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July 19, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-19

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Plans Announced
For Post-Graduate
Medical Programs
To Arrange Four Review Courses
For Returning Officers, Civilian Md's
Post-war plans for the expansion of post-graduate programs in the
School of Medicine have been announced by Dean Albert C. Furstenberg..
Four review courses, designed for returning medical officers and civilian
physicians, will be offered after the war.
Beyond Peacetime SchedulesA
Expanded beyond peacetime schedules, a graduate program in hospital
training for residents and instructors will be given for the benefit of physi-

Tuesday Will
Be Fresh Air
Camp Tag Day
Goal Set At $1,000;
100 Will Sell Tags
Students and townspeople will be
asked to contribute to the $1,000 goal
to provide funds for the Universityc
Fresh Air Camp on Tag Day nextc
Tuesday, July 24.. '
Approximately 100 boys from the
camp will be stationed on the cam-
pus and downtown to sell the tags.-
To Provide Recreation
The money collected in the drivei
will be used to provide recreational
activities for underprivileged childrenc
in the Detroit area, as well as medi-
cal treatment and insurance poli-
cies. In addition counselors, select-
ed from colleges and universities
throughout the country for work andt
instruction in the camp will be paidt
their tuition, room and board.
Selected by social agencies, thet
boys attending the camp are studiedI
by persons who are trained in educa-u
tion and social work with a view tot
helping them to adjust to their so-
cial environment. Case histories of1
the boys, obtained from their schools,
the social agencies, parents and the F
boy himself are correlated with the
progress of his 'adjustment at the
camp. Prof. F. N. Menefee, direct-
or of the camp, has emphasized that
"the camp administration prefers not
to take children from agencies not
disposed to ultilize the result of the
diagnosis made at the camp."
Eight Under Counselor
Each camp counslor has charge
of eight boys out of a total of 112
boys in each four week term. Camp
instructors supervise recreational ac-
tivities which include swimming, hik-
ing, arts and crafts, woodcutting,
cook-outs, overnight hikes and base-
The camp was established in 19241
on 180 acres of land on the shores of
Patterson Lake, 23 miles from Ann.
Arbor. Starting with tents for night
shelter, the camp has grown year by
year and now has 27 buildings and ant
extensive and specialized staff.
Sessions On
Television TO
Close Today
The final sessions of the Televi-
sion Symposium of the Departmentc
of Speech will be held from 10 a. m.
EWT to noon (9 a. m. to 11 a. mn.
CWT) and from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.(
EWT (1 p. m. to 3 p. m. CWT) today(
in Kellogg Auditorium.
Lectures during the morning ses-
sion will include "Careers in Televi-
sion," by G. Emerson Markham, man-
ager of television WRGB, and "The
Hand Is Quicker Than the Eye," by
Helen T. Rhodes, program producer
for WRGB.
Markham's talk will feature the re-
quisites for working in television, and
Miss Rhodes' lecture will cover some
of the problems encountered in stag-
ing television programs.
During the afternoon session,l
Markham will speak on educational
programs and the philosophy behindt
education by television, and Missu
Rhodes will describe the steps by
which "A Television Program Ist
Today There will be a meeting
of the French Club at 8
p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT)
in the League.
Today The International Center

