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A& AdL
40 41W
Partly Cloudy Today with Seat-
tered Brief Thundershowers
This Afternoon.
flu dge tApproved;
'U'Regents OK
93 Promotions
Appropriations Total $9,098,081;
Hospital Will Receive $3,512,712
Appropriations amounting in total to $9,098,081.22 for the operation of
the University proper in 1945-46 received final approval by the Board of
Regents yesterday.
The budget also carries a total appropriation of $3,512,712.00 for the
operation of University Hospital.
In connection with the adoption of the budget, the Regents approved
the following 93 promotions of members of the teaching and research staffs
of the University:- __ _
Pullman Ban May Last Five Months
Europe Combat Troops
To Return
42 Divisions
TO Be Home
Before 1946
Arrival of Yank Troops
To Jam Crowded Trainsl
Coning Crisis in Domestic Transport Will
Reach Peak During U. S. Vacation Season
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 7-The Association of American Railroads pre-
dicted today the ban on pullman cars for short runs might last three to five
months as troop redeployment sends passenger mileage to record-smashing
Arrivals of Pacific-bound troops from Europe were one-third greater
than expected in June and apparently will run 40 per cent greater this
month, it was reported.
Dr. Lawrence O. Brockway from
Associate Professor to Professor of
Chemistry; Joseph O. Halford, from
Associate Professor to Professor of
Chemistry; R. C. Hussey, from Assoc-
iate Professor to Professor of Geol-
ogy; Otto Laporte, from Associate
Professor to Professor of Physics;
Norman R. F. Maier, Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of Psychology;
Michael S. Pargment, Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of French:
Arno L. Bader, Assistant Professor
to Associate Professor of English and
Secretary of the Faculty; William H.
Burt, from Assistant Professor and
Curator of Mammals to Associate
Professor and Curator of Mammals
in the Museum of Zoology; Samuel
Eilenberg, from Assistant Professor
to Associate Professor of Mathemat-
ics; Carl H. Fischer, from Assistant
Professor to Associate Professor of
Mathematics; Kenneth L. Jones, from
Assistant Professor and Academic
Counselor to Associate Professor of
Botany and Academic Counselor;
Alexander H. Smith, from Assoc-
iate Curator of Fungi to Associate
Professor of Botany and Botanist in
the University Herbarium; George
Stanley from Assistant Professor of
Geologyand Academic Counselor to
Associate Professor of Geology and
Academic Counselor; Norman E.
Steenrod, from Assistant Professor to
Associate Professor of Mathematics.
Donald 1,. Hargis, from Instructor
in Speech to Assistant Professor of
Speech; Norman E. Hartweg, from
Instructor in Zoology and Associate
Curator to Assistant Professor of Zo-
ology and Associate Curator in the
Museum of'Zoology; Abraham Herm-
an, from Instructor and Academic
Counselor to Assistant Professor of
French and Academic Counselor;
Raymond N. Keller, from Instructor
to Assistant Professor of Chemistry;
William B. Palmer, from Instructor
to Assistant Professor of Economics;
Orsamus M. Pearl, from Instructor
to Assistant Professor of Greek; Vin-
cent A. "Scanio, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Italian; Fred-
erick Harold Test, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Zoology;
William Gould Dow, from Associate1
Professor to Professor of Electrical
Engineering; Frank R. Finch, from
Associate Professor to Professor of
Mechanism and Engineering Draw-
ing; Lewis N. Holland, from Asso-
ciate Professor to Professor of Elec-
trical Engineering; Axel Marin, As-
sociate Professor to Professor of
Mechanical Engineering;
Julius C. Palmer, from Associate
Professor to Professor of Mechanism?
and Engineering Drawing; Richard
Schneidewind, from Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of Metallurgical
Engineering; H. S. Bull, from Assist-
and Professor to Associate Profes-
sor of Electrical Engineering; Ar-
thur L. Cooke, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of English.
A. A. Christman, Associate Pro-
fessor to Professor of Biological
Chemistry; James H. Maxwell, from
Associate Professor to Professor of
Otolaryngology; Charles R. Brass-
field, from Assistant Professor to As-
sociate Professor of Physiology; R. IH.
Lyons, from Assistant Professor to
Associate Professor of Internal Medi-
Herman ,Pollard, from Assistant
Professor to AssociateProfessor of
Internal Medicine; K. L. Scharen-
berg, from Assistant Professor and
Pathologist to Associate Professor of
Neuropathology; and Pathologist in
the Neuropsychiatric Institute; Bur-
ton Lowell Baker, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Anatomy; Ray-
mond L. Carner, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Biological
Laurie E. Campbell, from Assist-,
ant Professor to Associate Professor1
of Physical Education for Women.
