PAGE TWO '7HE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUR DAYMLY 21, 1945 ____ ,_ Fj ify-nFii a il Fifty-Fifth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Loans to Russia Are Practical DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week ekcept Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mullendore . .. . Managing Editor . . . Associate Editor . * . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Dick Strickland Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTED PO" NATONAL. &AVEPT11NG BY SNational Advertising Service, Inc College Publishers Represe.tYtive 420 MADISO4 AVE. I NEW YORK N. Y. CRICASO Boston -LOS ANOLRS . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 v--.. NIGHT EDITOR: MYRA SACKS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Post-War Education THE PROBLEM of reconstruction is fast ap- proaching us. Reconstruction has many as- pects and should not be limited to the rebuild- ing of our normal economic structure, but should include certain necessary changes in our social atmosphere. Foremost among the problems that merits consideration is the place of education in the post war world. Admittedly, education has made great strides in this century. Teaching methods have improved and the education system has been somewhat democratized, in that more students are getting more educa- tion than ever before. However, education is still for the privileged, especially the college education. Asuming that our government improves as a greater share of its population becomes educated, it should now be the goal of our democracy to further democratize our educational system. This calls for greater scholarship allowances to the deserving and greater state subsidization programs. There should be no necessary corre- lation between income and education. This means that traditional lines of thought must be adandoned and that college education must become as accessible to the student as are the grade schools today. Brilliant youths thust not be barred from the university because they cannot pay the tuition, room, or board costs. The challenge is thrown to us now. .Recon- struct our schools so that democracy can strengthen its hold within our borders. -Arthur Gronik Without a Country WHAT IS TO BECOME of the 250,000 Polish troops who have been fighting under the Exile Government in England? Since Great Britain and the United States have recognized the new Provisional Government of National Unity in Warsaw the regime in England is a Government without a country. Its forces have been getting their pay from Britain, but cannot continue to do so. What will they do? Some apparently would return to Poland. But that is not easy. British officials are in- vestigating a charge that one officer who showed such intention was arrested for at- tempting to transfer his allegiance to the new Government in Warsaw. And General Rud- nicki, commander of the First Polish Armored Division, has issued an order of the day to his troops in which, after declaring his continued allegiance to the London regime, he said. "We shall return to Poland-but only with arms in hand." It appears that among the officers at least this is the dominant view. Does this mean that there will be a continuing effort to overthrow the new regime in Warsaw? At present such a program would appear to have very little pros- peet of success in face of a Warsaw Government supported not only from Moscow but from Washington and London and Paris. But the Government in Exile is not giving up. It was reported a few days ago to have asked the Vatican for aid in finding a new home in some country where it would "enjoy official Ro- man Catholic sympathies"-as in Dublin or Que- bec. It will not easily replace the very large sums (estimated at over 300,000,000 pounds since 1939) supplied by Britain. But it may obtain support By SAMUEL GRAFTON MR. LEO T. CROWLEY is no leftist. But, as head of the Export-Import Bank, he favors lending Russia up to a billion dollars in the next year. It is politically significant that this an- nouncement comes from a conservative figure in our government, and is followed by no protest of any consequence from the conservative oppo- sition. Even Senator Taft, of Ohio, says that this loan is not an "improper billion;" and he adds "I would say that $1,000,000,000 is a fair amount to be used in the next year to finance trade with Russia." The reason for this display of amity is not far to seek; Russia is one of the few countries which will buy our heavy machinery, and will ultimately pay for it, but will not use the pro- ducts of it to compete with us for the trade of the world. Russia has little interest in selling manufactured goods outside her own borders, and thus, in a cockeyed sort of way, Russia's communism is an assurance that this is a safe loan for our competitive capitalism to make. But what happens to the grim predictions that the capitalist world and the communist world are going to face each other in devoted hostility across a line on the map, through the postwar years? It is possible that the future may turn out to be just a trifle different from what some of the hystericals imagine. The fact that Russia is communist, and we are not, provides the ground for a gorgeous ideological dispute, but in actual field practice, so to speak, that fact sometimes averts debate. Russia has been stripping her portion of Germany clean of machinery, for example; but we are not scrambling with her, in bitter rivalry for this equipment. For