0 VOL L, No. is IC tgjn *A6 WVEATl.HER Continued Fair; Warmer in Afternoon VOL. LV, No. Is ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS B-29's Blast Oil Plant on Jap Mainland * * * * * * * * * * Over 100Rep ort for First Grid Drill Superforts Leave Refinery Ablaze Capt.Ponsetto, Seven Others Back frio '44 Intensive Practice Will Start Today By BILL MULLENDORE Daily Sports Editor Upwards of 100 candidates, with ,More still to come, provided an un- expectedly large turnout at the open- ing summer football drill yesterday as the Michigan coaching staff began the task of preparing the 1945 grid squad for the fall campaign. Seven lettermen from last year's second place Western Conference ag- gregation and four reserves were among the aspirants. An eighth letter winner halfback Jack Weisen- burger, is not expected for three weeks. Many Freshmen Out The balance of the squad includes a large number of freshmen, several with promising high school records, and a liberal sprinkling of Naval and Marine trainees. Some of the Naval personnel boast previous grid experi- ence at other colleges and universi- ties. Two sour notes were injected into the otherwise highly satisfactory turnout, however, when it was learn- ed that Dick 9ban, promising center candidate from Central Michigan, has been transferred from the cam- pus by the Navy and that Milan Lazetich, Michigan's top lineman last year and a good bet for All-Ameri- can honors this fall, may be un- available for duty owing to Pin in- jury. Ponsetto Back The eight returning lettermen are headed by team captain Joe Pon- setto, first string quarterback last season, who is again expected to fill the signal-calling position. Others include John Lintol and Harry Watts, who alternated at center in 1944; Howard Yerges, Ponsetto's substi- tute last year at quarter; halfback (See GRIDDERS, Page 7) Walton Elected Judiciary Head Charles Walton, a junior in the engineering school, was named presi- dent of the Men's Judiciary Council and Dick Mixer, also a junior engi- neer, was appointed secretary for the hummer and fall semesters. The Council is the student govern- ing body for men, handling all cam- pus elections and disciplinary prob- lems. Walton was formerly head of the Engineering Council and a member of the engineering honor council. He is a member of Triangles, junior engi- neering honor society, and Phi Delta Theta. Majoring in chemical engineering, Mixer was a member of the 1945 Vic- 'tory Ball committee, the Union Ex- ecutive Council and the hockey team. He is also president of the campus chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and a member of Phi Delta Theta. Other members of the Council are the president of the Interfraternity Council, the president of the Union, the president of the Engineering Council and the managing editor of The Daily. Executive Council of SOILC To Meet Members of the Executive Coun- cil of the all-campus organization, recently granted recognition by the Universityadministrationas the Student Organization for In- ternational Cooperation, are ask- ed to attend an important meeting to be held at 4:30 p. m. EWT (3:30 p. m. CWT) Thursday at the Union, Herbert Otto, temporary chairman announced yesterday. The Executive Council, which is made up of representatives of 19 campus organizations, will con- sider petitions from other organ- izations to obtain membership on the Council. Organizations seeking member- ship should submit a petition stat- ing the contributions which it would make toward establishing world youth unity. Pollock To Go T o Germany as U.S. Adviser Dr. James K. Pollock, of the Uni- versity Political Science Department, will leave soon for Germany to as- sume duties as special adviser to the American representatives in the Central Control Council which will govern Germany during the period of military occupation. Announcement of his appointment was made by the State Department. Dr. Pollock will work under Lt. Gen. Lucius Clay, Gen. Eisenhower's Truman Asks Senate To OK World Charter Says Ratification Is Necessary for Peace By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 2 - Harry S. Truman came back to the Senate to- day to hand his old associates the United Nations Charter and ask them to ratify it promptly. "The choice before the Senate is now clear," he said, spacing his words carefully. "The choice is not between this charter and something else. It is be- tween this charter and no charter at all." Then, just before ending his seven- minute speech, he re-emphasized that conclusion to the men who have the final say-so on ratification. "This charter points down the only road to enduring peace," he said. "There is no other. "Let us not hesitate to join hands with the peace-loving peoples of the earth and start down that road- with God's help and with