Lee. Frank Worrell, from Instructor
fn Ac .ci.+n-f ,.nfacfinr o+f ,n in, on,
Reds Are Still
In Control of
German Capital
By The Associated Press
BERLIN, July 7-A temporary lack
of coordination among the Allies on
the governing of Berlin formed a dis-
appointing overture to the approach-
ing Big Three meeting at Potsdam.
Soviet authcrities continued in
complete control of the military gov-
ernment here, and the common ques-
tion in the minds of American Mili-
tary Government officers was "why
did we come to Berlin?"
Meet -Complex Problems
High officials of the United States,
Russia and Britain were reported at-
tempting to solve the complex prob-
lems of food and boundaries.
Neither U. S. nor British Military
Government detachments had taken
over any district. U. S. forces suppos-
edly occupied their zone Wednesday,
when the Stars and Stripes were
raised over the shattered capital.
Barter Deal Discussed
Food reserves in the , Soviet zone
were not being made available to sec-
tors allotted- the other Allies. It was
reported a barter deal was under dis-
cussion on the highest levels under
which the Russians would be paid
"in kind" for such food.
Warm cordiality marked the direct
relations of Russian officers with the
Americans, who were puzzled. by the
haphazard arrangements for the
Anglo-American sharing of Berlin
with the Soviet Union.
Charter Will
Be Discussed
Will Speak Tuesday
Prof. A. Lobanov-Rostovsky of the
History Department will give the
first in a series of talks sponsored by
the Post-War Council dealing with
the San Francisco Charter at 7:30
p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) Tuesday
at the Union.
Prof. Lobanov will explain the
charter and compare it with Ver-
sailles and the League Covenant.
Barbara Ann Hazelton will intro-
duce the speaker.
Other meetings of the Council will
be concerned with international eco-
nomics, human rights and minorities
as well as the problem of trusteeships
and the disposition of colonies.
Elizabeth Hawley, president of the
Council announced that on July 17
a panel discussion will be held on
"The San Francisco Charter-Does
It Have Sufficient Means of Enforce-
Three Full
Already in
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 7-The War
Department announced tonight that
42 of the 68 divisions which fought
in Europe and the Mediterranean
will be back home or on the way by
the end of the year. .
Three full infantry divisions-the
86th, 97th and 95th-already have
arrived and most of a fourth division
-the 104th Infantry-is back.
Advance Detachments Arrive
Advance detachments of seven
other divisions, the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th,
44th and 87th Infantry and the 13th
Armored, have reached this country
and the remainder of the units will
arrive shortly.
Under present-plans, which may be
changed later, 31 divisions will em-
bark for home from August to Janu-
ary; eight remain in Europe as oc-
cupation forces and 18 divisions will
remain in Europe at least until the
end of this year.
500,000 Men Involved in Shift
The shifting of the 42 divisions
will involve the movement of -more
than 500,000 men.
The War Department said that al-
though security considerations were
involved in releasing the information
on the movement of the divisions, it
was believed that instead of bring-
ing aid and comfort to the Japanese,
the information will demonstrate
'conclusively' that the Army intends
to throw against Nippon the largest
force possible.
Troops Are Enroute to Pacific
The ,11 divisions which have re-
turned or are now arriving have been
ticketed for the Pacific front. In ad-
dition, complete headquarters of the
1st Army has returned en route to
the Pacific.
The War Department emphasized
that the men who will fight with
those divisions against the Japanese
will not necessarily be the same ones
who fought with the units against
the Germans.
U' Hospuital
Needs Coeds
From 50 to 150 coeds are needed to
do volunteer work at University Hos-
pital this summer, Janet Cork, chair-
man of Soph Project, announced yes-
A minimum of four hours per week
will be required of each girl.
An orientation meeting will be
held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. EWT
(2:30 p.m. CWT) on the third floor
of University Hospital in the volun-
teer office. Coeds who cannot be at
the meeting or who have questions
of any kind may contact Miss Cork
at 2-4514.
Girls will receive war activities
credit for work performed.
SCENE OF HITLER'S DEATH? Pfc. Harvey Natchees, of Myton,
Utah, inspects site outside entrance to underground shelter in the
Reichschancellery building in Berlin where a German chancellery
guard reported he saw the bodies of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun
George Stevens To Lecture
On Academic Relations
"Hitler and fasc'ism have shown
the extent to which the school sys-
tem and especi lly the teacher influ-
ence the mind and attitude of the
pupil," George Stevens, who will lec-
ture before a meeting of the Inter-
Racial Association at 7:30 p.m. EWT
(6:30 p.m. CWT) tomorrow at the
Union, stated in a recent interview.
Stevens is a member of the Board
of Education of the Flint school sys-
tem and of the American Federation
of Teachers.
