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July 20, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-20

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Full Publicity for
Poland Promised
By U.S. State Dept.
Yalta Agreements Will Be Kept
Grew Replies To Vandenberg
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 19-The State Department promised today to
seek full publicity for the situation in Poland and reiterated that it stands
for self-determination for the Polish people.
Acting Secretary Josephi C. Grew stated the Department's position
in response to a letter from Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.), who said that
to him and to millions of other people, the Polish settlement seemed "inade-
quate and unconvincing."
"There still seems to be no clear assurance," Vandenberg wrote, "that
the Polish people will themselves have the final opportunity of untrammeled


Bom er




Halsey Carries Challenge To
Tokyo Bay, Shells Mainland
Japs Speculate Whether Action Is
Prelude to Landing Invasion
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Friday, July 20-Bombarding guns of the U. S. Third Fleet
carried Adm. William F. Halsey's battle challenge right to Tokyo Bay
Thursday and the Japanese, still declining the challenge, worried over
where the next blow would fall.
A record force of more than 600 Marianas-based American Super-
,fortresses rained 4;000 tons of incendiary and demolition bombs on four
Honshu Island cities and an oil refinery before dawn today.
The cities were Choishi, Fukui, Okazaki and Hitachi, bringing to 46 the
total number of industrial centers hit by B-29 fire raids.
Hitachi, 80 miles north of Tokyo, was bombarded by battleships and
supporting vessels of the fleet Tuesday night, in a shelling along the
Honshu coast continuing into Wed-v

Senate Votes
To Support
Bretton Woods
Big Majority Passes
World Banking lan
By The Associated Press'
WASHINGTON, July 19 -T h e
Senate today voted its approval of
the Bretton Woods plan to stabilize
the postwar monies of the world and
help finance reconstruction.
The vote, 61 to 16, returned the
measure to the house. Expected
agreement there on minor technical
amendments will give final congres-
sional approval to the administra-
tion-backed program intended to
steady the economy of a world recov-
ering from war.
U. S. Share
The plan puts the United States
down for a $2,750,000,000 share of a
proposed $8,800,000,000 fund to sta-
bilize world currencies and a $3,175,-
000,000 capital subscription to a $9,-
100,000,000 bank to make loans for
reconstruction and development.
With administration forces in
easy control of the final day's debate,
the Senate rejected every attempt to
alter the plan. It apparently took its
cue from Majority Leader Barkley
(D-Ky.) who argued an amendment
to the agreement would kill the en-
tire proposal and force the world in-
to another monetary conference such
as last year's Bretton Woods meeting
of 44 nations which produced the in-
ternational bank and fund proposal.
Taft Leading Opponent
Senator Taft (R-Ohio), leading
opponent of the agreements, sought
in vain to limit the use of the sta-
bilizing fund and to eliminate entire-
ly U. S. participation in the bank.
His test amendment-denying any
nation access to the world stabiliza-
tion fund if it retains trading restric-
tions on its own currency-was voted
down after Barkley declared:
"T)he effect of this amendment is
to kill the entire agreement."
From there on it was smooth sail-
ing for the Bretton Woods support-
Latin Americans
To Sponsor Dance
The University Latin American So-
ciety will give a dance celebrating
Columbian Independence Day from
8 p. m. to midnight EWT (7 p. m. to
11 p. m. CWT) today in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Building, it was
announced by Prof. Julio del Toro,
secretary of the Society.
Records of South American music
will be provided for the dancing and
a floor show will be staged at 10 p. m.
EWT (9 p. m. CWT). The Society
will welcome any couples interested
in attending the dance.
Today "La Noche de los Mayos,"
Mexican film, will be
shown at 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p. m. CWT) in the
Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
Today The Latin American So-
ciety will give a dance
from 8:30 p. m. to mid-
night (7:30-11 p. m.
CWT) in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham
Today "The Male Animal" will
be presented. by the De-
partment of Speech at
8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tomorrow Mixer dance at the Un-
ion at 2:30 p. m. EWT

