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August 24, 1945 - Image 23

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-24

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War Council i1l Continue

To Govern Women

i tl


Dean Lloyd Welcomes Freshmen,
Advises Coeds on Career Choice
August 10, 1945
To the Freshmen Women:
There is urgent need that every woman in America find as soon as
possible the place where she with her special ability can make the finest con-
tribution to the solution of the nation's problems in this day of world revo-
lution. We are fortunate to be living in America and to be living in a
time of unprecedented opportunity for women.
There is no field in which women are not now needed. The armed
services, health and social services, government service, teaching-all
these are in dire need of trained women. We must all realize the mag-
nitude of the reconstruction problem and that our horizon has to be
world wide these days. American women must learn that we can no
longer live in a selfishly protected isolationism, that our choice of work
must answer the question, "Where, with my special skill and ability, can
I do the most good?" We can no longer make our choice of life work on
the basis of what will do us the most good.
It is the duty of every woman now enrolled at the University of Michigan


a! Group

Assembly Association, Panhellenic
Council Oversees Coeds' Activities

to recognize her need for training;


Acts as

Coeds' Student
Ruthann Bales Is President;
Committee Reviews Petitions

id to accept that training and educa-
%tion with a serious purpose and a
sense of responsibility. This is no
time to come to the "campus" and
not to college. In her academic pro-
gram and in her social and extra-
curricular activities, each woman
should make her college experience
significant. Red Cross training and
service, hospital volunteer service,
community cooperation, and special
volunteer work to meet one of the

Will Sponsor
Center Teas
.This fall will see numerous ac-
tivities sponsored by the Social Com-
mittee, a part of Women's War Coun-
First on the list is a series of trips
by co-eds to Percy Jones Veterans'
Hospital at Battle Creek. There they
will act as hostesses for dances to
be given for the hospital personnel.
Journeys similar to these were made{
during the spring term by the Gam-
ma Phi Beta, Sorosis and the Wo-
man's War Council.
The International Center helps
foreign students to get acquainted
and teas there are to be sponsored
in turn by all co-ed houses on cam-
pus. Each house will be notified by
the Social Committee as to the day
it will be in charge of the tea.
To Revive Traditions
Thebold Michigan traditions which
have been lost sight of or neglected
during the war years are to be re-
vived. In order to inform those who
are new on the campus, a series of
lectures sponsored by the committee
will be held. These lectures will tell
about such things as not walking on
the seal on the floor of the main
Certain activities during orienta-
tion, which helps all freshmen find
their way around campus, are also
in the hands of. the Social Commit-
tee. Along with these other things,
the new committee chairman, Dor-
othy Wantz, with the assistance of
Robin Cherer, in charge of functions
at the International Center, and
Olive Jean Whitaker, in charge of
special events, plans to sponsor a
Guide Service, a bridge tournament,
dancing classes and a date bureau.
Sponsors Ruthven Teas
The Ruthven teas, given at the
home of President and Mrs. Ruth-
ven, are under the direction of Betty
Lou Bidwell, Ann Robinson, Lucy
Stone and Grace Lathrope, all mem-
bers of the committee. These teas
present-an excellent opportunity for
freshmen and upper classmen to
meet their president and his wife.
The social committee plans to have
next year an outstanding one in the
committee's history.
Right Clothes

Panhellenic Association, of which

all sorority women on campus are
members, has been gearing, for the
last few years, its activities to pro-
mote, through collective and indi-
vidual participation, the campus' war
projects, according to Marian John-
son, president.
The Association will hold weekly
meetings of sorority house presidents
at which they will consider the in-
dividual problems of the various
houses, such as the scholarship and
activities participation of the mem-
'Lucky Strike'
"Panhel" gives a yearly dance in
the spring. Last year's Panhel Ball
was combined with the similar func-
tion of Assembly Association, and a
major affair, "Your LuckypStrike,"
was given. Panhel Ball plans are
not yet formulated for the coming
year, but itbis indicated that the
custom will be continued.
The traditional Panhellenic Ban-
quet was last year cancelled again,
because of wartime conditions, and
"Panhel Convention" held in its
Supports Campus Projects
Panhellenic was in full support of
the campus' war projects,' notably
including the surgical dressing unit,
the USO, Russian War Relief, drive
for books to send to prisoners of war,
the scrap paper drives, and similar
Panhellenic Board, which heads
the Association, is composed of Miss
Johnson as president, Doris Heidgen
as vice-president, Carol Evans as
secretary, Nancy Jefford as rush-
ing secretary, and Betty Hendel as
The, Board's primary executive
purpose is to regulate sorority rush-
ing, which is the Greek-letter meth-
od of drawing new University women
into sorority organizations. To pro-
mote fairness, Panhellenic Board
has drawn up a series of regulations
yhich will be distributed during the
fall term. Formal rushing will begin



