PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1945 __________________________I ~ Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Rift with Left-Wing Labor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff, Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mulendore Dick Strickland . . . . Managing Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Business Staf# Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches ciedited t it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rightsof re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered atthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. s -ubscriptions during the regular school year by ar- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BOB GOLDMAN Editorials published ir The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Political Activty HE RISE of distinct leftist elements in Ger- many has been fostered by the Soviet high command while the Americans and the Brit- ish have prohibited any political activity in their regions of control. This would seem to indicate that the Russians are interested in fostering progressivism through- out Europe. They have favored Communists in Germany, the anti-Communists elements have claimed, by allowing them to use automobiles in Berlin while other parties in Germany have had no means of transportation. The Russians also have stipulated that all parties in Germany must be anti-Fascist and must advocate Democ- racy. The Americans and the British, on the other hand, have, up to the present, prohbited any trade union or party from organizing in their spheres of control. Whether these two countries really fear Russian influene or whether they fear a dangerous post-war reaction in Germany re- mains to be seen. It is likely that the "Big Three" are guard- ing against the rise of anotler Fascist dictator- ship in the Reich: But, according to Russia's policy, all Germans presumably are being en- eouraged to conform to one political ideal. Under the policy of Great Britain and the United States, Germans are forced to remain politically inactive. Therefore, by suppress- ing the potential forces in Germany which may lead to formation of a democracy, these countries are encouraging fascism. Fascism arises when a people are unable to govern themselves, either because they lack the ability or because they are deprived the right to do so. They depend tipon a strong leader who can guarantee their security and satisfy their desires. In turn, the people sacri- fiee their political freedom to the dictator. The Allied nations must, then, encourage the development in Germany of political groups. By experimenting with the various institutions of self-government, the German people can then discover what form and kind of government will best suit their needs after the period of occupation. -Carol Zack Peru Elections THE LITTLE-NOTICED election of the Na- tional Democratic Front candidate in Peru brings to the fore the implications of the over- throw of another reactionary government in South America and emphasizes, by contrast, the delinquency of Argentina in eliminating Ger- man penetrations. Dr. Jose Luis Bustamante, new Peruvian pres- ident, has promised to abolish, as one of his first acts, all traces of censorship and has pro- posed many reforms. Moreover, the elections have returned. a National Democratic majority in both houses, which will enable the president to enact these reforms, as The Nation pointed out in its July 7 issue. The election kills any ambitions which reac- tionaries in South America had of forming a bloc to oppose democratic movements there. They had expected the victory of General Ureto, a candidate of the conservative Na- tional Union Coalition and an admitted pro- fascist at the beginning of the war. In that elimination of Axis elements, Peru has pointed up the failure of Argentina to conform to the Chapultepec agreement by substituting, for example, friendly ownership of business en- terprises for the present enemy control. Assist- ant Secretary of State William L. Clayton re- By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-There is more than meets the eye behind the appointment of Carl Moran, ex-congressman from Maine, as new assistant secretary of labor. It probably means a gradual movement away from left-wing labor groups and no more "clearing it with Sidney." Moran is one of the early New Dealers, a forthright," hard-hitting liberal; one of the few Democrats ever elected td Congress from the rock-ribbed Republican state of Maine. He joined with GOP Senator Owen Brewster, when the latter was governor, to fight the Insull power interests, and he, himself, came within a close inargin of being elected a Democratic governor of Maine. After two terms in Congress Moran was ap- pointed to the Maritime Commission, got fed up with the dictatorial methods of Admiral Land, and went back to Maine to run his fath- er's insurance company. Moran is pro-labor, will fight for labor when it is right, but will also fight against labor when it is wrong. No one could have had a more pro-Roosevelt record when in Congress; but, on the other hand, Moran is one of the closest fgriends of labor-enemy Ed Burke, counsel for the coal operators. The two got to know each other when Burke was in the House and later in the Senate from Nebraska. And John L. Lewis would have had fits the other night if he had looked in on a private party where the new secretary of labor, ILew Schwellenbach, and hs new assistant sec- retary, Carl Moran, were entertaining Ed Burke, representative of the bituminous coal operators and bitter enemy of the United Mine Workers. What is bound to rile the CIO regarding the Moran appointment is that the first assist- ant secretary of labor is an AFL man, Dan Tracy, and the job of second assistant secre- tary was to have been given to a CIO man, John Gibson of Detroit. Gibson was named just before