PAGE:FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1946 _..._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t Fifty-Fifth Year LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Votes Cast for Universities N_ fix, . -- --- ._ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth bill Mulendore Dick Strickland .. . Managing Editor S . . Associate Editor * . * . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff S . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited toit or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at Ithe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. PR!ERSENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT15ING BY National Adver sing Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4A2L MADISON AvE. 4 NEW YORK, N. Y. CjInCeOO ' 1505TOi1 LOS ANGRLSS * 5Au FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945.46 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Buy A Tag ONCE AGAIN students on campus are asked to contribute to the University Fresh Air Camp for boys. This is a periodic request and has become familiar through the years. Familiarity may breed forgetfulness. It would be well to re- fresh your memory and recall again the purpose of your contribution. Fresh Air Camp is on a hill above Patterson Lake about twenty four miles from Ann Arbor. All the activities of any summer camp are carried out. There is swim iling, hiking, and handicraft to mention a few activities of the well organized recreational program. This camp is more than the ordinary play- ground. The camp aids these youngsters in ad- justing to the home, school, or community. There is a well integrated program which combines the work of social agencies, psychologists and teach-- ers in helping to solve the boys problems. The informal camp setting away from the everyday atmosphere gives the counselor an op- portunity to see the boys he studies operate in groups. Fresh Air Camp thus helps university students gain invaluable experience in actual ad- justment problems. The value of your contribution cannot be mea- sured in mere words. Combined with other con- tributions it makes possible a happy summer for over a hundred boys. It makes possible a form of teacher educational experience which cannot be obtained in the standard school situation. It aids in assisting in the search for a solution to the social problems in the United States.. Help keep the camp functioning. Help these youngsters to reach a happy life. Buy a Tag Tuesday. -Janis Goodman ... for the Philippines To the Editor: IRECOMMEND the University of the Philip- pines. With the acquisition of the Philippines by the United States, President McKinley began your altruistic policy when in his instructions to the first Philippine Commission, he said: "The Phil- ippines is ours not to exploit but to teach in the art of self-government." At about the same time the Japanese began a program of insidious' propaganda. Various means were employed to put across the idea that we were blood brothers. When the Japanese bombed the Philippines in 1941, leaflets were scattered saying they came to liberate us from the bondage of the white race. Our people wrote their answer to the Jap- anese at Bataan, in the blood of their own sons, many of whom were at one time students of the University of the Philippines. During the long period of Japanese occupation, Fili- pino guerilla bands appeared spontaneously, led in most cases by students of the University of the Philippines. The University of the Philippines has played an important role in this war. Why have its students taken on themselves so much of this leadership in favor of America? The answer is found in the fact that this University has em- bodied to the Filipino youth that for which America stands. The origin of this institution goes back to 1908 when it started out with an enrollment of a few hundred, which by 1941 had increased to 7,000. In its relation to other universities, the University of the Philippines has been especially close to our own University of Michigan. Dean Worcester of the University of Michigan was the chairman of the first Philippine Commission; Professor Hayden, the late head of the depart- ment of Political Science, was a former exchange professor at the University of the Philippines; Justice Frank Murphy, Justice Malcolm, Profes- sor Swinton, Professor Bartlett, and Professor Carrothers are among the many Michigan men interested in the Philippines. The University of the Philippines needs your help, for today one can see only barbed wires and cement rubble where the proud, modern buildings of The University once stood. Our library, which made up the greatest collection of Western books in the Orient, has been burned by the Japanese; and, finally, our in- tellectuals, wherever possible, have been meth- odically