FRIDAY, AUGUST 24,-1945 T'HE MTCHVTAN AILY m ma, wm_= . m nay Drama Hits Of N.Y. Stage Given at Speech Dept. Can Boast Star Alumni Play Production of the Department of Speech offers dramatic opportun- ities for those interested in the the- atre. Play Production is under the direction of Prof. Valentine Windt who has instructed such stars as Ruth Hussey, Martha Scott and many actors now on Broadway. The Play Production classes dur- ing the fall and spring terms produce plays that have appeared on the le- gitimate stage and usually present one operetta a year. The Children's Theatre, made up primarily of be- ginning students in Play Produc- tion, produces a children's play which is largely attended by the local grade schools. The program of the spring term included "Uncle Harry," by Thomas Job, Noel Coward's "Tonight at 8:30" and the Children's Theatre present- ed "The Elves and the Shoemaker." Build Sets, Handle Lighting Students in Play Production also participate in the building of the sets, costuming, stage crew work such as lighting, properties, paint- ing, book holding and the many other jobs connected with putting on a production. The LaboratoryTheatre, where most of the classes are held, has been recognized by amateur play producers as one of the finest to be found in any school or college in the country. The storage -and work-shop space is ample and the building is well adapted for experimentation and construction. The plays are presented in the Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre in the Michigan League. This theatre is well-equipped and the facilities are similar to those of any professional theatre. Mr. Herbert Philippe of the speech departmnent is director of the set de- signing and construction. He also conducts classes in stagecraft and is technical advisor of Play Produc- P o u-tion . Active in Summer During the summer session the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech offer a full summer program to the campus and townspeople. Visiting instructors ' from non-profesional and legitimate theatres join the teaching staff for the summer. The training is intensive and pro- vides a fund of practical experience for those serously interested in all stages of theatre production. Stu- dents in Play Production and Stage- craft courses often stay for the sum- mer session to participate in the summer's activities. The plays presented the past sum- mer were "Blithe Spirit" by Noel Coward; Elliott Nugent's and James Thurber's collaboration "The Male Animal"; "Quality Street," by Sir James Barrie; "Over 21," by Ruth Gordon and the operetta, "Naughty Marietta," by Victor Herbert. There are 150 Army personnel of Co. G studying at the University Medical School, according to a mili- tary headquarters spokesman. 195 LOCAL CLUBS: °U. of M.' Alumni Association Entering Its Second Century One hundred years ago this month, on August 6, 1845, to be exact, the first class was graduated from the University at Ann Arbor and became the newly organized alumni body of eleven. These first graduates took the name of the Society of the Alumni of the Department of Literature, Science and the Arts, and out of this group developed the Alumni association, with its roster of 1,750 life members and its sponsorship of local alumni clubs, Class Officers Councils and class reunions, the Alumni Catalog Office, the Alumni Advisory Council and the "Michigan Alumnus." Dr. Ruthven States Spirit The present-day spirit of the As- sociation is expressed in the follow- ing statement made by President Ruthven in 1932: "We believe that the student should be trained as an alumnus from ma- triculation. He enrolls in the Uni- versity for life, and for better or worse he will always remain an in- tegral part of the institution." In contrast, the scope of the early group was much smaller. The So- ciety of Alumni aimed to provide an opportunity for former students to gather together, and it was hot until 1860 that the alumni participated in University affairs in any capacity other than that of critic. It then stated its purposes as "im- provement of its members, the per- petuation of pleasant associations, the promotion of the interests of the University and through that of the interests of higher education in gen- eral." Unity Begun in 1871 The movement to unite the alumni of all departments began in 1871. The Department of Law alumni num- bered 1.024 by this time and there were 1,200 medical alumni. The movement culminated in the last meeting of the Society of Alumni in 1897 and the organization of all departinent alumni groups into one united body,,headed by a board of five directors (later increased in num- ber). Levi L. Barbour, '63 AB, '65 L' was elected president and Ralph C. McAllaster was appointed first gen- eral secretary and editor of the "Michigan Alumnus." After a few months. James H. Prentiss. '96, succeeded MAllaster. Shiley W. Smith, '97 AM '96, served as general secretary from 1901 to 1904. Wilfred B. Shaw, '04. Director of Alumni Relations, began his quarter century as general secretary in 1904 and was succeeded