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Fifty-Fifth Year
Pressure Put on Food Prices
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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Ray Dixon .
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland
Editorial Staff
. . . , Managing Editor
, . . . Associate Editor
. . * Associate Editor
. " , . Sports Editor '
Business Staff
* * . . Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc
College PblisbersRepresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Summer Daily
IN RESUMING publication for the summe
semester The Michigan Daily wishes to wel-
come those students attending the University
for the first time.
To them and to all the campus we, the
senior editors of The Daily for the summer
session, pledge ourselves to the publication
of a newspaper which will permit our read-
ers to be accurately and completely inform-
ed as to University, national and international.
The Daily has no editorial policy. It is your
paper, and it has no axe t grind. The Daily's
editorial columns are open not only to mem-
bers of the staff, who may express freely their
opinion on any issue, but to all its readers,
who are urged to utilize the Letters to the
Editor column. All letters are published, but
limitations of space force us to set a maxi-
mum of 300 words for these letters.
The function of The Daily, as we see it, is to
integrate the campus community, and particu-
larly during wartime must The Daily fulfill its
responsibility as a newspaper on which the
campus relies. To this end we will devote
ourselves throughout this semester.
-Ray Dixon
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Class Schedule
STUDENTS who frown upon getting u for
eight o'clock classes have some sympathetic
friends among the faculty. Because some pro-
fessors put an excessive value upon slumber, dis-
daining to instruct students at 8 or 9 a. in.,
almost all of the more popular single-section
classes are crowded into the hours, 10 a. m.
to noon, MWF And, since only a student with
the supersensitive ear of Superman could pos-
sibly elect more than one class at a given
hour, many a junior and senior must forego
the benefit of instruction in courses which
he genuinely feels he needs.
Furthermore, because 120 credit hours are
necessary for a bachelor's degree the upper-
classman often is forced into taking courses
for which he has no inclination and which
may not be integrated with his concen-
tration program. This of course represents a
waste of time to the student, time that might
be better spent, were it not for a capriciously
organized class schedule drawn up by the
faculty to suit the faculty.
A half-hearted attempt is sometimes made at
accommodating students who favor particular
courses, when a department opens a new sec-
tion. The inconveniences to students and faculty
derived from this eleventh hour solution to an
unsatisfactory schedule is ample testimony to
prove the need for a more practical system
of scheduling classes (assuming that one now
Working on the broad principle that classes
should be scheduled so as to cause the minimum
inconvenience to students, the faculty of the
various departments, in the future, should get
together to plan a better distribution of the
WASHINGTON - Farm lobby chiefs, among
the most powerful in Washington, were put
in their place during a hot, behind-the-scenes
fight inside the War Mobilization Advisory
Board last week over the question of giving the
Secretary of Agriculture super-power to regulate
food prices.
The War Mobilization Advisory Board, chair-
maned by North Carolina's ex-governor O. Max
Gardner, is composed of farmer, business, labor,
and public representatives. It has done an A-1
job. Usually Governor Gardner has reconciled
differences and recently the board passed a res-
olution okaying the extension of OPA for anoth-
er year with no crippling amendments.
But when the board session opened last week
war moilizer Vinson immediately challenged
barren-beaned Ed O'Neal, head of the Farm
Bureau Federation, and Albert Goss, head of
the National Grange, for going counter to the
board's resolution and favoring the crippling
OPO amendment by which the Secretary of
Agriculture could override OPA prices on food.
Ed O'Neal murmured something about not
having favored such an amendment, but Vinson
immediately challenged him.
"Oh, yes, you did," he shot back. "You sent a
telegram to the Hill (Capitol Hill) supporting
that amendment."
"It seems to me," reproved Eric Johnson,
president of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce,
coming to Vinson's support, 'That if any group
represented on this board agrees to a resolu-
tion adopted by the board, it should not go
out and in from Congress to the contrary
without coming back and telling us that it has
changed its mind. That is the only fair way of
doing things."
Farm Bloc Defeated .. .
We passed a resolution that the economic sta-
bilization act should be continued for one year
without any crippling amendments," reminded
Nathaniel Dyke, who represents small business
on the board, "and then you turn around and
urge Congress to pass a crippling amendment."
"We didn't propose a crippling amendment,"
replied Albert Goss of the Grange, who by this
time was getting a little huffy. "We just wanted
to see the OPA act was administered more effi-
At this, non-farmer members of the board
snorted, but kept their tempers.
"How would you like to have business go over
the head of OPA and set its own prices?", replied
Eric Johnstn.
"Yes, how would you like the U. S. Chamber
to be able to override OPA when, it comes to
settling business prices?" asked Nat Dyke.