Roosevelt died, but his name never went to the Senate. Now Moran gets his place. Moran will be 'a fair and impartial supporter of labor. But his appointment undoubtedly means an increasing rift in the already widen- ing gap between Hannegan and Hillman. Note-Later Moran will be made under sec- retary of labor, superior to Tracy, the AFL as- sistant secretary. At that time, a CIO assistant secretary will probably be appointed. Eisenhower's Mother . . SAM GOLDWYN is going about the filming of the life of General Eisenhower almost as if it were a religious rite. It is going to be the saga of a small town boy, the boy from Abilene who makes good. One of the most important characters in the picture will be Eisenhower's mother-a lady whose ancestors came here from Germany via Switzerland, just as Sam Goldwyn's mother camhe from Poland. Mrs. Eisenhower hated war, raised her boys to love peace, and didn't like to see Dwight go off to West Point. NOTE-Eisenhower, carrying out his moth- er's ideas on peace, will devote the profits from the fili to a foundation to further the United Nations, while Sam Goldwyn will de- vote his profits to a foundation to combat in- tolerance-which leads to war. Wrangling Over Berlin... INSIDERS who have watched the current Amer- ican-Russian wrangling over areas in Berlin say there is one important lesson to be gained- in the future we must decide these questions while our Allies' tears are hot. That was the advice which Wendell Willkie once gave the late president. Referring to the way Russia and Britain were calling on us for aid in the early part of the war, Willkie advised Roosevelt: "As lawyers, you and I know that it pays to collect your fee while your client's tears are hot. Once their case is won, they forget. So now is the time to get commitments from our Allies regarding what we want after the war." Inside fact is that it was because of bicker- ing between U. S. agencies that arrangements for governing Berlin were not worked out exatly one year ago. The Russians, during the summer of 1944, were ready to arrange the details regarding post-war Germany. The matter had come before the European advis- ory committee on which Ambassador Winant sits as U. S. representative, and at that time -"while the tears were hot"-we could have written pretty much our own terms. However, the war department wanted sole authority to handle post-war Germany. They didn't want ambassador Winant in the picture, nor other U. S. civilian -agencies. Things drift- ed all during the summer, until finally Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau brought the situa- tion to a climax by pointing out to the presi- dent that almost nothing had been done. The Army then called for a showdown and stuck to its demand that it have sole author- ity to handle Germany after the armistice. Roosevelt concurred. But even then nothing was done to iron things out with the Rus- sians-and. things dragged on until Yalta, nearly six months later. While there's no use crying over spilt milk, there is one lesson to be gained from this, name- ly-settle plans for post-war Japan now, while Truman is in Berlin, instead of waiting until the Pacific war is over. NOTE-Leon Henderson was one man who foresaw what was going to happen in Germany. When FDR sent him over with a view to becom- ing economic czar of Germany, he came back to report that it would be impossible to govern Germany if it was divided into three different areas, coal and iron in one, agriculture in an- other, shipping in the third. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Veterans vs. Labor By SAMUEL GRAFTON ANUMBER of American social philosophers of the second grade are licking their chops in unison, and indulging in a kind of massed- chorus drool, as they think of what the return- ing veteran is going to do to labor. Proposals for deliberately setting the veteran against labor, just in case he doesn't happen to think of it himself, are floating about Wash- ington. One is the suggestion that returning veterans be allowed to work in any factory, re- gardless of union contracts, rules, seniority, or initiation fees. These proposals are hard to refute (which is why they are so useful to oppo- nents of labor); they seem superficially fair, they are concerned with giving jobs to our fighting men, and they are charged with the national emotion of gratitude. Yet they cry oat for examination. The sponsors of some of these ideas make no secret of the fact that they look for a sensa- tional brawl between veterans and labor. They expect a decline in the strength of organized labor to follow the return of the soldier. They do not regret this, as an incidental effect of their job problem for veterans; they welcome it; it is, as they say in the barber shops, the beauty part of the idea. Thus the first point to be made in regard to some of these proposals is that they are declara- tions of class war. We are used to thinking of class war as something which always origi- nates on the labor side; but class war can origi- nate on either side; and the gunpowder smell of it is all over some of these suggestions. A second point comes instantly to mind, and that is that the real question is not whether the veterans are going to have jobs; of course they must have jobs; the real question is who is going to pay for it. A fatal flaw in the schemes sketched out above is that they call on labor to pay for the entire job program; they call on one class in the population to carry the social and human cost of demobilizations. The idea that we are going to make jobs for veterans by putting some workers out of work altogether is taxation with a vengeance; it would require some Americans to give up all of their income, every bit of it, in order to put the soldiers to work. A fairer distribu- tion of the after-cost of war must be at- tempted than this crude, vaguely cannibal- istic project. THERE is another