HOW A GHOST IS MADE See Bottom of Page 4by 4v 4flt tgan at PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LV, No. 9-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Hearings Approve Charter Unt aninmously Recommended Treaty To Be Reported To Senate Monday By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 13-The United Nations Charter designed to preserve peace won approval from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today, without a dissenting vote, without reservation and without amend- ment. The committee wound up five days of public hearings at 4 p. in., deli- berated a half hour, and voted 20 to 0 to recommend ratification. The treaty will be formally reported to the Senate next Monday ju~t as it. was signed by 50 nations at San Francisco, i Debate on the Senate floor starts Monday, July 23, and may last two <-'weeks or more. Pacific Typhoon Cripples 21 Ships June 5; Hits Third Fleet Skirting Southern Japan Inflicts Damage Greater Thean AnyEnemyAction Some Vessels Repaired; Able To In Carrier Sweep Against Tokyo Participate Tuesday Preuss Will e w Political Scientist Leaves gtate Dept. Dr. Lawrence Preuss, associate chief of the State Department Divi- sion of International -Security and Organization, on leave from the Uni- versity since 1942, will return to the political science faculty in Novem- DR. LAWRENCE PREUSS 'ber, Prof. Everett S. Brown, chairman of the political science department, announced yesterday. Dr. Preuss, granted a leave of ab- sence to serve in the State Depart- ment, is an outstanding authority on international law and administration. His works in that field have been translated into French and German and widely circulated in Great Brit- ain. Haber To Return Also Announcement of Dr. Preuss' re- turn to the University came a day after it was learned that Prof. Wil- liam Haber, on leave from the eco- nomics department to serve in the Office of War Mobilization and Re- conversion, would also return here in the fall. Since Dr. Preuss has been on leave, he has served in London as a mem- ber of the United States War Crimes Commission. In addition he attended the Dumbarton Oaks and San Fran- cisco Conferences in an advisory ca- pacity. Prior to the San Francisco Con- ference, the State Department ap- pointed Dr. Preuss general secretary of the United Nations Committee of Jurists which met in Washington to draft plans for the new International Court. Thirty-eight nations were rep- resented at the meeting. Preuss' Career Dr. Preuss has been a member of the University faculty since 1928. He received his Ph.D. at the University in 1932 and was appointed an assist- ant professor in 1934. He became an associate professor in 1937. Winner of the Henry Russel Award in 1935-36, Prof. Preuss is described by his colleagues as a "prolific writ- er aId outstanding scholar in the field of international law and ad- ministration." CAMPUS EVENTS Today Union Mixer from 2:30 to 5 p. m. EWT (1:30 to 4 p. m.+ CWT) in the Union ballroom. Today "Beethoven Concerto," a Russian film, at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. in. CWT) in Rackham Auditorium. July 16 Rev. Claude Williams will speak on the topic "What Can the Churches Do About Racial Discrimina- Three Members absent Three of the 23 committee mem- bers were absent when the vote was taken-Senators Johnson (R.-Cal.), 1919 foe of the League of Nations, Shipstead (R.-Minn.) and Murray (D.-Mont.) Majority leader Barkley (D.-Ky.) said the senate will consume all of next week dealing with the Bretton Woods world banking plan and other piees of legislation "so we can clear the decks for the charter." World Security Council The treaty sets up a World Secur- ity Council of the five major na- tions, U. S., USSR, Britain, France and China, and six smaller states charged with preventing aggression and employing force if necessary. The sharpest questioning of the hearings this week was conducted by Senator Millikin (R.-Col.) and to- day he told reporters that the answers "have reassured me a great deal" in his attitude toward the whole plan. Ratification Assured A poll of the Senate has shown that ratification by the necessary two thirds majority is assured. Committee action followed a last day of hearings in which ratification was recommended by a group of pub- lic figures who frequently disagree on other issues. Winding up a week of testimony by 75 witnesses, the Senate foreign re- lations committee heard approval of the treaty by William Green, AFL president; Philip Murray, CIO head; John Foster Dulles, Adviser to Gov. Thomas E. Dewey in his 1944 cam- paign; and Norman Thomas, Social- ist party leader. Williams Cites Race Problerns Discrimination To Be Subject of Talk Monday "Racism and anti-semitism in America are a product of economic conditions, naturally and deliberately