PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DATLY - FRIDAY, :FULY' 6, 1949' i FRIDAY. XITLY f~. 1g~ lp Fifty-Fifth Year PD RATHER BE RIGHT: War Food Inequity Inevitable Edited and managed by, students of theUniversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of. Student Publications. Ray Dixon Margaret Farmar betty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland Editorial Staff . . . Managing Editor S . . . Associate Editor ~ . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff . . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 may Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPREBgNTUD FOR NATIONAL AOVERTI-1N 0BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. " NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - Los ANROLeS - aSAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 VOV NIGHT EDITOR: PATRICIA CAMERON VSV Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Cinema League THE POLICY of 'the Art Cinema League in carrying out its program, sponsored this summer by the University Summer Session office, is to bring worthwhile films, both. foreign and American, to the campus. The motion picture industry has unques- tionably developed into one of the most influ- ential medians of our age, but it has not, for the most part, fulfilled its potentialities or serving in the advancement of the world's culture. Organizations such as the recently revived Art Cinema League call attention to the fine pieces of art which the film industry is capable of pro- ducing, and promote the continuation of such works. The interest and support of such groups as the League are proof of the fact that there is a need and a desire for films requiring more than a twelve-year-old mentality for-appreciation of them. Such movements as the League indicate the demand for fine and artistic productions and the movie industry will not have assumed its proper position until it recognizes its heavy responsibility. -Margery Jackson By SAMUEL GRAFTON HAVE BEEN READING about food, and thinking about food; and it seems to me that we have too easy a tendency to blame all our food problems on the war. The war is the villain, we have decided; it is because of the war, we feel, that our distribution of food has become distorted. We tend to slip into the be- lief that before the war there was a golden age, when food was properly and fairly distributed to the people of America; and that after the war the golden age will return. Ah, peace, when everybody gets his fair share of butter and beef. Only, the more I get into it, the less all that seems to be true. Talk about maldistri- bution of food! If you take any normal peace- time year, you find figures on food maldistri- bution which would be a scandal if they were true of this year of war, 1945. I find, for example (in a Department of Labor study) that, in the summer of 1935, weekly food expenditures in New York City and Chi- cago varied from $7.42 in the case of families earning less than $20 a week, to $13.48 in the case of families earning between $60 and $80 a week. But families earning $150 a week and over spent $22.81. Familiesin the lowest in- come bracket spent 93 cents per week on beef, and in the highest, $1.84. The year 1935 was a year of low, but fairly stable prices, and no black markets, and no war, and yet some families obtained twice as much beef and twice as much butter as did others. There are oceans of figures like these on my desk, and the 'burden of them all is that the distribution of food has never been equitable in this (or any other) country, in peace or in war; in fact the whole concept of equitable food distribution is a kind of mirage, FROM THIS we go on to the really startling proposition that the distribution of food in America has probably never been fairer than it is at the present time, war or no war. The reason is that almost all of us are equipped at the moment with equitable hunting licenses, i.e., MERRY-GO-ROUND: UNRIA's Troubles By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-A significant, off-the-record meeting took place between Secretary of War Stimson, one-time Republican candidate for governor of New York, and Democratic Governor Herbert Lehman, five times governor of New York, now head of UNRRA. Lehman has been greatly troubled about the danger of acute starvation in Europe next winter, and fears the United States will get the blame. Ex-governor Lehman, therefore, went to see Stimson to point out that the U.S. Army had 800,000 trucks in Europe, and he wanted to bor- row 50,000 of them for food distribution. Stimson listened briefly, but turned the sub- ject to the political situation in Europe. He seemed much more interested in whether Europe could keep the peace, apparently for- getting that people with full stomachs are more peaceful than those half-starved. HE SAME SUBJECT, plus other important matters, was debated in a secret session of the'Mead committee last week. All got in hot water during the three-hour closed-door meet- ing except the maritime commission and UNRRA. Unpopular brass hat General Brehon Somervell, who showed up with a small army of 60 aides, took the worst thumping of all. Somervell admitted under questioning that the Army has at least 50,000 surplus trucks in Europe. New York's. hard-working Senator Mead then asked Governor Lehman if he had been able to pick up any of these trucks for relief work. "Do you want any of these trucks?" asked Mead. "Do we want them?" replied Lehman. "The trouble is we can't get them. We can't seem to get them released. I've got a telegram from Yugoslavia here telling that one hungry Yugo- slav city, Sarajevo, has only three trucks to feed thousands of people. Why, some towns are starving, while they're burning the food just a. few miles away in the same country because they can't move. A year from now the army will be begging us to take trucks. Then we won't need them. We want them now when they can