point: the proponents of some of these schemes seem to be able to set up no perspective for America except one of social strife. Their mirrors, perhaps because they reflect the hate in their own hearts, show them no other possibility. They are perpetual- ly setting up social fight-cards; they are not interested in plans which might enable us to get along with each other. Judge Vinson's new "economic charter," proposing that the government shall aid business expansion and a high wage policy and full employment, merely gives them a headache; they turn away from it and refresh themselves with the thought that soon, now, somebody is going to be awful mad at somebody, and is going to take a job away from somebody. The veterans would be well-advised to go slowly in accepting the leadership of these prophets of a grade-B Gotterdammerung, who after sullenly enduring unity during the war years, have come up with the ingenious proposal that we shall, in effect, turn the arm- ed forces of the United States against the people from whose loins they have sprung. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) Publication in the Daily Official Bul- I letin is constructive notice to all mem- hers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin shouldbe sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 8-S Notices Students, Summer Session. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Saturday, July 14, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance re- port cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instructors are requested to use green cards for reporting freshmen, and buff cards for reporting sopho- mores and upper classmen. Reports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall; those of juniors and seniors to 1220 An- gell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to absen- ces are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found on page 22 of the 1945 Summer Term Announcement of our College. E. A. Walter Try-outs for the principal roles in Naughty Marietta will be held on Fri- day from 2 to 4 p. m. CWT in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Bring something to sing and accompanist will be provided. Try-outs for male and female chorus parts in Naughty- Marietta will be held on Monday from 2 to 4 p. m. CWT in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Tenors and bari- tones are especially desired.7 A Special Matinee of "Blithe Spirit" will be given Saturday, July 14th at 1:30 CWT in the Lydia Men-+ delssohn Theatre by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. Tickets are on sale now in the theatre box office. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Iealth. Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by August 2. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar To All House Presidents: There will be an important meeting of the Interfraternity Council on Wednes- day, July 18, at 7:15 p.m. (EWT) in Room 306 Michigan Union. Please be present. Summer Session Choir: Conducted by George Oscar Bowen, Tulsa, Okla- homa, open to .all students who can qualify. Rehearsals Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Fri. 7 to 8 p. m. Rm. 506 Tower. All men interested in trying out for the staff of the Interfraternity Council are asked to attend a meet- ing of all tryouts in the office of the Interfraternity Council on Monday, July 16, at 3 p. m. (EWT). See your House President for further infor- mation, or call at the office of the Interfraternity Council during of- fice hours. The United States Civil Service Commission gives notice that the closing date for acceptance of appli- cation for Student Physical Therapy Aide, $525 a year, and Apprentice Physical Therapy Aide, $1752 a year, will be July 16, 1945. Applications must be filed with the U. S. Civil Ser- vice Commission, Washington 25, D. C., not later than that date. Bureau of Appointments. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Civil Service announcements for Visitors, $1728 to $2028, Stenog- rapher, $1278 to $1428, Senior Typist, $1278 to $1428, and Junior Clerk, $1278 to $1428, have been received in our office. For further information regarding the examinations call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Signed: University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts enrolled in the Summer Term: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from taking the course by (1) The Uni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his represent- ative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Summer Term. The Administrative Board of the Colleg of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Lectures Friday, Jply 13. Lecture: "Teach- ing as a Dramatic Art," William J. Sanders, New Haven Teachers Col- lege. 2:05 p.m. (CWT or 3:05 p.m. (EWT). University High School Auditorium. Academic Notices Special Three Week Sport Cour- ses-Women Students: Short courses in physical educa- tion for women will begin next week on Monday, July 16. Any student in- terested is asked to register this week in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Sections which will be open are: Archery-Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30 p. mn. EWT (1:30 p. m. iCWT). Tennis-Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 p. m. EWT (2:30 p. m. CWT). Golf-Monday and Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT). Elementary Swimming-Monday and Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. EWT 1(1:30 p. m, CWT), Body Conditioning-Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 p. m. EWT (2:30 p.m. CWT). Students, School of Education: No cuu±re iiMaw l talLU d fnr draulifafter Letters to the Editor O THE EDITOR: It was indeed gratifying to read your lead editorial July 12. I say this for two reasons. First, I am a member of the American Veterans Committee, and as such, any atten- tion