stimulated by industrial leaders of the north and plantation aristocrats of the south," said Rev. Claude Wil- liams in a recent interview. Rev. Williams will address the In- ter-Racial Association on the subject "What Can the Churches Do About Racial Discrimination?" at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Monday at the Michigan Union. Liberal Groups He stated "the liberal interfaith groups are not speaking to America, as for instance the National Confer- ence of Christians and Jews. From deep cushioned chairs, these liberal leaders make a few most timely and worthy resolutions, write them in jawbreaking words, put them on slick paper and mail them to th liberal few in the middle class. But this is not reaching America!" Rev: Williams said that there had been a group in America who had been attempting to reach natural workaday leaders in order to make them cognizant of the need for lead- ership. As director of the People's Insti- tute of Applied Religion, it has been Rev. Williams' goal to combat fascist trends in the south. Praising the ef- forts of liberal groups who have aided his cause, Rev. Williams nevertheless stated that the weighty job of reach- ing the masses must not be left un- done. Workaday Preachers "When under the guidance of the Institute, workaday preachers learn that the concrete issues of everyday life are dealt with in scriptures, they receive it most eagerly and they ex- pound it to their negihbor," he con- tinued. Sec. of Labor Asks No Strike Pledge WASHINGTON, July 13- (P) - Lewis B. Schwellenbach tonight call- JAP PRISONERS ON THE MARCH-Some of the more than 9,000 Japanese captured in fighting on Okinawa march down a road on the island toward a dock to board a ship for transportation to a prisoners-of-war camps. Department of Justice Probes Great German Chemical Trust By The Associated Press HOESCHT, Germany, July 13-De- partment of Justice and the United States group control experts delved into seven tons of records today to trace the worldwide industrial ma- chinations and stockholdings of the Frankena Says World ELhieal Outlook Needed "The attitude of both youth and the adult, both today and 2,000 years from today, should be international, rather than national," Prof. William Frankena of the philosophy depart- ment said last night at the Hillel Foundation. Speaking on the topic "An Ethics for Youth Today," Prof. Frankena defined a good life as one inspired by a sense of justice, love and know- ledge. We do not realize that other people feel the same emotions -and experi- ences which we feel, he asserted, say- ing that we should understand that every person is a center of experi- ence. Because of this, he said, we should be just to others, rather than frustrate their desires or impose ours upon them. An ethics must command fervor to combat the enthusiasm which fas- cism incites, Prof. Frankena contin- ued. If an ethics can create a re- birth of righteousness and justice, then it can combat Fascist ethics, he concluded. There will be a meeting for all students working on the staff of the Student Directory at 2 p. m. EWT Monday in the editorial of- fice of the Student Publications Building. Great German chemical trust, I. G. Farbenindustrie. These documents may disclose all the secrets of the corporation's intri- cate cartel operations which gave it a strong hold on many industries in al- most every part of the world, includ- ing the United States, and provided the Nazis with a powerful organiza- tion for industrial espionage and sabotage. Cola Edwin Pillsbury, Berkeley, Calif., who directed military seizure last week of 24 Farben plants in the United States Zone of Occupation,, said it would require months to piece together the entire story of Farben operations and to uncover hidden stockholdings. "It is one of the most amazing stories of modern times," Pillsbury said. "The manner in which Farben agents gained control of certain indu- stries and carried on a role of domi- nation in the world's chemical in- dustry is almost unbelievable." The German war machine would have collapsed without I. G. Farben- industrie, Pillsbury said. The investi- gation already has disclosed that the combine controlled practically all German chemical production. Aliens Enroll in N Vew UI' Course Fifty Michigan aliens are enrolled in the University Correspondence Study Department's new course in citizenship, Mrs. Berenice H. Lee, di- rector of the Department announced yesterday. At the request of the Immigration and Naturalization Service Detroit office, the Correspondence Study De- partment is offering the course to Michigan's 290,000 alien residents. Course fee is $3. Purpose of the course is to help prepare aliens for their citizenship examination and includes a study of the United States Constitution and the government of Michigan. President Says