firm resolve that we can and will reach our goal. Ratification Urged "I urge ratification. "I urge prompt ratification." There appeared no doubt his re- quest would be granted since an As- sociated Press poll showed more than two thirds of the Senate membership already on record for the world or- ganization. Shortly before Mr. Truman went to the Capitol Senator Barkley (D-Ky.) said he had told the President he 'couldn't put my finger on as many as six senators who will be against" the charter. The President told the Senate that people all over the face of the earth are watching to se if this nation will take the lead in ratifying the document born on nine weeks hard work at San Francisco. Senate Aims Embodied He assured the intently listening Senators that the charter carries out completely the Senate's own peace organization aims as embodied in last year's Connally resolution. He asked them to consider the spirit as well as the words of the charter, a bound copy of which lay beside him on a table. "The objectives of the charter are clear," he declared. "It seeks to prevent future wars. "It seeks to settle international disputes by peaceful means and in conformity with principles of justice. "It seeks to promote world-wide progress and better standards of liv- ing. "It seeks to achieve tuniversal re- spect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for at' men and women - without dis- tinction as to race, language or re- ligion. "It seeks to remove the economic and social causes of international conflict and unrest. Union Appointment Announced by Plate Summer appointments to the Union council were announced recently by James Plate, Union president and Sanford Perlis, Union secretary. Co-chairman of the administration committee are Jery Comer and Henry Horldt, while Richard Mixer and Paul John will head the social com- mittee. Publicity chairman is Charles Hansen. House committee co-chairmen are Harold Walters and George Spauld- ing, and Wayne Bartlett will direct the war-activities committee. Big News In Brief Japs By The Associated Press To Evacuate Singapore Shimotsu Attack on Heels of 600-Ship History-Making Incendiary Bomb Raid By The Associated Press Guam, Tuesday, July 3-About 50 American Superfortresses blasted 'the Maruzen Oil Refinery near Shimotsu on Japan's mainland before dawn today, less than 24 hours after nearly 600 of the B-29's struck four Nippon cities in the greatest incendiary air-raid in history. Only two bombers were lost in the record fire-bomb mission. Explosive bombs were used in the Shimotsu attack, the sixth raid in eight days by the Marianas-based B-29's against Japan. Shimotsu is 35 miles southwest of Osaka on Hon- SAN FRANCISCO, July 2- The Japanese announced plans today to evacuate civilians from Singapore as Allied power to the east on Borneo rolled up dangerously close to the great naval base. The Japanese-controlled Java radio said non-essential civilians would begin clearing out of Singapore the middle of July. The Allies already control three air bases at Brunei, little more than 700 miles from Singapore, and now Australians are moving down Borneo's west coast toward Kuching air base - 400 miles from Singapore. Senate Accepts IByrnes Unanimously) WASHINGTON, July 2-The Senate today paid James F. Byrnes the tribute of confirmation as Secretary of State without hearings, without debate and without dissent. The nomination arrived from the White House at 12 noon, and in less than a half hour approval was granted. * * * * WLB Cracks Down on Akron Strikers . V Unprecedented disciplinary action was invoked by the War Labor Board yesterday against one of the largest groups of strikers among the 54,000 idle over the nation. With some 33,000 persons away from their jobs in the big rubber capital of Akron, 0., the WLB suspended shift premium and vacation provisions of its April 3 directive for 16,700 workers on strike at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company since.,June 16. The Board also ordered 17,000 Firestone Tire and Rubber Company strikers in Akron to resume production of their vital war output. Striking deliverymen for 11 New York City newspapers also were ordered to, end their crippling walkout but a Union official indicated the WLB directive would be ignored. * * * * Aussies Ad'a'ce at Balikpawpn MANILA, Tuesday, July 3 - The Seventh Australian Division at Balik- papan has secured three miles of beach east of the Borneo oil port and has driven inland 2,500 yards against stiffening enemy resistance, Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced today. FOREIGN POLICY REVISION: Stassen Predicts Long Peace if U.S. Is Wise World Leader By The Associated Press MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich., July 2-Harold E. Stassen told a news conference today that "we