give
in the prison because that wastheir a true picture on how the men are
job, taking things here. My wife will
Warden Denies Knowledge worry herself to death if they don't."
Dethmers said the warden denied The story did not give any further
any knowledge of immorality in the explanation of the remark.
prison, of liquor parties within the .
walls or in officials' homes, of gang- Continuous
sters visiting inside the prison and from 1 P.M. CO )L
similar charges.
"Either the warden knew of con- Week Days 30c to 5 P.M
ditions and is guilty of culpable neg-
ligence to take effective measures to
correct them, or he was notaware
of conditions, in which case he has
demonstrated his utter incapacity - - Today and Saturday -
for the position he now occupies,"
the Attorney General said.T
Contemptuously, Dethmers said of
Francis: "This official's only overt __
act seems to have been to bestir him- I
self twice a month and receive his
pay check, and, for the rest, total and * , s
utter inaction."

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 26-Six kinds
of canned and bottled foods will cost
more ration points beginning Sunday
but citrus juice and catsup will have
lower point value.
The OPA announced this tonight
after ordering reductions in values in
nearly all cuts of beef, veal and lamb
for the period from Sunday through
September 1.
New point values for the most
widely used containers of the pro-
cessed foods being changed are:
Spinach-number 2 cans 30 points,
up 10; number 21 cans, 50 points,
up 20.

Asparagus-number 2 cans,
points, up 10.


Applesauce-number 2 cans, 20
points, up 10.
Apples-number 2 cans, 24 pts.,
up 10.
Apricots-number 21/2 cans, 50
points, up 20.
Grapejuice-pints, 40 points, up 10;
quarts, 70 points, up 20.
Grapefruit juice and blended
orange and grapefruit juice-46-
ounce cans, 10 points, down 10;
number two cans, 10 points for two
cans previously 10 points a can.
Tomato catsup and chili sauce-14-
ounce containers, 10 points, down 10

Conference Program
These are the remaining lectures of the Conference on the
United States in the Postwar World, now being sponsored by the
Summer Session Office for clarification of some of the problems that
underlie the peace. The afternoon lectures will be held at 4:10 p. m.
EWT (3:10 p. m. CWT) and the evening lectures at 8:15 p. m. EWT
(7:15 p. m. CWT) in the Rackham Amphitheatre unless otherwise
Afternoon (1:30 p. m. CWT, in Room 316-20 of the Michigan
Union): Reginald G. Trotter, "Problems in the Relations of the
United States and Canada." followed by a symposium on Canadian-
American relations under the chairmanship of Vussell A. Stevenson.
Evening: Joseph E. Johnson, "American Security and World Se-
Afternoon: Henry M. Kendall, "Problems in the Relations of the
United States and the Low Countries."
Evening: Kenneth S. Latourette, "Problems of Religious Co-opera-
Afternoon:,.Andrew Lobanov-Rostovsky. "Problems in the Rela-
tions of the United States and Russia."
Evening: Hayward Keniston, "Problems in the Relations of the
United States and Latin America."
Afternoon: George Kiss, "Problems in the Relations of the Unit-
ed States and Southeastern Europe."
Evening: Waldo Leland, "Problems in the Relations of the
United States and the Southwest Pacific."
Evening: Dwight L. Dumond, "The Conflict of Tradition and
Ideals in American Life."
Afternoon: Frank L. Huntley, "Problems in the Relations of the
United States and Japan."
Evening (Hill Auditorium) : Homer Ferguson. "The Role. of the
United States Senate in Framing the Peace."



