PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ __. f &rrificftanh Yai Fifty-Fifth Year £?IICPte o like &ciodpo Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland . . . . Managing Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use forre-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rir, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTHD FOR tATIONAL ADVERTM NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. 3 NEW YORK. N.Y. CEmlaGo - 60o8t - Ls AGELES- SAN FRANCCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BOB GOLDMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Steel to Spain CIO HEAD Philip Murray has charged that plans are being made to ship 200,000 tons of steel to General Franco of Spain. Murray asserts that producers of steel are anxious to ship it abroad because that way the price would be uncontrolled, whereas in the United States market prices are managed and, conse- quently, profits are limited. The Foreign Economics Administration has denied Mr. Murray's charge, but often what one bureau denies is being done, another breau is busy doing. It is to be hoped that Mr. Murray is wrong in his charge. Unfortunately, our relations with Spain have been none too healthy, and one is prone to believe accusations such as this cur- rent one. Aside from the fact that steel is vital here, and is none too plentiful, the moral issue of sending anything to Franco immediately en- ters the picture. Franco has been our enemy all along. He and his government are rep- resentative of what we are supposed to be fighting, namely fascism. If Mr. Murray is right, something is not only rotten in Den- mark; it's rotten in America. -Eunice Mintz Armed Camps AN INDUSTRIAL EXPLOSION, involving labor and management in the city of Detroit is predicted by Earl Brown, author of "Detroit's Armed Camp" in this month's edition of Harp- er's Magazine. Hitting at sore spots on both sides of the fence, Mr. Brown cites facts in his article which indict both the unions and the employers in the Detroit area. Brown states, in his expose, that the irre- sponsible behavior of workers in Detroit is' exemplified in wildcat strikes, slowdowns and all types of behavior leading to industrial anarchy. This anarchy, he explains, was caused by the government's demand for step- ped-up production. Industries hired men at exhorbitant wages to do nothing in order to have them on hand when materiels came in. .Labor unions, relieved of their obligations to fight for higher wages, began to accuse manufacturers of being anti- union. When plants began to fall behind in their production schedules, the workers balk- ed because they feared that they would work themselves out of their jobs. The mushroom growth of Detroits industries has resulted, according to Brown, in the in- flux of thousands of untrained, undisciplined workers, he points out, and discord in union organization between numerous factional groups has made it impossible to instill in the workers a sense of responsibility in their jobs. Brown also scores industrialists for "imma- ture and bigoted policies." He contends that management is taking advantage of labor's no- strike pledge by refusing to settle grievances expeditiously, and asserts that employers are attempting to discipline workers and, at the same time, making it difficult for them to bar- gain collectively. Other causes, for the industrial strife, Brown declares, are the laxity of government agencies in handling disputes and the lack of construct- ive official leadership in Detroit. Writing as a disinterested observer, Brown has given some clues to the two-sided struggle EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily welcomes Letters to the Editor and encourges use of the column as a sound- ing board for campus opinion. Limitations of space, however, force us to set a maximum length of 35 words. Letters exceeding that length will be cut at the discretion of the editors. Urges Adoption of Kiev To the Editor: IN THE COMING ELECTIONS by the Student Organization for International Cooperation for the adoption of a foreign University, it is im- perative that the student body select that Uni- versity whose adoption will to the greatest ex- tent contribute to international cooperation and good will. Many Universities in different coun- tries have been destroyed-for this reason de- struction should not be our only criterion for adoption. Our criterion should be-where is the promotion of good will and friendship most needed? The answer to this question is obviously that we need to work most strongly for bonds of friendship between Russia and the United States. It has repeatedly been pointed out that for a peaceful post-war world, friendship and understanding between the United States and Russia is essential. The University of Michigan student body can materially assist in cementing the bond of friendship between Russia and the United States, and thus further a peaceful post-war world, by adopting the University of Kiev, Rus- sia. A vote for Kiev is a step toward world peace. Hubert R. Hunt. In Re-VO -and AUC To the Editor: FOUND MR. WELSH'S ANSWER to my let- ter of the 12th interesting but infinitely incon- clusive. However, before I commence to refute his arguments, I might remind him and anyone else interested, that neither he }nor I can settle this controversy and that we merely represent differing sets of viewpoints. Only the united and majority action of all vets on campus can decide the outcome of this debate. Mr. Welsh makes a double-barreled assump- tion, that I am out to pan 1) the Legion, and 2) the Veterans Organization. On the first count he is right. I am out to pan the Legion. But it would indeed be folly if I were to be- lieve that my piddling voice could wipe the Legion off the American scene. The Legion's own record is its most potent