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July 11, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1945-07-11

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4 augj

Cool; Gentle to
Moderate Winds



Carriers Smash at

Tokyo in Biggest Raid




















US .,




Right To Act

Is Upheld in Hearing
Authority Granted to Executive Bsanch,
In Accord with Constitution - Vandenberg
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTAN, July 10-Senate leaders made it plain today they
think the 'American delegate to the United Nations should have the right
to commit U. S. troops against a potential aggressor.
This position was taken in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
by Chairman Connally (D.-Tex.), Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) and
Minority Leader White (R.-Me.).
The development in the United Nations Charter hearing was precipi-
;ated by Senator Millikin (R.-Colo.) Millikin wanted to know whether
it would violate the charter to reserve the use of troops to either Congress
or the President, when the Security Council of the United Nations decides
nforce is needed to keep peace.

Faculty Men
To Speak at
SOIC Rally

Jack Gore
On Youth{

To Report

Initial steps toward the adoption of
a foreign university will be taken
when the student body hears stu-
dents and faculty members, who have
attended foreign universities, speak
at a mass rally to be held at 7:301
p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) tomor-
row on the steps of the Rackham
In addition to these speakers, Jack
Gore, University student, will give a
report on the Washington Youth
Conference from which he has just
Dean AlieM. Lloyd will be pres-
ent to discuss the'University admin-
istration's point of view on the ad-
Sponser of the rally is the Student
Organization for International Co-
operation. Formed of delegates from
University organizations representing
every person on campus, the SOIC
will undertake the adoption. The
universities which will be considered
are ones which have been destroyed
during the war, and adoption will in-
volve the sending .of supplies to aid
in rehabilitation.
Decision as to what university shall
be adopted will be made by the en-
tire student body at a campus elec-
tion to be held in the near future.
Gore was sent to Washington as a
representative of the University. The
Conference was made up of delegates
from 46 United States youth groups,
and was held to formulate a platform
for the American representative to
the International Youth Conference
to be held in London this fall.
County Clerks
To Hold Meeting
Fifty members of the Michigan
State Association of County Clerks
will meet Aug. 14-16 at Roscommon,
Mrs. Luella M. Smith, Washtenaw
County Clerk, announced yesterday.
The meeting will be open to stand-
ing committee members.
I g

Sensing a move to write in a reser-
vation, Connally declared that such
an idea would violate "the spirit of
the charter."
Vandenberg argued warmly that
it would violaterthe Constitution of
the United States.
The Michigan senator took the
position that the U. S. delegate is the
instrument of thePresident and holds
the President's power to call out
troops. This doesn't interfere with
Congress' right to declare a state of
war, he pointed out.
"The President has the right to
employ troops; it has been used 72
times in 150 years," Vandenberg con-
tended. "We are merely writing into
the charter the constitutional prac-
tices of 150 years."
Senator White declared that a
reservation in the delegate's author-
ity would "destroy the charter."
Barker Speaks-
On Releasing
Atomic Energy
"There is enough atomic energy in
a teaspoon of water to fly around the
world 200,000 times at the equator
if means can be found to release this
energy," Prof. Ernest F. Barker,
chairman of the physics department,
stated in a lecture on Atomic Energy
yesterday before the Graduate Stu-
dent Council.
The problem is how to release this
potential energy, Prof. Barker con-
tinued. Our present supplies of oil,
coal and other fuels are rapidly being
depleted, he said. The possibilities
of atomic energy are almost unlimit-
ed and would provide a cheap source
of energy for countless generations,
Prof. Barker said.
While the immediate harnessing of
atomic energy is impossible, the
theory has been substantiated and
proof exists that it could be de-
veloped, Prof. Barker stated. After
all, the sun uses atomic energy and
since we get all our energy from the
sun, we have been using atomic ener-
gy all the, time, he concluded.
This lecture was the first function
of the reorganized Graduate Student
Council. The next talk will be July
24, by Mr. Frank L. Huntley.