save lives." After more discussion, Lehman, whose anger was rising, stood up from the back of the room, looked straight at Somervell, and said: "There's all that' surplus army stuff, espe- cially in Italy. Why can't we get it?" Somervell hesitated. "We want to cooper- ate," he said lamely, "and we're going to." money, with which to go after whatever food is available; it's a kind of fair scramble. Those of us who are accustomed to buying and eating meat freely ate less of it last year, than during peace; yet the country as a whole ate 140 to 145 pounds per capita, as compared with about 125 pounds before the war. This can only mean that large groups of the population which could not afford meat before, are buying it now; and that means that the so-called "food maldistri- bution" of war is actually a rough correction of peace-time inaldistribution. The war has exposed the fact that this country never has produced enough food for all its people; that is the true meaning of the discovery that shortages result when every- body piles into the market-place to buy. There isn't enough for all; but that's not the war's doing; there never has been. WE have subtly changed our signals in the . transition from peace to war; during peace, it was our job merely to produce enough food for those who could afford to buy it; during war it has become our job to produce enough food to keep the whole nation well fed, and we are not yet geared for that job; it's a wholly new kind of job. Rationing tends to bog down, not only be- cause of administrative difficulties, but also because an attempted equitable distribution of food exposes the fact that the country, as a whole, is underfed. There is a glimpse here of opportunities ahead for farmers and food merchants if we ever have anything like con- tinuous full employment. As for those who look to the end of the war as the end of shortages, they ought to realize that we will merely be substituting silent shortages in the bodies of underfed children, for the noisy shortages cried out against by the man with money in his hand. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) THE RANGEFINDER By JOHN' MEREWETHER N-OW THAT the war in Western Europe is over I suppose that the manufacturers, bankers, and politicians figure the time has come for a rousing good anti-labor union campaign. Now that the unions have contributed their share in war production to win the war, they can turn quick as a cat and bite the hands that kept the Nazi brutes away from America. This at least is the conclusion one can draw from a number of recent events. Colliers ran an editorial last week advocat- ing that unions be liable for all losses incurred by a company during a strike. Cecil B. De- Mille dropped out of his A. F. of L. union for theatrical people because they tried to assess him for a political campaign. He replied by withdrawing and attacking the union in the Readers' Digest. AND WORST OF ALL, three senators, Ball, Hatch and Burton are now sponsoring a bill in the Senate to make the bargaining opportu- nity of labor and capital "equal" by limiting the Wagner Act. This spurious "equality" law seeks to keep union organizers away from shops where elections are forthcoming, excludes agri- cultural workers from the law, and enforces com- pulsory legislation upon unions among other things. This makes labor "equal" all right, equal ' to an anvil upon which management pounds out profits with its open shop hammer. Such a drive for the old open-shop-and-in- junction days before Wilson's administration and before that of the late President Roosevelt, will bring no peace or prosperity to America. For us who are comfortably situated at the uni- versity and with white collar and professional jobs ahead, labor's problems may seem pretty remote. They are not remote however. The most important factor in post-war pros- perity will be purchasing power. If that is high, we will have that prosperity. And don't forget that that prosperity will be reflected in teachers' salaries, in office employees' checks and in small business's profits, aside from the big businesses benefits. On the other hand, if the purchasing power is low there will not be as great a prosperity, if any. No single group in American life is as im- portant to our economy as the labor unions. Regardless of personal prejudice about being organized, white collar workers and teachers recognize that now. Any actions by the press, the industrialists or the politicians to hamper or outlaw the unions is then your concern. A post card or letter to your senator is an investment like a war bond on your own future. GREAT GUY: General'Ike' THE unparalleled enthusiasm that has greeted General Eisenhower on his return to this country is more than a tribute to a successful general. Only a small portion of the cheering acclaims the man who did so much to liberate Europe in the face of staggering difficulties. The man the American people have come to love is the "General Ike" who came home not to be feted as a hero but to represent the courageous men he led, to plead for peace while all around him he heard praise of his prow- ess in warfare, to call the nation sternly to account for the debt we owe our fighting men. It would be unexceptionable con- duct in General Eisenhower if he were merely to sit back and accept the fruits of victory. He has done his job well. He is entitled to rest and glory. It would be easy for him to stand up and say the words that make fine hearing, the sounding phrases that match medal-ribbons and festive banquets. But "General Ike" has not cho- sen that easy course. In the flush of victory he has chosen to remem- ber the stench and noise and tor- ture of battle, to speak not of his blueprints for victory but of the commonplace men, the wet and dirty doughboys, the ordinary heroes who carried those plans through. By doing this sternly, tenacious- ly and without bombast, General Eisenhower has proved himself a leader more effectively than could any amount of stars upon his shoulder. He is not only a great general, he is a great man. -Marjorie Mills. 