in 1929 by the present secretary, T. Hawley Tapping, '16 L. Moved to Alumni Hall in 1909 Dturina Shaw's administration the Association moved frn a room in University Hall to its present locati n in Alumni Memorial Hall at its open- ing in 1909. The number of local alumni groups grew, and now there are 195 such clubs. Unique among them is the University of Michigan "West of Tokyo" Club, whose mem- bers are former students now sta- tioned west of a line drawn straight south of Tokyo. Classes upon graduation are now cranized into 275 groups, each of which holds a reunion every five years in peacetime. The Class Officers Courvil, with Robert O. Morgan, '31 Ed., as secretary, coordinates their activitiec. The Emeritus Club, open to alumni graduated 50 years or more ago. has been functioning since 1930. The "Michigan Alumnus" is the oldest existing alumni publication in the uuuntry, with the exception of the "Yaje Alumni News." Alvick Pearson established it in 1894 and it was purchased in 1898 by the As- ccciatc n. Tapping Edits Magazine The magazine, edited by Tapping, , ppcar2 weekly during the first two months of the fall term every two week:: during the rest of the schooi year, rnd monthly in the summer. A necrology file is published in the "Alumnus" and its compilation is on3 of the functions of the Alumni Cata- log Ofhce, headed by Mrs. Lunette Iac cy The office possesses files of approximately 99,000 folders con- taining biographical material, reg- i ,tration cards, correspondence and circulars; the former file of all past and present administrative officers and teaching faculty members of the University; and complete undergrad- uate files from the Registrar's Office since 1937. Band To Play at Football Games Pep Rallies, Concerts Are Among Activities Michigan's bands, leaders in all school affairs, will strike a new note this fall to surpass every effort and plan made for previous years. Under the leadership of Prof. Wil- liam Revelli, the marching band will appear at all the home football games of the Michigan team, as well as at parades and Friday night pep sessions. Play Throughout Year Activities of the band continue throughout the school year from the first day of the fall semester to senior graduation in June. Although wo- men students are not permitted in the marching band, they participate in all other 'U' band activities. These include concerts, festivals and social affairs. Band activities are open to all students on campus, civilian or military. Auditions for membership will be held this fall at Morris Hall by Prof. Revelli, who will announce the dates at the beginning of the semester. He urges students with previous exper- ience to audition. Public Appearances, Broadcasts The band makes frequent public appearances, and often broadcast over the University's own radio sta- tion. In addition, guest conductor are invited to lead the band during the concert season. Members of the band do not nec- essarily have to enroll in the Schoo of Music, and more than half of it members are students in other divi sions of the University. The only requirements are that a student hav ability and interest in music. At the annual spring banquet, stu dents are given awards for their ser vice in the University band. A silve watch charm is the reward for on year's participation, a gold ring fo two, a band 'M' sweater for thre years and an 'M' blanket for fou years. Campus Guilds Will Welcome New Students 16 protestant Faiths Have Organizations Student guilds and regular Sunday worship services of Ann Arbor churches, will have a special welcome for all new students, during the fall .term. Approximately 30 religious groups are established in Ann Arbor and have able leaders to help the new- comer in his educational, spiritual and social life. Dr. Blakeman Is Counselor The University counselor in reli- gious education, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, is available for consulta- tion daily in his Angell Hall office for all students regardless of reli- gious affiliation. Guilds are maintained by a num- ber of churches which offer varied programs on Sunday evenings. Dis- cussion groups, lectures by Univer- sity professors, and outsanding visit- ors to the campus, classes in reli- gion, as well as social events are planned. Whether Protestant, Catholic or Jew, the new student will be sure to find a religious group with which he has something in common. 