He'll Make Full Potsdam Report. By The Associated Press ABOARD CRUISER AUGUSTA WITH PRESIDENT TRUMAN, July 13-President Truman was described today as firmly resolved against any secret commitments in the "Big Three" meeting starting Monday or Tuesday at Potsdam. As the presidential cruiser steam- ed close to Europe, associates of the Chief Executive said he plans to report to Congress as soort as he gets back home from his talks with Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Sta- lin. American Cooperation The President was understood to be prepared to offer any reasonable cooperation toward the rehabilita- tion of Europe, expecting in return assurances that the European coun- tries will work together for adjust- ment of issues that might carry the germs of war. He was represented as feeling that a primary basis of American policy is readiness to help, when help would be welcome, in get- ting its friends together when they disagree. Continuous Meetings Meetings today between Mr. Tru- man, Secretary of State James F. Byrnes and Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, the President's personal Chief of Staff, were almost continuous. Tomorrow has been fixed for the rendezvous with British warships which will convoy the president through British waters. City May Change To Central War Time With reports reaching this city that Detroit may soon go on Central War Time, William Brown, mayor of Ann Arbor said yesterday, "I believe that if Detroit decides on CWT, we will follow suit." "We are so tied up with Detroit, that it would be unwise to take any other action," he added. WAR AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press Carrier planes of the Third Fleet's powerful task force 38 struck again at Northern Hon- shu and Hokkaido, - the first blow of the war at Hokkaido, north- ernmost ofhthe main islands of Japan. Land-based air power continued daily hammering of enemy shipping and ground targets from Borneo to Japan. Navy announced typhoon June 5 damaged 21 American warships but most were able to participate in Third1Fleet air attack on Tokyo July 10. Borneo Australians, 20 miles north of captured Balikpapan, found enemy resistance collapsing as they drove within nine miles of Sambo- dja oil field. Calcutta, India-British warships bombarded Nicobar Islands northwest of Sumatra while carrier planes con- tinued attacks on Nicobars and Sum- atra, and minesweepers cleared ap- proaches to Malacca Straits between Sumatra and Singapore. OWI Funds Set by House Republicans; Lose Fight To Cut Finances in Half By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 13- Hogts Republicans lost a fight to cut the Office of War Information's funds in half today as Congress finally passed a $769,364,850 bill financing U.S. war agencies. The OWI issue was settled with agreement between House and Senate on $35,000,000 for the agency for the fiscal year which started July 1. The Senate originally had voted $39,670,- 215 and house Republicans, charging OWl with waste, tried in vain to cut it to $18,000,000. A House amendment prohibiting the War Labor Board from taking jurisdiction over agricultural labor was accepted by the Senate. The last-minute flurry over this item was one of a series which had kept the bill in controversy for weeks. And argument on the question whether the Fair Employment Prac- tices Committee should be liquidated died yesterday with an agreement to give it $250,000. Senate Chavez (D--- Ariz.) described the final language as not requiring the agency to liquidate. USO To Begin Radio Shows Ann Arbor's USO takes to the air on Sunday, July 22, when it begins a weekly one-hour radio show over local station WPAG.' . Talented servicemen are requested to volunteer to perform on these reg- ular weekly programs. Vocal or or- chestral training is especially desired. Of special service to local military personnel, the USO voice recording service has been resumed and serv- icemen may make appointments at 10:30-12 a.m. EWT (9:30-11 a.m. CWT) Sundays, and 7-10 p.m. EWT (6-9 p.m. CWT) on Thursdays. The service is free. Jap Safe Conduct Ship Sunk by U. S. WASHINGTON, July 13-(P)-The United States publicly acknowledged tonight responsibility for the subma- rine sinking of a Japanese relief shi battleships, The terrific force of the wind tore the bow completely off the Cruiser Pittsburgh but the vesel was brought to port safely without the loss of a man. Battleships Damaged When Halsey's Third Fleet sent its air arm over Japan July 10 the strik- ing force included the battleships Massachusetts and Indiana. and car- - BULLETIN - By The Associated Press GUAM, Saturday, July 14-Three hundred and forty-two Japanese planes were destroyed or damaged and four surface craft sunk or dam= aged in Tuesday's 1,000-plane carrier strike at