are facing a basic reorientation of our entire foreign policy" and if the United States follows a course of wise world leadership it will be possible to go 50 years without a war. The former Minnesota governor, who will return to his post as assist- ant chief of staff to Admiral William F. Halsey in the Pacific soon, spoke DR. JAMES K. POLLOCK ...on Avay to Germany deputy, and Ambassador Robert Murphy, Eisenhower's political ad- visor. He will act as adviser on problems of local and regional government,I civil service and related internal af- fairs. Internationally-known as an au- thority on German government, Dr. Pcllock is author of six books and numerous monographs on German politics, and has been a member of the faculty for more than 20 years. Although the University is on Central War Time, the Summer Session and Term announcements used Eastern War Time due to uncontrollable conditions, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins director of the Summer program, said yesterday. For the convenience of the stu- dent body, future summer pro- gram announcements will be made in both Eastern and Central War Times, he announced. to about 50 newsmen before appealing to take a more active part in studying. and speaking about international af- fairs. Charter Called Essential Just back from serving as a dele- gate to the San Francisco conference, he said the United Nations charter is "an essential step to world coopera- tion." "Unless we have, a mechanism whereby nations can meet continu- ally, it will be impossible through messages and envoys to work out our social, economic and political prob- lems satisfactorily," he asserted. He added the charter alone was not sufficient and that the "common bonds of the people of the world in their intense desire for peace will de- cide the issue of peace or war." War is Not Inevitable "I do not feel that war is inevit- able," he declared. "But that doesn't mean that we might not always have policing activity." In response to a question, com- mander Stassen said he still felt that from a Republican or party stand- point it was a political liability for him to accept membership on the American delegation to San Francisco from a president of the opposing party. But he said he wanted to re- emphasize that he accepted the ap- pointment because of the great obli- gation he felt and that he would ac- cept again. to the governors in a night address * * * shu Island. The target was the third oil plant hit in a week. Dual Bombing Campaign The precision demolition attacks are part of a dual bombing campaign now being waged by Major General Curtic Lemay's 21st Bomber Com- mand. They are being alternated with 500 and 600 plane incendiary strikes. Targets in the two previous pre- cision attacks included the Utsube River Oil Refinery and the Nippon Oil Company's plant at Kudumatsu. Many Storage Tanks The Maruzen installations produce fuel and lubrication oil and aviation gasoline. Many large storage tanks were in the target area, as well as refinery buildings. Superfortress crew men returned from the record incendiary attack said Japanese and ground fire oppo- sition was insignificant. The 20th Air Force, announcing from Washington that two of the B-29s failed to return, said that 20 crew members were rescued. Super- fortresses normally carry crews of 11 men each. Drop 4,000 Tons In the four-pronged, before-dawn mission Monday, the bombers from Marianas base at Guam, Tinian and Saipan poured four thousand tons of incendiaries on Kure, Shimohoseki, Ube and Kumamoto-all vital cen- ters of Japan's war-making power of about 200,000 population or more each, The attack brought to 22 the num- ber of Japan's key cities struck by American fire raiders since the in- cendiary campaign was launched March 10 with the first such at- tacks on Tokyo. Writers To Vie For Hopwoods The annual summer Avery and Jule Hopwood contest for drama, essay, fiction, and poetry writing will be open to summer session and sum- mer session and summer term stu- dents alike, Prof. Roy W. Cowden, di- rector of the Hopwood contest, has disclosed. All entries will be due by 4:30 p. mn. EWT (3:30 p. m. CWT) Friday, Aug- ust 17 in the Hopwood room on the third floor of Angell Hall. Winners will be announced and awards made the following week. Eight awards will be made, $75.00 and $50.00 in each of the four fields. Judges for the contest, all members of the English department, are Prof. Carlton F. Wells, Prof. Norman Nel- son, and Dr. Morris Greenhut for drama and fiction; Prof. Henry V. Ogden, Albert K. Stevens, and Ed- ward T. Calver for essay; and Prof. Bennett Weaver, Rosamond E. Haas, and Dr. Richard H. Fogle for poetry. All students interested in the Hop- wood contests should get the state- ment of regulations and any other information desired in the Hopwood