exterminated to prevent our nation with itsdemocratic ideals from rising again. The University of the Philippines, the bulwark of American democratic ideals, should live again! -Rafaelita Hilario Soriano By WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN THE MORE we think about it the harder it is to justify enrolling in the University's sum- mer school. Here it is only a couple of weeks past registration, and already we've got to start dropping a course or two; there just isn't time. We can remember when we thought that Mich- igan left no time for the pursuit of happiness. (Happiness is a young coed from South Orange, New Jersey, who enrolled in a couple of snap courses,-Garter Design, I and II). It was only this Spring that we thought Michigan left little time for extra-curricular pleasures. We now find that our interest in Michigan's fair coeds leaves no time for school. * * * We knew one fellow (we'll call him Alcatraz, - that's his pen-name) who went to school all year long, Summers and all, just to obtain extra degrees. He ended up with three: he started out with a bachelor of arts in history. Then he went to law school where he received his second degree as doctor of law. Ile worked as a mouthpiece for a Detroit gang and was picked up by the police who gave him the third degree. * * * Of course there are some who have jobs dur- ing the winter and only have time for school in the summer. But then we heard about one coed who worked her way through school all year long: in the Winter she worked her father and in the Summer, her .boy friend. For spending' money she uses the small fortune that they' found sewed up in the bustle of an aunt who passed away. Sewed up in that bustle were 1,000 bucks,--which is a lot of money to leave behind. . for U. of Warsaw To the Editor. THE STUDENT ORGANIZATION for Interna- tional Cooperation presumably is devoted to the interests of cooperation between the youth of other nations and that of the United States. A means of doing this is to aid universities in war- torn and devastated countries. We should keep this purpose in mind. Po- litical idealogy or governmental diplomatic as- pirations are not the issue. Our prime objec- tive is to aid a foreign university. Selecting the university is an important decision and it must be carefully made. I spent only three years in the Nazi-occupied Warsaw, but in those three years I witnessed the unbelievable destruction of the University of Warsaw and other cultural centers such as the Grand Opera House and the famed Art Galleries. At the present time, there is nothing left, not even the university buildings. Poland has suf- fered perhaps more in this war than any other nation in Europe, at the expense of its brave- hearted, determined youth, at the expense of its educational and cultural enterprises acquired to a large extent in the twenty years of its inde- pendence. Other nations have the possibility of gov- ermental financial aid-aid from governments which have existed throughout the war. Po- land has not. We all know that Poland has had a drastic change in government. Because of this, the help to th1e University of Warsaw will not immediately be forthcoming. It is up to us to aid it-not for political but for cultural rea- sons. --Stephanie Albrecht 'RANGEFINDER:- New World By JOHN A. MEREWETHER THE YOUTH of today have been brought up according to a singularly hardy system. Into the peace and quiet of our infancy came the roar of the Kaiser's guns. Our childhood was filled with tales, new-styled tales, of a gilt-edged future, of Rolls-Royces and a million-dollar Par- adise. Having adjusted from war to prosperity, we found our high school days spent during the great world depression of 1929-40. And then as if that weren't enough, with 1940 the sporadic war got down to business in earnest and many of us stepped from high school or college graduation exercises into the armed forces of our country. That was a com- mencement indeed, the beginning of the pay- ment upon the debt our parents ran up upon the future Is it any wonder that today the youth of America, of the entire world for that matter, are slightly skeptical of their parents' wisdom in investing in Versailles Treaties and a Hard- ing-Hoover Heaven? Is it any wonder that the youth today are slightly resentful of how the "older generation" hocked the future of their children? How can the older generation caution us and expect us to listen to them? We can see the poisonous products of their counsel. We can always turn and question the wisdom of their ways. Let us look at the record. A false econ- omic boom bounded by two world wars and a great world wide depression. That makes it about 3 to 1 in favor of a new point of view you might say. With such a score we doubt some of the old gds, kings, and politicians and their old myopic partial views of life. We must build in turn a wider view. The new day shall belong to the veterans of this war, our President has said. In a sense this is correct. We who worked, fought, suffered and. died for this world mean to have a piece of it for ourselves. We want peace, full employment, 60 million jobs, freedom from fear and want,- all the varied luscious fruits of peace and plenty. We have been too thirsty too long. Oh, Come Now! "THIS FULL EMPLOYMENT bill is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The right to a job is a communistic doctrine."