PAGE TWO TH MICHIG$AN bflIT SUNDAY,. JULY 15, 19451- x i n.e _ [n q A .4R C '.A1 dl .2.P SUNDAY. JULY 15. 194~ I Food Subsidies May Be Gradually Eliminated To Aid Reconversion' By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 14-The Administration is working on plans for shifting $1,500,000,000 in food costs to consumer pocketbooks next year, eliminating subsidies. The objective is to ease adjustment of farm prices to postwar condi- tions and. to reduce government expenditures. The subsidies involved are largely those which the government estab- lished to prevent increases in consumer ceiling prices on important food Differences, 1 In Speech I's TOpic of Talk Kurath Will Lecture t To Linguistic Group "The Study of Regional and Social Differences in Speech" will be ther subject discussed by Dr. Hans Ku-E rath, professor of German in the Linguistic Institute, Tuesday at 7l p.m. EWT (6 p.m. CWT) in the Rackham Amphitheatre, on the In- stitute's series of introductory lec-I tures on linguistic science.f Director of Linguistic Atlas1 Professor Kurath, who is chairmant of the Division of Modern Languages at Brown University, has had the op-t portunity to make extensive first- hand investigation of his topic in the course of his work as Director of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada, one part of which, the Linguistic Atlas of New England, hasx already been published under his edi- torship. The Institute's Wednesday eveningl special lecture, at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 CWT) in the Rackham Amphi-I theatre, will be given by Prof. Al- brecht Goetze, Laffan Professor of2 Assyriology and Babylonian Litera- ture at Yale University. He will speaka on "The Linguistic Position of Ugar-r atic, a newly-discovered Semitic. Language."c Keniston To Lecturer At the luncheon conference at 1r p.m. EWT (noon CWT) Thursday inc the ABC room of the League, Dean Hayward Keniston will discuss thet question, "Why Learn a Foreign-Lan-e guage?" Before becoming dean ofa the College of Literature, Science,t and the Arts last spring, Dr.Kenis- ton taught Romance. languages atn Harvard, Cornell, and Chicago, and from 1940 on was chairman of the Romance languages department here. The conference will be preceded by luncheon at noon EWT (11 a.m. CWT) in the League ballroom. 1 The Linguistic Institute's series of lectures for the coming week will be concluded by Prof. Franklin Edger-d ton of Yale University, who is teach-b ing Sanskrit in the Institute. He will 1 speak at 7 p.m. EWT (6 p.m. CWT)E Thursday in the Rackham Amphi-7 theatre on "The Relationship of Lan-Z guages." War Workers Stay On Strike in Detroitc DETROIT, July 14 - (P) - Some N 4,000 .war workers remained idle at l three plants today after a week of e scattered strikes in the Detroit area. Settlement of a three-day-old t walkout at the Detroit Brass & Mall- a- eable Works, however, will send 450 e men back to the job Monday. c items while at the same time pro- viding greater incentive for farm production, and the so-called "roll- back" subsidies set up in 1943 when prices of some foods were reduced 10 per cent. Ceilings To Be Raised The plan calls for increases in ceiling prices of the affected foods to replace the subsidies. Secretary of Agriculture Anderson is leading inter-agency discussions on the plan. Elimination of the subsidies would increase the nation's total food bill about 5 per cent, agriculture depart- ment economists estimate. Consum- ers are buying food at the rate of about $30,000,000,000 a year. Meats, Dairy Products Food items on which the govern- ment is paying subsidies include meats, butter, fluid milk and most manufactured dairy products, flour and indirectly, bread and bakery products, canned fruits and vege- tables, sugar, dry beans, peanut but- ter, lard and soybean products. Supporting the subsidy abandon- ment idea are several major farm organizations and a strong bloc in congress. Back of the pressure to wipe out the subsidies is concern over postwar agricultural prices. Anderson and many farmers expect farm prices to go down after the abnormal war market fades. They also expect a public demand for curtailment in government expenditures. Favorable Time Anderson believes the effects on agriculture will be less harmful if the subsidies are removed while prices are high and the demand is good rather than later when prices have declined. One of the principal objections raised against