room. Shirley W. Smith Is New Alumni Head Shirley W. Smith, former vice- president of the University, was unanimously elected Director - at - Large of Alumni Association at the annual meeting of the board of di- rectors on June 22, in the League, T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of Alumni Association, announced yesterday. Alumni Directors of the Union for the next year are Donald C. May, '10E, and Dr. Dean W. Myers, '99H. Peter Van Domelen, jr., '22E, was elected Senior Vice-President of Alumni Association, and Joel M. Barnes, '05E,' will be Junior Vice- President. Students are wanted to help with the Summer Directory. Workers will be paid by the hour. Contact Mrs. Dodd at Student Publications 2-3241 between 2 and 5 p. m. EWT (1 and 4 p. m. CWT) Tuesday or Thursday. Maddy Defies Petrillo's Edict At Interlochen' Music Camp Leads Youth President Orchestra INTERLOCHEN-IP)-Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, of the School of Music and president of the National Music Camp here, raised his baton'before an or- chestra of 210 youngsters yesterday. He invited James C. Petrillo; head of the American Federation of Musi- cians, to "do something about it." By defying the union leader who recently issued an edict that any AFM mem- ber who played or conducted at the camp would be violating his union membership, Dr. Maddy placed his own 36-year union status on the block. "Now it's up to Petrillo," Dr. Mad- dy declared following the hour-long rehearsal. "The musicians are here to learn. I directed this morning and I'm going to keep on directing. Now we'll see if he wants to do some- thing about it." The clash between Dr. Maddy and Petrillo started in 1942 when the AFM leader banned national broad- casts from the Northern Michigan camp. The All-American High School Symphony Orchestra had been broad- casting regularly for 12 years until the ban was imposed. Dr. Maddy said 650 full-time and 300 part-time students were on hand for the camp opening, the largest on record, Campus Invited To Post-War Council Meeting The Post-War Council will hold its first meeting at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) Thursday at the Union, The post-war world organization will be studied in all of its phases during a summer session program to be sponsored by the Post-War Coun- cil. Culminating in a mock senate meeting, the program will consist of a series of panels and talks, to be given Tuesday evenings. At the introductory lecture, to be given at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT), Prof. Lobanov of the History Department will explain the San Francisco conference and compare it with Versaille and the League Cove- nant. Other meetings will be concerned with international economics, human rights and minorities as well as the problem of trusteeships and the dis- position of colonies. The summer schedule is a contin- uation of the Post-War Council pro- grams of previous semesters. In the fall term, '44, the issues of the Dum- barton Oaks Charter were4explained and in the spring term, '45, a anock San Francisco conference was held and talks were given on problems which were then under discussion by the United Nations. All of those who are interested in joining the Post-War Council are urged to attend the first meeting of the summer term. ro CMDR. HAROLD STASSEN . . . war is not inevitable Daily Business Staff Tryouts To Meet Today Meeting of all students inter- ested in working on the Business Staff of the Michigan Daily will be held at 4:30 p. m. EWT (3:30 p. m. CWT) today. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Prof. Preston W. Slosson will deliver a University lecture, "Interpreting the News" at 4:10 p. m. EWT (3:10 CWT) in Rackham Amphitheatre. Today Louis A. Hopkins, Direct- or of the Summer Pro- gram, will speak on "The Summer Program of the University of Michigan" at 3:05 p. m. EWT (2:05 p. m. CWT) in the Uni- versity High School Aud- itorium. COWARD'S NEWEST COMEDY: Repertory Players To Open 17th Season With 'Blithe Spirit' "Blithe Spirit," "The Male Ani- mal," "Quality Street," "Over 21," and "Naughty Marietta" comprise the seventeenth Summer Session program of the Michigan Repertory Players of the speech department. most amusing college farce of recent years. "Quality Street" by Sir James Bar- rie, well known as a classic in English literature, was first presented on the American stage by Maude Adams. It the School of Music will collaborate with the Department of Speech in the production of an operetta. "Naughty Marietta" by Victor Herb- ert and Rita Young has been chosen. The picturesque life of old New Or- entertainment for summer school students and the townspeople. A professional standard is maintained in all productions. Season tickets at special summer rates are on sale at the Lydia Men-