FAIR WARM e 4p -A- 4ti t n t r ga, 44 *Or :43 a t tu lww VOTE TODAY VOL. LV., No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1945 evr avored as New oreign ecre PRICE FIVE CENTS tary '.*2 ' Students. To Cast Votes In 3 Elections Adoption, Officers Are Ballot Issues In today's election, the first of the summer term, a foreign university is to , be adopted, three Union vice- presidents, and two sophomore rep- resentatives to the Egineering Council will be chosen. Students must present their iden- tification cards in order to vote. From the, Universities of Athens, Kiev, Philippines, Strasbourg, Tsing Hua and Warsaw, students will choose one to be the recipient of supplies for aid in rehabilitation. Candidates Listed Engineering school candidates for Union vice-president are Thomas Donnelly, Henry Fonde and Robert Royce. Tom Heaton and Richard Hurd are contesting for the office from L. S. & A., while William Crick and Edward Miquelon, both of the See candidates' statement of qualifications . . . Page 5. school of business adminstration, are running for the combined schools' vice-presidency. Henry Kaminski will oppose Eu- gene Sikorousky for the position of sophomore representative to the En- gineering Council. Two freshmen, positions on the Council will go un- contested to Everett Ellin and Her- bert Schreiber. Eligibility for Voting ;All students are eligible to vote for a 'foreign university, but only sopho- mores in the school of engineering may vote for the Councilmember. Persons may choose only from can- didates of the school in which they are enrolled for the Union vice-pres- idents. Polling places will be open from 8:45 a. m. to 2:15 p. m. EWT (7:45 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. CWT) at the E- gineering arch, the diagonal and be- tween the Romance Language Build- ing and Tappan Hall. Silence Cloaks Movements of Halsey's Fleet GUAM, Friday, July 27-()-Ra- dio silence cloaked the activities and whereabouts of Admiral Halsey's Third Fleet today as Allied strikes against the Japanese empire were confined to land-based aerial actions. The last report on the great Amer- ican and British force which smashed at the Japanese fleet remnants Tues- day and against baseston the Inland Sea Wednesday was contained in yesterday's communique, which said Wednesday's action was limited to hitting small vessels and damaging ground installations because of ex- tremely bad weather. Admiral Nimitz' communique to- day made no mention of Halsey's fleet. War Casualties Are More Than Million WASHINGTON, July 26 - (P) - American casualties of the war now total 1,058,842, a gain of 5,741 over last week's report. A breakdown showed the following casualties for the two services, by categories, and the comparative fig- ures for a week ago: Army-killed 196,918 and 194,447; wounded 569,696 and 568,976; missing 35,708 and- 36,303; prisoners 117,898 and 117,716. Navy-killed 51,219 and 50,363; wounded 72,066 and 70,072; missing 11,578 and 11,431; prisoners 3,759 and 3,793. AN EDITORIAL: Test for' 'U' Students Michigan's student body faces its first election of this sum- mer and more significant than the results of this election will be the degree of intelligence and participation exhibited by the stu- dent voters. Past elections have demonstrated an amazing apathy on the part of the student body. It is this complacency transferred into national elections that results in machine control and boss rule. The same thing can happen in the campus election unless there is a high degree of participation by the students. The issues to be voted on are not minor issues. At stake are positions on the Engineering Council, vice-presidencies of the Union, and the selection of a foreign university for adop- tion by the Student Organization for International Coopera- tion. Yet, mere casting of a ballot is not enough. What is de- manded is intelligent voting. The Daily has undertaken to educate the voters by making them aware of the issues to be decided. A series of articles has been published describing the devastated universities, one of whch will be adopted by SOIC to aid in its reconstruction. There can be no excuse for either non-voting or unintelli- gent voting. This election puts the responsibility of casting a significant ballot on each student. This election should not be determined by a small, non-representative vote.. Further evidences of non-voting or unintelligent voting will only point to reforms in the selection of campus officers. Certainly the present system is democratic. Any reform could possibly be in the opposite direction. NOTE-In order to vote, students must claim their identifica- tion cards in Room 2, University Hall, if they have not done so already. -Arthur B. Gronik DEMAND SURRENDER: Allies' UltimatunPromises 'Prompt Jap Destruction Three Great Powers Must Unite As One Dr. Burt Lectures At Postwar Meeting "A mere glance at the distribution of power in the world suggests that the British need us and we need them as a counterpoise against the Russians," Alfred