subsidies is that they put the government in the position of paying a part of the food bill of poor and rich alike at a time when there is an excess of purchasing pow- er over the supply of civilian goods available at ceiling prices. Much of this extra buying subsidy opponents sayk is being used td support black mnarkets. MeetingsWill Aid Inductees The twelfth in a series of pre-in- ductiontmeetings conducted monthly by the Ann Arbor Office of Civilian Defense and the Selective Service Boards will be held on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) T~uesday in the Armory. These meetings are held for the purpose of helping men who, are called for service, to answer the many questions which come to them con- cerning personal and family prob- eni. Representatives of the Army, Navy, American Red Cross; and Se- ective Service Boards will be pres- ent to give assistance. Karl Karsian, Acting Counselor for he Ann Arbor Veterans Information and Counseling Center, will be pres- ent and will discuss briefly the work of the overseas Red Cross. Trialof Four To Begin in Hooper Case Battle Creek Court To Hear Testimony By The Associated Press BATTLE CREEK, Mich., July 14- With more than the usual drama- tics of a sensational criminal trial in the offing, the trial of four men accused of plotting the murder of Senator Warren G. Hooper of Albion is scheduled to open in the Calhoun County Circuit Court here tomorrow. Since an unidentified assassin fired three bullets into Hooper's head on a lonely stretch of Jack- son County road last January 11, the Hooper murder case has been the biggest political murder in Michigan history. Now, the state seeks to make four Detroit hoodlums pay a maximum penalty of five years in prison on the theory that they arranged the murder for a price. There have been official hints that prominent, weal- thy men wanted Hooper dead to seal off testimony Hooper had given to the Carr Grand Jury in Ingham County investigating graft in state govern- ment. The four are Harry Fleisher, de- scribed by state police as a one-time head of the notorious prohibition era Purple Gang; Sam Fleisher, Harry's younger brother; Myron (Mike) Selik, reported by police to have been a purple gangster, and, Pete Mahoney, reputedly a small time gambler. Kim Sigler, the dramatic and color- ful special prosecutor of the Carr grand jury, already has unfolded, in the preliminary examination of the quartette ,a sordid and bizarre story that the four coldly planned the murder, letting neither fear of the consequences or repeated interrup- tions deter their plans. Two Yanks Commuted To Life Imprisonment CHUNGKING, July 14 -(1)--Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer today commuted to life imprisonment the death sentences of two American privates accused of killing a 71-year- old Chinese woman in a dispute over a water buffalo. The entire case will be reviewed by the Judge Advocate General's Review Board. POTSDAM, July 14- strewn with the wreckage of the German army are Versailles of 1919 and Tehran of 1943 rolled into one, with agonized Europe and Asia alike looking to it for help. With Europe's chaotic peace and Asia's still fiercely-raging warfare inextricably linked, it is obvious that the Soviet Union now stands toward Japan in many respects similar to the, * * * way the United States stood toward Germany in the months preceding Pearl Harbor. That is why the most important news of all may not be known about the Potsdamn Conference for a con- siderable time to come. "Big Three" Arrive Division of European President Truman was scheduled Power To Be Decided to land at Antwerp tomorrow from the cruiser Augusta and to proceed By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER here by plane. Prime Minister Chur- WASHINGTON, July 14 - (R) - chill was to end his vacation at Hen- Whether the affairs of Europe are to daye in France over the week-end.Wb ertedabyoeoeae o Generalis-imo Stalin suspended his be dominated by one power alone or series of talks with Chinese Premier by all the nations under joit big T. V. Soong at Moscow and prepared power leadership is a prime question to leave for the meeting. -confronting the Big Three Confer- to laveforthe eetngence. This summer resort area, once pop- Itis considered here as a matter ular with Nazi stars of the stage and President Truman, Prime Minister screen, has been almost completely Churchill and Premier Stalin must depopulated of Germans