Outlines Teachers' Task
"Here in the United States it
should be the task of the teacher to
clarify and explain the ideals and
SOIC To Hold
Raly Thursd
'out d
Give Report
Conf crence
aims of democracy. Too many teach-
ers are falling down in this task and
permit myths of racial superiority
and inferiority to remain in the
minds of their pupils. This encour-
ages racial intolerance and hatred
and is the germ of fascism," he said.
This is the first in a series of lec-
tures sponsored by the Inter-Racial
Association, whose purpose it is to
promote racial unity, help eliminate
the sources and causes of inter-racial
friction and discrimination and thus
promote the concrete realization of a
living democracy.
Subjects Announced
"The Church as a Democratizing
Factor," "Labor and Racial Policy,"
"Psychological and Social Aspects of
Per.-onal Relations," "Political Ac-
tion," are some of the topics for the
weekly programs, Herbret Otto, pres-
ident of the organization, said.
The activities of the association in
the past have included the campus-
wide distribution of the pamphlet
"Races of Mankind," holding sym-
posiums, discussions and lectures
with various guest speakers, in all of
which the aim has been to further
inter-racial unity.
Science Will Never
SCHENECTADY, N. Y., July 7-(P)
-When mommy says to junior "hur-
ry up, you're slower than molasses
in January," she is comparing him
to "just about the slowest thing mov-
ing," General Electric researchers
said today.
A small cupful of molasses, tested
in the GE-Zahn viscosimeter at a
mean January temperature, traveled
at a rate of approximately one foot
in three minutes, 41 seconds, the sci-
entists reported.
Unprecedented Burden on Railroads
This will shorten the coming crisis
in domestic transportation - which
had been expected to run until March
-but will throw an unprecedented
burden on the nation's railroads
through the entire vacation-travel
The Office of Defense Transporta-
tion, which last night prohibited the
use of sleeping cars on runs under
450 miles, said the order would apply
to soldiers and sailors on furlough
travel as well as civilians. Railroads
simply will not assign pullmans to
short runs after July 15, thereby
freezing nearly 900 cars for organized
troop movements.
Although some confusion regard-
ing effect of the order remained,
these points were cleared up today:
Less Than 450 Miles
1. Persons going less than 450 miles
may take pullman space on trains
scheduled for longer runs, if the
space is available.
A spokesman for the AAR, how-
ever, predicted that very little such
space would be available, since long-
run passengers probably would speak
for virtually all accommodations at
major rail terminals.
2. Baseball clubs will travel day
coach on short trips between league
cities, or take their chances with
other civilians.
3. A firm "no exceptions" policy
will be followed, according to the
4. The Army said it would take
care of transporting individual
wounded service men who are de-
*prived by the ODT order of their
automatic priority on pullman pas-
senger space on short trips. The War
Department's own facilities will be
used if necessary.
ODT acknowledged it was power-
less to prevent persons who are trav-
eling less than 450 miles from buy-
ing tickets for longer runs and then
using only part of the ticket.
Rock Island road officials said sev-
en Chicago and North Western runs
would be affected, with trains to
St. Paul, Minn.; and Watersmeet and
Ishpeming, Mich., traveling without
sleeping accommodations.
Fleemg Convict
Captured Here
Joseph Wayne, 31-year old Jack-
son Prison inmate who escaped last
night at 9:20 p. m. EWT, was appre-
hended just one hour and a half lat-
er in front of Muir's Drug Store here
by Jackson state police officers, to-
gether with Ann Arbor. police and
Washtenaw County sheriff's depu-
Wayne, sentenced to Jackson for
car theft, used a prison auto to make
his escape. He was followed to Ann
Arbor where State Trooper Davis,
Lt. Barney Gainsley, Deputies Vin-
cent, Fox, Harold Swoverland, and
Harold King cooperated in captur-
ing him.
U' Enrollment
For Summer
Totals 6,330
Tops '44 by 1;000;
323 Vets Registered
A total of 6,330 students, including
323 veterans of World War II, are
enrolled in the summer school pro-
gram of the University, the Regis-
trar's office announced yesterday.
This figure does not include the
registration at the National Music
Camp at Interlochen, Mich., where
250 are expected to enroll.
Civilian Increase of 1,000
This summer's civilian enrollment
is 1,000 above 1944 at the end of the
first week of registration, but there
was a marked decrease in the num-
ber of Army-Navy trainees.
The breakdown on this year's
figures includes:
Women, 2,722; civilian men, 1,911;
Army, 732; Navy, 965. Six women
veterans are also enrolled. The over-
all veteran enrollment, 17 per cent of
the entire male student body, repre-
sents a 200 per cent increase over the
'44 figure.
Tibbetts Predicts Increase
Dr. Clark Tibbetts, director of the
Veteran's Service Bureau predicted a
heavy increase in veteran enrollment
for the fall semester. He expects
4,000 veterans enrolled in the Uni-
versity after the war.