condemnation. Therefore, as a member of the AC, I attack the Legion, but recognize that these attacks are mere spitballs against a battleship of vet- eranism. On his second assumption, Mr. Welsh is dead wrong. If he had read my article carefully, he would have noted that it is not my intent to dis- establish VO. I merely propose that we supple- ment the social activities of VO with more ser- ious and significant activities. This can be ac- complished through an AVC chapter on campus. I might add in passing, that at the last VO meet- ing when I introduced AVC, I pointed out that it might very well be that due to a lack of scope VO was suffering the pains of mitigated interest. Why, Mr.Welsh, did you not speak up then? Was it because the mapority of men in attend- ance agreed with' me at the time? Were you afraid of possible VO censure that any spirited opposition might have brought? There are two more points which you made, Mr. Welsh, with which I take issue and which I feel a great number of veterans would oppose. You admit that VO is not a fighting organiza- tion, but as if this admision were not enough, you go on to imply that you are proud of this impotency. I agree with you that the university is doing everything it possibly can for us. But I strongly doubt that the administration wants' us to sit back and parasitically feed on its strength. I strongly believe that the administra- tion wants us to become campus leaders, wants us to take up the challenge of civilian life and needs. And I am equally firm in the belief that most vets want our strength to derive from ourselves. Your second point was even more disheart- ening. You say you are finished with these so- called injections of enthusiasm. If only you could see the illogicality of this statement. The mere fact that VO's membership is not what it should be shows that something is lacking. What is it, Mr. Welsh, if not enthusiasm? Surely your membership did not fall off be- cause you were actively engaged in the good fight for freedom, security and peace. Then what does this all add up to? What does it mean? It means that we have reached a crossroads. Two paths confront us. The one we 1 take is the one that might be instrumental in making this a better world in which to live. I for one do not adhere to the narrow contention that the vets on this campus have no other in- terest than in helping their buddies here and only here. We have learned in this world that what benefits a person in Chunking or Belgrade, benefits a person here on this campus. By the same token, what benefits a veteran in Oshkosh, aids a veteran here in Ann Arbor. Like peace, Mr. Welsh, human betterment and welfare is in- divisible. In closing, might I add, that regardless of which path VO decides to take, I'm coming along as a member. And so long as I am a member of VO, I shall continue to plug for an AVC chapter. We cannot escape our obliga- tions by seeking refuge in a "let-George-do-it" attitude. Again, I put the question to the vet- eran on campus: do we continue as a social group and only a social group, or shall we sup- plement VO with an AVC chapter? It is not for me or Mr. Welsh to decide. Therefore, it is of capital importance that every veteran at Michigan appear at the next VO meeting. I shall expect Mr. Welsh to be prepared for a full-dress debate. At any rate, if he is not, I shall be. Jack Weiss. ON SECOND By Ray Dixon BAND'S AWAY CHECKED UP ON THE PROGRESS of Bill Layton's band the other day and found that most of the progress is all potential. We had thought all along that Layton's lad- dies were blowing out their hearts in parts south. But the band ran into booking trouble and we were able to run into Layton on cam- pus. He explained that things are straightened out now and that everything looks cozy for the rest of the summer. The band opens in Youngstown, O. next week and then proceeds to Norfolk, Va., Louisville, and Kansas City. By the time they finish the tour fall term wil commence and they expect to be back on campus. What really prompted this piece was a letter from trumpet man Roger Jacobi: It seems that the band was scheduled to play in Toledo the first weekend after the close of the spring semester. It turned out to be quite a weekend. "Saturday night we played in Toledo fo five- and-a-half hours and that's work. We came back to Ann Arbor and crawled in bed around 4 a. mn. Sunday we played in Toledo again. After the job ve proceeded merrily on our way in the band's truck until, all of a sudden, the motor gave out. "We rushed it to Silvania, O. and tried to fix it. Al Pike (the band's bass man) had the mo- tor half torn apart when we found that the gas gauge was off and the truck was simply out of gas. Then the town cop came along and threatened to throw us all in jail. After talking him out of it (and it wasn't easy) we arrived in Ann Arbor about G:30 a. m., had breakfast and went home." Maybe playing in a band isn't all glory and union wages after all. * * A MEMBER OF THE DAILY tryout staff was looking over the story about how the Uni- versity was planning to build three new dormi- tories; one for maried couples behind the Public Health Building, one for girls next to Mosher- Jordan and one for fellahs next to the East Quad. The University might be interested, if not im- pressed, by the tryout's reaction: "Heck," he said, "I'd be a lot more interest- ed if they planned to put the boy's dorm next to Mosher." Good Idea SANDWICHED between two American League night game baseball scores, we ran across an item of almost universal interest that probably did not make more than a few newspapers in the country. The Army newspaper, Stars and Stripes, said that Gen. Omar N. Bradley had directed Army officers to cease monopolizing the time, of USO performers and permit them to entertain "the GI's as they are supposed to do." Good idea. -Bob Goldman THE RANGEFINDER: World Youth By JOhN A. MEREWETHER THREE CHEERS for the Student Organization for International Cooperation which last Thursday brought some one hundred and fifty people together to discuss the Wash- ington Youth Conference and con- sider support by the students on this campus of some foreign university. Such a campus organization is an excellent thing. In the words of Dean Alice Lloyd, it is a "project which will enlarge our vision and help students of other lands." Per- haps if the youth of the world had known each other better after the last war there would have been no Versailles Treaty. Perhaps Amer- ican youth would have made the Henry Cabot Lodges pass the bill to make the United States a mem- ber of the League of Nations. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Such idle wishing is of little value today, unless we have learned lessons from the mistakes of the past. It is to be hoped that organizations like the SOIC will increase our knowledge of the problems and achievements of the youth of other lands in their fight for freedom. In other areas of the world today knowledge and fraternal feeling be- tween the youth of the world would aid world progress. The students and youth of India want help from democratic youth throughout the world to gain freedom and indepen- dence from British imperial rule. Greek students need assistance in changing their pro-fascist govern- ment now supported by British bay- onets. Students of the different na- tionalities of the Soviet Union need aid in rebuilding their schools. Chi- nese students ask our help in set- ting up a democratic government to replace the Kuomintang feudal dic- tatorship. Spanish anti-Franco stu- dents in. France and Mexico plead with American students for food and aid in destroying Franco and his fas- cist government. The SOIC should help American youth, should help students here to know the problems of students in other lands. From knowledge comes power for us if we act, and that power must be for a newer, bet- ter, more dempcratic world than the world's youth has yet known. L'DAMA THE MALE ANIMAL by James Thurber and Elliott Nugent IN CHOOSING "The Male Animal. which had been made into a mov- ie, for their second production, the Michigan Repertory Players set for themselves a difficult job. While it might not be completely fair to say that they failed, it must be admit- ted that they botched it here and there. Dan W. Mullin, in the male lead, spoke his lines with funereal ca- dence, transforming Tommy Turn- er from a gentle creature beset by blockheads into a misanthropic, disagreeable killjoy. In the drunk scene he was at his best, but was forced to occupy the stage with Louis Calfin, who didn't do very well, I'm afraid. The best actor of the bunch was Robert Webber, who brought out, to just the correct degree of realism, the various repulsive mannerisms of Ed Keller; he made you want to toss him a cobra. In a very similar part, Arthur Markey just stood with his legs far apart, shouted, wobbled his head and sometimes scratched it. Miss Mary Jordan was moderately unccnvincing, but not quite as much so at the rest of the cast; and Miss Naomi Vincent is certainly to be commended for her restraint in play- ing the weak slapstick written for another comic maid, "The Male Animal" is full of pretty good gags, points out that some people have ideals and some don't and is larded through with an obscure sort of emotional crisis which involves suitcases being packed, and which, presumably, is brought under control in time for the third act curtain. -Frank Haight. Publication inthe Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hail, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 12-S Notices Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August and October A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not ap- pear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Students, Summer Session, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circum- stances', courses dropped after the third week will be recorded with the grade of E. -E. A. Walter. City of Detroit Civil Service an- nouncement for Building Mainten- ance Supervisor, $3721 to $4071 per year, has been received in our office. Further information may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Signed: University Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information Students who took registration blanks for registration with the Bur- eau are reminded that they must be returned not later than a week from the day they were taken out. Bureau of Appointments. Signed: University Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information Symposium in Television: .The Department of Speech will sponsor a symposium in television Wednes- day, 10-12 a.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater; Wednesday, 2-4 p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium; Thurs- day, 10-12 a.m. in the Kellogg Audi- torium; Thursday, 2-4 p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium. Motion pic- tures and lectures will be presented by officials of, the General Electric television station WRGB in Schenec- tady. Meetings are open to the pub- lic. French Tea today at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) at the International Center. French Club: The. third meeting of the Club will be held tonight at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) in the Michigan League. Mr. Pierre Ray- naud, a junior in the school of engi- neering, a Frenchman who spent 15 years in Morocco, will speak on: "Le Maroc." Group singing, games and a social hour. Student Recital: Florence Mc- Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mast- er of Music at 8:30 p. m., (EWT) Sunday, July 22, in Pattengill Audit- orium of the Ann Arbor High