Judiciary Committee, the women's
student government and "court" for
violators of house rules, will be head-
ed this year by Ruthann Bales.
- This body, composed- of two senior
representatives, three junior mem-
bers and five sophomore aides, re-
views petitions for all posts on the
Women's War Council (except the
president's) plus those on each, class
project committee.
Other members on the committee
are 'Ann, Schutz, secretary; . Carol
Giordano, senior representative; Jean
Louise Hole, Josephine Simpson and
Carolyn Newberg, junior representa-
tives; Betty Rybolt, Betty Hansen,
Margery Keen, Faith Boult and
Charlotte Leach, sophomore aides.
Mass Meeting
-- At a mass -meeting in the fall the
committee will explain details of ap-
plying for positions and will present
a schedule of dates for petitioning.
Petitioning, interviewing and con-
sideration of the women to be se-
lected for each League committee oc-E
cupy two weeks. The petitions, which
incorporate all the applicant's ideast
for the job, are due one week after<
the opening of petitioning has been<
The applicant is expected to elab-
orate on her ideas at the committee
and be prepared to answer any 'ques-
tions the commitee members might
Enforces House Rules
After consideration of the petitions
the recommendations are taken to
Women's War Council for approval.
The Judiciary Committee also su-
pervises the enforcement of all house
rules in conjunction with the Office
of the Dean of Women. Violators
appear before "Judish" to have their
cases judges.
Chief among house rules are the
Any student expecting to be out
of the house after 7:30 p. m. must
register the occasion and place (if
out of town, the complete address).
Calling Hours
Calling hours for men begin at 3
p. m. Monday through Friday and
end at 10:30 p. m. EWT Monday
'through Thursday and at 12:15 a.
m. Friday and Saturday. Guests
must leave the premises by 11 p. m.
on Sunday. Closing hours Monday
through Thursday are 10:30 p. m.,.
12:30 a. m. Friday and Saturday, and
11 p. m. Sunday.
Any girl wishing to be out of her
house overnight during the week
must register her plan in the Office
of 'the Dean of Women before 4:30
p. m. of that day. She must leave
the address at her house and sign
in when she returns.
Late Permissions
All late permissions must be ob-
tained from the Office of the Dean
of Women.
Women who attend certain Uni-
versity-sponsored events must be in
the house one-half hour after their
All latenesses are to be made up
at the rate of five times the number
of minutes late. The offender must
come in the required number of min-
utes early on the Friday or Saturday
night following the lateness.
Sign-out sheets must be turned in
on Monday of each week at the Un-
dergraduate Office in the Michigan
League. All latenesses, penalties and
late nermissions must be encircled.