'U' Announces
To Be Built
Housing for 1,350
In New Projects
Construction plans for a new men's
dormitory, a women's dormitory and
a low -cost housing unit, particularly
for World War II veterans and their
wives, were announced yesterday by
the University.
Although the sites have been se-
lected, construction will not begin
until quality materials can be ob-
taied which will make possible last-
ing structures, Prof. Lewis M. Gram,
director of University plant exten-
sion, said.
Married Couples
Apartments in tie maried-couples
housing unit will accommodate ap-
proximately 350 residents while each
of the dormitories will house about
500 students.
The apartments wil be built on the
vacant land owned by the University
east of 'U' Hospital, and north of
the Michigan Children's Institute.
The project will consist of separate
three-story buildings commanding a
view of the Huron River Valley.
Site of the women's dormitory is
on Observatory Ave., north of Mo-
sher-Jordan Hall and south of the
Observatory. The new building will
border Palmer Field on thednorth-
It will consist of four houses each
with a capacity of 125 coeds. Clair
W. Ditchy of Detroit has been select-
ed asarchitect for the project.
The new mens dormitory will be
south of the East Quadrangle, bound-
ed by E. University, Church and Hill
Sts. Like the women's dormitory, it
will be divided into four houses.
Andrew R. Morison, Detroit archi-
tect who designed the East Quad-
rangle has drawn plans for the new
Construction Essential
Post-war enrollment demands,
Prof. Gram explained, make essential
the construction of these added units
as soon as possible. When the war
ends, hundreds of girls, now living
in former fraternity houses will be
ousted by the returning veterans who
will reclaim these houses.
Married couples apartments, itltro-
ducing a new concept of the state
university's responsibilities to its stu-
dents, will be maintained after the
veterans demand falls off.
New Workshop
To Be Planned
The first meeting of the consult-
ants of the Religious Education
Workshop will be held at 3 p. m.
EWT (2 p. m. CWT) today in the
office of Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education, 215
Angell Hall.

SUN DECK IN RAILROAD YARD--Liberated Poles sit on blankets and
straw atop a box car in the railroad yard at Hof, Germany, awaiting
return to their homeland. This exclusive picture was taken by William
C. Allen, Associated Press staff photographer.
-AP wirephoto
Model LowmCostHouse is
Moved in Seven Easy Parts

Largest Mobile Striking Force
In History Goes Unchallenged
Japanese Aircraft, Shipping Installations
Are Again Targets for 1,000 Plane Sweep
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Wednesday, July 11 - The "greatest mobile striking force"
of history, carrying a 1,000-plane carrier force sting, roamed Japanese home
waters for the second day today in a daring and destructive battle challenge.
Therchallenge was going unaccepted, latest reports from the raiding
U.S. Third Fleet indicated.
Waves of the carrier fighters and bombers struck at Tokyo area airfields
for at least eight hours Tuesday.
A naval spokesman said the assault was the 53rd large scale attack
by fast Pacific Fleet Carrier Task Forces on enemy aircraft and shipping
installations since Jan. 1, 1944.

1171 -


How to move a house in seven basy
parts is the problem of Prof. George
B. Brigham of the School of Archi-
The house is the pre-fabricated
model house that has been located
next to the East Engineering Build-
ing on East University since last Sep-
tmneber. It has successfully with-
stood the weather and now Prof.
Brigham is going to find out exactly
how difficult it is to move it to a
different location and what happens
when people actually live inside.
Low Cost House
Designed as a low cost house on
which additions may easily be made.
Prof. Brigham hopes to complete the
moving job in two days. Three units
(which measure eight by 16 feet,
Truman Goes
ToTig Thre".
TRUMAN, July 10-(P)-President
Truman is en route today to Europe
for his first "Big Three" meeting
which may shape the course of world
affairs for generations.
He is traveling in a battle-tested
The vessel is part of a two-cruiser
task force, under the command of
Rear Admiral Allan R. McCann.
The presidential party which in-
cludes James F. Byrnes, Secretary
of State, and Fleet Admiral William
D. Leahy, the President's Chief of
Staff, will fly from the port of de-
barkation to the Berlin area in the
big C-54 luxury liner in which Mr.
Truman traveled to the United Na-
tions conference at San Francisco.
Captain James H. Foskett com-
mands the ship carrying the presi-
dent. The other cruiser is com-
manded by Captain Robert L. Boller.
Tanned and apparently in tip top
physical condition, President Tru-
man is cruising toward his first con-
ference with Premier Stalin as those
of a mill pond in his native Missouri.
Wearing a sporty cap cocked jaunt-
ily on the side of his head, the Presi-
dent seems to feel the peace of his
journey may auger well for the out-
come of the rendezvous in mid July
in Potsdam, on the outskirts of con-
quered Berlin.
Accident Record for
Ann Arbor Broken
Local police yesterday reported the
first major accident on Ann Arbor
streets in two weeks.