to furnish take up at their Potsdam meeting if the security esential for the Big they are to do anything about estab- Three. lishing a firm basis for peace on the Stalin is making his second trip continent. outside the Soviet Union in order to xt is the same question for which meet with Truman and Churchill, but President Roosevelt sgught an as at Tehran he will stay on soil answer at Yalta early this year. occupied by the Red Army. Mr. Truman probably will try to Meet in Soviet Zone win concessions from Premier Sta- The American and British groups lin with respect to political and eco- are housed in little territorial islands nomic developments in eastern and well within the Soviet Zone in Great- southeastern Europe where Russia so er Berlin. Traffic on the broad as- far has exercised absolute control phalt highway to Potsdam is a cos- despite the agreement reached at mopolitan collection of "high brass" Yalta for Big Three cooperation from Moscow, London and Washing- when necessary. ton. In actual practice the Yalta Several thousand elite green- agreement has been used only in capped Soviet frontier guardsmen the case of Poland. And in that compose the force chiefly responsible situation, direct negotiation be- for policing the "Potsdam Confer- tween President. Truman and Pre- ence, and they are strictly business. mier Stalin was necessary. If you do not have exactly the right Coincident with those discussions pass - you don't take a step forward the Big Three are expected to con- and live. sider development of Germany as a All Alliedsoldiers on sentry duty military base from which to police except those in armored vehicles have Europe. Such a plan would mean rifles with bayonets fixed and pre- from a practical standpoint that the sent arms at the slightest hint of an Allied occupation forces in Germany ofifcer approaching. Soviet guards- would be kept in readiness to put men are distributed every 20 feet down trouble elsewhere when neces- along the roads and byways. sary. Potsdam Prepares For A Hied Leaders 'Meeting Big Three To Consider Momentous Problems; Russia's Policy Towards Japan Poses Issue By DANIEL DELUCE (/P)-Here in an idyllic woodland setting still A CREWMAN of a damaged PBY which attempted to aid a downed Superfortress in the Pacific, leaps to the deck of an American subma- rine that came to the rescue of the stricken aircraft. C 1 1 t , p k t 1 S c 8 . EDUCATION SCHOOL NEWS The following are the lectures to be given this week at 3:05 p. m. EWT (2:05 p. m. CWT) in the University High School auditorium: "Admini- strative Responsibilities for Curricu- lum Revision" by Mark W. Bills, Lecturer in Education, Monday; "Dis- cipline? Why and How?" by Prof. O. W. Stephenson, Tuesday; "Visual Education in the School of Tomor- row" by F. D. McClusky, Director of the Scarborough School, Wednes- day; "Shifting Emphasis in Educa- tion" by Prof. Francis D. Curtis, Bus. Ad. Holds Radio Series A series of radio broadcasts on business practices and economic problems is being sponsored by the School of Business Administration at 11:30 p. m. EWT (10:30 p. m. CWT) every Thursday over WJR, Prof. R. L. Dixon announced yester- day. The speakers, members of the busi- ness administration faculty, will dis- cuss such questions as finance, distri- bution, full employment, manage- ment-labor relations and advertising. Prof. E. H. Gault will speak on "Does Distribution Cost Too Much?" on July 19. Other talks will be "Cur- rent Economic Fallacies," Prof. W. A. Paton, July 20, "The Financial Status of Your Local Government, Prof. L. L. Laing, Aug. 2; "Looking at Management-Labor Relations," Prof. J. W. Riegel, Aug. 9; The same topic will be discussed by Prof. Rie- gel on Aug. 16. "Know-How in American Indu- stry," will be the subject of a talk by Prof. C. L. Jamison- on Aug. 23; "Some Mistaken Notions about the Cost of Living," Prof. O. W. Plackett, Aug. 30; "Training Men and Women for Business," Prof. R. A. Stevenson, Sept. 6; "Does Advertising Serve the Consumer," Prof. C. N. Davisson, Sept. 13 and "The Problem of Full Employment in a Free Society," Prof. C. E. Griffin, Sept. 20. Prof. Griffin will discuss the same topic on Sept. 27. CLASSIFIED DIR ECTORY Thursday; "The University High School Program of Citizenship Edu- cation" by Prof. John M. Trytten, Friday. An exhibit relating to materials for the teaching of English will be on display in the University High School library this week with Miss C. Irene