Tokyo, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced in a communique today. Even. those reports still were incomplete. rier San Jacinto, all df which had been put out of action temporarily by the storm. Other heavy units dam- aged included the battleship Alabama and the carriers Hornet, Bennington andBelleau Wood. Not a single ship was lost in the cyclonic disturbance, Nimitz said. He gave no report on lossa of life nor in- jury to personnel from the storm. It was the second time that Hal- sey's ships had battled typhoons in recent months. The previous storm capsized three destroyers, the Mona- ghan, Hull and Spence, in the Philip- pines last December, with heavy loss of life. 20 Back in Service Nimitz reported that 20 of the ships damaged in the June storm were back in service and that the Pittsburgh was being refitted. Pres- umably other ships also were still undergoing repairs. The announcement, disclosed how- ever, that most of the Job of putting the vessels back in service had been completed. Other repaired ships included the escort carrier Bougainville and tie destroyers John Rodgers and Blue; and three other carriers and seven destroyers to which damage was minor. SOIC To. Hold Dance, Electon An "Adoption Dance" will be held July 27, the day on which the entire student body will choose a foreign university to be adopted. This was decided yesterday at an Executive Council meeting of the Student Or- ganization for "'International Cooper- ation. Entire proceeds of the dance will go into the fund for supplies to send to the adopted institution. Students will choose the university at a cam- pus election held during the day, and the name of the chosen school will be announced at the dance. The Unitarian Student Group, which had submitted a petition to the Executive Council for a seat on the Council, was admitted as the twentieth organization represented. Executive Council officers for the summer term, as recently elected by the Council are: Herbert Otto, chair- man; Priscilla Hodges, vice-chair- man; Jeppy Madison, secretary; Wil- liam Akers, treasurer; and Marjory Fisher, historian. Information on the universities under consideration for adoption will be published in the Daily during the week preceeding the election. First Union Mixer rT RP Up]d TnA 7r By The Associated Press GUAM, Saturday, July 14-A howling typhoon, ripping through the Western Pacific at 138 miles an hour, crippled more than 21 ships of Adm. William F. Halsey's massive Third Fleet as it skirted southern Japan June 5. Most of the stricken vessels were repaired quickly and participated in last Tuesday's carrier aircraft sweep against Tokyo although the storm damage was greater than the enemy had been able to inflict in any single action. Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz disclosed this dramatic naval episode last night, reporting that the damaged ships included four of the navy's 4new carriers and three of the latest GHOST MADE REALISTIC: Strauss Heads Make-Up of 'Blithe Spirit' By MARJORY JACKSON Ivard Strauss, Technical Director of the Try-Out Theatre in Seattle, Washington, supervises the make-up and art work of "Blithe Spirit" the last two performances of which will be given at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) and 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The make-up of Elvira, the mis- chevious ghost of Charles Condo- mine's first wife played by Annette Chaikin, and that of Dorothy Mur- zek as his second wife, Strauss said in an interview, requires special attention and skill. Instead of the usual whitish green make-up used for a ghost, Strauss uses his own third act in which Miss Murzek be- comes a member of the spiritual world, requires a crew of five persons working simultaneously so that she will be ready on time, Strauss ex- plained. This is Strauss' first season with the Michigan Repertory Players and his first stay in Ann Arbor, and he is "enjoying it very much." Strauss commented on the excellent construc- tion of the Lab Theatre which is not- able for its work-shop and storage space. It compareshadvantageously with workshops of other schools and community theatres, Strauss said. He remarked on the cleanliness and care of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and its unit facility. details of interest to the writer are reported to him. The plays run for 18-24 performances and are sup- ported by the admissions alone. The theatre is a community af- fair in which anyone can try out, Strauss said. Since many defense workers have arrived in Seattle, he noted, they have found recrea- tion in taking active parts in the productions. Some work until 2 a. m. and then rise again at 6 a.m. to get to work. The casting is done primarily ac- cording to age, Strauss said, and chil- dren as young as ten years of age have held important parts in the plays.