L. Burt, professor of history at the University of Min- nesota, said last night in his lecture," "Canada as a Test of Cooperation Between the United States and the British Commonwealth." "We simply have to cooperate with the British and the Russians, despite the perverse preaching of some of our big newspapermen and a few of our little politicians who apparently believe-they can hard- ly be said to think-that our prop- er policy is to bait the bear and twist the lion's tail," he said at the eighth lecture in the Conference on the United States in the Post- war World. Stating that this war will leave only three great powers in the world and that they must cooperate to prevent the world from falling apart, Prof. Burt pointed out that "as we sur- passed Britain, so Russia seems bound to surpass us, probably within the next generation." Speaking of Great Britain, he said, "Strategically they are by far the most vulnerable of the Big Three, and therefore under the greatest com- pulsion to cooperate." Canada poses a special problem in the cooperation between these latter two countries, Prof. Burt said. "Truly neither Canada nor the United States can view its relations with the other as falling within the ordinary category of foreign rela- tions, for they have taken on too much of a domestic character," he concluded. Speaking on "Canadian-American Experience in Educational Coopera- tion" in the afternoon session, Dr. Charles E. Phillips, professor of the history of education at Ontario Col- lege of Education in the University of Toronto, called for "new ventures in educational cooperation planned by the Canada-United States Com- mittee on Education. * * * DEFEATED PRIME MINISTER-Recent picture of Winston Churchill taken while the former British prime minister was campaigning during the election. ENDS 33 YEAR'S SERVICE Prof.L Gram, Drector of 'U' Plant Extension, Retires P)3 By The Associated Press 0 POTSDAM, July 26-The United States, Britain and China demanded tonight that Japan"proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces" or undergo "prompt and utter destruction." In an historic joint ultimatum, President Truman, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and retiring Prime Minister Churchill asserted they "have conferred and agreed that Japan shall be given the opportu- nity to end this war." No Alternatives Clearly stating "our terms" under such surrender, the proclamation de- clared "We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives; we shall brook no delay." Greater and more terrible Allied armed might than conquered Ger- many now is "poised to strike the final blows at Japan," it asserted. The terms demanded: Limiting Japanese sovereignty to the four major Japanese home islands "and such minor islands as we deter- Room Shortage Exists at U. of I. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. July 26--(R)- Because of a drastic housing short- age in Champaign-Urbana, the Uni- versity of Illinois today announced out-of-state women students who have not previously attended the Uni- versity would not be admitted to the University for the 1945-46 academic year unless: 1. A permit to enter was issued prior to July 1, 1945; 2. At least one of their parents is an alumnus of the University; 3. They plan to live with'relatives in Urbana-Champaign who do not regularly rent rooms to students; mine"-carrying out the Cairo dec- laration. Elimination of Japanese leaders who embarked on world conquest, and destruction of Japanese war-making power. Occupation of Japanese territory until a new order "of peace, security and justice" shall be established. No Enslavement "We do not intend that the Japa- nese shall be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation," the procla- mation asserted, "but stern justice shall be meted out to all war crimi- nals, including those who have visit- ed cruelties upon our prisoners." Japanese military forces, after be- ing disarmed, "shall be permitted to return to their homes with the op- portunity to lead peaceful and pro- ductive lives," the document prom- ises. Prevent Rearmament Further, "Japan shall be permit- ted to maintain such industries .as will sustain her economy and permit the payment of just reparations in kind, but not those industries which will enable her to rearm for war. "The occupying forces of the Al- lies shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as these objectives have been accomplished and there has been established in accordance with the freely-expressed will of the Japanese people a peacefully inclined and re- sponsible government." Australian Troops Meet Weak Defense MANILA, July 27 -(0)- Australian troops, moving steadily northward along the inland road from Balik- papan, Borneo, are encountering small groups of Japanese some six miles north of the fallen enemy strongpoint of Batochampar, it was announced at Gen. MacArthur's headquarters today. Talk on U. so Canada Policly "Problems in the Relations of the] United States and Canada" will be+ discussed by Prof. Reginald G. Trot-1 ter of Queen's University, Ontario,1 as part of the Conference on the United States in the Postwar World, at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) today in Room 316-20 of the Union. Prof. Trotter, who will be intro- duced by Dean Lloyd Woodward, As- sistant Dean of the literary college, will be followed by a symposium di- rected by Dean Russell A. Stevenson of the business administration school. Dr. Joseph E. Johnson, State De- partment Chief of the Division of International Security Affairs, will discuss "American Security and World Security" at 8:15 p. m. EWT (7:15 p. m. CWT) today in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Prof. Johnson will be introduced by Prof. William B. Wilcox of the history department. Witness Tells Of Petaim Plot PARIS, July 26-(R)-A surprise witness at the treason trial of Mar- shal Petain testified today that the old soldier was formulating plans as early as 1939 to become head of the French government. The witness, Armand Gazel, had been counsellor of the French em- bassy in Spain while Petain was there as ambassador. He appeared briefly at the end of the fourth day of the Marshal's trial in which two parliamentary leaders, Pules Jeanneney and Louis Morin, explained how Petain gained dic- tatorial power. They charged with moral guilt Petain and all those who demanded an armistice. Jeanneney said that Petain and Pierre Laval, now- in Spanish deten- tion ."made onmmon cause" and that Prof. Lewis M. Gram, director of University Plant Extension since 1930 and a member of the faculty for almost 33 years, yesterday began a terminal leave preceding his retire- ment. Known throughout the nation for his civil engineering projects,' Sen. Capper Reverses Stand On Peace Plan WASHINGTON, July 26. .-(P)_- Eighty-year-old Arthur Capper, who voted against the League of Na- tions in 1919, reversed his position to- day and told the senate the United Nations organization to keep the peace "will work." The Kansas Republican, who rare- ly makes a speech any more, told his colleagues on the fourth day of de- bate on the United Nations Charter that it had a greater chance of suc- cess than the old league ever had. This, he said, is because of the realization that, unless-the Big Five powers-particularly the Big Three -work together in the postwar world, "the prospects of avoiding a World War III are slender indeed." Senator Eastland (D.-Miss.) de- clared the charter is a "powerful weapon to preserve the peace," espe- cially when viewed in conjunction with economic world collaboration. He went on to say he believed in "reasonable cooperation" with Rus- sia but declared "America's resources must not be spent to promote com- munism in Europe." Eastland added that he hoped the Potsdam Conference would result in Prof. Grama is largely responsible for planning the University'sf $8,000,000 postwar building pro- gram. He served as chairman of, the civil engineering department. Prof. Gram has been a member of the faculty since 1912, havingrad- uated from the University in 1901. During his stay here, the University plant was enlarged by $12,000,000 worth of facilities. Construction projects in which Prof. Gram took part are: the Legal Research Building, the 2-story addi- tion to University Hospital, Hutch- ins Hall, the Burton Memorial Tow- er, Rackham Graduate School, Vic- tor Vaughn House, Eastand West Quadrangles, the Health Service, and the Kellogg Institute. He developed plans for proposed East Quadrangle, the new women's dormitory and the married stu- dents housing project. Beginning construction date on these build- ings has not been announced. In the field of bridge building, Prof. Gram was consultant engineer on the Belle Isle (Detroit) bridge pro- ject, in addition to three similar De- troit Area projects. Formerly a member of the Ann Arbor City Council, Prof. Gram is chairman of the board of directors of the Ann Arbor Trust Co. He has served as a member of the University Board in Control of Athletics. Temporarily replacing the 69- year-old retiring expert as chair- man of the civil engineering de- partment is Engineering School Dean Ivan C. Crawford. B-29s Bomb * , Industrial Cities 'Japan Will Be Natioir Of Nomads'-Doolittle GUAM, July 27-(/P)-More than 350 American B-29s fire bombed three Japanese cities today in the third raid in four days of a blazing cam- paign which Lt. Gen. James H. Doo- little declared would turn Nippon into a nation of cityless nomads. A medium-sized force of Super- forts struck before dawn, raining more than 2,200 tons of incendiaries on the industrial centers of Omuta, Matsuyama and Tokuyama, all in Southwestern Japan. Second Raid on Omuta It was the second fire raid on Omuta, important chemical center and coal port of 177,000 population on Kyushu Island. The city pre- viously was hit June 18. Matsuyama and Tokuyama got their first baptism of American fire. They were hit previously with demo- Cabinet Will Include Heads Df Coalition Morrison Slated To Direct