9cam & £c~eatn P, 'R By WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN IT IS SAID ("said," being an old Sanscrit word meaning unlikely) that the University is going to patch up the old campus like new. As it stands now (and that by the grace of God) the campus is chock full of monuments to architectural incom- petency. Not only are the buildings old but most of them are in worse shape than a retired chorus girl. We know of at least three buildings that were obtained by foreclosing on Sit- ting Bull and Hiawatha, one of the earlier building-trades monopolies in Ann Arbor. * * * We aren't too interested in outward appearances. We'd rather have them pay more attention to the student's comfort. Most of the classroom seats or benches are narrower than a chaperon's mind. There isn't a lec- ture room on campus in which a student can sleep comfortably. Of course the University may go to the extreme. A couple more white elephants like the Rackham building, and the registration of- fice will have to apply for a circus permit. We have always liked the Natural Science Museum. It houses part of a large collection of ancient fossils, the other part being liberally divided among the several sorority houses on campus. * * * The architecture building and its famous, yea, even notorious garden has long fascinated us. The gar- den looks something like a Turk- ish harem. In the daytime we walk through the garden willy-nilly; in the night time, harem-scarem. * * * Some of the buildings aren't too well fireproofed, and the situation is touch and go. As it is now the only place you can smoke when you get them is in the Angell Hall smoke house, which is as large as a thimble or maybe even larger. The idea of building a glass case around "U Hall" has been ad- vanced in some circles, and it has been well received by the hall's inhabitants, mostly termites, who haveaa strong union and have long had a powerful lobbying bloc in the building commission. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding pub- lication (10:30 a. in. Saturdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 3-S Notices There is an urgent need for Dailies for the boys in service here in the U. S. Send copies when through with them to Mrs. Ruth Buchanan in the Museum. The Michigan Daily will be distrib- uted on the diagonal between 8:00 and 10:00, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays to students who live in house where the paper is NOT delivered. The office of the Interfraternity Council will be open from 2 to 4 p.m. (CWT) 3 to 5 p. m. (EWT) every day except Saturday until July 13 for general information, and the regis- tration of men for Fraternity rushing. After July 13, the office will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. (CWT) 3 to 5 p. m. (EWT). Armenian Students Association: The first meeting this summer will be held on Friday, July 6, from 6:30- 8:30 p. m. (CWT), at the Interna- tional Center. All students of Arme- nian parentage are urged to attend. Recreational Swimming for Women Students: The Union pool will be open for recreational swimming for women students on Tuesday and 8:30 (EWT), and Saturday mornings 8:30 EWT), and Saturday mornings from 8:15 to 10:15 (CWT), 9:15 to 11:15 (EWT). Any woman student may swim during this hour provided she has a medical permit. This may be obtained at the Health Service. A fee of 25c per swim is charged. Housemothers of undergraduate women's residences are notified that beginning with the end of this term, it will no longer be necessary for them to send notices of students' ill- nesses to the Office of the Dean of Women for the purpose of securing class excuses. Class excuses for min- or or temporary illnesses will no longer be handled by this office as has been the case this year. The Health Service will give statements only in cases where students have first been seen. Identification Cards: All identifica- tion cards which were given out dur- ing the Summer, Fall or Spring Terms of the year 1944-45 must be validated by the Dean of Students for the Summer Term 1945. Cards which were not turned in at registration in Waterman Gymnasium should be left at Room 2, University Hall at once. Cards which are not revalidated will not be honored for the Summer Term by University officials. Eligibility Certificates for the Sum- mer Term may be secured immediate- ly if the report of Spring Term is brought to the Office of the Dean of Students. Fraternity and Sorority Presidents of groups which maintain houses on the campus, or which formerly main- tained houses, should apply to the Office of the Dean of Students at once for a blank for listing current membership. Job registration will be held in Room 205 Mason Hall on Monday. July 9 at 4:15 p. m. This applies to August and October graduates as well as to graduate students or staff mem- bers who wish to register and who will be available for positions next+ year. The Bureau has two placement divisions: Teacher Placement and General Placement. The General Division includes service to people seeking positions in business, indu- stry; and professions other than ed- ucation. It is important to register now be- cause there will be only one registra- tion during the two summer sessions. There is no fee for registration. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. ATTENTION-All organized houses in which undergraduate women are living. 1. Closing hours will be 10:00 p. m.- CWT on Sunday through Thurs- day and 11:30 p. m. CWT on Fri- day and Saturday. Every woman must sign out when leaving her house after 6:30 p. m. CWT and must sign in upon her return. 