-Rep. Woodruff, Con- gressional Record, June 29, 1945. "Some Catholics in this country are lined up with some rabbis trying to bring about racial equality for the niggers. Some of my best friends are Catholics. But you can't get away from the fact that some of them are rotten."-Senator Bilbo, quoted in PM, June 29, 1945. Oh, come now, gentlemen! -Betty Roth Dominie Says THE PARTICIPATION of Russia and China with other powers in an intercultural reconstruction brings every scale of values before us for review. What constitutes an adequate end of communal living in Ger- many, Russia, Poland, Greece or India? That is the second type of problem before every religious edu- cator. The first one is more per- sonal; how can man, the end prod- uct of the infinite push of life, relate himself adequately to the dynamic or the genesis of it all, to God, the ordainer of life? To these basic questions the Rus- sian reply is a dual one: (1) After twenty years of promotion of athe- ism by Soviet officials, after twenty years of a steady drive against the Christian Church and at the end of twenty years of instruction in the public schools as to a deterministic philosophy it was estimated by Paul B. Anderson and others in 1937, that in the U.S.S.R. seventy per cent of the Orthodox people continued to conduct or attend worship, that over one-half conducted Christian family devotions and that vast numbers cel- ebrated elaborately all of the high days of the Christian calendar; (2) Though the Soviets had taken from the Church all of the schools, from elementary to university, and trans- ferred the social agencies to the USSR state, the people found them- selves in their civic unit practicing all those basic religious virtues, by which the Christian obeys the in- junction, "Do unto them as ye would that they should do unto you" but of these social agencies though man- aged by the controlling party are financed by the state as a part of the communal living in which all are engaged. Now, while it is deplorable that for almost a generation there has been no commerce, in fact has been deep hatred and fear, between these two expressions of religion in modern Russia, we -have to admit, that the war which was certain to result either in extinction of the US$R or the eclipse of Germany, has brought the religion of the Russian people and the economy of that people to a new basis of un- derstanding, The defense struggle, entered into as a mass effort in every hamlet, became a vast spiri- tual event IN TURN the USSR has reconsid- ered its rejection of religion. In 1942 and again in 1944 the Soviets relaxed given restrictions. (1) A Council of Religion has been created and all religions as well as the Ortho- dox are given freedom. In Moscow the result was the establishment of no less than fifty new congregations. (2) Freedom to worship was given to Orthodox Clergy and their people over all of Russia. The member- ship is something over 90,000,000. (3) One hundred fifty of the clergy who have long been prisoners on re- ligious and social grounds were re- leased from jail. (4) The Soviet's school manual which contained many attacks on the Church, has been re- vised, removing from its pages every opposition to religious belief. (5) The "Godless Union," a weekly paper distributed widely among the people for the past twenty years as a means of praising atheism and discouraging Christian faith, has suspended publi- cation. (6) Roman Catholic chaplains have been permitted to the Polish Catholic soldiers in the armed forces of Russia. (7) Once more religious symbols may be sold and freely pur- chased. (8) Public offices of a politi- cal nature have been opened to priests. A priest may be a citizen. (9) Premier Stalin approved the re- turn of all Patriarchs to their former status. (10) The Soviet government endorsed an invitation by the Central Metropolitan to an Archbishop of the Anglican Church of England to come to Moscow for a conference upon in- ter-religious matters. A new spirit promises to associate the mystical phase of religion anew with the social action of the Sovi- ets. The Russian culture in this postwar epoch promises to exhibit not the fatalism of orthodoxy nor the studied revolt of a revolutionary epoch, but a free aspiration for per- fectioi on the part of a mystical but chastened people. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daly Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. in. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL.WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL - BULLETIN SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 15-S Notices Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority sponsors a summer dance at Smith Catering Service Fri- day evening, July 27, 1945. Music by the Sophisticated Five. Tickets may be purchased from members of the chapter. The Mathematics Club will meet Monday, July 23, at 4:15 p. m. (EWT) in the East Conference Room, Rack- ham Building. "Comments on Strategic Bombing," by Professor Harry C. Carver. Phi Delta Kappa. The regular weekly supper meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, July 24, at the Michigan Union. Members will as- semble at the desk in the lobby and proceed through the cafeteria line to the faculty dining room. Mr Robert N. Cross, Research Associate in the Bureau of Business Research, will speak on "Implications of Post- War Planning." Members of all chap ters are cordially invited. Recital Cancelled: The student re- cital by Florence McCracken, mezzo- soprano, originally announced for 7:30 p. m. CWT, Sunday, July 22, in Pattengill Auditorium, has been post- poned until Monday evening, August 13. A new class in social dancing will be offered on Monday evening begin- ning Monday, July 23, at 7:45 CWT (8:45 EWT) and will meet at the Women's Athletic Building. All Uni- versity men and women students are invited. Register now in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium, or at the first meeting of the group. Meeting of the Russky Kruzhok (Russian Circle), Monday, July 23rd, 7:00 p. m. (CWT) in the Interna- tional Center. The next lecture open to the public will be held on August 6th. Watch the Daily for details. Identification Cards are now avail- able for the Summer Term in Room 2, University Hall. Rules governing participation in P~ublic Activities: I. Participation in Public Activities: Participation in a public activity i defined as service of any kind on s committee or a publication, in a pub- lic performance or arehearsal, or in holding office in a class or other student organization. This list is nol intended to be exhaustive, but merely is indicative of the character ano scope of the activities included. II. Certificate of Eligibility: At the beginning of each semester and sum- mer session every student shall be conclusively presumed to be ineligi- ble for any public activity until hi eligibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs in the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participation before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students tc participate in a public activity (set definition of Participation 'above), the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each appli- cant to present a certificate of eli- gibility (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all other from participa- tion. Blanks for the chairman's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. .Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III. Probation and Warning: Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any pub- lic activity. IV. Eligibility, First Year: No fresh- man in his first semester of residence - may be granted a Certificate of Eli- gibility. A freshman, during his second sem- ester of residence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 21/2 times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,' C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester least C, and have at least a C average for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E until removed in accordance with Univer- sity regulations. If in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promp- tly, the parenthetically reported grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligible under Rule V may participate only after having received special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. LaSociedad meets each Tuesday and Wednesday at 4 p.m. (EWT) in the International Center for a coke hour and on Thursday at the same time for tea. LaSociedad Hispanica: The Wed- nesday night meeting of LaSociedad will take place at 8 p.m. (EWT) July 25, in Room 316 of the Michigan Union. Dr. Munoz will give a lecture entitled, "Neuva Guatamala." French Club: Professor Julio Payro from Buenos Aires and visiting pro- fessor in the Department of ine Arts, will give an illustrated lecture in French on the French painter Paul Gauguin on Thursday, July 26 at 8 p.m. (EWT), 7 p.m. (CWT), in room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. After the lecture the members of the club will gather in the grill room of the Michigan