4>self -determination under this new
provisional government which is im-
posed upon them by Britain, Russia
and the United States, within Polish
boundaries similarly dictated by these
external powers."
Close Watch
Grew replied that the new Polish
government was set up by the Poles
themselves, but indicated the United
States would seek to keep close watch
to see that actually free elections car-
ry out the rest of the Yalta agreement
on Poland.
"It is clear that the creation of the
new government does not alone dis-
charge us from the responsibilities
we assumed at Yalta," Grew wrote.
Questions and Repies
The questions raised by Vanden-
berg and the replies given by Grew
follow, in brief:
1. Will the Poles themselves have
"the final opportunity of untrammel-
ed self-determination under this new
provisional government imposed upon
them by Britain, Russia and the Unit-
ed States?",
Reply: members of the Russian-
sponsored Polish government "and
other Polish democratic leaders from
within Poland and from abroad"
agreed on the new "government of
national unity." Therefore, "the new
government was not imposed upon
the Polish people" by the Big Three.
2. Is American responsibility under
the Yalta agreement "presumed to
have been discharged by the crea-
tion of this new provisional govern-
Keep Governments
Reply: No. The Yalta agreement
provides that the Big Three ambas-
sadors "shall keep their respective
governments informed about the sit-
uation in Poland."
3. "Will the United States be per-
mitted to send full diplomatic and
consular representatives into Pol-
Reply: The Polish government has
asked for diplomatic relations and
Ambassador Arthur Bliss Lane and
aides "are making arrangements to
proceed to Warsaw as soon as possi-
Advisory Group
Is Appointed
U Profs. Will Help
In Education Service
"A special faculty committee has
been appointed to serve in an advis-
ory capacity to the Director and Ex-
ecutive Committee of the Extension
Service in connection with the Work-
ers' Educational Service," Dr. James
P. Adams, University Provost, an-
nounced yesterday.
The Education Service has been
caried on under the auspices of the
Extension Service during the past
year and will be continued in the
coming year.
Extension Service Representative
"It is the purpose of the Univer-
sity to make this program an ade-
quate representation of the Univer-
sity's work, and this committee can
be of considerable assistance in help-
ing to work out the plans for the
project," Dr. Adams explained.
Members of the newly-formed
committee include: Prof. Z. C. Dick-
inson. of the Economics Department
chairman; Prof. C. B. Gordy, of the
Mechanical Engineering Depart-
mnent; Prof. William Haber, of the
Eonomics Department; Prof. J. E.
Kallanbach. of the Political Science
Department; and Prof. John W. Rie-
gel of the School of Business Admin-
Advisory Committee Augmented
Dr. Charles A. Fisher, Director of
the Extension Service, will serve as
an ex officio member of the commit-
The General Advisory Committee
Snes nf f th I.fll1nwino' Tb' 1.nw-

CARRIER BACK IN ACTION-The Ticonderoga, pictured here after being hit by two Jap suicide bombers
Jan. 21, has been repaired and returned to action.
* * * * *
Ticonderoga, Repaired Returns To *Action
After Near-DesrutoB Suicide Bombers