given it in the press is indica- tive of the scope and growth attached to it. Secondly, and more important, it is my aim, with the help of all vets on campus, to form a chapter of AVC on campus. At yesterday's meeting of the Vet- erans Organization, I introduced AVC to those members present. A motion was made, passed and recorded in the minutes of the meeting to table discussion on the feasibility of form- ing a campus chapter until the fol- lowing meeting. This means that such a discussion becomes an integral part of the next meeting's agenda. The importance of vet attendance at the next VO sitting, is crucial. This chapter cannot be formed suc- cessfully without backing. It is not the purpose of those in- terested in AVC to abolish VO. Nor is it our purpose to synthesize both these groups into one homogeneous organization. It is felt, however, that in view of the tragic depths to which VO's membership has sunk, that some blueprint must be made for rebuild- ing veteran interest and activity on this campus and in the community. I suggested at the last meeting, that AVC might very well be the panacea for VO's membership ills. You cannot hope to inject the ser- um of enthusiasm in the arms of men with mere social and fraternal activities. Nor can you expect these men to venture into a new under- taking until you have something of worth and tangibility to offer them. AVC is such an outfit. It ree- ognizes the failure of our fathers to secure the victory of the last war. It has seen the bungling reactionary American Legion fail to recognize the inanities of its program. It has seen veterans, as represented by the Legion, utilized for the benefit, and the sole bene- fit, of interests not even slightly connected up with the interests of the veterans themselves. AVC rec- ognizes the mockery that the Le- gion has made of the term "Ameri- canism." Elsewise, how explain the expulsion of vets of Japanese American birth from several Legion posts on the West Coast? No such condition is or will be tolerated by AVC. Men of all races and all creeds are welcome to join us. National Chairman Bolte believes that one of the best fields for AVC organization lies on the campuses of America. He knows that the educated vet recoghizes that his duties as a citizen of the world are far greater and far more important than the du- ties of the average civilian. It is a sad commentary that in this great university, with several hundred veterans in attendance, the turnout was so slim at the last VO meeting. The time, then, has come for us to speak our piece as ex-service- men. The time has come to set up an - efficient and meaningful group, to take a leading role in campus affairs, to fight the "-good fight for peace, security and free- dom. The attendance of all vets for this purpose at the next VO meeting is imperative. -Jack Weiss MU~lSIC BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I'm not properly equipped for this. I should have a rubber hammer .. . Repeat after me ... Ah, ay, ee, oh- Arf, arf, orf, arf7 ,74 He can't talk . . . I fear it's a case of psychosomatic aphasia. Brought on by hysteria.. And- But he can't Ihik- an m r eh i c evil eye on i - That's true, in that his plight is due to a trauma caused by his own subconscious fear of the harmless old superstition. But the ailment is a real one. To be treated scientifically- Maybe if you 7 waved your p magic wand- CROcKE-I JOHN SOV An excellent prescription, m'boy! My magic wand! Hey, Gorgon! Come back- '11 THE FACULTY Concert Series, sponsored by the School of Mu- sic, was inaugurated yesterday by the guest appearance of the Albeneri Trio. The excellent program, con- sisting of Brahms, Mozart, Beetho- ven, was enhanced by consistently good ensemble playing. However, acoustical difficulties did arise, since the large auditorium was not filled to capacity. It would have seen advis- able to have chosen a smaller hall. As far as independent perform- ance is concerned, Erich Itor Kahn, the pianist, surpassed his two col- leagues. His style was clean, facile, and very musical. On the other hand, Messers. Schneider and Heif- etz seemed to lack tonal control. Perhaps Alexander Schneider's vio- lin may have been the victim of humid weather, for it was persis- tently fiat. Moreover, Benar Ileif- etz, the 'cellist, appeared to re- strain his tone. The initial composition, Brahms' trio in C major, Op. 87, lent itself superlatively to the well-balanced group. Without doubt, the high- light of the evening arrived early. Unfortunately, the let-down came with tle reading of the Mozart Trio course may ae eiecte for crealL alter Saturday, July 14. Students must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered, Arrangements made with the instruc- tor are not official changes. Intermediate Swimming Class - Women Students: Women students in the University may enroll in an intermediate swimming class which will be held at the Union Pool on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. CWT (8:30 p.m. EWT). A fee of 25c will be charged. Students are required to have a health permit. These may be obtained at the Health. Service. Any student interested is asked to register this week in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Concerts Tuesday, July 17: Chamber Mu- sic Concert, Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School, 7:30 (CWT) or 8:30 (EWT). Thursday, July 19: Faculty recital, Hill Auditorium, 7:30 (CWT) or 8:30 (EWT) Barbara Jevne, Guest, Mezzo Soprano; David Blair McClosky, Bar- itone; Lynne Palmer, Harpist; Eliza- beth Green, Violinist; Joseph Brink- man, Pianist; Benjamin Owen, Pia- nist. Exhibitions General Library, main corridor cases. Books printed in English be- fore 1640. Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. work. Student Most psychiatrists rely on a rather brutal shock I hope this works, Mr. O'Malley. It's no Tsk' Dropped my magic J O N ;oy E gdvd%