PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY' SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945 Television Symposium To Be Held This Week Council To Give Panel Program ASSOCIATED PRESS Officials of television station WRGB, Schenectady, N. Y., will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday and Thurs- day to join Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the electrical engineering department in conducting a symposium on tele- vision under the auspices of the De- partment of Speech, it was announc- ed by prof. David Owen. G. Emerson Markham, manager and Helen T. Rhodes, program pro- ducer, of WRGB, are the represent- atives of the General Electric Com- pany, Schenectady, and are sent to create interest in the field of televi- sion in anticipation of postwar ex- pansion. Markham not only manages WRGB but heads the General Electric radio station in Schenectady. Miss Rhodes, a University graduate, has been with General Electric since she received her degree in speech here in 1943. Markham and Miss Rhodes will WAVES Will Recruit Coeds Pacific battle casualties have in- tensified the Navy's 'need for WAVE recruits to serve in the hospital corps, Thelma Lewis, Sp. (R) 2c, announced today. Miss Lewis will be at the League from 11 to 5 p. m. EWT, Thursday, to interview coeds interested in join- ing the service. Pointing out that the effectiveness of ships afloat depends on the effi- ciency of shore establishments, Miss Lewis stated that recruits are needed to do stenographic, booking and num- erous other jobs at naval air .sta- tions. College credits are given to those who successfully complete a 16-week course at Hunter College as a WAVE. Physically fit women between the ages of 20 and 36, with at least two years of high school training, are eligible to join the WAVES. INVEST IN VICTORY discuss such topics as "Careers in Television," "Education in Televi- sion" and "The Saga of 1250 Tele- vision Programs." Prof. Holland will explain the mechanics of television. Russian Circle To Hear Titiev "Nationalities in the Soviet Union" will be the topic of a talk by Mischa Titiev, of the Anthropology depart- ment to be given at a meeting of the Russky Kruzhok, Russian Circle, at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) Monday in the International Center. Following the talk, in which Prof. Titiev will discuss the different reli- gions, cultures, and languages of the Russian people, records will be played and tea served from the samovar. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Holmes, Swinton, Dorr To Lead Discussion "The Force. Behind the San Fran- cisco Charter" will be the subject of a panel discussion to be presented by the Post-War Council at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) Tuesday at the Mich- igan Union. Participating in the panel discus- sion will be Prof Roy H. Holmes of the sociology department, Prof. Roy S. Swinton of the College -of Engin- eering, and Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the political science department. Recently elected officers of the Council were Barbara Ann Hazelfon, president and John Haustand, secre- tary. Memberships for the Post-War Council will now be accepted. The purpose of the Council is to arouse the interest of students in inter- national problems. Those students and servicemen who are interested in joining the Council can contact Jack Weiss, 2-2218. PUCTURE NE WS Buy War Bonds & Stamps - Invest in Victory OPEN TO SERVE YOU Cffjee of w4ll ut. 4ahd4'che4 uice & tn//kv COME AND GET 'EM! 1319 South University Avenue A I D E-President Truman per. sonally placed on the shoulder of harry H. Vaughan (above), his military aide, the gold star raising him from colonel to brigadier general. uLL-R IG C E D T R A IN ING S H IP-The sailing vessel Danmark, turned over to 4he U. S. by Denmark to train Coast Guard cadets, sails into waters off Salem, Mass. 1 : - ad FOR THE YANK NOTCHES SHOVEL Pfc.. Bernard J. HaIl, Triadelphia, W. Va., cuts nine notches on the shovel with which he captured nine Japs in the Ryukyus. Hall was digging a foxhole with the shovel when the Nips marched up and surrendered. QU E.EN MA RY -Queen Mary,.mother ofKing George of, England, watches a tennis tournament at Wimbledon. England. OF YOUNG BEAUTY Youthful Beauty and Bright Color are inseparable. FRANCES DENNEY applies her supreme skill to the A,- I1 ki Luscious Look of Young B eauty. V Wjy; /, BO~ ,ai A C T R E S S - Motion picture actress Janet Blair donned a - flowered dress for this - one of" her recent portraits. M O D E L O F B R IT ISH P L A N E-Thisis a model of the giant Brabazon plane now under construction in England. It will carry 224 day passengers or 80 sleeping passengers. y .- r --* plus taxecc OVER-TONE - The new cake-form Make-Up - gives Luscious Beauty - instantly. . . does not 'crack' or 'shine' through powder. Seven lovely shades. LIPSTICK by FRANCES DENNEY -brings to your lips bright, exciting the inviting Look of Luscious Young Beauty .twelve joyously youthful shades to choose from. .. .._:.__ ... . ' .... .1iii' .. ,{..:t..}rro .° tRS.?k' ?a:."t.a5.9*..?t'. aot +o 6:d a .... .,..