UNIVERSITY ADOPTION See Story onThi~s Page it13rI * ait& PARTLY CLOUDYI_) VOL. LV, No. 14-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Conference on Post- War Will Be Offered Here Ruthven, Ferguson, E. S. Brown To Speak in Series of Twenty Addresses on U.S. Position A two-week conference on "The United States in the Post-War World" consisting of lectures by guest speakers and University professors, will be offered by the Summer Session Office starting Monday. A series of twenty afternoon and evening addresses, including addres- ses by President Alexander G. Ruthven and U. S. Senator Homer Fergu- son, will be initiated by Prof. Everett S. Brown, chairman of the political SWake Island Survivors Tell Story science department. "Patterns of Poli tional" will be discussed by Prof. Bro Bretton Woodse Agreements Go To White House Export-Import Bank r Powers Augmented V By The Associated Press_ P WASHINGTON,. July 20 --0)- Congress completed the economict framework for the United States' widened place in world affairs todayI my sending to the White House the Bretton Woods monetary agreements and .a $2,800,000,000 boost in the ex- port-import bank's lending powers.c The actions left the United NationsI Charter as the only pending business connected with an international pro-g gram designed to keep the peace andC promote world trade.V Charter Is Next The Charter will come up next ine theSenate Monday for a week of de-J bate and then undoubted ratification.N With little debate and by unani- mous voice vote, the Senate accept-r ed the House-approved legislation in-C creasing the export-import bank'sv lending authority from $700,000,0001 to $3,500,000,000. Bretton Woods commits this coun-v try to invest about $6,000,000,000 inr establishment of a $9,100,000,000 in-t ternational bank and an $8,800,000,-I 000 monetary stabilization fund. I Export-Import BankE The export-import bank, now 11 years old, has operated heretoforeo primarily as an agency for short-a term financing of imports and ex-s ports. As the Senate passed the bill rais-I ing its lending power, Senator Taftv (R-Ohio) said without contradictionk that most of the increase would gop during the next 12 months into re-d habilitation of Europe. Russia will get $1,000,000,000, the Ohioan added.t Jap Empire Hit farom AirU itical Thought, National or Interna- wn at 4:10 p. m. EWT (3:10 p. m. CWT) Monday at Rackham Amphi- theatre. Now chairman of the political sci- ence department, Prof. Brown, M. L., Ph. D., was appointed acting chair- man of the department in 1941. An assistant to Herbert Hoover in the American Relief Administration, 1918-20, Prof. Brown was a member of the U. S. Food Administration, 1917-18. "The Constitutional Histo- ry of the Louisiana 'Purchase" was written by Prof. Brown, who com- piled "The Ratification of the Twen- ty-First Amendment to the Consti- tution of the United States" in 1938. He is a member of the American Political Science Association, the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, the University Research Club, theAmerican Historical Asso- ciation and Phi Kappa Phi. Dean Yoakum To Speak Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the graduate school, Vice-President in Charge of Educational Associations, will introduce Prof. Brown. "The Military Position of the Unit- ed States" will be analyzed by Prof. James B. Baxter III, President of Williams College, at 8:15 p. m. EWT (7:15 p. m. CWT) Monday at Rack- am Amphitheatre. Historian of the Office of Scientific Research and De- velopment, Prof. Baxter has been a lecturer at the Naval War College and a Master of Adams House at Har- vard. Prof. Baxter has also been Di- rector of Research and Analysis for the Coordinator of Information and Deputy Director for the Office of Strategic Services. Richard Hudson Professor Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak, chairman of the history department and Rich- ard Hudson, Professor of Ancient Hi- story, will introduce Prof. Baxter. "Problems in the Relations of the United States and the Arab World" will be discussed by Prof. Clark Hop- kins of the Latin department at 4:10 p. m. EWT (3:10 p. m. CWT) Tues- day in Rackham Amphitheatre. Jacob Viner, noted University of Chicago economist, will speak on "Problems of Economic Cooperation" at 8:15 p. m. EWT (7:15 p. m. CWT) Tuesday at Rackham Amphitheatre. President Ruthven To Speak President Alexander G. Ruthven will deliver the evening lecture Wed- nesday on "Problems of Educational Cooperation." A fellow of the Amer- ican Academy of the Arts and Sci- ences, President Ruthven was award- ad the Blue Cordon of the Order of the Brilliant Jade. Tag Day Drive To Send Detroit Boys To Camp Disadvantaged Youths To Seek Contributions Boys from the Detroit area will be sent to the University Fresh Air Camp with the money collected in the Tag Day Drive to be held Tues- day. Stationed throughout the campus and downtown, boys from the camp will solicit money for the tags. The goal for the drive has been set at $1,000. Recreation for Children The purpose of the camp, Prof. F. N. Menefee, camp director, has stated is to provide recreation for disadvan taged children from the Detroit area ane, in addition, to help them to ad- just to their social environment. Boys from 9 to 13 years of age who are not making acceptable progress in school or who are sub-normal in health or