"And how would you like to have Phil Murray
over their set wages, regardless of the stabili-
zation act?"
That ended the argument. Except that forth-
right Fred Vinson put the same general thought
before Congress and finally succeeded in elimi-
nating the amendment whereby the Secretary of
Agriculture could put farm prices in a preferred
position. Judge Vinson, long 'one of the most
respected and popular members of Congress, has
done more to cement relations between Congress
and the executive branch than any other one
man, not excluding Jimmy Byrnes.
Churchill's Memoirs ...
Friends of the late president who are anxious
for Truman to go over big at his forthcoming Big
Three talk tell this story about the Yalta and
Teheran conferences.
Roosevelt, when he returned, told friends how,
in discussing different topics with Churchill and
Stalin, he would usually make the first presenta-
tion of the case. This took three to five minutes.
Then Stalin would give his views, which also
took three to five minutes.
"Then," said Roosevelt, "Churchill would
present his memoirs-lasting 30 minutes."
White House advisers are wondering how
Truman can avoid the Churchill "Memoirs"
when he goes to Berlin.
MacArthur and Tydings . ..
The other day, handsome Senator Tydings of
Maryland devoted considerable time on the sen-
ate floor to berating this columnist for speculat-
ing on why Tydings returned from the Philip-
pines after five days, when he expected to remain
five weeks. No specific reason was offered by
this writer for Tydings' sudden return. He had
made his abrupt decision after conferring with.
General MacArthur.I
Since then, further information is available.
And at the risk of furthei denials and further
waste of the taxpayers' money in paying for the
Maryland Senator's fuhminations in the Con-
gressional Record, here are the facts behind
Tydings sudden departure:
General MacArthur is convinced that the
strongest political group in the Philippines to-
day is the Filipino underground, the men who
stayed and resisted the Japs. As in European
countries, the exiled governments have lost
their popularity.
Therefore, the Osmena government, without
casting any reflection on the stellar qualities and
leadership of President Osmena, is not popular
in the Philippines and probably will be voted out
of office in November. The fact that Osmena
lived in Washington during the Jap occupation
is held against him.
Therefore, MacArthur argued that for Tydings
to make a protracted stay in the Philippines. and
discuss independence and reconstruction loans
with the Osmenan government would merely be
talking with a government which would not be
in power after November. He also felt that such
conferences might confuse the Philippine people
by making it appear that sensational talks with
Osmena put the official stamp of approval on
Osmena for re-election.
It is also suspected that General MacArthur
is not averse to seeing his friend Brig. Gen.
Manuel Roxas elected president in November.
Altheugh a member of the puppet cabinet un-
der Japan, Roxas was released from jail and
appointed on MacArthur's staff as the only
puppet cabinet member not a collaborator.
Roxas has now resigned from the U. S. Army
and announced his candidacy for president.
Note-The fact that President Osmena and
the late President Quezon fled the Philippines
is not their fault. They were urged to leave by
the late President Roosevelt. Had they re-
mained, they would have been tortured by the
Japs, and their signatures used to issue proc-
lamations to the Filipino people making it ap-
pear that they approved Japanese rule.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
W E MANAGED to get all the way across State
Street in front of the Union yesterday, and
we can't help feeling that it was the neatest trick
pulled off since Adam lost a rib. We usually take
a few elementary precautions before making the
crossing, and generally, they consist of leaving
our valuables and a note for the next-of-kin
with some responsible friend. Yesterday, how-
ever, with the bliss of the ignorant we barged
right across the street without thinking twice or
wincing once.
.k+k* k
Pedestrian polo as played in front of the
Union is like a Michigan-Notre Dame football
game and about as vicious. We can remember
when it was considered sporting by the motor-
ists to give the pedestrians an even break, but
now with the war and all, the game has de-
teriorated to the point where a concussion or
a bad fracture can be counted as a legitimate
S * *
Gas rationing and the drafting of the older
drivers has slowed the game down considerably.
We saw at least one gasless motorist get out and
push his car over a pedestrian. Apparently the
type of car or mount used makes quite a bit of
difference. The heavier car can do more dam-
age, but then the lighter models are more man-
euverable. Motorcycles are given some sort of
WE understand that volunteer first aid squads
are allowed to practise on the "game's" casu-
alties. We saw one group applying artificial res-
piration to a recent victim. After a fruitless ten
minutes, he rolled over and gasped, "Force some
brandy down my throat!"
It's an old Michigan legend that Tommy Har-
mon practised open field running two hours at
the football field and one hour in front of the
*,* * *
The statement "I ran across an old friend
out in Ann Arbor" can be interpreted more
ways than a blonde's, "Nc!" You can't be
pinched for going too fast in Ann Arbor, but
you can be slapped. When someone says that
he made a hit with the boys in Ann Arbor,
it's six to five that he was indulging in a little
pedestrian polo.