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 19-The great
aircraft carrier Ticonderoga, so de-
structively hit by two suicide bomb-
ers last Jan. 21 that she lost 144 killed
and missing in a few lurid hours, is
now back in action against the enemy.
There were 193 officers and men
wounded in addition. The carrier
damage was severe. A number of
planes set on fire on decks had
to be pushed overboard.
The story of the Ticonderoga's bad
day was related by the Navy today
Shanghai Hit In
Record Attack
AAF Scores City in
Okinawa-Based Planes
MANILA, Friday, July 20-(UP)-'
More than 200 Far East Air Force
Bombers and Fighters from Okinawa
delivered the war's heaviest air at-
tack on Shanghai Tuesday, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
The medium and heavy bombers
of the Seventh Air Force spanned
the East China Sea and dropped
more than 200 tons of bombs on Kia-
gwan at Shanghai. Their escorting
fighters started fires at Tinghai Air -
drome, damaged installations on a
nearby island, and swept scuth for
attacks on enemy shipping off Tish-
an Island.
Oneaplane was definitely lost on
the raid and another was listed a-s
Simultaneously MacArthur an-
nounced that other Fifth and Sev-
enth Air Forces planes temporarily
severed rail-communications be-
tween the munitions and subm arine
manufacturing center of Fagoshima
and the rest of Kyushu, southern-
most of the main Japanese islands.
The attacks sealed off two vital
rail tunnels northwest and southwest
of the port city of 180,000 population.
A third tunnel was damaged and the
strafed, damaging railroad cars,
harbor area of the city itself was
trucks and coastal shipping.

in an official story which told also
of her rapid successes on her first
tour against the Japanese.
On that fateful January afternoon,
a single-engined Japanese pLane
crashed down through the flight deck
with its suicidal pilot and its bomb
It exploded in an area with aircraft
being refueled and rearmed. The fire,
fed by gasoline, spread fast.
Firefighters and planehandlers
shoved burning planes overboard.
While men were fighting these
damages, more suicide planes drew
near, attracted by black smoke bil-
lowing hundreds of feet into the
sky. Three were shot down.
Still another, although hit, crashed
into the superstructure. His two
bombs ripped holes in the flight deck
and falling debris carried the fires
further. Prompt action was needed,
and it came, to keep many planes
from being burned.
Commodore (then Captain) Dixie
Watkins to Tali.
At HilelToday
"Economic Bases for Peace" will
be discussed by Prof. Leonard Wat-
kins of the economics department at
the Sabbath eve services to be held
at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) today
in the Hillel Foundation chapel.
In his talk he will deal with the
effects of the Bretton Woods pro-
nosal]s toward the maintenance of
peace, and the manner in which the
Economic and Social Council of the
new World Security Organization will
function in the economic field.
Prof. Watkins received his doctor's
degree from the University following
studies at the University of -Texas
and Alabama Polytechnic Institute,
Following the services a social hour
will be held and refreshments will be
There will be a meeting of the
Executive Council of SOIC at 4:15
n. m. EWT (3:15 p. m. CWT) to-
day in the Union.

Kiefer of Kansas City, it was found
afterward, was wounded in 65 dif-
ferent places. He lay bleeding on
the bridge but for 12 hours re-
fused treatment. Only when he
was assured all others had been
cared for would he leave the
Lt. Robert R. Hurst of Lynbrook,
Long Island, signal and tactics of-
ficer, told a typical story:
"I can give the names of the men
of - my division some of them dead,
who helped to whip the fires and save
their shipmates.
"But mine was only one group of
many, and somewhere in these rec-
ords are the names of hundreds of
men who performed like: heroes that
"To me, it seemed that the whole
crew, trained beforehand to face an
emergency, reacted magnificently.
Boys who had been 'boots' only a
short time before showed that they
had quickly become seasoned sailors."
The Ticonderoga had to leave
Japanese waters only temporarily.
Back at the Bremerton, Wash.,
shipyards, civilian repairmen put
her back in first-class fighting
shape by laboring 155,000 man-
Now the proud ship and her crew
adding to a score which already in-
The sinking of one heavy cruiser,
one light cruiser, two destroyers, four
destroyer escorts, four large oilers,
five freighters or freighter-transports
and 14 miscellaneous craft.
eniston Talks
On Languages
Both practical and cultural reas-
ons for the study of foreign languages
were cited by Dr. Hayward Kenis-
ton, dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, in his
discussion "Why Learn a Foreign
Language?" before members of the
Linguistic Institute yesterday at their
weekly luncheon conference at the
Michigan League.
Among the practical reasons, Dean
Keniston noted the probability that
in the post-war period the United
States wili have increasing commer-
cial and diplomatic contacts with for-
eign countries,
Cultural Benefits
Of more importance for the general
college student, however, is Dean
Keniston's opinion, are the cultural
benefits, which he classified under
the headings of a realization of how
the speakers of another tongue might
express ideas in a manner different
from one's own, a greater insight into
the manner in which one's own
languages is constructed, and an in-
creased knowledge of the culture of
another people.
Methods in Teaching
Discussion 'following the talk cen-
tered on methods to be followed in
teaching languages most effectively.
While there was difference as to the
detail of organizing language courses
members of the Institute were quite
generally agreed that practice in
speaking and hearing a language not
only achieve desirable ends in them-
selves but also increase the student's
facility in understanding the written