the maximum width which may bet
transported on the public highways)
planned to move the other four to-
day. The new location for the housei
will be on Pontiac Road, just north ofI
the city limits.
"This is not a test on the speed
with which the house can be moved,
but rather on the practicability of
moving it," Prof. Brigham said.
Therefore, special equipment such asJ
mobile crane equipment is not being
used. Instead the workers are jack-
ing up the house on steel barrels by
means of long wooden levers. A flat-
bottomed truck is then backed under
the house and it is freighted away,
just as though furniture were being
moved instead of the whole house.
Immobile Foundation
The only part of the house which
cannot be moved ,is the foundation.
This has already been constructed on
the new site at a low cost. Prof. Brig-t
ham estimates that the house can be
built very cheaply under proposed
mass-production methods - approx-
imately $950 for the utility unit con-
taining bath, kitchen, heating and
laundry fixtures and $350 to $450
for the other units.1
This research project which is
sponsored by the Office of Produc-
tion Research and Development of
the War Production Board is known
as the "Youtz Unit House."
Union Petittonas
Due Jhursday
Petitions for student vice-presi-
dents of the Union Board of Direct-
ors and Engineering Council repre-
sentatives must be turned in by noon
Thursday, July 19, it was announced
There are vacancies from the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, College of Engineering and the
combined schools on the Union Board
and twp vacancies on the Engineering
These positions will be filled in a
IFC Registration
Every man on campus who
wishes to rush must register be-
tween 3 and 5 p. m. EWT (2 and
4 p. m. CWT) today through Fri-
day in the office of the Inter-
fraternity Council at the Union.
campus election to be held Friday,
July 27. Candidates may obtain peti-
tion forms between 3 and 5 p. m.
EWT in the Student Offices of the
Campus Veterans

Not a Japanese plane had been
sighited by Adm. William E. Halsey'sI
trouble-hunting ships six hours after
the carrier planes started their sur-
prise assault.
No Counter Action
(Japanese Imperial Headquarters
issued a communique through Tokyo
radio saying that from 5 a.m. to 1
p.m. Tuesday - 4 p.m. to midnight
Monday, U.S. Eastern War Time -
about 800 of the carrier planesmhad
been counted. But there was no hint
of counter action.)
The carriers, protected by battle-F
ships, cruisers and destroyers, steam-
ed contemptuously close to Japan'sp
main island of Honshu, Associatedo
Press correspondent James Lindley
reported from one of the vesselS.
No Resistancee
He said the first planes took offC
from Vice Adm. John S. MCCain's9
carriers, part of Halsey's fleet, at 4
a.m. and that up to 10 a.m. no Japa-c
nese planes or ships had come outt
to resist the bold attack.
Some of the American navy's big-Z
gest and best ships were in the strik-c
ing task force almost within sight ofc
Carver To T alkt
Before Men's c
Education ClubE
Recently returned from Europe1
where he was a civilin aide doing
specialized work for the Army, Prof.
Harry C. Carver of the mathematics
department will address the Men's
Education Club at their meeting at
7:15 p. m. EWT (6:15 p. m. CWT)
today in the Michigan Union.
Members of the Club will meet at
5:45 p. in. EWT (4:45 p. m. CWT)
in the Lounge and will proceed to the
cafeteria to get their supper and
then to a private dining room.
Leaving for England in August,
1944, Prof. Carver was attached to
the Second Division of the Eighth
Air Force commanded by Lt. General
James A. Doolittle. His job was to
inspect the records of the Second Di-
vision's bombing raids over Germany.
This included grading the bombing
groups, by means of photographs tak-
en on the raids, on their accuracy in
bombing their particular targets,,
and these grades, Prof. Carver said,
could make or break a squadron.
The groups would wrangle over
their averages, he said, and the rival-
ry between the squadrons to get the
highest average would make the
bombing groups work especially hard.
The meeting of the Men's Educa-
tion Club is open to all men in the
summer session.
CBS Man To Talk
To Speech Group
Lee Bland, Supervisor of Net-
work Operations for the Columbia
Broadcasting System, will address
an assembly of the speech depart-
ment at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
Prof. David M. Owen announced yes-
Bland, who has been sent to the
University of CBS in an effort to fur-
ther public understanding of radio;
has been addressing speech classes
for the past two days on the re-
quirements and possibilities for radio
Today's address is open to the pub-
lic. Tomorrow Bland will hold con-
ferences for all students interested in
radio, regardless of their registra-