IN American democracy the two
party system is basic. and has
been so ever since democrats took ov-
er the caucus and other such political
devises for outwitting the aristocrats
of the day. As industrial America
got up off its knees and walked, the
political party became a big business
too. It developed its paid workers,
its full time organizers, ad men and
recruits, as well as a few professional
word-slinging, and later mike-maul-
ing policy makers. The party occa-
sionally did revelop a real leader, like
the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
When such a great political leader is
lost, even the well-oiled machinery of
the Democratic party slips out of
gear into neutral for a moment.
If the bigwigs of the Democratic
Party are now hard up for quali-
fled, full time recruiters, policy
makers or spiel specialists, I should
like to recommend the best man in
the country for the job-Republi-
can Senator Arthur H. Vanden-
berg from the venerable state of
Michigan. Without a doubt the
senator is the best organizer and
recruiter for the Democrats since
Henry Cabot Lodge.
Some people may think that I'm
joking when I suggest such a thing.
I assure you I mean every word of it,
and can easily prove my points. Con-
sider dear reader how effective the
senator was in San Francisco in re-
cruiting for the Democrats or how
useful he would be in Congress in
blocking legislation contrary to Dem-
ocratic policy.
In San Francisco at the World Se-
curity Conference the smiling, slight-
of-hand artist of the ideal of justice
was very outspokenly in favor of ad-
mitting Argentina, fascist,pro-Nazi
Argentina, to the conference. Again
pleading for justice and the rights of
small nations the senator agreed
that the Polish people and their gov-
ernment, staunch fighters of the
Nazis, were undemocratic and de-
served no place at a world peace con-
ference to suppress war and fascism.
While putting on his best pained ex-
pression of righteous indignation for
the fate of the small nations, and
justice,sthe senator was careful to
suppress any glint of accomplish-
ment from his eyes over the British
setting up a royalist puppet govern-
ment in Greece, by the none too sub-
tle tactic of the old British lion
merely using his tanks and bayonets
to kill democrats and radicals who
fought the Nazis and Greek fascists.
And for my last example, how
about the senator's quiet acquies-
cence when Secretary of State
Stettinius acted as errand boy for,
the British Empire and refused the
simple demand to seat the World
Trade Union Federation as official
In Congress the senator would be
just as effective. Suppose his none
too subtly conservative comrade Sen-
ator Taft cooked up one of his legis-
lative Mickey Finns for the labor un-
ions. If the Democrats who were
democrats wished to block the bill in
the Senate all they would have to do
is greet the senator from Michigan
with a solemn bow in the halls of the
Senate Office Building and pomp-
ously intone three times slowly, "Jus-
tice, Justice, Justice." The senator
would immediately reach for his
medicine chest and pull out three
lethal revisions and five poisonous
amendments which would make that
Mickey so potent that any organiza-
tion would be in danger.
And with that the National Asso-
ciation of Manufacturers would press
the proper button and the bill would
be defeated by the proper senators.
I'm sure that with clever use the
Vandenberg kiss-of-death could
check much of the bad legislation
which still comes from the gentlemen
from Washington.
And so you see the Democrats
have a simple job. They merely
hire Senator Vandenberg as an in-
cognito Democrat, and encourage
him to act obnoxiously as an ar-
dent Republican. With such an
arrangement the Democrats
should increase the size and influ-
ence of their party quicker than
some politicians can hide a black-
jack in an ideal like justice.
ItRestraln yourself, Leo. He buys a War Bond every week.-
University Men Edit Annals
AY BONDS TODAY? By Graele Allei
and George Burns
Illustrated by Eric EricsonI
SOME of the most perplexing ques-
tions of the post-war period will
be those concerning the disabled vet-
eran. A coterie of problems dealing
with home, vocational and communi-
ty life; problems that will involve an
estimated eight million men, must be
met and solved within the next few
In a recent issue of The Annals,
which is published by the Ameri-
can Academy of Political and So-
cial Science, these problems have
been cited and suggestions for
their solution have been made.
Edited by Wilma T. Donahue,
Ph.D., Educational and Vocational
Counselor of the University of
Michigan Veterans Service Bureau
and Clark Tibbetts, B.S., Service
Bureau Director, the publication
contains a series of articles design-
ed to foster an understanding of
the magnitude and nature of work
yet to be done. They are invaluable,
not only because they are written
by experts, but because they an-
swer a crying need for the scien-
tific study of the well-being of the
The editors break down the subject
into several catagories which, when
combined, provide a comprehensive
treatment for the millions of disabled
war veterans. Articles under the
heading of physical and mental re-
habilitation show that civilian serv-
ices cannot provide the same care for
these men as have the military
branches unless they are provided
with adequate personnel and unless
the nation, as a whole, is willing to
pay the cost.