16 Student Groups Among the 16 groups on campus are: the Westminster Guild at the First Presbyterian Church, the Roger Williams Guild at the First Baptist Church, Wesleyan Foundation at the First Methodist Church, Gamma Del- ta (Lutheran Student Chapel) at the New Lutheran Chapel and student center, the Lutheran Student Asso- ciation, the Congregational-Disciples Guild, and Canterbury Club at St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Inter-Guild, an organization which represents the above groups, leads in making plans for greater coopera- tion among the Protestant churches. Catholic students will find a spe- cial chapel for them, St. Mary's near campus, while Jewish. students will be welcomed at the Hillel Founda- tion, on Hill and Haven Streets. WHERE ALL CREEDS MEET: Student Religious Association Holds Freshman Rendezvous Bringing students together in an inter-denominational religious atmo- sphere, the Student Religious Association at Lane Hall has a varied weekly and annual program. The Freshman Rendezvous usually held during orientation week, has been the traditional means of acquainting freshmen with the Association. When not holding the Freshman Rendezvous, the Association has held open housefor freshmen during orientationt I week. Religious music seminars, seminars on social and political problems, cof- fee hour and Saturday lunch have be- come a traditional part of the as- sociation's weekly program. The religious music seminar con- sists of the presentation of excerpts from the world's foremost religious music played on records. Analyses and comments by the director of this division are also a regular part of the program. These programs are not designed primarily for music ma- jors but for students with a layman's interest in music. Coffee Hour, held each Friday, pro- vides opportunity for a purely social afternoon following the week's work. Students are invited here to familiar- ize themselves with the program of the SRA and to meet and know other students interested in the Associa- tion. Students attending the Saturday lunch have the opportunity to get acquainted in a more informal set- ting. A simple lunch is followed by discussion which arises from the group. Hillel Serves Jewish Faith Performing a social, cultural and religious function for Jewish stu- dents, the 18-year-old B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation chapter at Michi- gan is also a place to study, to learn, and to exchange ideas. Under the leadership of Rabbi Je- hudah M. Cohen, a secretary, a stu- dent council of 25 members and a staff of student directors, the Foun- dation provides, for students and servicemen, personal counsel, dan- ces, record concerts, religious ser- vices on Friday nights and on major religious holidays, picnics and the opportunity to meet and make new friends. Dramatics, Photography Students can find an outlet for literary or photographic talents by working on the Hillel News or in the fully equipped Hillel darkroom. The Hillel Players is a student theatrical group which provides entertainment for social functions here and at B'nai B'rith lodges throughout the state. Last year there were classes in Yiddish, Hebrew and Contemporary Jewish History. The 1945 Worship conducted an informative series on Anti-Semitism featuring specialists in several fields. Phonograph Record Colection The Foundation has a large phono- graph record collection. Students are welcome to take advantage of the well-stocked neon-lighted Louis Weiss Memorial Library. The library, con- taining over 1,600 volumes dealing with Jewish subjects and including many recent best-sellers, is open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. EWT (7 a. m. to 9 p. ,m. CWT). The Foundation also regularly rec.eives more than a score of nationally distributed mag- azines and newspapers. *e Next Move? Why, to the Mademoiselle Shop, of course . . . There you'll find all the clothes you need for college wear cashmere sweaters, skirts, blou- ses . . . also perfumes, co- lognes, and cosmetics. * Hurry To the Radio and Record Shop for the latest recordings . . .both popular and classi- cal . featuring those extra-special albums of John Kirby, Art Tatum, and Meade "Lux" Lewis * IN ..- = PAGE FV Co-Ops . . . (Continued from Page 4) to campus, the increasing number of freshmen who will enter school when the war terminates compel a project- ing of co-op thought into the future. Co-op economy can actually make possible the matriculation of those who could not otherwise afford high- er education. In that respect co-ops assume a very definite role on the Michigan college scene. There are eight entrances to Angell Hall, most of them leading to the basement floor, Rooms 25 to 231 in- clusive. tI TRADITIONAL WINDSOR HOUSE PERFECTION .chavrter, authentially styled. Fashioned S-- from EISENDRATH SF PURITAN leather. which like a fine meerschaum pipe. becomes F more beautiful with age. For the + man who appreciates the fOOtWear, 2F' Thie W ndeso $13.50 t t t ' QUA'IrY in appearance, smartness in style, serviceability in use . . . give a special meaning to the word VALUE in every price range of Van Boven clothing. rAMw 7ww p a. Riding a Cloud That's how you'll feel with a hat from Schiller's Millinery . . . head wear for every occa- sion . . . with a wide assort- ment from which to choose. Sophisticated? Whether you are or not, you'll find just what you're looking for in the line of clothes at the Elizabeth Dillon Shop . . . colorful sweaters, skirts, and sports clothes. * Need Appeal? Try flowers from the Univer- sity Flower Shop . . . Lovely assortments of corsages, cut flowers, and table decorations arrangements for every occasion. DOBBS HATS / "It $45o BURBERRY COATS JOHNSTON &, MURPHY SHOES I i