Exchequer By The Associated Press LONDON, July 26-Clement Attlee vill be able to surround himself with strong, experienced cabinet when ie becomes prime minister, and most >bservers favor Ernest Bevin to be- ome his foreign secretary. Many of the labor party leaders Nho loom the largest for ministerial appointments served in the wartime oalition government that waged war against Germany. Attlee Directed War Machine Attlee himself was deputy prime ninister, and many times directed he British war machine when Chur- :hill was away from the country. Bevin, generally favored to succeed Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, was Minister of Labor and marshalled the country's full resources in man and womanpower during the Euro- pean phase of the war. Most political experts slated Her- bert Morrison, tough old party man from the east end, to become chan- cellor of the Exchequer. He was Min- ister of Home Security and Home Secretary in the coalition. labor Leaders Mentioned for Posts Other experienced labor leaders and the posts for which they are promi- nently mentioned are: A. V. Alexander, first lord of the admiralty, which he heldunder the coalition. Hugh Dalton, president of the Board of Trade, his coaltion,post. He also is mentioned as possible* F6r- eign Secretary or chancellor of the exchequer. Sir Stafford Cripps, Secretary of State for India. He was coalition minister of airport production. Arthur Greenwood, Home Secre- tary. Arthur Henderson, Secretary of War. There also was speculation that two women might be named to the cabi- net. One is Miss Ellen Wilkinson, former parliamentary secretary for the home office, who is mentioned for the Ministry of Education, or Mini- stroy of Health. Dr. Edith Summer- skill also may be slated for a cabi- net position. U. of Athens Is Suggested For Adoption About 80 per cent of the former students of the University of Athens have tuberculosis or malaria. A school with a pre-war enroll- ment of more than 10,000 today has in attendance the lowest number of students in its history. Many of the .uudents will never be able to return. Resist Invasion When the Italians invaded north- ern Greece on Holy Friday, 1940, stu- dents left school to organize the Sac- red Battalion. They fought through- out the war indAlbania, France, Af- rica, Egypt and Sicily before some of them were able to return to Greece. There are few professors left. Most of them were executed, and the rest fled to Alexandria and London. Gestapo Occupation University buildings were occupied either by the Gestapo of German military authorities, and some dam- age was done. All the books have been burned, and food and clothing is scarce. The scene has changed from the days when spirited students' would stage a strike in protest of the oust- ing of some popular professor. Peacetime Conditions The academic life of that time was very much like that of Michi- gan's. Many of the students came from foreign countries on scholar- ships. Campus buildings were construct- ed in the same style as the famed Parthenon, and the main halls were located near the Acropolis. The chool of Forestry was situated on a mountain from which one could view the whole state of Attica. The cradle of western culture is not so bright today. Greece was a comparatively poor country before the war, but now she is poverty opening the way porters to go into for American any country. 'ADOPTION' AT UNION: Funds for 'U Supplies To Be raised at SOIC Dance CAMPUS EVENTS Damper Put oii 'Junket' Plans WASHINGTON, July 26-(I)--The White House put a damper today on "junket" plans of many members of Congress who had hoped to spend the Congressional recess touring the world. In effect, the President said stay home or pay -your own expenses un- less the trip has formal approval of Congress. An estimated 100 House members had arranged official and unofficial foreign tours between now and the re-opening of Congress on October 8. Just how many will be affected by President Truman's directive on the subject was uncertain. Committees already authorized to Today Campus elections. Today Prof. Reginald G. Trot- ter will speak at the Post- war Conference on "Prob- lems in the Relations of the United States and Canada" at 2:30 p. m. EWT "1:30 p. m. CWT) in Rm. 316, Union. Today Dr. Palmer Throop will talk on "Judaism and the Funds for supplies to send to the adopted foreign university will be raised at the "Adoption Dance" to be held from 9 p. m. to midnight EWT (8 to 11 p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Union Ballroom. Featured entertainment during the intermission will be a program of native dances rendered by foreign students of the University. dance to conclude the entertain- ment. Announcement of the foreign uni- versity chosen for adoption at today's election will be made at the dance. Chaperones for the evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanau, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Stevens, Dr. and Mrs. Werner Striedieck and Prof. and Mrs (rltonF.Wells.