The individual community, the
experts advise, must assume the
responsibility for finding the right
jobs for these men. "The Federal
Government and the state govern-
ment do not create attitudes," they
explain, "and they do not operate
industry and business."
But a man cannot be happy in his
job unless he is first well-adjusted
to social and community life. This is
difficult for him because, as Donahue
and Tibbetts explain, he is no longer
protected by the care that the mili-
tary services give him.
The serviceman, himself, must
make a decided effort to adjust
and this involves an active process.
The editors indicate that the veter-
an cannot be allowed to sit by pas-
sively and allow things to be done
for him.
The articles in the collection sug-
gest means by which the physically
handicapped man can adjust to his
family and to his community. The
psychological effect ofrwar must be
counteracted by tolerance on both
sides. The veteran, according to the
authors, should "objectify his feel-
ings and realize that he must develop
a new set of interests before he can
find the old satisfaction."
The final section of the volume
deals with the training of occupa-
tion counselors and vocational prep-
aration for all veterans. Occupa-
tional workers, they point out, must
be trained immediately, for it is esti-
mated that ten thousand psychia-
trists and thousands of psychiatric
social workers are needed.
Whether or not the disabled
serviceman can depend on our
help when he returns to civilian
life will be determined not only by
our willingness to help. It will be
determined by the amount of un-
derstanding and professional wis-
dom which we practice in aiding
him in civilian life. A collection
such as the Annals on the Disabled
Veteran provides information and
guidance which can be utilized by
the layman as well as the profes-
sional psychiatrist of vocational
-Carol Zack
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
form to the Summer Session, Angell Hall,
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding pub-
lication (10:30 a. m. Saturdays).
VOL. LV., No. 1-S
There is an urgent need for Dailies
for the boys in service here in the
U. S.Send copies when through with
them to Mrs. Ruth Buchanan in the
The Michigan Daily will be distrib-
uted on the diagonal between 8:00
and 10:00, Mondays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays to
students who live in house where the
paper is NOT delivered.
To all House Presidents: Frater-
nity rushing will officially begin on,
Thursday, July 5.
The office of the Interfraternity
Council will be open from 2 to 4 p. m.
(CWT) 3 to 5 p. m. (EWT) every day.
except Saturday until July 13 for
general information, and the regis-
tration of men for Fraternity rushing.
After July 13, the office will be open
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
from 2 to 4 p. m. (CWT) 3 to 5 p. m.
Men Students interested in ap-
pearing in plays of the Michigan
Renertory Players this summer are
Young. Season tickets are now on
sale daily at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre box office, while individual
play tickets will be placed on sale
Monday, July 9. The season will open
July 11 and run through August 20.
University Lecture: "Milestones in
American Secondary Education."
Fred S. Dunham, Associate Profes-
sor of Latin and of the Teaching of
Latin; auspices of the School of Edu-
cation, 2:05 p. m., Thursday, July 5.
University High School Auditorium.
University Lecture: "Education for
International Understandings." Mo-
wat C. Fraser, Dean of Winthrop Col-
lege; auspices of the Summer Ses-
sion. 2:05 p. m., Friday, July 6. Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, July 6, from 3 to 5 p. m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dictionaries may be used.
There will be a meeting of all those
interested in semingr work in Mathe-
matics in Room 3010 Angell Hall on
Thursday, July 5, at 3 p. m.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health. Stu-
dents who receive marks of I or X at
the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
By Crockett Johnson
I'll rescue the Witch's cat from the Here,
tree, Barnaby. In gratitude she'l H
remove the effects of the evil eye pussy
from your dog and he'll talk again. pussy.
Leave it to your Fairy Godfather-
Ar. Why don't you
call out the Fire
9 ~ Department,
Mrs. Schwartz?
E.I8 Copyrght, 1945, The Newspaper PM, Inc.
Can't you just fly up and get the cat?
Notntil its claws
are trimmed. And
that operation is
another problem.
- x K K x U
What I need is a pole of some sort....
--Ah! This broomstick should suffice!
Gosh. That's
the Witch's
r magic broomf
Mr. O'Malley.
ow = - No
Broomstick travel is a phase of
I L o- iL.. . ..X : l.n: & -..E t ..l
If my theories are borne out, carpet
cwaenrc wll rentne i ;--ornoelled
The Witch went for the Fire Department- C"
___//_-- (
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