will hold a tea at 4 p. m.
EWT (3 p. m. CWT).m

cians whose study in medicine was
interrupted by entrance into military
service. This program includes con-
centration in a special field and may
lead to an advanced degree. Due to
limited facilities, Dean Furstenberg
said, priority will be given to return-
ing medical officers.
A new position, "Special Instruct-
or," will be offered to a limited num-
ber of physicians in the various de-I
partrnents of the medical school. Ap-
pointees to this position will be affil-
iated with the department for a
determinate tenure of office and will
devote one-half of their time to some
type of graduate activity.
Intensive' courses of two months
duration are tentatively planned to
begin on Jan. 1, 1946. These courses
are to be given for the benefit of
those who desire training for 2, 4
or 6 months intervals. They will in-
clude clinical application of the basic
sciences, internal medicine and a
course for practitioners.
Offer Review Courses
Brief special review courses of
three to five and one-half days dura-
tion will cover regular post-graduate
subjects which have been offered by
the Department of # Postgraduate
Medicine each spring. Instruction
will begin in March and continue un-
til the middle of June.
Half-day clinical exercises for
practitioners are also included in the
plan. These courses will be repeated
at weekly intervals from Sept. 15 to
June 1.
Rdevised G.L 1Bill
Of Rights Rips
Through House
Washington, July 18-(P-A re-
vised G. I. Bill of Rights skimmed
through the House by unanimous
voice vote today, although several
members complained about the pro-
cedure which brought the measure
up without advance notice.
Its major provisions are designed
to liberalize the loan and education
sections of the overall veterans' ben-
efits measure enacted last year and
to overcome difficulties that have
arisen in administration of the orig-
inal law. The measure still requires
Senate approval.
It makes these major provisions:
Education : Extends from two to
four years after discharge the time
in which a study course may be start-
ed; extends from seven to nine years
after the war's end the time in which
education or training may be given
at government cost; provides for
short intensive postgraduate or vo-
cational courses of less than 30
weeks; permits the government to
finance correspondence courses; in-
creases from $50 to $60 the monthly
education subsistence allowance.

Two- Week
To Be feld
U. S. in Postwar
W orld' Is Subject
A two week conference on the
"United States in t he Postwar
World", featuring University and
guest speakers, including U. S. Sen-
ator Homer Ferguson, will be held on
the University campus, July 23
through Aug. 3.
The conference will consist of a
series of 20 afternoon and evening
lectures on postwar problems that
underlie the peace and the concern
of the United States with them.
Topics Are Listed
Topics to be discussed include the
postwar military position of the
United States, world economic co-
operation, educational, religious, and
interracial cooperation, political
thought, world security, Soviet-
American relations a n d United
States and the Pacific "frontier".
Senator Ferguson will speak Fri-
day, Aug. 3 on the subject, "The
Role of the United States in Fram-
ing the Peace."
Included among the guest speak-
ers are: James P. Baxter, III, Presi-
dent of Williams College; A. L. Burt,
University of Minnesota; Joseph E.
Johnson, chief of the State Depart-
ment Division of International Se-
curity; Henry M. Kendall, Amherst
College; Kenneth S. Latourette, Yale
University; Waldo G. Leland, Direc-
tor of the American Council of
Learned Societies; Charles E. Phil-
lips, University of Toronto; and Ja-
cob Viner, University of Chicago,
economist and consulting expert to
the Treasury Department.
Pres. Ruthven To Speak
A total of 11 University of Michi-
gan faculty members, including Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven, will
participate in the discussions.
All of the lectures, with the ex-
ception of Senator Ferguson's, will
be held in the Rackham Building
Amphitheatre. Ferguson will speak
in Hill Auditorium. The afternoon
lectures will begin at 4:10 p. m.;EWT
(3:10 CWT), and the evening lec-
tures at 8:15 p. m. EWT (7:15 CWT).
Building Plan
Announced By
Normal olleg.e
YPSILANTI, Mich., July 18-()-A
postwar building program amount-
ing to a proposed $1,864,000 was an-
nounced by Michigan State Normal
College today with construction
scheduled to start as soon as mater-
ials are available.
First building of the project to be
erected will be a quadrangle of two
dormitories for women, which is ex-
pected to cost $870,000.
Other buildings included in the
plan are a men's dormitory, estimat-
ed cost $500,000 and a main build
ing for administration and class-
rooms, expected to cost $494,000.
Funds for the project have been ap-
proved by the Legislature.
Mickey Rooney Performs
For G's, Gen. Marshall
Potsdam, July 18-(n)- nu b-
nosed GI Mickey Rooney, former film
actor, clowned tonight for ' Gen.
George C. Marshall, U. S. Army
Chief of Staff, and hundreds of
American troops in the first "live
show" within the American com-
pound at the Potsdam conference.