social adjustment, are stud- ied at the camp. A record of their progress in the camp is kept and is submitted to the social agency in charge of the boy for further treat- ment. In Charge of Grad Student While in camp, the boy is in charge of a Counsellor who is a graduate student in education, sociology or so- cial work. Thirty-seven counsellors_ have been chosen from schools throughout the country and include, in addition to students, two superin- tendents, five principals and one Dean of Women. The counsellors are furnished their tuition, room and board and are required to take a maximum of six hours in education and sociology courses. One of the purposes of these courses is to give the school teacher social work train- ing which he can apply in the school- room. U.S. Did Not Fight for Land Truman Tells World We Fought for Peace By The Associated Press BERLIN, July 20-President Tru- man told the world today that the United States does not propose to trade its sacrifices in the bloodiest of wars for territorial conquest or monetary gain. Speaking only a few miles from' the former Kaisers' palace where he is working with Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin on a formula for preserving Europe against future war he declared point- edly: "We are not fighting for conquest. There is not a piece of territory or one thing of a monetary nature we want out of this war." The words were spoken at the historic occasion of the raising of the stars and stripes over the capital of Germany-"our greatest adversary." Picked infantrymen from the second ("hell on wheels") armored division then heard this solemn warning: "We must not forget that we are fighting for peace and for the welfare of mankind." "We want peace and we want to see the time come when we can do the things in peace that we have been able to do in war," the gray-haired Missourian assured the victorious outfit. r ^t --- - _.. .x 03001 c -r =;z STaTUTE MILES Krk "Ap n Gensa Jpa KOREA JAPAN Y.> ellow KeGI~o Sn Sea ~Kanazawa " _ HONSHUI T smtap=; ".°=:. s: TOKYO Pusanb " Nagoya ® - _ s 5th, 7th 4 C .HINA .skeet 41' WecowI U$ ay ' AI FORMOSA OKINAWA .G I Marines Surrender To Avoid Slaughter of'Helpless Civilians Two Lieutenants Escape Prison Camp, Describe Garrison Under Jap Rule By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 20-Two survivors of the heroic marine garrison on Wake Island said today the defenders surrendered to the Japanese largely to prevent further slaughter of unarmed civilians. Seventy civilians had already been killed, along with 49 Marines, when the little Pacific Island was finally given up to strong enemy forces on Dec. 23, 1941, they related. The survivors, first to tell of the last hours on Wake, were First Lieuten- ants John A. McAlister, 26, of Blue Mountain, Miss., and John F. Kinney, 30, of Colfax, Wash. y', i G Q* '9 - 0 r e MAitIA PHILIPPINE S Pacic Qcear f5 I SAIPAN WHERE U. S. AIRMEN ARE BASED IN THE PACIFIC-Plane symbols and labels locate operations of U. S. air units now blasting Japanese holdings in the Pacific from the Philippines and Guam to the home! islands of the enemy. UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW: Plih Stdents Use Makeshift Facilities, Need Outside Aid News Blackout Bars Details of Tokyo Raid GUAM, Saturday, July 21-(.P)- While a security blackout still barred details of the American and British fleets' air-surface blows at Tokyo Bay Wednesday and Thursday, Navy and Army headquarters today re- ported other widespread aerial thrusts at the feebly defended Japanese em- pire. Lumbering search planes of the fleet damaged a medium cargo ship off eastern Honshu Friday, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced, and 80 Mustangs from Iwo Jima strafed central Honshu in the wake of a record pre-dawn strike by more than 600 B-29s. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of informative articles on foreign universities under consideration for adop- tion. Information for this article was supplied by Stefani Albrecht, American citizen, who was in Poland at the time of the German invasion, and was subse- quently interned in a concentration camp in France until January, 1943. By ANITA FRANZ Between the two World Wars, Pol- and, as an independent nation for the first time since the 18th century, built new and modern schools and supplied them with the latest equip- ment. When the Germans came Sept. 1, Prejudice Bred By Segregation "Segregation of one group of work- ers from their fellows, in any phase of activity, promotes attitudes of misunderstanding and antagonism," Frank Marquard, education director 'of the International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultur- al Implement Workers of America (UAW-CIO), local No. 212, stated in a recent interview. Marquard will speak to the meet- ing of the Inter-Racial Association on "Labor and Racial Recrimina- tion" at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Monday in the Michigan CWT)Monday in the Michigan Union. Marquard has been very ac- tive in combatting discrimination within the unions by formulating anti-prejudice programs of action. "Plant conditions should be re- viewed jointly by the local union and management to eliminate all dis- criminatory restrictions upon the promotion and upgrading of work- ers," Mr. Marquard commented. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Maj. Gen. M. C. Cramer will address the JAG graduation exercises at 10:15 a. m. EWT (9:15 a. m. CWT) in Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall. Today Graduates will meet on the Rackham Building steps at 3:00 p. m. EWT (2:00- p. m. CWT) for a picnic on the Island. Today "The Male Animal" will be presented by the De- partment of Speech at 2:30 p. :m. EWT (1:30 p.m. CWT) and at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) at Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Today Mixer dance at the Union at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) and record dance froth 9-12 p. m. EWT (8-11 p. m. CWT) in the North Lounge. Today tLaNoche de los Ma yos," Mexican flm, will beshown at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. 'ITdayThe All-Nations Club will Job Placement Parley To Open Here Tuesday' The annual Guidance and Place- ment Conference, sponsored by the University Bureau ofAppointments and Occupational Information, will be held at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 "WT) Tuesday at the Rackham Amphitheatre, it was announced yes- terday. One-hundred fifty schools superin- tendents representing institutions throughout the state, are expected to attend the Conference. Poswar Problems Purpose of the meeting is to ac- quaint superintendents and school teachers with postwar problems ip, education. Conference speakers include: Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information; Char- les L. Anspach, President of the Cen- tral Michigan College of Education; Ben R. Marsh, vice-president of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co.; and William O'Neil, director of the Yanks Service Bureau of the Chicago Sun. Replacement Problems Dr. Purdom will discuss briefly, "Immediate Problems of Replacement f Civians" while President Anspach will talk on "Study of Supply, De- mand, and Placement of Teachers." "The Postwar Program of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co." will be the subject of Marsh's address, with O'Neil, director of the Yanks Ser- vice Bureau lecturing on "Veterans Education Programs and Their Ef- fect on Public Education." 1939, they occupied all of the school buildings from the grade schools to the universities. The Ministry of Education was turned into head- quarters for the Gestapo, and its ar- chive rooms became torture cham- bers. Faculty members were seized im- mediately and either killed at once, or sent to concentration camps where they were tortured before being exe- cuted. The few professors that man- aged to escape organized "under- ground schools," where small groups of 'students met daily for several hours. 'Underground Schools' Each day students in the "under- ground schools" had to change their place of meeting because all educa- tional activity was forbidden. With every means of transportation taken over by the Germans, students had to walk miles in the cold and snowy Polish weather to get to school. There was no heat. There was no glass in the windows. They attended their "underground" classes wearing sweaters and coats. The Germans confiscated the print- ing presses and the libraries. Books were procured from older friends who had already graduated, and when the students had finished using the books, they passed them on to their younger friends. Warsaw Uprising In the 63-day uprising in Warsaw, the entire city was destroyed-the University of Warsaw along with it. Learning is going on in Poland to- day, but in the open, not in hiding. Yet students still must use their make-shift facilities. Immediate government financial aid for rehabilitations of the Univer- sity is impossible because the Polish government is new. The only way that students of the University of Warsaw may rebuild now is through material help from persons outside the nation. * * * Adoption Dance Will Be Held An "Adoption Dance," sponsored by the Student Organization for In- ternational Cooperation, will be held from 9 p. m. to midnight EWT (8 to 11 p. m. CWT) next Saturday in the ballroom of the Union. Entire proceeds of the dance will be usedto send supplies to a foreign university chosen for adoption. Se- lection of the university will be made by the entire student body at a cam- pus election to be held Friday, and the name of the institution chosen will be announced at the dance. In order to supply students with information regarding the universi- ties under consideration, a series of articles on these universities will ap- They have just reached Washing- ton after escape from a prisoner of war camp near Shanghai, China. Now they managed that is a secret. The Lieutenants said the Japanese killed two wounded men in a sur- rendered hospital, forced all the sur- rendering garrison to strip and tied them to posts for hours. They al- lowed the captives no food and little water for two days. 435 on Wake They told a news conference that there were 435 Marines on Wake at the start, that the 50th Marine death came the day after surrender. It was Lt. Kinney who was credited with keeping the island's fewtplanes in the air by a proces of patching, swapping parts, stripping and re- building. Lt. McAlister was with the defense forces on tiny Wilkes Island, part of the Wake atoll, which was the last defending unit to surrender. Improvised Hospital Kinney said he was in an improvis- ed hospital suffering from exhaustion when