2. Sign-out sheets must be turned in by the house president by Monday, July 9 at 11:00 a. m. CWT. These should include the period from the opening of the particular house through Sunday. July 8, and sign- out sheets must be in by 11:00 a. m. CWT on every Monday there- after. A composite sheetmusgtac- etc., and methods of recording these on the composite record. Copies of house rules, sign-out sheets, and composite sheets are available in the Social Director's Office in the League. House presi- dents should be responsible for keeping their houses supplied with these and for posting a copy of the house rules in a prominent place. 4. Every house must elect a president and vote on quiet hours by Friday, July 6. Basic quiet hours will be: 6:30 p. m. CWT to 9:30 p. m. CWT Sunday through Thursday. Addi- tional quiet hours may be estab- lished by individual houses if they vote to do so. 5. The house head and house presi- dent will be held responsible for the accuracy of all reports turned in at the Undergraduate office. The house president shall be re- 'sponsible for their delivery. There will be a compulsory meeting of all house heads and presidents on Monday, July 9 at 6:30 p. in. CWT at the Michigan League. Important Notice: All women students and house heads are held responsible for the House Rules. Copies of these rules are available at all times in the Social Director's office in the Mich- igan League. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors on Friday evening, July 6, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CWT (9:00 to 11:00 p.m. EWT) if the sky is clear, to observe Jupiter and Star Cluster. Children must be accompanied by adults. Men interested in obtaining positions as maintenance workers at a nearby summer camp, please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Opportunities for college graduates in Indiana Sate Bard of Health in Sanitary Engineering, salary $135 to $200 a month, Public Health Sani- tarian, $135 to $200 a month, and Chemists, $135 to $185 a month. Further information regarding ex- amination and experience may be obtained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for the following exam- inations have been received in our office. Cartographic- Engineering Draftsman 1, 11, and 111, $180 to $340 per month, Statistician I, III, and IV, $230 to $420 per month, Law Stenographer A, $150 to $170 per month, Library Assistant A and B, $125 to $170 per month, Catalog Li- brarian I, $180 to $220 per month, Department Librarian I, $180 to $220 per month, Reference Librarian I, $180 to $220,8Traveling Library Li- brarian I, $180 to $220 per month, and Milk Sanitarian II $230 to $270 per month. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Detroit Civil Service announce- ments for Junior Forester, $2212 to $2288, Social Case Worker $1952 to $2282, Senior Traffic Checker, $.95 to $1.00 per hour, and Senior Assist- ant Forester (Gen.), $2829 to $3243 (Plus time and a half for sixth day), have been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. Academic Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who receive marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by August 2. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Mathematics 151, Advanced Cal- culus, will be offered in the 16 week Summer Term meeting MWF at 11 o'clock in Room 3201 Angell Hall. First session of class will be Fri- day at 10 a. m. (CWT) 11 a. m. (EWT). Political Science 151s. This class will meet Friday from 1-3 (CWT) 2-4 (EWT) in room 408 of the Li- brary. Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Fri- day, July 6, from 3 to 5 p. m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. Dictionaries may be used. Freshman Health Lectures for Men: It is a University requirement that all entering freshmen are to take, without credit, a series of lectures in personal. and community health and to pass an examination on the con- fnn. Anoff''aplnn*,,,"n. 'rron.n r ,ii A Court Paradox THE SUPREME COURT, by .two recent deci- sions, has decided that Nazi. bund members may oppose conscription safely but conscientious objectors may not. A lower court convicted ?4 Bund leaders of interfering with the draft.' The Supreme Court acquitted these men with Justice Roberts de- claring that "Bundists always favored a com- pulsory selective service, even though they did not wish a draft army to fight with England against Germany." That kind of reasoning. virtually means that as long as one favors selective service, that's fine, even if the pro- posed army would fight against us. But the Court upheld a decision of a lower court that refused to admit one Clyde Summers, a conscientious objector whose physical defects exempted him from military service anyway, to practice law in the state of Illinois.. Apparently Mr. Summers is unfit to practice law because he doesn't believe in killing, a task he is unfit for in the first place. The question of pacifism and the rights of conscientious objectors is not at issue here. But the Court is getting a little confused in its reasoning when it considers conscientious objectors practicing law harmful, and Bundists, avowed enemies of the United States, safe people to have around because they always 'favored some kind of selective service.' The present Court has been noted for investi- gating motives and incentives to action plus the positive effects of an action itself. In these cases whatever determined the closely contested deci- sions of the Court it certainly was none of these three things. .-Eunice Mintz Navy Progress THE NAVY has put into effect its,' policy of non-discrimination among personnel. Negro naval recruits no longer are segregated from whites in the naval special training program, and BARNABY e52 Copyright, 1945, the I'ewpep..r FM, i".. By Crockett Johnson arnby! Jane! Where are you? CgOCKETT 3OH N SOtyj Jane!... Barnaby! ... /fold you you'd getf lost wandering off alone! Barnaby! Your father's gone! Gosh. And Pop said people got lost wandering off alone, Jane. I Maybe your father's So maybe something did r- -, I wasn't really worried until I found the little girl's book--