Activities of the independent, non-
affiliated campus women are direct-
ed by Assembly Board, a business and;
social organization, headed this year
by Helen Alpert, of Tappan House.
In order to coordinate activities
arnd interests, each dormitory, league
house, auxiliary dorm and coopera-
tive house on campus is represented
by its house president at board meet-
ings which take place once a week.
These presidents will be inaugurated
at Installation early this fall.
Six on BoartA
The board itself, reorganized last
year to meet the demands for in-
creasing participation of women in
war activities and student affairs,
includes five members; in addition
to the president; two vice-presi-
dents; two war activities chairmen -
and a secretary-treasurer.
The two vice-presidents are in
charge of dormitories and league
houses. Their main objective will be
to stimulate the participation of in-
dependent coeds in their respective
departments in war activities. Elaine
Baily, of Stockwell, has charge of
the dormitories, and Mary Ellen
Wood, of Martha Cook, heads league
Secretary Keeps Scrapbook
The minutes of Assembly Council
meetings and of the house presidents'
meetings are taken by the secretary-
treasurer of the organization. Maryc
Alice Dunivan, of Stockwell, actingc
in this capacity, will keep the scrap-
book of Assembly and manage thel
finances of the independent group.p
The task of the two war activities1
chairman is to oversee the filling in
and tabulation of war activities
sheets, which list the work coeds do
-such as work in the laundry, serv-
ing in dormitories, acting on League
committees, ushering, participationI
in Play Production, buying stamps1
and bonds, and the like.
Grace Hansen, of Mosher, will
handle war activity sheets for the
dormitories, and June Gummerson,
of Martha Cook, will head the league
Assembly-Panhel Ball
Last year Assembly sponsored two
main social functions. In collabora-
tion with Panhellenic Board, the in-
dependents held Assembly-Panhel
Ball, a traditional formal dance
which was started two yeare ago
when independent and affiliated wo-
men on campus presented "Boule-
vard Ball." It is the only all-campus
event for which men are the guests
of coeds.
Recognition Night is the successor
to Assembly Banquet, vetoed two
(See ASSEMBLY, Page3)
Assembly Will
Begin Fortnight
Assembly is inaugurating a new
practice early this fall.
The organization has planned a
Fortnight program for the period
from Nov. 19 to Nov. 30. During this
time, the board will visit every fresh-
man living in a league house, which
is a residence in which rooms are
rented to undergraduate women stu-
dents under supervision of the Uni-
There will be at least 73 league
houses this fall, an increase of 15
houses and 180 accommodations over
last year's total.

. Welcomes New Students
serious shortages are all important
extra-curricular opportunities. The
work in the classroom should serve
two purposes, that of providing spe-
cial background for a particular job
and that of gaining insight into
the world revolution in which we
are taking part.
In future years. if any woman
is asked what she did to help her
nation in its time of struggle, she
will want to have an answer. She
will be happier if she can say that
she tock her opportunities serious-
ly, that she prepared herself to
help the world pull out of the
chaos from which it had to re-
cover during her generation; that
she helped with the world's nurs-
ing problems or with the social
work of her community; that she
helped by teaching in the over-
crowded schools or worked for the
Red Cross. She will not want to
say, "I didn't do anything in par-
ticular. I couldn't find what I
wanted to do."
College training is preparation for
a life of usefulness. Be ready to meet
the challenge of your day. We wel-
come you 'to the University with
confidence that you will discover
here the true meaning of education.
Very sincerely yours
Alice C. Lloyd
Dean of Women
Daily Staff
Covers Coed
The staccato of typewriters, the
click of the teletype as the news
comes in, the roar of rolling presses
lend their song to The Daily atmos-
phere as student reporters put out
the next day's edition.
Shortly after the opening of the
fall term, a mass meeting will be held
for all women interested in working
on the women's staff, the time of the
meeting to be announced in Th(
Daily. All second semester freshmer
and undergraduate women who are
interested are eligible to try out for
the staff.
The Daily women's staff offers ar
. opportunity for coeds to gain a toe-


.. Heads War Council

U' Has Honorr
Society To Fi"t
Each BWOC 1
Alpha Lambda Delta Open
To 3.5 Average Freshmen
If your wagon is hitched to a starl
or if the term BWOC strikes musical
chords on your ears or if campus extra
curricular activities have a magic ap-
peal for you, then you will find that
Michigan's many honor societies are
looking in your direction.
Alpha Lambda Delta
Most of the honor societies are for
junior and senior women although
freshman women are eligible for
membership in one honor society, Al-
pha Lambda Delta. Members are cho-
sen on the basis of their scholastic
achievements only, requirements be-
ing half A's and half B's in the first
semester. Other purely scholastic
achievements such as Phi Kappa Phi
or Phi Beta Kappa are attained only
by those juniors and seniors who
really have solved the mysteries of
Ec. 51 or English 2.
Of course, the societies which rec-
ognize BWOC's also have scholastic
requirements. Mortarboard, national
honorary society for senior women,
has a scholastic record of .3 above
campus average for a standard re-
quirement. Other than this, its mem-
bers are chosen on the basis of ser-
vice in war activities and character.
Members wear a miniature mortar-
board of black and gold as their pin.
Senior Society, Scroll
Unaffiliated senior women are eli-
gible for membership in Senior So-
ciety, while sorority women may be
elected to Scroll. These three so-
cieties have as their main function
that of service to the campus as a
whole. For instance, last year Mort-
arboard members tutored returning
veterans in difficult subjects. As its
project for this year, Senior Society
has selected that of being big sisters
to independent women living in
League houses.
Wyvern is the organization for
junior women. The juniors have
adopted yellow and brown as their
colors and their "Damn, Damn,
Damn" tapping song has caused many
a house mother to hold her breath.
Wyvern is limited to twenty members
and taps twice a year, in spring and
in fall.

