PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 12, _ _ _ .__ _ Prof. Itner Will Address Conference Language Teaching Is Today's Topic Professor Robert T. Ittner, chair- man of the German department and administrative assistant to the presi- dent at Indiana University, will speak at 1 p. m. EWT (noon CWT) today in the ABC room of the League at the weekly luncheon conference of the Linguistic Institute. His subject will be "Testing Achievement with Various Language Teaching Methods." The conference will be preceded by luncheon in the League dining room at noon EWT (11 a. m. CWT). Professor Ittner has been engaged in a comparative investigation of the results secured by different methods of language teaching, and will dis- cuss some of his findings at the luncheon conference. At 7 p. in. EWT (6 p. m. CWT) members of the Institute will recon- vene in the Rackham Amphitheatre to hear Dr. C. F. Voegelin, editor of the International Journal of Ameri- can Linguistics and a member of the faculty of the Institute, speak on "Methods of Analysis of Living Language." He is expected to dis- cuss especially techniques of analyz- ing languages which have little or no recorded literature, thereby pres- enting another phase of the problem introduced Tuesday evening by Prof. W. F. Twaddell, who dealt especially with the methods used by students of languages having a literary history. Highlights on Campus.. . All Nations Club . . The All Nations Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) to- day in the International Center to nominate officers for the summer term The election of officers will take place at the next meeting, July 19. Plans have already been made by the club for picnics, outings, and dances. July Jamboree .. A 'July Jamboree,' sponsored by the student nurses of Couzens Hall and featuring Dan Treacy and orche- stra, will be held from 7:30 to 11 p. mi. EWT (6:30 to 10 p. m. CWT) tomorrow at Couzens Hall. Cards and table-tennis are also on the enter- tainment program. All male students and servicemen are invited to 'July Jamboree.' Graduate Mixer ... The Graduate Council will sponsor the first mixer of the summer term to be held at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 CWT) tomorrow in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham building. Entertainment will include games as well as dancing. All graduate stu- dents are invited to attend. Union Staff Banquet .,.. All those who wish to attend the Union staff banquet to be held at 12:30 p.m. EWT (11:30 CWT) in the Henry P. Anderson Room of the Union, must sign up today at the' Union Student Offices. * * * Sundwal To Lecture...' Dr. John Sundwall of the School of Public Health will replace Dr. Mabel Rugen for the School of Education lecture at 3 p.m. EWT (2 p.m. CWT) today in the University High School auditorium. Dr. Sundwall's topic will be "Health Education Developments in Michigan and Other States." Education Tea .* Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary education sorority, will hold a tea from 4 to 6 p.m. EWT (3 to 5 p.m. CWT) Saturday at the home of Miss Maude Hagle on Geddes Road. All members are invited to attend, and may register today by calling Miss Marguerite Evans, 905 Forest Ave. .(Telephone 2-5231). Religious Exhibit To Be Shown at Church "Discovering God in the Beautiful" is the title of an exhibit and program to be presented by the Vacation Church School at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Social Hall at the Presbyterian' Church. Sponsored by St. Andrews Episco- pal, the Memorial Christian and the Presbyterian Churches, Vacation Church School has been in session Daily since July 2 under the direc- tion of Gertrude Campbell. The Rev. F. Z. Zendt, of the Mem- nral ,,,,,4 fi a nrirh dTe Re,. I.R.A. HOLDS MEETING: Stevens Speaks on Teachers" Job in Abolishing Prejudice "All programs to eliminate discrim- ination will fail unless teachers first have a sincere desire to do some- thing about their own prejudices and do a thorough job of evaluating themselves," George Stevens said Monday in a talk before the Inter- Racial Association. "In order to succeed in a program against racial discrimination, there are numerous steps which must be taken with reference to the teach- Hillel To Hold Cost Supper Sund aypN ight "Supper-Nar," a cost-supper to be followed by an informal discussion, will be held at 5:30 p.m. EWT (4:30 p.m. CWT) Sunday at the Hillel Foundation. A. K. Stevens, assistant to the co- ordinator of the Worker's Educa- tional Service, will lead the discus- sion on "The Road to Peace; Next Stop Berlin." Topics to be dealt with are the probable agenda for the Berlin con- ference, possible re-entrance of Rus- sia into the war, the plan for the governing of Germany and the re- construction of liberated Europe. To make reservations for the sup- per, students should call the Founda- tion (2-6585) before 5:30 p.m. EWT (4:30 p.m. CWT) tomorrow. Frankena Will Speak at Hillel Tomorrow Night Prof. William Frankena of the philosophy department will deliver a sermon on "An Ethic for Youth To- day," following the conservative serv- ices to be held at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) tomorrow at the Hillel Foun- dation. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of the Foundation, will conduct the services, with the asisstance of A/S Eugene Malitz and Benson Jaffee. IU' Will Have Official Ring Michigan is to have an official ring for all classes and all degrees, T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of Alumni Association, announced yesterday. Adoption of an official all-gold ring with a blue block 'I' has been approved by the Board of Regents and the Board of Directors of Alumni Association, and the design is to be patented by the Association. Around the central plate are the words, "University of Michigan." On one side of the ring there will be engraved a picture of the Union or League, and on the other there is to be a University seal with a book above it. On the book the graduation year of the wearer will be printed. The figures on these sides will be deeply modelled. The design is being made by artists and the modelling will be done by sculptors. The rings will be available next fall at the earliest, Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students, announced. French Club Will Have Meeting Today The French Club will hold a meet- ing at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) to- day at the Michigan League to cele- brate Bastille Day. Professor Ren6 Talamon of the Romance Languages department, will give a talk dealing with the national French holiday. Carolyn Street, a voice student at the school of music will sing a few French arias. Group singing and a social hour will follow. These meetings, open to the public, are free of charge. Albeneri Trio Will Give Chamber Music Concert The Albeneri Trio will present a program of chamber music at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 p.m. CWT) today in Hill Auditorium. The trio consists of Alexander Schneider, formerly with the Buda- pest Quartet; Benar Heifetz, first cellist of the NBC Symphony; and Erich Itor Kahn, pianist. The program will be open to the general public except for small chil- dren. Library Cases Show Military Science Exhibit Early military science is the sub- ject of the current exhibition in the cases on the first floor of the General Library. This exhibition is a memorial col- lection to Stephen Spaulding '27, and was presented by Col. T. M. Spauld- ing, '02. Included in the exhibit are early books, some printed two and three centuries ago, describing the arts of war, military costumes, arms, discipline, and fortification. There ing staff," Mr. Stevens explained. There must be a careful selection, he said, of new personnel, training and disciplining of present personnel, hiring of negro teachers and teachers from other minority groups. The curriculum should be revised, he ad- ded, so that no one course alone deals with prejudice, but ideas should be interspersed in the regular cour- ses throughout. Mr. Stevens is a member of the Board of Education, of Flint School system and a member of the Ameri- can Federation of teachers. Claude Williams, organizer of the Church and Labor Fellowship, will present the second in a series of lec- tures sponsored by the Inter-Racial Association at 7:30 p. m. Monday at the Michigan Union. Radio Meeting IS Announceed Lee Bland from CBS Will Address Students Students particularly interested in radio are invited to attend the radio conference which is to be held by Lee Bland at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) today in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building, Prof. G. E. Densmore announced yes- terday at an assembly of the speech department. Bland, Supervisor of Network Op- erations for the Columbia Broadcast- ing System, addressed the assembly, outlining the organization behind the production of news programs and citing specific problems of this type of work. Comparing intercollegiate rivalry with that between major radio net- works, Bland stated that "when the chips are down, we get in and pull for one another." Beethoven Film Will Be Shown "Beethoven Concerto" will be the second foreign film presented to the campus by the Summer Session office at 8:30 p. m. EWT tomorrow and Saturday in the Rackham Auditor- ium. The story is about a musical con- test in Moscow held exclusively for children. It deals with modern as- pects of Soviet life and is regarded as one of the best films about children ever made. According to Madame Lila Parg- ment of the Russian Department, under whose auspices the film has been brought to Ann Arbor, "Bee- thoven Concerto" is, "well acted, very entertaining, has excellent music, and is beautifully done." Gore.. . (Continued from Page 1) aged are the first to lose jobs in a period of unemployment, the only solution to the problem of full em- ployment for youth is the full em- ployment of everyone who seeks a position. "There's one thing certain about these kids-they're all for equal so- cial and economic opportunity for all peoples in all countries, as a basis for world peace. And they're willing to work and fight for their goal. If these delegates are a true represent- ative of American and world youth, then this is one of the most terrific things that has happened in world history." Gore will speak at a mass rally to Two U' Grads Are Awarded Bronze Star Wall), Jones CUe for Action