Tokyo Nervous
Tokyo speculated nervously on
whether the series of damaging at-
tacks were "spasmodic" or preludes to
a "quick" invasion.
Fleet Adm. Chester W. itimitz' reg-
ular communique this morning gave
the Japanese no hint of the answer.
It was limited to reporting harrassing
and neutralizing air strikes by far
western Pacific forces, which sank
11 small coastal cargo ships and dam-
aged five others off Korea and Hon- s
shu on Wednesday.r
Bombardment Continued -t
American cruisers and- destroyers, b
which started shelling Nojima cape
at the entrance to Tokyo Bay Wed-
nesday at 11 p. m. continued thet
bombardment into the early hours ofp
This fourth bombardment of the
Japanese mainland by American and
British warships of the Third Fleet
in six days followed by a few hours r
the fleet's carrier aircraft raid on
remnants of the Japanese Navy at
Yokosuka naval base in Tokyo Bay.
55 Miles From Palace
Both the bombardment and aerialz
targets were within 55 miles of Em-
peror Hirohito's palace in Tokyo.
Nimitz' communique said one large
explosion was observed in the target
Tokyo claimed the reason no planesc
or ships have yet been sent against
the third fleet, now the greatest at-
tacking naval force of history, wasr
that the Japanese command had
found Halsey's challenge "not worth
Inference of all Tokyo broadcasts
were that Japan was saving every bit
of air and sea power she has left for
the expected invasion battle.
'Male Animal'
Offered Tonight
Two Performances
Scheduled Tomorrow c
"The Male Animal" is being pre
sented by the Michigan Repertor
Players at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m
CWT) today and tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. There
will also be a matinee performance at
2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) on
The comedy, written by Jame
Thurber and Eliott Nugent, relate
the trials a young English professor
goes through when his wife's old boy-
friend, a handsome halfback of hi
day, comes back for the big game o
the year, and the subordinate pur-
pose of winning her affections. Nol
only does the professor have to fight
the odd member of the triangle, but
in the same week-end he is named
by the college paper as a potential
communist, and thus his position on
the faculty is threatened.
"The Male Animal" was pro-
claimed by Burns Mantle as the fin-
est comedy since "Life with Father."
It has also been declared by some of
the finest critics to be the best col-
lege comedy of our time.
Hand in Waste Paper
For Salvage Today
Waste paper will be collected
from - Ann Arbor curbs by city
trucks today, George H. Gab-
ler, chairman of the W htenaw
county salvage committee, re-
minded residents today. In addi-
tion to wastepaper, rags and mat-
tresses also will be collected.
Union Mixer Will
Be Held Tomorrow