Hayner in charge. * * * The Administrative Committee of the School of Education has approved a plan providing for the appraisal of courses by students. An appraisal card will. be provided students for each of their courses. The appraisal will be carried on at the time of the final examination. Members of all chapters of Phi Delta Kapparare cordially invited to attend the regular meeting at 6:30 p. m. EWT (5:30 p. m. CWT) in the Union. The groups will meet at the Union desk and go through the cafe- teria line and on to the faculty din- ing room. After dinner Dr. Bonner Crawford of the Department of Adult Education will address the group on the subject, "The Effect of Interest on Success in Learning," and this will be followed by a period of dis- cussion and questions. *I * * Education students are invited to attend the Frolic beginning at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Wed- nesday in the Women's Athletic Building. The party is sponsored jointly by the Men's and Women's Education Clubs. Young Boy Thinks Fun House Is House of Horror MUSKEGON, July 14-(/P)-Believe it or not, eighi-year-old Bernard De- Weise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester DeWeise, says it's no fun going through a carnival funhouse. For in making a hasty exit Friday night Bernard crashed into a plate glass mirror, cut off the tip end of his nose, slashed his forehead and cut one of his legs. He was still in a serious mood about it all when dis- charged from Hackley Hospital after first aid treatment. -- - ., - p a a a a - a HIGHLIGHTS ON CAMPUS Polonia Elects Officers... AEdward Mazurkiewicz has been elected president of the University Polonia Club, it was announced yes- terday. Other new officers include: Leon- ard Budzen, vice-president; Stepha- nie Albrecht, secretary; and Henry Kaminski, treasurer. The club meets at 7:30 p. m. EWT every Tuesday at the International Center and extends an invitation to all summer school students of Pol- ish descent interested in the club's educational, cultural, and social ac- tivities. * * * Symposium To Be Held. The Department of Speech will hold a graduate symposium on Speech Science at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building, it was announced by Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman of the de- partment. * * * Try-Out for IFC Begins.. . A meeting of all those interested in becoming try-outs on the Interfra- ternity Council will be held at 3 p.m. EWT (2 p. m. CWT) Monday in the IFC office at the Union, OPENING WEDNESDAY NIGHT THE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH' PRESENTS THE MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS in the Funniest College Comedy since '"Charley's Aant" "The Male Animal" By JAMES THURBER and ELLIOTT NUGENT WEDNESDAY through SATURDAY 8:30 P.M. Tickets $1.02, 78c, 54c (tax included) Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre i a s lim Starting TODAY 'Re~ectit~nMoern CoZin it SGet Ahold of that Chick the EASY way .. . "SON OF LASSIE~ CARTOON and N EWS ' 1. AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG I- ".I I --- I '1 t t . , ;' ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for summer ses- sion available immediately for one girl. Two blocks from campus. Call 2-4516. Ask for housemother. GIRLS ATTENDING SUMMER SES- SION! Would you like an excellent dinner? Chicken every. Sunday and other delicious meals throughout the week. Our dining room is open to you. Also rooms and board. 800 Oxford Road. Phone 7992. WANTED WANTED: Snipe sail boat. Write to Randa T. Allen, Portage Lake, east side, Pinckney, Mich. LSTI SUN., JULY 15, 1945 Eastern War Time 8:00-News. 8:05-Organ Music. 8:15-Jinirny Wakely. 8:30-Frankie Masters. 9:00-News. 9:05-Ralph Ginsburg. 9 :30-Ava Maria Hour. 10:00-News. 10:15--Edmond Pierson. 10:30-Charlie Barnett. 10:45-Jesse Crawford. 11:00-News. 11:05-Grace Bible Fellow- ship. - 12:00-News. 12:05-Mario Morelli. 12':30-Music & Verse. 12:45-Paul Baron. 1 :00-News. 1:15-Lawrence Quintet. 1-:30-Jerry Sears. 1:45-Baseball Brevities. 1:55-Baseball (Det. at N. Y.) 6:00-News. 6:05-Wilson Ames. 6:15-The Bible Hour. 6:30-Concert Hall. 7:00-News. 7:05-Let's Dance. 7:25-Band of the Week. 7:30-Music for Sunday. 8:00-News. 8:05-Dance Time. 8:15-Howard Farrar. 8:30-Daniel Leiberfeld. 9:00-News. 9:05-Milt Herth Trio, 1 t TOWEL SETS ((V -A V Charming white and pastel sets to include larae and small towels II C I K ~ . I d * I I V~ - U U F