Against Enemy Two more University graduates, Capt. John D. Walp and Capt. Fred- erick R. Jones, have been awarded the Bronze Star, T. Hawley Tap- ping, general secretary of Alumni Association, announced yesterday. Capt. Jones, who received his Master's degree in business admini- stration in 1939 and won four Hop- wood awards in creative writing, was cited for gallantry in action on Janu- ary 3 near Hierlot, Belgium. "Recklessly exposing himself to heavy enemy fire, Capt. Jones was first to jump to his feet and rush forward across open fields. Under his inspired leadership, the platoon; follqwed him, maintaining furious as- sault fire," the citation stated. Wearer of the Purple Heart for wounds received in Normandy, Capt. Jones is at present attached to the 325th Glider Infantry. He entered service in March, 1941. At the Uni- versity he was elected into Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year and was a member of Trigons. Capt. Walp, '34, Chief Cartograph- er of the historical section of the Seventh Army, was cited for "merit- orious service in connection with mili- tary operations against the enemy." He completed the initial maps and illustrations for the Seventh Army history. Pfc Oroansch Pays Visit Here To be treated in the overseas hospi- tal unit of his own university is the record of Pfc. Zorac Organschi, wear- er of the Purple Heart and former Michigan student who visited Ann Arbor the past week. After being wounded in action in Germany with the Second Ranger Battalion, Pfc. Organschi was sent to the University hospital unit in Bel- gium. "We were living in fairly primitive conditions," he said in an interview yesterday. "The hospital consisted of a number of tents; with about 20 beds each. Rocket bombs were fall- ing all around but we were never hit." Pfc. Organschi, who left Ann Ar- bor Tuesday and will report at Jack- son, Mississippi, on July 11, attend- ed the University from 1941 until Feb. 1944, and was well known around the International Center. Soph Project To Be Topic of Broadcast Soph Project, the volunteer hospi- tal service, 'will be the topic of the fifth in a series of 13 broadcasts by Suomynona at 2:15 p.m. EWT (1:15 p.m. CWT) today over WPAG. The script of the broadcast was written by Marjorie Baker, president of Suomynona, who will also take part in the program. Marge Faraday, Mary Chernus, Mary Ellen Wood and Bobby Webb will also participate in the broadcast. Suomynona (anonymous spelled backwards) is a division of Assembly for undergraduate women living out- side organized houses. Started last semester to create recreational and social facilities for girls in this cate- gory, Suomynona has a regstration of more than 400 girls. be held at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) today on the steps of the Rackham Building, at which time he will tell the entire student body the platform of the American delega- tion to the International Youth Con- ference, and present a report on the Washington Conference. PU CTURE NEWS ASSOCIATED PRESS F L 0 A T I N C A D E S T R 0 Y E R-Bow still on land and stern at sea, the destroyer Kenneth D. Bailey slides down the ways at U. S. Steel's Federal shipyard at Port Newark, N. J, B A T H E R -.A two - piece swimming suit, featuring trunks embellished with a seashore view and gulls flying over the ocean, is modeled by Marguerite Chapman of the movies. L O N G - T I M E M A S C O4T-C. S. Howard, noted horse- man, pets Victoria, coach dog mascot of Sea Biscuit and still a privileged character around the Howard stables. Victoria now travels with Sea Sovereign, Sea Biscuit's son. AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG 11 11 "I THURS., JULY 12, 1945 Eastern War Time 7:00-News. 7:05-Morning Round-up. 7:30-Musical Reveille 8:00-News. 8:15-1050 Club. 8:30-Breakfast Melodies. 8:45-Bouquet for Today. 8:55-Musical Interlude. 9:00-News. 9:05-Music Box. 9:30-Community Calendar 9:45-Lean Back & Listen. 10:00-News. 10:05-Carmen Cavallero. 10:15-What Do You Know, 10:30-Broadway Melodies. 10:40-Women Today. 10:45-Waltz Time. 11:00-News. 11:05-Piano Moods. 11:15-Mario Morelli. 11:30-Farm & Home Hour. 12:00-News. 12:15-Jesse Crawford. 12:20-Merle Pitt. 12:25-College & Martial Airs. 12:30-Trading Post. 12:45-Luncheon Melodies. 1:00-News. 1:05-Salon Music. 1:10-Songs by Southern- aires. 1:15-Burl Ives. 1:30-Johnny Long. 1:45-Marie Green-Al & Lee Reiser. 2:00-News. 2:05-Bob Halsey. 2:15-U. of M. 2:45-Baseball Brevities. 2:55-Baseball (Det. at Bos.) 5:00-News. 5:05-Music for Listening. 5:10-Hollywood Reporter. 5:15-Mystery Melodies. 5 :30-Rec. Room Rythmns. 5:45-Sports Revue. 6:00-News. 6:15-Harry Horlick. 6:30-Telephone Quiz. 6:45-Flashes From Life. 6:55-Piano Interlude. 7:00-News. 7:15-Fireside Harmonies. 7:25-Band of the Week. 7:30-A. A. Civic Program. 7:45-Evening Serenade. 8:00-News. 8:05-Dance Time. 8:15-Put & Take It. 8:30-Extravaganza. 9:00-News. 9:05-Hal Stuart. _. 4s " " L s E FINE r ORIENTAL , R~TE2Q _ Hot Weather SPECIALS M U S ITCA L--_A new-swim suit with a musical motif of notes and staff is modeled by film actress Alexis Smith.' U M B R E L L A H A T-A beach hat that will really protect milady from the sun is modeled by Ann Miller of .the movies.,' ./ r STRAW HATS 2.50 - 5.00 -- --