us to bring German machinery into America would merely mean future unemployment at home; we don't want that stuff. In the same way, the differ- ence between our systems prevents conten- tion as to who gets the services of German labor battalions; we don't want them; while Russia is an unfillable bag. OUR IDEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT with Rus- sia wil continue over the years, but there will be no commercial argument to power it. Our commercial rivalry will be conducted with coun- tries with which we have no ideological quarrel; and, indeed, that rivalry has already commenced. The British press furiously counts the num- ber of American business men who turn up in Lh& To the Editor: RECENTLY, MUCH DISCUSSION has been made of the Veterans Organization. Mr. Jack Weiss suggested we affiliate nationally with the American Veterans Committee. - We have no objection to affiliation with any organi- zation. In fact, we've had many offers for na- tional college, and national political veteran groups. The reasons the veterans declined to affil- iate could be summarized briefly as: 1) insuf- ficient constitutional limitations or too broad a conception of its objectives leaving doubt as to effectiveness, 2) lack of sufficient informa- tion of the political, social and philosophical backgrounds of the officers, 3) for politically minded groups the answer was that national political organizations should remain out of campus veteran activities. Many men consid- er this a personal issue and prefer a political group of their own choosing, 4) our basic pur- pose at Michigan is to facilitate the veteran's readjustment socially a n d intellectually through mutual help. We wish to make the veteran feel he is a part of the University and to prevent unfairness re- garding his status. We look to the fall term when Wve expect more disabled men with more difficult problems. These are the buddies who aren't in- terested in politics but need our social help. They need to feel "wanted." Within the next year we anticipate the vet- eran enrollment will be between 60 and 85 per cent of the men. To have this group politically active would be an unfair representation of the University. The other nearly 300 social groups would look upon us with suspicion. So would the University and justly so. We are, and must remain, a democratic group. We shall be glad to hear what any na- tional or local organization has to say. The decision to affiliate must always rest with the men and women who compromise the Veter- ans Organization. -Robert E. Andrews President, V. O. Paris, and hotly recommends that an equal number of English businessmen, plus one, be sent at once. Lord Davidson, head of Britain's Engineering Industries Association, laments in a speech that Britain is not going after for- eign markets quickly enough; he thus breaks open a whole area of rivalry and controversy toward which Russia maintains an elaborate and bored indifference. Sir Percy E. Bates, chairman of the Cunard White Star Line, com- plains that his ships are being held down by war-time restrictions, and by the need for transporting troops, while "an American air service" is operating "for its own profit." One wonders whether a proposal to lend a' billion American dollars to Britain for the pur- pose of rebuilding her industry would be consid- ered by Senator Taft to be a proper billion; and perhaps he would not consider it so; it is a strange truth that it is easier to lend to the communists. These jottings arc set down only for the pur- pose of indicating that the postwar world is going to be rather more complicated than ap- pears to those who think only in cartoon terms. The problem of establishing an accord between the western world and Russia may turn out to be less difficult than that of work- ing out a lasting commercial peace between Britain and America. Russia's unique, sponge- like capacity for absorbing manufactured goods without giving offense by selling any may make her a stabilizing influence, and per- haps even a kind of mediator between the two. western powers; a theory which seems both truly strange and strangely true, as one puts the words down. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) Faculty Briefs DR. DAVID M. TROUT School of Education "IF SOME PEOPLE did not have neuroses, they might go insane," Dr. David M. Trout, visiting professor in the School of Education, said in an interview yesterday. "In many instances the person who escapes into a neurotic state becomes sufficiently ad- justed so that he does not develop a psycho- sis, a far more serious type of mental disorder," Dr. Trout continued, revealing the combina- tion of his vocational and avocational inter- ests in mental hygiene. "For example, a student once told me that he was blind. On further inquiry I discovered that he was 'blind' only when he began to read, that he had realized his blindness for the first time when he tried to study for a chemistry examina- tion," Dr. Trout, who is teaching mental hy- giene and guidance, said. "The boy soon learned he could not see to study for any exam," Dr. Trout continued. "He was removed from the big city school to which his father had objected and placed in a smaller one, where he made a very good record. The boy had found his escape, and if he had not arrived at this solution, his fear of exams and his general insecurity might have developed into a psycho- sis.", Many such men came to Dr. Trout in his position as Dean of Students at Central Michigan