Navy officers
Added to VU
Two New Instructors
Veterans of Pacific
Veterans of 28 and 30 months in the
Pacific, Navy Lieutenants Paul J.
Goode and Paul A. Reh recently re-
ported to the University as instruct-
ors on the NROTC staff.
Lt. Goode, executive officer of a
transport, participated in landing op-
erations in the Marshall Islands,
Guam, Saipan, and Leyte and Lin-
gayen Gulfs in the Philippines.
In civilian life, Lt. Goode, holder
of A.B. and L.L.B. degrees from Bos-
ton College, practiced law in Boston.
Serving aboard the light cruiser,
U. S. Honolulu, as ass't. electrical
officer, fire control division officer,
combat information center and radar
division officer at various times in his
two-and-a-half years of sea' duty,
Lt. Reh participated in every opera-
tion from Guadalcanal to the inva-
sion of the Philippines with the ex-
ception of the Gilbert and Marshall
Island operations. Prior to service
aboard the Honolulu, he was station-
ed at the Bureau of Naval Aeronau-
tics in Washington, D. C. Lt. Reh
holds a bachelor of science degree in
mechanical engineering from the Il-
linois Institute of Technology.
Aunt Ruth Wins
Genuine Orchid
Breakfast Club Honors
Mrs. Ruth Buchanan
Michigan's "Aunt Ruth" has won
another orchid, and this time it is a
real one.
Every morning a "Good Neighbor"
orchid is awarded on "Tom Brenne-
man's Breakfast in Hollywood" radio
program, broadcast over WXYZ at 11
a. m. and Tuesday the winner was
Mrs. Ruth Bacon Buchanan,' known
to servicemen and women the world
over as "Aunt Ruth." An employee
of the University Museum, "Aunt
Ruth" has had this coveted title
since Pearl Harbor because of her
extensive correspondence and her
"good will" policy with members of
the Armed Services.
From June, 1944, to June, 1945,
"Aunt Ruth" sent to fighting men
1,756 birthday cards, 1,709 Christmas
cards, 2,680 letters, 4,800 r'olls of The
Daily, and 364 envelopes containing
Daily clippings. She helped to cheer
up servicemen in hospitals with 1,300
cards, and has given a Legion Flag, a
large silk American flag, and a cot-
ton American flag to the Kelly-Saun-
ders Post of the American Legion for
Negro veterans.
"Aunt Ruth" has never yet failed
to answer'a letter from a serviceman
and has spent over $500 of her in-
come in covering veterans expenses.
She began her "Good Neighbor" work
before Pearl Harbor, when she start-
ed writing to former members of Ann
Arbor's Company K.
Venereal Disease
Clinic Treats 1,930
The Rapid Treatment Center of
Ann Arbor has treated' 1,930 persons
with venereal diseases in one year,

Repertory PIayers Present
Noel Coward's 'Blithe Spirit'



Today The Student Religious
Association will hold a
Music Hour at 8:30 p.m.
EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT)
in Lane Hall library.
Today "Blithe Spirit" will be
presented by the depart-
ment of speech at 8:30
p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m.
CWT) in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Today La Sociedad Hispanica
will present Spanish mov-
ies at 8 p. m. EWT (7
p. m. CWT) at the Inter-
national Center.
Today Prof. R. H. Sherlock of
the civil engineering de-
partment will speak on
"Unions and Engineers"
at the meeting of the In-
stitute of Aeronautical
Sciences at 7:30 p. m.
EWT (6:30 n. m.CWT) in

Claribel Baird, professor of speech
at Oklahoma College, and one of thel
three summer directors of the Michi-
gan Repertory Players of the speech
department, will be seen in "Blithes
Spirit" opening at 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p. in. CWT) today through Sat-
urday in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Mrs. Baird portrays the part of
the medium, the role played by Mil-
dred Natwick in the New York pro-
duction. Mrs. Baird has been a
guest director of the Players in past
seasons and appeared in "Papa is
All," "Ladies in Retirement," and
"George Washington Slept Here."
Peace-Loving Husband
Charles, the peace-loving husband9
who finds himself with two wives on
his hands is played by Byron Mit-;
chell. Elvira, the impish ghost of

Godwin, Miriam McLaughlin and
Parker Myers.
Need for Stimulant
Acclaimed by Broadway critics "the
wittiest, gayest, most sagacious com-
edy to hit Broadway in years, "Blithe
Spirit" was written by Mr. Coward in
London during the darkest hours of
the blitz. 'He said at the time that his
choice of a farce as a vehicle was not
motivated by his wish to lighten Brit-
ain's war gloom with laughter; the
land was already full of laughter.
Writing a farce was the best way he
knew how to match the spirit of gen-
uine cheerfulness he found at home.
"It isn't merely gallantry," he
wrote to his manager, "and putting
on a brave face; it's very real and
infinitely stimulating. Realizing this
particular feeling was more import-
ant than anything else. I decided to
write a farce."

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