Dr. Sharfman To
Arbitrate Dispute
Dr. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of
the Department of Economics,
and former member of the Rail-
wayDMediations Board, has left
for Denver, Colorado, to arbitrate
a dispute between the Denver Rio
Grande Western Railroad Com-
pany and the Switchmen's Union
of North America.
Upon completion of this arbi-
tration he will proceed to New
York City, where he will serve on
an Emergency Board which will
report its recommendations to the
President concerning an unad-
justed dispute between the Rail-
way Express Agency and the In-
ternational Brotherhood of Team-
Television Now
Major Industry
Markham Says
Speech Department
Conducts Symposium
"Television, an unexplored and
neglected field, is taking its place as
a major industry," G. Emerson Mark-
ham, manager of television station
WRGB, Schenectady, N. Y.. said in
an interview here yesterday.
Markham and Helen T. Rhodes,
program producer for WRGB, are
joining Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the
electrical engineering department in
presenting a symposium on televis-
ion under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Speech.
Visualizing r a p i d expansion
within five years, Markham pre-
dicted that a millionreceivers and
aver one hundred television sta-
tions will be in operation at the
end of that time.
Miss Rhodes, a University grad-
uate" predicted an expansion of in-
dustrial television, both for purposes
of education and of inter-conmunm-
She described the Television Sym-
posium as "the most ambitious" of
the television education programs of
this type so far attempted in Ameri-
can educational institutions.
"We would especially like to ex-
press our appreciation for the cor-
dial reception the speech depart-
inent has extended to us," Mark-
ham stated at the close of the i-
Enrollnment Is
Set at 4,879
Total gross enrollment in the Uni-
versity Correspondence Study Depart-
ment is 4,879, with 3,090 new stu-
dents registered between July 1944
and July of this year, Mrs. Berenice
H. Lee, director of the Study Depart-
ment announced yesterday.
The total gross enrollment figure is
the equivalent of 60 per cent of the
local University summer program en-
New correspondence students are
electing 3,478 courses, including 2,612
on the college level and 866 on the
high school level. Non-credit courses
are included in the latter group.
Of the 2,153 armed service person-
nel taking University correspondence
courses through the United States
Armed Forces Institute, 309 officers
and servicemen enrolled directly with
the Correspondence Study Depart-
ment, Mrs. Lee said.
548 adult civilians, 80 high school
students, and 21 prisoners of war,
German and Austrian, are also en-

The total increase this year in net
enrollment over 1943-44 is 59 per

Allied Victory
Is Goal as B1g
Three Confer
Stalin To Hear Plans
For Japan's Defeat
By The Associated Press
Potsdam, July 18-Three veter-
ans of old battlefields-President
Truman, Premier Stalin, and Prime
Minister Churchill--conferred again
late today, with Allied victory in the
Pacific a pressing goal.
This second formal meeting of the
Big Three was as heavily blanketed
by security as yesterday's, but the
trend of thought among the Ameri-
can and British delegations seemed
to make it certain that the ways and
means for Japan's defeat would be
fully aired before the Soviet leader.
Separate Conference
Earlier in the day, Truman con-
ferred separately with Churchill and
The day's events indicated the
leaders were agreed upon reaching
as promptly as possible full agree-
ment on issues facing them-issues
upon which a speedier end of the
war with Japan and the future peace
of Europe may depend.
Triumph Over Japan
Truman, the presiding officer of
the tri-power sessions, seeks as his
chief goals a quicker triumph over
Japan and the bulwarking of peace
through solution of long-standing
He lunched today at 1 p. m. with
Churchill, and then later with Stalin.
He was accompanied at the second
luncheon by Secretary of State
James F. Byrnes, his close friend and
an experienced negotiator.
Under Cloudy skiffs, the President
walked from his residence to the lo-
cal equivalent of No. 10 Downing
Truman, Churchill Talk
Truman and Churchill talked cor-
dially on the terrace while photo-
graphs were taken, and then lunched
inside at a table set for two. When
Truman was leaving, Byrnes emerged
from British Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden's house next door, where
he had lunched, and met the Presi-
dent at the entrance. The British
delegation did not say how long
Churchill and Trumann conferred,
nor was there any hint of their top-

