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July 06, 1945 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-06

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Dunham Praises Contributions
Of Early Secondary Schools


FRIDAY, J17L 6, 191:5


"It would be difficult to overesti-
mate the contribution of our early
secondary schools to American life.
While they did not guarantee an ed-
ucation for all young people-an ideal
not yet achieved-they did provide
opportunities such as Europeans had
never enjoyed."
This is the opinion of Prof. Fred
S. Dunham, of the University Latin
department, as expressed yesterday
in a speech, "Milestones in the His-
tory of American Education."
Gave Good Preparation
"Our secondary schools made pos-
sible a preparation for higher educa-
tion that gave us a leadership in lit-
erature, science, law, statesmanship
and education," he asserted. "It is
no accident that they shared with the
college in giving an intellectual tone
to the nation."
Stating that the "early nineteenth
century was an era when the com-
mon man was deeply concerned with
his mission to advance civilization,"
WPB Removes Ban
On Auto Equipment
strictions on the production and dis-
tribution of automobile maintenance
equipment have been removed by the
War Production Board, and manu-
facturers will be given priorities as-
sistance for most items.
The W. P. B. also has released all
metals except steel to furniture man-
ufacturers. However, warns the
W. P. 'B., an increased use of metal
will not add greatly to furniture pro-
duction in view of the scarcity of
wood, textiles and other materials.
Controls on wood were retained.

Prof. Dunham pointed out that, "this
period saw a clear-cut trend toward
the principle of the American ladder,
or unitary classless system."
"This was opposed to the European
dual system of education which pro-
vided one kind of instruction for the
aristocracy and another for the com-
mon people," he declared.
Opportunities Opened
"During the latter half of the nine-
teenth century, the doors of oppor-
tunity stood open for the ambitious
and the lucky," Prof. Dunham stat-
ed. "It was the age which produced
the Goulds, the Astors, and John D.
Rockefeller. A philosophy of prag-
matism developed to justify the new
"It is fortunate, he said, "that
schools and colleges were slow to re-'
spond. Traditional values were still
cherished and the schools continued
to teach the great English classics."
The age in which we are living, is
one of violent social upheavals and
conflicting philosophies, Prof. Dun-
ham maintained.
"Thanks to our historic belief that
in a classless society, no worthy indi-
vidual should be deprived of an op-
portunity to gain a well-rounded
education, the high school has emer-
ged as a cosmopolitan institution," he
POW Camp To Open
FORT CUSTER, Mich., July 5-
(P)-A prisoner of war branch camp,

OnCampus ...
Newman Club Party
The Newman Club will hold its
first party of the summer term from
7:30 to 9:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 to
8:30 p. m. CWT) today in the club-
rooms in St. Mary's Chapel.
Accordian solos by Tullio Saspir-
ini and piano solos by Joe Gilfoil,
both of Co. A, will be featured. Re-
freshments will be served.
All Newman Club members and
their friends are invited.
* * *
Lane Hall Coffee Hour
Prof. William MacLaughlin,
chairman of the Board of Govern-
ors of Lane Hall, and Mrs. Mae-




Laughlin will be
honor at the first
the summer term
from 4:30 to 6 p.
p. m. CWT) today.
The coffee hour,

the guests of
coffee hour of
at Lane Hall
m. (3:30 to 5
held every Fri-

capable of accommodating an initial
group of 250 men, will be opened at
Hart, Mich., on or about July 12,1
Army authorities announced today.