League for a social hour. All tho? minterested are cordially in- /ited to hear the lecture of Professor Julio Payro. Sunday at the U.S.O.: Breakfast Breakfast of cereal, toast and jam, doughnuts and lots of coffee is serv- ed from 9:30 until 11:30. Voice Recordings-You can make a recording of your own voice Sunday mornings starting at 10:30. Broadcast-One hour program in the ballroom, one-half hour broad- cast. French Tea Tuesday at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) in the Grill Room of the Michigan League. Lectures Symposium on Molecular Strue- ture. Dr. R. W. G. Wyckoff will speak on "Electron-microscopy of Macro- molecules" in Room 303 of the Chem- istry Building on Monday, July 23, 3:15 CWT (4:15 EWT). All interest- d are invited to attend. Linguistic Institute. Introduction o Linguistic Science. Tuesday, July d4, and Thursday, July 26, 6 p.m. aWT (7 p.m. EWT), Rackham Am- phitheatre. Both lectures by Prof. Franklin Edgerton. Tuesday: "im- tations and Dangers of the Comar- ztive Method." Thursday: "Analog- ical Creation of New Linguistic Pat- terns." Linguistic Institute Special Lee- ture: "Three Thousand Years of Jreek." Dr. Edgar H. Sturtevant, Professor of Linguistics at Yale Uni- versity. 6:30 p.m. CWT (7:30 p.m. EWT), Wednesday, July 25, Rack- hiam Amphitheatre. Post War Conference Lecture: "Patterns of Political Thought, Nat- -onal or International?" Dr. Everett 3. Brown, Professor of Political Sci- ence. 3:10 p ml CWT (4:10 p.m. EWT) Rackham Amphitheatre on Monday, July 23. Special folders for this conference are available in Sum- rner Session Office, 1213 Angell Hall. Post War Conference Lecture: "The Military Position of the United States," Dr. James P. Baxter III, President of Williams College, Mon- day, July 23, 7:15 p.m. CWT (8:15 p.m. EWT) Rackham Lecture Hall. Special folders for this conference are available in Summer Session Of- fice, 1213 Angell Hall. Post War Conference Lecture: "Problems in the Relations of the United States and the Arab World." Dr. Clark Hopkins, Associate Profes- sor of Latin and Greek. Tuesday, July 24, 3:10 p.m. CWT (4:10 p.m. EWT) Rackham Amphitheatre. Special folders for this conference are available in Summer Session Of- fice, 1213 Angell Hall. Post War Conference Lecture: "Problems of Economic Co-oper- ation." Dr. Jacob Viner, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago. Tuesday, July 24, 7:15 pm CWT (8:15 p.m. EWT) Rackham 'Lecture Hall. Special folders for this conference are available in Summer Session Of- fice, 1213 Angell Hall. A cademic Notices Students who intend to take the Language Examination for Masters' degrees in History should sign up in advance in the History Office, 119 Haven Hall. The examination is to be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at 4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall. Doctoral Examination for Harry 4 Conference UNIVERSITY STUDENTS will have the rare opportunity this week and next to hear twenty men of note in their fields speak on various phases of the peace to which they have devoted special study. The Conference on the United States in the Postwar World will include lectures by Presi- ident Alexander G. Ruthven; Senator Homer Ferguson; President James P. Baxter III., of Williams College, historian of the Office of Sci- entific Research and Development; and Prof. Jacob Viner, noted University of Chicago econo- mist. We, as university students, have a special re- sponsibility to know the problems of the peace and to hear whatthe experts have to say about these problems. The purpose of this Conference is not to solve any problems, but to make them clear, to suggest possible solutions and to stimu- late interest in them. -Myra Sacks Bretton Woods THE UNITED STATES was assured member- ship Friday in the first international institu- tion designed to maintain stable currency ex- changes and provide cooperative long-term cred- its for reconstruction and development. That the bill would be accepted in the Sen- BARNABY But Minerva HAS written a famous book, John. She'll expect some sort of party in her honor- t suppose we con invite a few people to dinner one night. Five or six. ', 144,4.Th. Newspaper PW, Inc By Crockett Johnson Your Aunt Minerva won't expect too elaborate a reception dinner, m'boy. There's a war on, you know. Forty or fifty people is all we'll plan on having. 4 And a simple buffet. Chicken salad or cold lobster. Chocolate cream eclairs- Your aunt will enjoy my readings at the series of literary teas in her honor. I'm good on tea leaves- By the way, when does she arrive? Let's not fail to meet the train! Toorow -M' 'aley MA Minerva's train gets in at 6:15, John. 1f rai'r r:- r to e oa n-ma Don't be late. She'll be shockedf k I Aa hsair n #h :- rin rnd rlmf,# Oko7: J , That fife and drum corps from s i:a 1Iac unAchlln noes