American Carrier Planes Backed
By U.S.-British Fleet Bomb Tokyo
Second Straight Day- Nimitz Says

Major Part of Japanese Navy
Caught Hiding Camouflaged
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Thursday, July 19-American carrier planes, extending the
U. S.-British Fleet on the Tokyo area into the second straight day, attacked
Japanese combatant ships at the great Hokosuka Naval Yard in Tokf
Bay, Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz reported today.
This indicated that Adm. William F. Halsey, Jr's forces had discovered
the hiding place of a major portion of remnants of the enemy navy, which
has been in desperate hiding, under camouflage, since it was soundly
defeated off the Philippines last Oct-<

U. S. Naval authorities have esti-
mated that the Japanese have less
than 10 carriers, including escort
flattops, four to six battleships, in-
cluding old dreadnaughts, and not
many cruisers or destroyers.
On March 18, Mitchner's carrier
planes discovered some of the enemy
ships hiding in the inland sea of
Japan and irl a daring raid sank the
45,000-ton battleship Yamoto, two
cruisers and several destroyers and
destroyer escorts.
The Japanese ships apparently
moved after that and their where-
abouts had been undisclosed until
Nimitz' communique today reported
they were brought under attack by
Vice Adm. John S. McCain's Car-
rier Task Force 38.
Yokosuka Naval Base probably
was the most obvious place for the
ships to have sought to hide-in-
side Tokyo Bay-for it possibly was
the last place the enemy would
expect American forces to seek it.
Nimitz said adverse weather and
poor visibility prevented reconnais-
sance planes from reporting any re-
sults of this audacious attack.
He also reported that American
and British carrier planes raided the
Tokyo and East Honshu coastal areas
throughout yesterday and that light
naval units-cruisers and destroyers
-of the U. S. Third Fleet, went close
inshore to bombard the eastern Hon-
shu coast last night and early to-
The shelling carried the attacks
in the Tokyo area into the third
straight day.
Rear Adm. Carl Holden command-
ed the cruiser-destroyer force which
bombarded Nojima, south of Tokyo,
and other coastal installations.
Nimitz said the cruisers Topeka,
Oklahoma City, Atlanta, and Day-
ton, and the Destroyers Ault and
John W. Weeks were among those
shelling the coastal city's military
and industrial areas.

Pair To Be
JAG Graduates
Will Report to Same
Base After Exercises
The Army's 'inseparable pair,' Ed-
win W. Jones and Elmer J. Redmond,
will continue their streak when they
report together at the Procurement
Division of the Air Technical Ser-
vice Command, Wright Field, O., aft-
er receiving their commissions at to-
morrow'sJAG School graduation-ex-
Inducted into the Army at the
same time, Jones and Redmond,
members of the Twelfth Officer
Candidate Class, have stuck togeth-
er through assignments that took
them to far off Africa and India,
always changing stations on the
same orders and receiving promo-
tions simultaneously.
After training together in the Unit-
ed States, the "Army Twins," whose
homes are on the same street in
Ravenna, O., went overseas, where
they were assigned similar'duties as
chief clerks and guard patrolmen
with the same air service group,
They were both .promoted to the
rank of technician fifth grade and
later to corporal on the same day..
After 14 months in India, Jones
and Redmond received orders to
report to the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral School at the University, and
travelling together from India,
they arrived together in Ann Ar-
bor March 21, the first members
of their class to report here.
Even in civilian life, their careers
coincided to a remarkable degree.
They graduated from Ohio State U.
on the same day and later went to
Cleveland Law School, receiving
their LLB's a year apart. Later, Red-
mond served as assistant prosecuting
attorney and Jnes was a special
assistant in Portage County, o.
JAG School
To Graduate
98 Tomorrow
The graduation of the 98 members
of the Twelfth Officer Candidate and
the Twenty-Third Officer Classes at
4:30 p. m. EWT (3:30 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow at the Law Quadrangle
parade grounds will bring the grand
total of judge advocates trained since
the JAG School moved here from
Washington in September, 1942, to
well over 2,000.
Col. Reginald C. Miller, Command-
ant of the JAG School, will admini-
ster the officer's oath to the 43 mem-
bers of the Twelfth Officer Candi-
date Class tomorrow.
Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer, Judge
Advocate General of the Army, Col.
Oscar Rand, Staff Judge Advocate,
and Col. George A. Sanford, Direct-
or of Training, Sixth Service Com-
mand, will attend the two-day exer-
cises. Gen. Cramer and Dr. E. Blythe
Stason, Dean of the Law School, will
deliver commencement addresses at
graduation exercises Saturday,