After 17 months at sea as a gun-
nery officer, Lt. MORTON FRANK,
'33, is now on duty as Executive Of-
ficer at the Navy's new Fleet Home
Town News Center, Chicago, Ill. Lt.
Frank, who entered the Navy in 1942,
directs the center's work of editing
and distributing stories of Navy men
.and women to newspapers and radio
stations throughout the country.
While at the University, he was a
staff member of the Daily, the Un-
ion and Student Christian Associa-
* * *
Holder of the Bronze Star Medal
for action during the invasion of
Normandy and of several theater
ribbons with a total of four stars,

is now serving as executive officer
of a destroyer in the Atlantic Fleet.
USNR, has returned on leave from a
tour of duty in the Pacific where he
piloted one of the Navy's carrier-
based torpedo planes in support of
the invasions of Luzon, Iwo Jima and
Okinawa. Ensign Wozniak, who was
a student at the University prior to
entering the Navy in June, 1942, was
attached to Composite Squadron 84.
Aviation Cadet MALCOLM LLOYD
ALBER, whose parents reside in Ann
Arbor, has completed the training
course at the Navy Pre-Flight School
at Iowa City, Iowa. A student at the
University in 1941-42, Cadet Alber

was to report to the Naval Air Sta-
tion at Ottumwa, Iowa, for flight in-
* * *
Recently awarded the Legion of
Merit at headquarters of the 67th
Tactical Reconnaisance Group near
Echwege, Germany, was Capt. HAL-
LECK D. FRY, Jr., '40. Camera of-
ficer for a Group P-38 Lightning
squadron, Captain Fry received the
Legion of Merit for outstanding re-
search accomplishments improving
aerial photographic equipment.
As camera officer he supervised
installation and maintenance of
camera equipment carried by P-38
planes that operated as aerial
"spys" for the First Army from
Normandy to the Elbe River in

r. ThroopTo
Speak at Hillel
"Judaism and the Hellenic Tradi-
tion" will be the topic of a talk by
Dr. Palmer Throop of the history de-
partment during the Sabbath eve ser-
vices at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT)
today at the Hillel Foundation.
Dr. Throop will present the thesis
that the continuity of the idea of pa-
tronage of learning in Jewish tradi-
tion was assured because of the in-
tellectual contributions of Jewish
scholars during this period. He also
will discuss Philo, the Jew, and his
contributions to Jewish thought.
Services will:be conducted by Rab-
bi Jehudah M. Cohen, Foundation
Director, assisted by A/S Eugene Mal-
itz and Benson Jaffee. Refreshments
and a social hour will follow.
Two Are Indicted
In Conspiracy Case
FLINT, Mich., July 26 --(P)- In-
dictments against Robert E. Mc-
Laughlin and Earl W. McEwen, Jr.,
both former state legislators, and
Louis Worthington, described by the
court as an "alleged constable," were
returned today by Circuit Judge
Clifford A. Bishop, acting as a one-
man grand jury.
All three men were charged with
conspiring to oust Maurice D. Wil-
bur, elected clerk of Burton Town-
ship, from his position, and to re-
place him with McLaughlin.

- Also
Latest World News
Coming Sunday



FRI., JULY 27, 1945
Eastern War Time
7:05-Morning Round-up.
7:15-Sleepy Head Serenade
7:30-Musical Reveille
8:15-1050 Club.
8:30-Breakfast Melodies.
8:45-Bouquet for Today.
8:55-Musicai Interlude.
9:05-Music Box.
9:30-Community Calendar
9:45-Lean Back & Listen.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Knew.

10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Women Today.
10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Al & Lee Reiser.
11:15-Parson's Grist Mill.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
11:55-College & Martial
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:25-College & Martial
12:30-Trading Post.
12:45-Man on the Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Dick Gilbert.
1:15-Salute To The Hits.

1:30--Johnny Messner.
1:45-Dinah Shore.
1:55-Today's Hit Tune.
2:05-Hal Stuart.
2:15-Frankie Masters.
2 :0--News.
2:05-Hal Stuart.
2:15-Lawrence Welk.
2 :45--Baseball Brevities.
2:55-Baseball (Chicago at
5:05-Music for Listening.
5:10--Hollywood Reporter.
5:15--Mystery Melodies.
5:30-Rec. Room Rythms.
5:45--Sports Review.
6:15-David Rose & Orch.



MEN: The hospital needs you. Janit-
ors, orderlies, and wall washers are
needed. Part time orderly positions
available in evening. Apply person-
nel office, Room 1022, Univ. Hosp.


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