May Reassume
Former Name,
League Council
Nora MacLaughlin Will Head
Board Which Directs Group
The Michigan League, center of
women's campus activities and gov-
erned by the Women's War Council,
is functioning at full speed in a war-
time program of activities which
have supplanted the old pre-war ex-
tra-curricular.work traditionally car-
ried on by college women.
As a governing board, the Women's
War Council is headed by an execu-
tive board which discusses the pros
and cons of all problems which have
come before the board and presents
alternative solutions to the Council.
First Meeting Nov. 5
The Council will hold its first .
meeting for the year 1945-46 on Nov-
ember 5. The tentative schedule of
other weeks follows:
Orientation Week.......Oct. 24-31
Senior Project Mass Meeting ...
.N ov.. .j .. . ss. ... . . 13
Assembly Recognition Night Dec. 3
Panhellenic Recognition Night ...
-.- .-.-.-.-.- . - D ec. 10
SophrCabaret............Dec. 15
Junior Girls' Play ........
Jan. 17, 18, 19, 190
Rushing...... ...'Early Marpi
Installation Night.....May 6,194
Nora MacLaughlin, President ,
Heading the War Council is Nora
MacLaughlin, of Alpha Chi Omega,
who headed Junior Girls Projectlast
year and is well known for her' par,-
ticipation in campus affairs.
Other members of the executive
board are Ruthann' Bales, of' Delta
Gamma, who is president of Womn -
en's Judiciary Council; Jane Strauss,
of Sigma Delta Tau, secretary; Jean
Gaffney of Delta Gamma, treasuret;
and Jackie Gatet of Martha Cook,
who is personnel administrator.
Class Project Chairman Included
Members of the War Council in-
elude the chairmen of the various
class projects: Ann Lippencott of
Kappa Alpha Theta, who heads the
junior class' stamp and bond sales
The Women's War Council may
revert to its peactime title, League
Council, and activities during the
next year.
However, this "reconversion" will
probably be gradual.
work, entitled Junior Girls Project;
Cynthia Coates of Pi Beta Phi, gen-
eral chairman of Soph project,
which provides volunteer workers at
University and St. Joseph's hospitals;
and the head of Frosh Project, who
will be named later.
Also on the War Council is the
chairman of the Surgical Dressings
Unit. The group is in chargeof roll-
ing bandages for use by the armed
Social Committee Functions
Another member of the War Coun-
cil is the chairman of the Social
Committee, Dorothy Wantz, of Delta
Gamma. Her duty is to supervise all
League social events, including the
teas held weekly at the Ruthven
home and at the International Cen-
Jackie Gatet, personnel director, is
in charge of getting coeds to work
for various campus organizations,
such as the University laundry and
the local University-operated cafe-
terias, whenever paid or volunteer
workers are needed. Any organiza-
intion may call on the office of the
personnel administrator to recruit
the required help.
Other Council Members
Other War Council members in-

elude the president of the Women's
Athletic Association, Barbara Os-
borne of Martha Cook, the chief
USO colonel, Olive Chernow; and the
women's editor of the Daily.
The president of Panhellenic
Board, Marian Johnson, of Kappa
Kappa Gamma, is also on the Coun-
cil, as is Helen Alpert, of Tappani
House, who heads Assembly Board.
The Council further includes the
chairman of the Tutorial-Merit con
'gittee, Dona Guimares, Pi Beta Phi,
Frances Goldberg, of Martha Cook,
who is service chairman; and orien-
tation chairman, Betty Vaughn,
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Role of Judiciary Council
Judiciary Council, headed by
Ruthann Bales, is the body which
makes the campus rules for women
regarding closing hours, delinquen-
cies, and the like. It is also the body
. m'.4,t m a +q ha ea,. ton-






