PAGE TWO ., -TTHE MICHIGEAN DAILY' SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year Sto the 6daitor WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Truman Proves A bility in Poker. I The VO and A VC I- t, ! - - -~~4'" I x Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Ray Dixon' Margaret Farmar Betty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland Editorial Staff . . Managing Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . .Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor Business Staff . . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL ZACK editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Delivery-Strike THE CURRENT NEWSPAPER deliverymen's strike in New York city has attracted nation- wide attention. It is a matter of importance when a considerable portion of the nation is denied the services of the press and strike- breaking becomes the rule. The issues involved are worth looking into. The Independent Deliverymen's Union de- mand that the publishers pay an amount equal to three per, cent of the deliverymen's payroll to go into a welfare fund. This fund will be administered jointly by the union and the publishers for sick and disability benefits. The publishers refused and referred the case to the War Labor Board. This was a nice way of saying no for they know the WLB will not approve when employers refuse. But the WLB does approve when employers agree to the wel- fare fund. This is the point over which the de- liverymen are striking. The publishers propose to restore delivery. They are threatening to use non-union deliv- ery men and break the Independent Delivery- men's Union. It is difficult to say which side is right but this much is definite. If the publishers wish to end the strike and resume deliveries union-busting is not the way to do it. The publishers threat to bring in war veterans to break the picket line and "preserve the rights for which they fought" is so much dyna- mite. The main issue now is whether or not the New York newspaper publishers are going to lead the attempt that appears to be inevitably coming to destroy effective unionism in the United States. A more efficient way to end the strike would be to proceed with collective bargaining which the WLB has sanctioned. There has been no direct meeting between the publishers and representatives of the union. The deliv- erymen are willing to negotiate but the publishers have renained silent. Evidently strike-breaking and union busting are cheap- er! -Janis Goodman "THE TIME HAS COME" reads a recent edit- orial by Jack Weiss "for us to speak our piece as ex-servicemen." What his speech seem- ed to consist of was a panning of the Ameri- can Legion and the Veterans' Organization here on campus. If the time has come for an ex- ser'iceman to speak, it is necessitated by Mr. Weiss's clarion call to the Veterans of the campus to battle here at the University by " .. . setting up an efficient and meaningful group I'D RATHER HE RIGHT: Reconstruction1 By SAMUEL GRAFTON IT COMES AS A SHOCK to find that we can no longer take the sleeper from New York to Washington, but must sit up in coach or chair car, and this after victory in Europe. There is also going to be a coal shortage this winter. The new Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Anderson, has asked that no more grain be used for making beverage alcohol after August 1st. All this runs counter to the neat little pat- tern we have been carrying around in our minds, to the effect that home front circum- stances were going to become quite a little easier after the end of the war in Europe, and then there would be a fairly comfortable in- terim period until the end of the war in Asia, after which things were going to be a lot bet- ter; onward and upward, step by step, through progressively more comfortable "phases" on the home front. THE "PHASE" THEORY is largely eyewash. and, especially in the crude form in which it has been accepted by the public, shows little understanding of the profound disturbance made in human affairs by a major war. One does not step out of war as out of. a swimming pool, step by step, leaving the water behind. But our de- sire to get on to the next and easier "phase" is so strong in us, that we are botching the end of the war to bring it about. We are leaving France, and we are leaving it hungry, and denuded of transportation (though we enter into solemn agreements on the feeding of Berlin.) We are leaving Italy, and we are leaving it in the grip of a walloping inflation, with $30-a- month workers trying to keep afloat in a $2-a- cake-of-soap economy; and observers note that special, sad kind of prostitution on the streets of Italy, which flares up only during inflations. We are pulling our troops out of Europe, as Miss Anne O'Hare McCormick has noted in the New York Times, before anything has been settled or decided or stabilized; and we have even stolen a little bit of meat out of the European relief program, hardly endugh for a few ounces apiece here at home, but enough to show how determined we are to prove that our affairs must become easier once the shooting stops; we are going to force history into our neat little pattern, in defiance of all fact. THAT the "phase" pattern has gripped us, like a kind of fantasy, is shown by our enormous effort to get the automobile industry started again, somehow, between the days of western and eastern victory. The automobile industry has been given the signal to go ahead, but it turns out now that it is short of no less than 