Of the 323 veterans enrolled, 252
are registered in the summer term
and 71 in the summer session.
Speech Classes
To Hear CBS
Man This Week.
Lee Bland, the first of a group of
radio men to be sent to the Univers-
ity by the Columbia Broadcasting
System to address speech classes on
the possibilities of radio, will be here
tomorrow through Thursday of this
week, it was announced by Prof. Dav-
id Owen of the Speech Department.
Bland, Supervisor of Network Op-
erations for CBS, is being loaned to
the University in an effort to further
public understanding of radio. He
will be followed later in the summer
by Elwood Hoffman, script editor of
CBS, and Robert L. Shayon, produc-
er, director and writer.
Bland, supervisor of network op-
Speech 151, 152, and 167 classes on
the possibilities and requirements of
radio announcing.
He will address an assembly of the
Speech Department at 4 p.m. EWT
(3 p.m. CWT) Wednesday at the
Rackham Amphitheatre, to which
the general public is invited.
Thursday, Bland will hold confer-
ences for all students interested in
radio, regardless of their registration.
Tomorrow Harry J. Baker, Direct-
or of the Psychological
Clinic, Detroit Public
Schools, will speak on
"The Psychology of Char-
acter" 'at 3 p. m. EWT
(2 p. m. CWT) in the
auditorium of University
High School.
July 10 Prof. Preston Slosson will
speak on "Interpreting
the News" at 4:10 p. m.
Stalemate in New' ork
Deliverers' Strike Reached
Special to The Daily
NEW YORK, July 7-After a six-day strike
that the Newspaper and Mail Deliverers Union
Jack Gore, who has just returned
from the Washington Youth Con-
ference ofWJuly 2 and 3, will present
a report on the Conference at a mass
rally to be held at 7:30 p.m. EWT
(6:30 p.m. CWT) Thursday on the
steps of the Rackham Building.
Sponsored by the newly formed
Student Organization for Interna-
tional Cooperation, the rally is be-
ing held to familiarize the student
body with plans for its adoption
by a foreign university.
In sponsoring the adoption, the
organization will represent the entire
student body of the University since
the Executive Council of SOIC is
made up of delegates from University
organizations representing every stu-
dent on campus.
At a recent SOIC Executive Coun-
cil meeting it was decided that the
choice of the university would be
made by the entire student body ata
campus election sometime during the
summer session.
Program for the rally will include
several short talks by faculty mem-
bers and students who have attend-
ed a foreign university, band music,
and audience participation in Uni-
versity songs, in addition to Gore's
There will be an important
meeting of the Executive Council
at 4:30 p.m. EWT (3:30 p.m.
CWT) at the Union, Herbert Otto,
temporarySOIC chairman has an-
nounced, stressing that it is nec-
essary for all members to attend.
there is still no evidence
(independent) will effect
a settlement with all the major New
The strike continued today as the
War Labor Board failed to reach a
settlement or to crack down on the
1700 unionists now on strike. Al-
though the WLB sent a directive to
the unionists to return to work or
to appear at a show-cause hearing,
officials of the union have indicat-
ed that no immediate action would
be taken by the strikers.
The union is now faced with a
WLB order to end the six day strike
by 10 a. m. today. Union of-
ficials have pointed out that the
executive board has no power to call
off the walkout without a rank-and-
4-. ".i4 .. T!.nr.t7i _n n nn c Nnn' -Y
York daily newspapers, except PM.
All other papers are still print-
ing, although they are publishing
only enough newspapers to sell, at
the distribution centers. At the
beginning of the strike, the New
York Times, News, and Mirror and
others' buildings were mobbed by
citizens desiring to purchase pap-
ers. The lines still continue but the
number of persons has decreased.
No violence has been reported, and
the strikers are picketing peacefully.
One newspaper has accused mem-
bers of the News and Mirror of at-
tempting to incite strikers to riot so
The Army's 'Stomach' Eats,
Eats and Eats-Enough for Ten
ATLANTA, July 7-(,P)-Pfc. Ches-
ter J. "The Stomach" Salvatori, the
Army's eating wonder, consumes as
much as ten men to gain the plaudits
of onlookers, Col. Burgh S. Burnet,
Post Surgeon at Fort McPherson,
told a press conferense today.
He said the Southbridge, Mass.,
soldier, who has skipped through
breakfasts of 40 eggs and all the
eating prowess had left his GI bud-
dies goggle-eyed on several occasions.
Colonel Burnet said Salvatori en-
joyed the oh's and ah's of onlookers
to such an extent that he had even-
tually developed the habit of eating
vast quantities.
The cure being attempted? The
audience has been removed and
the hospital is gradually cutting