Studying .Aids
Dressing in the right clothes for
the right occasion is the key to suc-
cess and so it is with the proper
approach to studying.
Despite rumors to the contrary,
quite a bit of studying is called for
in the typical college program. And
until you learn exactly how much
the minimum cover charge is, it's
better to plan on doing too much.
But to get back to the main topic,
you can't study if you're not dressed
for it or you can't study if you are
dressed. What I really mean is that
you have to be undressed to study
and dressed in study clothes.
New Primness
Now that blue jeans have been
prohibited, we discover that the chief
difference in this year's and last
year's study clothes is their new
primness. One of the sharpest new
ideas is the grey flannel three-quar-
ter slacks to be worn with a casual
flannel shirt of a contrasting color.
Also sweet and neat are the navy,
black, or brown and white checked
slacks and matching "battle jackets"
with their military crispness.
Or if you prefer to study in lux-
urious femininity, there are quilted
jersey brunch coats which come in
wonderful colors - black with red
lining, white with soft light blue,
or aqua with peach. These can be
teamed with black satin trousers
which, complete the effect of ex-
Lounging Pajamas
Lounging pajamas are in the know
again with a honey of one being
shown in dashing red satin damask.
This particular style has the addi-
tional attraction of having a full
swishing bustle.
Although Dr. Dentons are almost
impossible to get, the lingerie buy-
ers are hoping to substitute for these
o1' standbys, flannelette night shirts
in various bright colors.
So when you study, dress the part,
but don't ever part with these extra
special study dresses.

Is Handy Item
Everyone knows that a girl's best
friend is her mother, but unfortu-
nately, we cannot take our mothers
to college with us. Therefore, we can
do the next best thing: we can take
the closest link to home and mother
-a laundry case.
This handy little container which
rides the rails betieen here and
home about twice a month may be of
almost any size or shape and should
have a reversible address card and a
good strong strap around it.
Nothing 'so cheers the hard work-
ing coed as a package from home.
The laundry case is better than an
ordinary package because, besides
holding food, soap flakes, cigarettes
and other necessary items, you may
also occasionally get some clean
Therefore, my advice to you is, if
you live any reasonable distance from
Ana Arbor, be sure to provide your-
self with -yes, you guessed it - a
laundry case!

e e
Orientation Weeko Begin Oct 24
Rcqucunt Newcomers with Campus
Orientation Week designed to familiarize all incoming students with macher, Christine Smith and Bev-
the facilities of the University opens Oct. 24. erly Wittan.
All 'students are expected to take advantage of the orientation system List Continues
'which divides freshmen and transfer students into small groups under The list continues with Dorothy
the supervision of upper class advisors. Watson, Margaret Gage, Judith Ra-
do, Janet Morgan, Jean Kerr, Flor-
Vaughn, Helmick ence Kingsbury, Josephine Simpson,
The advisors, headed by Betty Vaughn and Charles Helmick, will first Ruth McCorris, Carolyn Daley, Nina
take their groups on Wednesday, Oct. 24, to the Scholarship Assembly at Goehring, Jean Louise Hole, Betty
the Rackham Building, where approximately 230 regents and alumni Lou Bidwell, Dorothea Mountz, Mar-
scholarships wil be given to outstand-z' garet Jean Nichol, Barbara Dewey,
ing high school graduates. stumbling block that they themselves Norma Crawford, Ann Robinson,
The next few days following will encountered not so very long ago. Mary Cochran, Ruth Eberhardt,
be spent in taking physical exami- Junior members of the orientation Katherine Truesdell, Dorothy Gray,
nations, aptitude tests, and finally, committee will be Lois Iverson, Nan- Lois Bassett, Doris Krueger, Ann Lip-
classifying Monday and Tuesday, cy Marsh, Maureen Ryan and Joan pencott, Arline Ely, Joy Altman,
Oct. 29 and 30. This procedure will Wilk. Nancy Hubbard, Joan Stevens and
be comparatively simple with advis- Transfer Advisors Ellen Hill.
ors to help plan programs and answer AransfereddvisoBsrEllenEHill.
questions. Transfer advisors include Sue Cur- Also included are Barbara Ever-
Ruthven Reception tis, Naomi Greenberger, Beaty Ros- ett, Naomi Ann Buehler, Phyllis Del-
a 4Ya .MA h er, Dorothy Congo, Marilyn Holtom,

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