JAG Graduates
Will Parade
In Quad Today
98 Men Will Depart
For Army Stations
Setting a new record for overseas
ervice, with 34 of their members
ecruited from Army outposts
hroughout the world, the 98 mem-
bers of the Judge Advocate General.
School's Twelfth Officer Candidate
and Twenty-Third Officer Class will
be assigned to Army contingents at
home and abroad when they gradu-
ate this weekend.
Reviewed by the Judge Advocate
General of the Army, Maj.-Gen. My-
ron C. Cramer; Col. Oscar Rand,
Staff Judge Advocate and Col. George
A.. Sanford, Director of Training,
both of the Sixth Service Command;
he staff and faculty of the JAG
School, the 98 graduates will parade
at 4:30 p. m. EWT (3:3 p. m CWT)
today in the Law Quadrangle.
Grads Sworn Into JAG
During the ceremonies, the 43
members of the Twelfth Officer Can-
didate Class will be sworn 'into the
JAG Department as second liuten-
ants by Col. Reginald C. Miller, Com-
mandant of -the School. A letter of
appointment as officers of the U. S.
Army from President Truman will
be read by Lt.-Col. Jeremiah O'Con-
mor of the School's staff.
Seven lieutenant-colonels, the high-
?st number in the School's history,
vill graduate with the Twenty-Third
officer Class. Other figures released
>y Col. Miller reveal that the Officer
lass will graduate 11 majors, nine
;aptains, 23 first lieutenants and five
second lieutenants.
Commencement Banquet
Both classes will be hosts to the
risiting officers and the staff and
faculty at the traditional commence-
mnent banquet to be held this evening
At the Allenel Hotel.
Gen. Cramer, making a special trip
:rom Washington to attend the cere-
ponies, and Dr. E. Blythe Stason,
dean of the Law School, will deliver
yommencement addresses at tomor-
row morning's exercises, Rm. 100,
14iutchins Hall. Col. Miller will in-
1roduce the speakers, and Gen. Cram-
ar will present the graduates with
Lone Sub Meets
Japanese Fleet
SAIPAN, Marianas Islands, July 2,
1944-(M)-Roving the far western
Pacific, an American submarine ran
into one of the strangest naval adven-
tures of the war when she encoun-
;ered the major part of the Japanese
Imperial Fleet and torpedoed a large
snemy carrier.
Most of the enemy ships passed
over her one night as she lay in the
black depths and counted the whirr-
ing of their screws.
Before the adventure ended, enemy
destroyers jarred her with depth
charges, but the sub's lean black hull
was unharmed,
The story of the 48-hour experi-
ence of the submarine was told here
today by the subs young skipper,
Lieut. Commander Herman J. Koss-
ler, 32, of Los Angeles.
Twice the submarine had a bead
on a big Japanese carrier, but the
first time she withheld her torpedoes
because she wanted to keep her pres-
ence a secret from the enemy, and
relay information about the Japa-
nese fleet to Fleet Headquarters.
Tb - I Tb i a> -1

PNoehe de los Mayas,' Opens
Toda; -Is Pr"ze-Wirin gFi

"The Dark Night of the Mayas," a
Mexican prize winning film, will be
shown at 8:30 p. in. EWT (7:30 p. m.
CWT) today and tomorrow in the
Rackham Auditorium.
The film is the third in the series
of foreign films being brought to
campus under the sponsorship of the
summer session office. Accompany-
ing the film is a French musical
short featuring several DeBussy com-
Triangular Love Plot
The story of "La Noche de los
Mayas" concerns the coming of the
white man into the secluded retreat
of the Mayas. Uz, the next ruler of
the tribe, is in love with the beautiful
princess, however she loves him like
a brother and falls under the fasci-
nating spell of the handsome white
mann ohn ha nme in serch nf aom

Her deeds result in the princess,
Lol, being discovered by her father
in the forest where she had gone to
meet Miguel, the white man. The
father is forced to offer her as a sac-
rifice to the gods to bring the long-
sought-for rain. Before she is killed,
U? finds Miguel and kills him, hop-
ing to save the village from the wrath
of the gods and to keep Lol with him
forever. However, Lol, when she dis-
covers the death of her lover, throws
herself into the deep well and ends
her unhappy existence. The witch is
burned by the villagers and the evil
in the village is wiped out.
Note of Hope
The rain finally falls after much
heartbreak and suffering on the
part of the good Indians. The last
scene foresees the rising of the May-
as nnn e gin.

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