Committee To Study Decline
In Enrollment of Servicemen

George]Ieader Comments
On Foreign Commitments

Tn answer to the rumors about the
closing of the Ann Arbor USO Club,
Osias Zwerdling, president of the
USO Council, stated yesterday that
an Evaluation Committee had been
appointed at the last Council meet-
Merely Collecting Data
The Committee, representing the
'Mayas' Film To Be
Shown at Rackham
"La foche de los Mayas", or "The
Dark Night of the Mayas", the third
offering of the Summer Session of-
fice of foreign films for the campus,
will be shown at 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p. m. CWT) Friday and Satur-
day in Rackham Auditorium.
It is a Mexican film with English
titles. "Todo", a Mexican paper,
has said of the film: "The Picture
of the greatest onality so far made
in Mexico.... We cannot help the
human emotion evoked by this
magnificent cinematic work. .'The
Dark Night of the Mayas' makes us
feel proud."

University, the clergy, the social
work community and townspeople,
was charged with obtaining data in
preparation of a budget for presenta-
tion to the Ann 'Arbor Comunity War
Fund and collecting information in
relation to the drop in enrollment of
Army and Navy trainees from the
peak enrollment of nearly 4,000 to
the present registration of approxi-
mately 1,600 Army and Navy train-
"It should be pointed out that all
major decisions regarding the USO
are made by a council which consists
of three representatives of each of
eleven leading civic and communal
organizations," the statement read,
Widespread Representation
"Within the membership of 35
there is representation from almost
every section of our community," it
continued. "Hence, we feel that we
may assure the citizens of Ann Arbor
that any decision made by the group
can be depended upon to serve the
best interests of the community, the
University and especially the Army
and Navy trainees and other mili-
tary personnel for whom the USO
was established."
Petitions Due For
Engineering Council
Petitions for positions on the En-
gineering Council must be turned 'in
by noon EWT (11 a. m. CWT) to-
mn.rx. fla Monc Jirlinarr!aru-

"More responsibility ought to be
assumed for our interests abroad,"
George Meader, Counsel of the Mead
Investigating Committee of the Unit-
ed States Senate told a meeting of
the Men's Education Club-last night
in the Union.
The Foreign Economic Administra-
tion is not enough, he said. We have
erected all over the globe installa-
tions such as airports that we can't
pack up and bring back. The Com-
mittee feels we ought to study the
long range use of our installations
abroad, the rights we could obtain,
trade, air, and user rights and fran-
chise privileges. "These assets belong
to the Anlerican taxpayers" Meader
Discussing the Army and Navy,

partment of Justice in its prosecu-
Trying to get the Army to take ac-
tion against officers who have handl-
ed money improperly has not been
successful, Meader asserted, substan-
tiating this by saying that many
Army officers whose actions were re-
primanded by the Committee had
been subsequently promoted.


Men Overseas For
Years To Get Leave

Players Present 'Male Animal' This Week

Washington, July 18-(.P)-The
Navy arranged today to grant 30-day
leaves to Navy personnel it can
spare who have been outside the
United States two years or more.
Leaves, plus travel time, will be
subject to approval of commanding
officers who have sole discretion, an
announcement said. Between 8,000
and 12,000 a month may benefit.

The Michigan Repertory Players of
the speech department are present-
ing "The Male Animal" at 8:30 p. m.

fears he caught on the 'rebound when
the handsome halfback hero of their
day lost his hold upon her affections.

Besides treating the subjects of
academic freedom and football, the
n1nv includes sihiects such as the

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