College in Mt. Pleasant, and he ap- plies his past experience as professor of psy- chology at Hillside and Central Michigan Col- leges to these problems, which are "right down his alley." Dr. Trout has been head of the Department of Psychology and Education at Central Michigan since 1937. During leaves of absence in 1940 and 1942-43, he has acted as consultant for the Mich- igan Secondary Curriculum Study and acted as coordinator of the Michigan Cooperative Teach- er-Education Study. In the latter capacity, he edited "The Education of Teachers" In addition, Dr. Trout frequently contributes to journals and magazines. His latest article in the Michigan Education Asociation Journal is about the Michigan State Curriculum Plan- ning Commission, of which he is chairman. Dr. Trout received his bachelor's degree from William Jewell College in Liberty, Mo., his mas- ter's in 1922 and the PhD degree in 1924 both from the University of Chicago. He holds an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from Hillsdale College. Among organizations of which he is a mem- ber are the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, the American Associa- tion of University Professors, and the Michi- gan Academy of Science. -Pat Cameron Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 14-S Notices Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority sponsors a summer dance at Smith Catering Service Fri- day evening, July 27, 1945. Music by the Sophisticated Five. Tickets may be purchased from members of the chapter. Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority cordially invites all sorors from other chapters, attend- ing summer school, to a reception in their honor, Saturday afternoon, July 21, 1945 in the West Conference room CIN.EM& Art Cinema League LA NOCHE DE LOS MAYAS," third offering of the Summer Session at the Rackham Auditorium was a good, not great, Mexican film depicting the "dark night" of the Mayan people after the Spanish con- querors drove the Indians into the forest. Arturo de Cordova takes the lead as the Mayan prince Uz who, be- trothed to the princess Lo, expres- ses his alternate desire and anger with a great deal of feeling. The story, a tragedy, centers around a bit of Mayan folklore in which a beautiful woman, as is so often the case, casts a curse upon her tribe through her sin. Lo, portrayed fairly weakly, is directly responsible for one man's death and the suffering of her entire tribe. The white intruder who has had an illicit affair with Lo is killed by Uz and Lo then takes her own life, removing the curse from the tribe. In short, it was different from Hollywood-far better in some parts, shallow in a few parts, but nevertheless on a high plane, At The Michigan . . "IT'S IN THE BAG" is a comedy starring Fred Allen and a host of of the Rackham building from 3-51 p. m. (EWT). A new class in social dancing will be offered on Monday evening begin-1 ning Monday, July 23, at 7:45 CWT (8:45 EWT) and will meet at the Women's Athletic Building. All Uni- versity men and women students are+ invited. Register now in Office 15,' Barbour Gymnasium, or at the first meeting of the group. Graduate Picnic: Bring your own lunch, drinks will be furnished, and come prepared for a good time. Meet on the Rackham Building steps at 3 EWT and we will go to the Island together. In case of rain go to the Graduate Outing Club Room. Grad- uates and members of the Outing Club are cordially invited. Date is Saturday, July 21. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who receive marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by August 2. .Students wishing an. extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. The Mathematics Club will meet Monday, July 23, at 4:15 p. m. (EWT) in the East Conference Room, Rack- ham Building. "Comments on Strategic Bombing," by Professor Harry C. Carver. Phi Delta Kappa. The regular weekly supper meeting will be held on Tuesday evening. July 24, at the Michigan Union. Members will as- semble at the desk in the lobby and proceed through the cafeteria lin to the faculty dining room. Mr. Robert N. Cross, Research Associate in the Bureau of Business Research. will speak on "Implications of Post- War Planning." Members of all chap ters are cordially invited. Recital Cancelled: The student re- cital by Florence McCracken, mezzo- soprano, originally announced for 7:30 p. m. CWT, Sunday. July 22, in Pattengill Auditorium, has been post- poned, until Monday evening, August 13. City of Detroit Civil Service an- nouncements for Medical Laboratory Aid, $1,800 to $1,866, Chemistry Aid, $2,149 to $2,348, Marine Operating Engineer (Fire Boat) $3,381 to $3,864, and Laborer A (War Service). $.95 to $1.00 per hour plus premium pay, have been received in our office. Further information regarding exam- inations may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Meeting -of the Russky Kruzhok (Russian Circle), Monday, Julyr23rd, 7:00 p. m. (CWT) in the Interna- tional Center. The next lecture open to the public will be held on August 6th. Watch the Daily for details. Except under extraordinary cir- cumstances, courses dropped after to- day will be recorded with a grade of E. Saturday at the U.S.. Dancing- Every Saturday night, with an or- chestra on July 14 and 28. Danc- ing starts at 8:30 and continues until 12:00. Refreshments! Academic Notices Students who intend to take the Language Examination for Masters' degrees in History should sign up in advance in the History Office, 119 Haven Hall. The examination is to be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at 4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts enrolled in the Summer Term: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from taking the course by (1) The Uni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his represent- ative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Summer Term. The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. rator," Monday, July 23, 221 West Engineering, at 2:00 p. m. EWT Chairman, R. S. Hawley. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient reas- on might wish to be present. Symposium on Molecular Structure will be held in Room 303 of the Chemistry Building on Mondays at 3:15 (CWT), 4:15 (EWT). July 23. Dr. R. W. G. Wyckoff, Electron-microscopy of Macro-mole- cules. July 30. Dr. R. G. Fowler, Infra- red Spectra and Structure of Organ- ic Molecules. August 6. Dr. Theodore Berlin, Wave Mechanical Principles and Chemical Resonance. August 13. Dr. Kasimir Fajans, Electronic Structure of Boron Comi- pounds and of Some Carbon Com- pounds. August 20. Dr. Peter Smith, Car- bon Attached Groups of Ionic Char- icter. August 27. Dr. Chas. 0. Ahonen Vibration Spectra of Isomeric Oc- anes. All interested are invited to at- end. Important Notice. Employee's Withholding Exemption Certificates must be on file in the office of the payroll clerk, Room 9 University Hall, for everyone on the Summer ?rogram before checks may be issued it the end of the month. Those ,vho have not filed such Withholding qlxemption Certificate with the pay- :oll clerk please do so at once. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports below C of all 'Tavy and Marine students who are iot in the Prescribed Curriculum; ilso for those in Terms 5, 6, and 7 f the Prescribed Curriculum are to 'e turned in to Dean Emmons' Of- :ice, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than August 4. Report cards may be obtained from your ddpart- mental office. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports on standings of ill civilian Engineering freshmen and all Navy and Marine students in Perms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescrib- ed Curriculum are due August 4. Re- port blanks will be furnished by cam- pus mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255, W. Eng. Bldg. M. .. Graduate Forum: Frank L. Hunt- ley, Lecturer in Area at the C.A.T.S. University of Michigan, will speak on 'Who are the Japanese." The lec- ture will be followed by an informal reception. The date is Tuesday, July 24 at 8 EWT in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. All grad- uate students are cordially invited. Geometry Seminar. The next meet. ing of the Geometry Seminar will be Tuesday, July 24, at 3:00 p. in. (CWT) (4:00 EWT) in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Agenda: Tea at 3:00; at 3:15 an outline by I. R. Savage and P. S. Jones and discussion of F. Klein's "Erlangen Programm." Exhibitions General Library, main corridor cases. Books printed in English be- fore 1640. Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotunda. Some foods of the American Indian. General Library, main corridor cases. Early military science selec- tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27, memorial collection, presented by Col. T. M. Spaulding, '02. Events Today Play. "The Male Animal" by Thur- ber and Nugent. Michigan Repertory Players. Department of Speech. 7:30 p. m. (CWT) or 8:30 p. m. (EWT). Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Satur- day. Motion Picture. Mexican film, "No- che de las Mayas." Saturday, 7:30 p. m. (CWT) or 8:30 p. m. (EWT). Rackham Lecture Hall. Matinee Today: A special matinee of "The Male Animal" will be given at 1:30 (CWT) today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Michi- gan Repertory Players of the Depart- ment of Speech. Tickets are on sale at the theatre box office. Coming Events Conference on the United States in the Postwar World. July 23 to other stars throughout less all-out which made us chortle the offering, but drew laughter than we ex- pected. Allen is ably assisted in the vehi- cle by Jack Benny, Binny Barnes, Bob Benchley, and Jerry Colonna and that's mentioning only a few of the big names in the picture. Best line in the entire affair is when Allen says, "That guy must have been in there for 10 hours- I've had five o'clock shadow twice." At The State " ,", "EARLhCARROLL'S VANITIES," as the title might imply, has sev- eral beautiful girls in it not count- ing those mentioned in the cast. It's a story about a guy who finds him- self in constant trouble with his lead- ing ladies one of which turns out to be a princess. There are a few clever lines in the movie with Dennis O'Keefe turning in a better than average performance. Woody Herman's music gives the pie a needed touch. . Second picture at the same thea- tre is "The Bullfighters" with Lau- rel and Hardy who pull the same gags all the time but seem to appeal to a lot of people. -Bob Goldman BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I I don't know how long she'll stay. Maybe only a week- Aunt Minerva? Coming here to visit us, Mom? ONLY a week? I remember your Cousin Minerva, Ellen. And now that she's written a best seller, she'll be really something to cope with-. Well, she IS Wait until 1t a celebrity- Mr. O'Malle r,:, Fairy Godfa CR~OCK(ET1f 3)OHNO/ ': :s E tell y, my " I ther- Mr. O Malley-- e. :n7 1 j 111lp Copyright, 19A5, iha HewspaQ