day afternoon, will be one of the
three regular features of the Stu-
dent Religious Association summer
program. Other functions will be
a music seminar led by Les Heten-
yi and an outing and informal
discussion. The latter will replace
the Saturday lunch regularly spon-
sored by the S.R.A.
Special invitations for today's
coffee hour have been sent to en-
tering freshmen, but all students
and faculty members are cordially
invited. Current topics will be
discussed. Hostesses for the cof-
fee hour will be Joyce Siegan,
Mary Shepard and Deborah Stoll.
Rabbi Cohen To Speak
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, Director
of the Hillel Foundation, will deliver
a sermon on "WhithereAmerican
Jewry?" at the sabbath eve services
to be held at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m.
CWT) today at the Hillel Foundation.
Following the services, which will
be conservative in form, refresh-
ments will be served at a social hour.
A "Get Acquainted Mixer" with
dancing, card games and refresh-
ments will be held from 9 to 12 p. m.
EWT (8 to 11 p. m. CWT) tomorrow
at the Foundation. Everyone is in-
vited to attend.
.Red' To Go Over
Niagara in Barrel
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., July 5-
(P)-William .(Red) Hill, Niagara riv-
erman, said today he is going ahead
with his projected ride through the
Niagara whirlpool and lower rapids
in a barrel Sunday, although he has
heard rumors there may be efforts
to stop him.
Hill's attempt will be an effort to
duplicate the feat his father success-
fully performed three times.

HOME TOW NWELCOME -Gen. George S. Patton;
r,1 was surrounded by admiring residents of his home town,
jiamilton, Mass.rat a celebrationhonoring the noted ueneraif

C E N E R A L' S D 0 C-Rex III, donated to the Marine Corps
by Gen. A. A. Vandegrift, sits beside his handler, Pvt. R. H. In-
galls (left), South Merrimack, N. H., and Capt. N. A. Nilsson,
Falmouth. Va., at a Pacific war dog base.


wr i r r i+ r ur rri rr

FRI., JULY 6, 1945
Eastern War Time
7:05-Morning Round-up.
7:30-Musical Reveille
8:15-1050 Club.
8 :30-Breakfast Melodies.
8:45-Bouquet for Today.
8:55-Musical Interlude.'
9:05-Music Box.
9:30-Community Calendar
9:45-Music for Millions.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Knew.
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Women Today.
10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Al & Lee Reiser.

11:15-Parson's Grist Mil.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20-Lani McIntyre.
12:30-Trading Post.
12:45-Luncheon Melodies.
1:05-Salon Music.;
1:10-Hollywood Reporter.
1:15-Salute To The Hits.
1:30-Johnny Messner.
1 :45-D:Lamour & D.- Mc-
2:05-Hal Saunders..
2:15-Frankie Masters.
2:45-Ray Bloch's Orch.
3:05-Arthur Chapman.
3:15-John Kirby.
3:30-Band Music.
3:45-Lawrence Quintet.
4:05--Wladimir Selinsky.

4:30--Ranch Boys & Betty
4:45-Misch Borr & Orch.
5:05-Music for Listening.
5:15--Mystery Melodies.
5:30-Rec. Room Rythms.
5:45-Sports Review.
6:15-David Rose & Orch.
6:30-Telephone Quiz.
6:45-Flashes From Life.
6:55-Piano Interlude.
7:15-Fireside Harmonies.
7:25-Band of the Week.
7:30-Bill Erkhart.
7:45-Evening Serenade.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Put & Take It.
8:30-String Trio.
8:45-Pan Americana.
9:05-Jerry Sears.

20 Y E A R S A P A R T -Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle, on a
visit to Seattle, compares a model of the B-29 Superfortress, giant
USAAF_ bomber, with a model of an early Army triplane which
1e piloted in 1922,

1I .

SHOVEL BY BOAT-An Army power. shovel to move
earth on Okinawa is landed from an LCT during operations to
strengthen U. S. positions on the strategic island.




in the Summertime?

Go on a

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for Two
60c an Hour
50c an hour
25c on Hour

SUN TIN - Zita Miller of
Alexandria Bay, N. Y., uses a
sun tan reflector to get the de-
sired even burn all over her
face. Silvered surface reflects,
the sun's rays.t

F D R , JR. -This picture of
Lt.. Cmdr. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Jr., USNR, commander of a de-
stroyer escort, was made after
his recent return to Guam from
a 78-day cruise.

R I C K S H A W R I T E R-Other shelter was pretty well de-
molished in the battle for Okinawa, but S/Sgt. Frank R. Bagley
of Chicago, a motion picture photographer with the Tenth A1rnm
found a ricksha in which to write home.

All day 'til 6 P.M.

ALSO Weekly and Monthly Rates.
Open Evenings and Sundays
~N un R TT T t-T m% ~T T77-r1 f""1T TT-


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