45 critical items, such as sheet steel, tin and cad- mium, and it has turned to Washington for help in getting them., Those shortages cannot be a matter of great surprise to competent people in the field; they must have known; but they were not allowed to interfere with the dream. It will be interesting to watch the automobile industry as a barometer of reconversion; it is in the best position of any industry to obtain supplies, it has the most se- cure grip on the producers of basic materials, and if it can't obtain them, we shall know that we tried to jump the gun. But we are racing toward normality, in full cry, running and stumbling, refusing even to look at any sign-post that might delay us, and in this, our primitive conception of war's end, lies a very "real danger to ourselves and to the world. For the great aftermaths of total war, from hunger to redeployment to reconstruc- tion, have become, in our minds, mere petty obstacles, to be brushed aside like flies, or step- ped around; and as a result we are continually tieing brought up short, in mock surprise, be- fore barriers that are plainly marked on every map except the unreal one we have decided to follow. (Copkright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) BARNABY to take a leading role in campus affairs, to fight the good fight for peace, security and freedom." You are correct, Mr. Weiss, in assuming that the Veterans' Organization is not a fighting organization. We feel that the College is do- ing all that it can to help the Veteran on the campus, and that we can best help them to help us by cooperating with them. It is true that we in the Organization are trying to help each other by working together over the var- ious problems which are brought in-of study- ing, of housing. We hope to fill a need through social and fraternal activities. I, for one, feel that my wife and I are bene- fitted through these social affairs. We meet other veterans and their wives whose interests and problems are similar to ours. In other words, the V. O. is merely extending the helpfulness, friendliness and cooperation of the Univer- sity to all veterans through the Veterans' Or- ganization. Our organization is a small one, as yet. But we are not trying to inject any "serum of enthu- siasm" into the arms of the veterans. We are finished with such injections, we hope. We are going to build up the organization so that more veterans can enjoy its benefits, if they wish. Nor are we creating an organization because we think the Veterans should be "leaders on cam- pus." If the Veterans become leaders, it will be because we have earned that right through our contribution to campus affairs, not because we have joined an organization whose purpose is to become leaders. The Veterans Organization is strictly a cam- pus affair. It is not affiliated with any out- side organization, and has no other interest than helping the University of Michigan vet- crans. If you think you can help us with these aims, Mr. Weiss, we'd like to sign you up! -Lawrence A. Welsch Treasurer of V. O. * ** * Carillon Crtique THE BURTON MEMORIAL TOWER, as an architectural structure, contributes greatly to the inspiration I derive from this campus. Be- sides enlivening our village skyline, its staunch and soaring lines support the needed time piece for many an otherwise timeless student. But it has come to my attention of late that ticking off the hour for the students' use is the only way in which the tower actually co- ordinates its activities with those of the cam- pus group. As our activities move out of doors for the summer, the extent to which we are to be plagued with tonal renditions should, it seems to me, be under our control in some way. An impromptu recital though arising with genuine spontaneity from the musician's soul can be rather inconvenient. Note in particular the performance the other evening which seriously interfered with the attempts of a most worthy student group to hold a meeting on the steps of the Rackham Building. The music from the tower bells could play an integral part in campus activities if it functioned with the students instead of oper- ating with complete disregard for student plans. -Lauren Ogpord ' ie/Id& £c*eam BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN THIS IS APPARENTLY football weather for some, for we hear that Michigan has already started football practice. There are one or two backward Southern schools that don't start practicing football until fall. * x * We read in our favorite campus daily re- cently that one of the more prominent mid- Western schools is going to lower its entrance requirements with a specific end in view, not to mention a promising tackle and an all-state haf back. We aren't sports authorities by any means, but Michigan's chances of coining through the sea- son undefeated are about as slim as an Ann Arbor hamburger. The game with Annapolis is going to be the biggest naval engagement since a rear- admiral's daughter dropped out of circulation. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - One complaint President Truman constantly makes to old friends in the Senate is: "You don't know how lonely I am." But the President was not lonely on his last night in Independence, Mo. It was one of his most enjoyable eve- nings since he entered the White House. Truman spent it playing poker with old friends, all members of the "Harpy Club," an organization of Independence business men, founded in 1925. The game was at the home of Louis L. Compton, owner and manager of an Independence bottling woriks. Truman, as the home-town boy who made good, was given the honor of dealing the first hand. It was dealer's choice and he chose seven-card stud. All players, nine of them, dropped out except the President and John Hutchinson, an Independence coal dealer. Six cards were dealt. Hutch- inson had two jacks showing and an- other jack down. The President, who had bluffed Hutchinson into two raised, had two queens showing and nothing down except a nine-spot and a seven-spot. Came the last card. Hutchinson drew a tray, Truman a queen. That gave the President three queens to Hutchinson's three jacks, and he raked in the pot. It amounted to $1.65. Note- Missouri friends are hop- ing Truman will be just as good a poker player when he sits down with the best of all diplomatic card sharks - Joe Stalin. Army SNAFU WHEN the War Department an- nounced its demobilization plan on May 12, it set up the 85 point re- quirement for discharge and also an- nounced that a revised figure would be given within 45 days, or by June 27. It is now July 14, and millions of men are still waiting for that an- nouncement. Meanwhile more headaches, heartaches and resentment have developed over discharges than almost anything in the Army. Some of this is unavoidable. Some, on the other hand, seems due to army inefficiency, including the amount of discretion allowed indi- vidual officers and units. For instance, the air forces set up a separate demobilization program in some areas, and at Las Vegas, Nev., began releasing young officers by the hundreds. There was such a surplus of second lieutenants that those with only 42 points were let out. First lieutenants with only 58 points were discharged, and captains with only 70 points were permitted to leave the service. Meanwhile enlisted men who still need 85 points to get out are burning up. Part of the irregularity in ad- ministering the point system results from the fact that each command- ing officer has the right to reject a man's application for discharge- no matter how many points he has --by declaring him "essential." Ob- viously certain key technical men fall into. the category and cannot be spared. Also it is much more practical to use trained veto rans than to break in new men. How- ever, there is increasing resent- ment from battle-scarred veterans with points galore, some of whom feel they are kept in the service because of some gripe or prejudice on the part of commanding officers. (Copyright. 1945, Bell Syndicate) - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. in. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL4 BULLETIN SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 9-S Notices Students, Summer Session, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No courses may be elected for credit after today. E. A. Walter To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts enrolled in the Summer Term: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from taking the course by (1) The Uni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his represent- ative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except undernvery extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Summer Term. The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. The United States Civil Service Commission gives notice that the closing date for acceptance of appli- cation for Student Physical Therapy Aide, $525 a year, and Apprentice Physical Therapy Aide, $1752 a year, will be July 16. 1945. Applications must be filed with the U. S. Civil Ser- vice Commission, Washington 25, D. C., not later than that date. Bureau of Appointments. To All House Presidents: There will be an important meeting of the Interfraternity Council on Wednes- day, July 18, at 7:15 p.m. (EWT) in Room 306 Michigan Union. Please be present. All men interested in trying out for the staff of the Interfraternity Council are asked to attend a meet- ing of all tryouts in the office of the Interfraternity Council on Monday, July 16, at 3 p. m. (EWT). See your House President for further infor- mation, or call at the office of the Interfraternity Council during of- fice hours. Linguistic Institute. There will be a table in the League Ballroom Daily at 11 a. m. CWT (12 noon EWT) for members of the Institute and their friends who wish to meet for lunch. Note change of location. Mail is being held at the business office of the University for the fol- lowing people: Adams, Mrs. Mary Kendall, Nellie Baum, Oscar Bellows, Rachel M. Birkhill, Virginia Blane, Arthur Butler, Bancraft George Christy, Arthur E. Dodge, E. W. Due, Oliver Dune, Professor Gibbs, Mrs. Minnie Gough, Elsie Louise Gustafson, Arthur A. Hall, Harlow H. Heldt, A. Hiersch, F. A. Horstman, Donald Ma, James Maduro, Elma Mayberry, T. O. Mish, Alexander Monroe, Dr. H. C. Oden, E. Clarence Phillips, F. L. Pringle, . . Ranta, .. Rood, Helen Smith, Ridgeway P. Spalding, Thomas M. Vibrans, Franc C. Walker, Nancy Wenzel, E. A. Williams, Grace S. Schmake, Miss G. E. Succession PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S proposal to change the presidential succession procedure is one to be seriously considered at this time. Should Mr. Truman die during his present term of office, under present statutes the Secretary of. State would succeed to the presidency. President Truman claims that the present act is autocratic in that the president can name his successor. As such, President Tru- man maintains that it is contrary to democ- ratic principles. He would amend the statute so that. the speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives would succeed to the presidency upon the death of the president and vice- president. Bu this plan also is contrary to a most basic American principle of democracy, namely, the theory of separation of powers. Under the sep- aration of powers doctrine, the executive, legis- lative, and judicial functions of government are performed by three separate ' and distinct branches of government. This avoids the undue concentration of power in any one branch. Now were President Truman's proposal to become law, this basic system of checks and balances would be destroyed. A legislative official would assume the direction of admini- stration. This legislative official would not have been elected to perform an executive fulnitinn. but to nerform a legislative func- Lectures Linguistic Institute, Introduction to Linguistic Science. "The Study of Regional and Social Differences in Speech." Dr. Hans Kurath, Profes- sor of German. 6 p. m. CWT (7 p. m. EWT), Tuesday, July 17, Rackham Amphitheatre. Linguistic Institute Special Lecture. "The Linguistic Position of Ugaritic, a newly-discovered Semitic Lang- uage." Dr. Albrecht Goetze, Laffan Professor of Assyriology and Babylon- ian Literature, 'Yale University. 6:30 p. m. CWT (7:30 p. m. EWT), Wed- nesday, July 18, Rackham Amphithe- atre. Academic Notices Seminar in physical chemistry will meet on Monday, July 16, in Room 303 Chemistry Building, at 3:15 (CWT) or 4:15 (EWT). Professor E. F. Barker of the Physics Department will speak on "Infrared spectra and molecular structure." All interested are invited to attend. The Regular Record Concert giv- en in the Ladies Lounge of the Rack- ham Building will start at 7 p. m. (CWT) Tuesday, July 17. The pro- gram will include a Fugue, by Bach; Quartet No. 8, by Beethoven; Violin Concerto, by Mozart; and Symphony No. 5 in B Fiat Major, by Schubert. All Graduate Students are cordially invited to attend." Chamber Music Concert: The first in a series of five chamber music programs will be presented at 7:30 p. m. CWT, Tuesday, July 17, in Pat- tengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School. The program will consist of compositions by Mozart and Brahms, and will be played by Gil- bert Ross and Marian Struble Free- man, violinists, Louise Rood, violinist, Robert Swenson, cellist, Albert Lu- coni, clarinetist, and Joseph Brink- man, pianist. Other programs in the series will be heard at 7:30 CWT, Thursday evenings, July 26, August 2, 9 and and Marie Juleen Thiessen, pianists. The general public is invited. Exhibitions General Library, main corridor cases. Books printed in English be- fore 1640. Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. Representative. items in the Michigan Historical Col- lections. Museums Building, rotunda. Some foods of the American Indian. Events Today A Special Matinee of "Blithe Spirit" will be given Saturday, July l4th-at 1:30 CWT in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre by the' Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. Tickets are on sale now in the theatre box office. Motion Picture. Russian film, "Bee- thoven Concerto," with outstanding child stars. Vladimir Shevtsov and Maria Popovna. 7:30 p. . (CWT) or 8:30 p. mn. (EWT) Rackham Lecture Hall. Russian dialogue, English sub- titles; auspices of the Russian De- partment. Admission free. Wayne Saari will lead the discus- sion on Recent Social Pamphlets at the S.R.A. Saturday Luncheon at Lane Hall this week. Those inter- ested in attending should call Lane Hall today for luncheon reservations. Coming Events Graduate Outing Club: The first meeting of the Outing Club for the summer will be held Monday, July 16 at 7:30 p. m. on the Outing Club Room. There will be dancing and a social hour, which will be followed by the election of officers and the program for the term will be planned. All Graduate Students, Faculty, and Alumni are cordially welcome to join. Dr. Mischa Titiev, Professor of An- thropology, will speak on "Nationali- ties in the Soviet Union" at a meet- ing of the Russky Kruzhok (Russian Circle) in the International Center, Monday, July 16th, at 8:00 (EWT). Tea will be served following the talk. Everyone interested is cordial- ly invited. Attention all students: The Post- war Council will present a panel dis- 3ussion Tuesday, July 17, at 8:00, in the Union on the topic, "Is There Enough Force Behind the San Fran- iscouCharter?" Participating will be Prof. Swinton, of Engineering; Prof. Holmes, of the Sociology Dep't.; and Prof. Dorr, of the Political Science Dep't. You are cordially invited to attend. The University of Michigan Polo- nia Club will hold a meeting next Tuesday evening at the International "enter at 7:30 EWT. All students of Polish descent are cordially invit- ,d to attend. Play: "The Male Animal," Thur- ber and Nugent. July 18 to July 21. Polonia Club: The University of Michigan Polonia Club will meet Tu- esday July 17. at 6:30 (CWT) in Some rare cases of aphasia S don't respond to magic wand cwalloswihyour treatment apparently.. . Well, begar must have m'boy, I'll have to resort to bh aMr shock to the shock method after all- . - 76 I'll consult Doctor Pavlov's great experiments with dog neuroses- Help' 0 - By Crockett Johnson Ceygh,145 h N SverP - - 4R O ET Never mind Doctor Pavlov! 5' Call the local veferinary! Mr. O'Malley! He can TALK! Gorgon doesn't seem to befeeing so very well Imagine the excited buzzing at the _____________________ Goc Well, I must be off now, Barnaby. T _ AL _ rll, ----