School. A pupil of Professor Hackett, Miss McCracken will sing selections by Gluck, Debussey, Dvorak, Mednikoff and Rachmaninoff. The general pub- lic is invited. Phi Delta Kappa. Business meet- ings for the selection of candidates to membership will be held in the East Council Room of the Rackham Build- ing on Friday, July 20, and on Mon- day, July 23, at 7:30 o'clock. It is important that all members of Omega chapter attend. Members of other chapters are cordially invited. ..The Record Concert scheduled for Tuesday, July 17 was cancelled due to Chamber Music Concert. The same program will be played tonight, which includes Beethoven's Quartet No. 8, Mozart's Violin Concerto, and Schu- bert's Symphony No. 5 in B Flat Ma- jor. All Graduate Students are cor- dially invited to attend this concert to be held in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. Thursday at the USO: Voice re- cordings. The highlight of the eve- ning is the opportunity to make a re- cording of your voice. All the facili- ties of the Club, including games, records (classical and popular), the library and lots of refreshments, are open to you. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors on Friday evening, July 20, from 8:00 to 10:00 "p. m. CWT (9:00 to 11:00 p. m., EWT) if the sky is clear to observe the moon and Jupiter. Children must be ac- companied by adults. Detroit Civil Service announcement' for Senior Assistant Traffic Engi- neer, $3,933 per year plus time and a half for sixth day, has been re- ceived in our office. Further infor- mation regarding examination may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Signed: University Bureau cf Academic Notices Students who intend to take the Language Examination for Masters' degrees in History should sign up in advance in the History Office, 119 Haven Hall. The examination is to be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at 4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts enrolledtin the Summer Term: By action of the Boarld of Regents, all malestudents in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration ofthe war. Students may be excused from taking the course by (1) The Uni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his represent- ative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very ex-traordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Summer Term. The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Psychology 31, Makeup examination for students who received X or I will be Friday, July 20, at 2:30 (1:30 CWT) 2121 N. S. All students, graduate and under graduate, who took the Graduate Record Examination during the Spring Term may obtain their scores by calling at the Graduate School Office during this week. Exhibitions General Library, main corridor cases. Books printed in English be fore 1640. Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotinda. Some foods of the American Indian. General Library, main corridor cases. Early military science selec- tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27, memorial collection, presented by Col. T. M. Spaulding, '02. Events Today Lecture. "Shifting Emphasis in Ed- ucation." Francis D. Curtis, Professor of Education and of the Teaching of Science. 2:05 p. m. (CWT) or 3:05 p. m. (EWT). University High School Auditorium. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Carillon University (CWT) or Recital. Percival Price, Carillonneur. 6:15 p. m. 7:15 p. m. (EWT). Postwar Council meets today at 4:00 in the Union. Anyone interested in joining is invited to attend. Faculty Concert: David Blair Mc- Closky, baritone, 'Barbara Jevne, guest mezzo-soprano, Elizabeth Green, violinist, Lynne Palmer, harp- ist, and Benjamin Owen, pianist, will appear in a School of Music faculty concert at 7:30 p. m. CWT, this eve- ning in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram will include compositions by Ravel, Brahms, and Arnold Bax, and will be open to the general public. French Club: The third meeting of the Club will be held Thursday, July 19 at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) in the Michigan League. Mr. Pierre Raynaud, a: junior in the school of engineering, a Frenchman who spent 15 years in Morocco, will speak on: "Le Moroc". Group Singing, games and a social hour. All students, ser- vicemen and Faculty people interest- ed are welcome. Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con- ference. Luncheon at 11 a.m. CW'T (12 noon EWT), Thursday, July 19, League Ballroom. (Note change of place of luncheon.) Conference at 12 noon CWT (1 p.m. EWT), A B C Room, Michigan League. Subject: "Why learn a foreign language?" Dean Hayward Keniston. Those in- terested who cannot attend the luncheon are welcome to come to the conference. Pi Lambda Theta will hold a guest reception at 8:00 p.m. (EWT) on Thursday, July 19 in the West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building Linguistic Institute. Introduction to Linguistic Science. "The Relation- ship of Languages." Dr. Franklin Edgerton, Professor of Sanskrit. 6:00 p.m. CWT (7 p.m. EWT), Thursday, July 19. Rackham Tmphitheatre. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I'm going to put up our new hammock, son. Want to help? Sure, Pop... I'll get Mr. O'Malley^ to help you too. { CfOCKE-Of 3ON It's not a big enough job to bother your imaginary C, Fairy Godfather with-Y /, Jthink It's no bother. I'm on my way to the iibrary anyway, m'boy. I'll read a few good tomes on. suspension engineering and stress analysis. and sit down with your dad and tackle the. problem. -Tell him I'll be right back, Barnaby. I'll tell him, Mr. O'Malley. ~III~j '2 I I There ... The hammock is up. And that imaginary Pixey of yours didn't get .er {nh le mitt it ~ F- I j 1711, --- -. Probably he just isn't iterestedin hammocks. CROCKC-fO/ rL ( C ' A I