the surrender order came, and a surrender flag was raised over the hospital shack. When Japanese troops arrived, he said, all personnel who were able were standing with arms raised, but the.Japanese nevertheless fired into the shack, killing two and wounding one. All of the surrendering garrison were stripped naked and tied to posts for several hours and then kept in the open for two days. On Christmas night they were moved to barracks and given two meals a day from their own stores. A Little Rice The prisoners arrived in Shanghai January 24. Food in the prison camp consisted of small portions of rice, and occa- sionally some cabbage or carrots with a tiny piece of meat about every third meal. The prisoners' health held up fair- ly well after Red Cross packages began to arrive. When the first attack came ecem- ber 8, Wake time, Kinney was 0 miles at sea with a four plane patrol. The garrison's eight other planes were dispersed on the ground as much as possible, but the first at- tack destroyed seven and badly dam- aged the eighth. Of the island's 44 air personnel, 20 were killed or ser- iously wounded. Mexican Film To Be Shown Again Today "The Dark Night of the Mayas," wil be shown at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) today in the Rackham Auditorium. This Mixican film is under the sponsorship of the summer session office and no admision is charged. Accompanying the feature ic a French musical short featuring sev- eral DeBussy selections. "The Novedades" a Mexican paper has said of the film: "From now on, 'The Dark Night of the Mayas' will do much to make the world under- stand how great Mexican thinking and Mexican poetry are." Allied Police Seeky German Illegal Dealers Illicit Trading Centers Discovered in Berlin By The Associated Press BERLIN, July 20-Big-time Ger- man operators in illicit stocks of Allied food and gasoline were sought by Military Police of the American, British and Soviet occupying armies here tonight. American and British security"of- flcers have for two weeks been care- fully spotting centers of illegal trai- ing, especially in Allied military sup- plies, against the time when the higher-ups could be grabbed. Author- ization by the Berlin Kommandatur brought Soviet Military Police into action as part of the dragnet. German Police Help Units of the German police force joined Allied Military Police in an affort to clean up a situation which U. S. Maj. Gen. Floyd L. Parks called a menace to the city's welfare. Parks told the second meeting of t h e Inter-Allied "Kommandatur" that he believed the "black market" had grown to"alarming proportions." French Sit In His proposal that coordinated measures be undertaken to wipe it out was approved immediately and provost marshals of all four powers prepared joint operations. TheFrench sat in at the meeting but did not participate because they are not yet occupying part of Berlin. Unofficially it was acknowledged that troops of all armies represented here had been drawn to some extent into the whirlpool of speculation among physically hungry and paper- rich Berliners. Street vendors of rationed foods have been demanding sky-high pri- ces inillicit sales. New Spanish Cabinet Formed MADRID, July 20-()-The Span- ish government announced tonight the formation ofa new cabinet head- ed by Generalissimo Franco and with Alberto Martin Artajo, Catholic Lay Leader, replacing Jose Felix Lequerica as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Falange leader Jose Luis Arrese was dropped as Minister Without Portfolio. Raimundo Fernandez Cuestas, for- mer Secretary General of the Fal- anage, was named as the new Mini- ster of Justice. Spaniards had expected a reor- ganization of the cabinet since the time of the United Nations' San Francisco Conference statement that governments organized with Axis aid would not be accepted into the United Nations. / 98 OFFICERS LEAVE: Cramer, Stason To Address JAG Graduates Here Today * * * Maj.-Gen. Myron C.Cramer, Judge Advocate General of the Army and Dr. E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the Law School, will address the 98 of- ficers graduating from the JAG School at 10:15 a. m. EWT (9:15 a. m. CWT) today, Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall.} Gen. Cramer, who made a special trip from Washington, D. C., to parti- cipate in the weekend ceremonies, and Dr. Stason have been traditional commencement speakers since the School was transfered to Ann Ar- bor in September, 1942. Both speak- ers will be introduced by Col. Regi- nald C. Miller, Commandant of the BRETTON WOODS: Watkins Says Will To Make Machinery Work' Necessary Bretton Woods, the product of the lessons of the inter-war period, pro- vides machinery for international ec- onomic cooperation; the will to make the machinery work will determine its success, Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the economics department told a Hillel Foundation audience yester- day. Speaking on "Economic Bases for Peace," Prof. Watkins explained that and investment arrangements, it would provide no necessary guaran- tee against the nationalistic policies employed in the pre-war period. The functions of the International Fund, provided for in the Bretton Woods plan, he pointed out, are: 1) to act as an umpire in the setting of exchange rates; 2) to reestablish a multilateral trade system, ridding I .. ;: ' -