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August 24, 1945 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-24

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Women's Housin
Sit tion Critli
No Rooms Available in 'U' Sponsored
H-~1CC CA t lt N ddIP T!1 Enroll

Men's Judieiary Council Conducts Elections;
Balloting System Revised To Meet Needs

Total Enrollment




Along with its disciplinary duties, the Men's Judiciary Council main-
tains complete control over the handling and conduct of campus elections.I
In this capacity, the Council sets dates for elections, prepares the ballots,
interviews the candidates, publicizes the election and counts the election
returns. Thus, the Council maintains'

.[1FU11 CFKcomplete supervisory control over
"One of the biggest problems in our office is that of housing," Mrs.'elections.
Mary C. Bromage, Assistant Dean of Women, said recently. Revised Election System
There are at present 1,000 more women enrolled than there were two Revising what was considered an
antiquated election system, the Coun-1
years ago, but there is no additional housing, she pointed out. In fact, cil has revamped it to meet the needs
she said there are seven fewer ,converted fraternity houses for girls than of the campus.
there were last year. The changes in election procedure
Despite the opening of Victor
Vaughn House and of 15 more league
houses during the past year, there
are at present no rooms available for
women in University -sponsored hous-r

brought about by the Council were
the result of dissatisfaction with ear-
lier election methods. The new sys-
tem seems to be adapted to campus
Seven Organizations Represented
The Men's Judiciary Council is
composed of seven members, repre-

senting the male students on campus.
It is composed of representatives
from the Union, the Engineering
Council, the Inter-Fraternity Council,
The Daily and the Men's Congress.
The latter organization has not been1
active during the war period. In
addition,the president andssecre-
tary of the Council are chosen by
the outgoing members.
At the present time, Charles Wal-
ton is president of the Council and
Richard Mixer is secretary.


Between 800 and 1,000 World War II
Vets Will Register, Tibbitts Predicts

New House Filled Immediately
The housing survey, conducted by
the Ann Arbor Alumnae Club in July,
turned up one new house, which was
filled on the day it was found, and
a number of possibilities.
Victor Vaughn, which housed med-
ical students in service this past year,
will be open to women for next year
only, but it has been filled almost
immediately from the waiting list.
The survey revealed that there
are a number of private homes the
owners of which will rent a room to
students or allow him (or her) to
work for his room and board.
"You do not get college life in a
situation like this," Mrs. Bromage
warned. "A student's living arrange-
ments are as much a part of college
as the classes she attends. Shes needs
to live with other students."
Can Live in Private Homes
Since the housing problem is co
acute, women undergraduates may
obtain special permission from the
Dean of Women to live in private
homes if the parents write a letter
giving approval.
Women will not be admitted to the
University unless they have a con-
tract for a room. The Office of the
Dean of Women is sending post-
cards to all students who are regis-
tered, requiring that each itt her
Ann Arbor address.
In addition to the dormitories -
Mosher-Jordan, Stockwell, Newber-
ry, Betsy Barbour, Adelia Cheever
and Mary Markley -ten auxiliary
dorms will be open. Eight of them -
Geddes House, Ridgeway, Colonial,
Oakwood, White, Hill, Madison and
Lockwood Manor - are converted
fraternity houses that were used last
year. Baldwin House and the present
Cy Adams House will house women
for the first time this year. Cy Adams,
the former Psi Upsilon house at
1000 Hill, will be re-named by the
Fifteen New Houses
League Houses number 73 this
year, an increae of 15 houses and
180 accommodations. A league house
is a residence in which rooms are
rented to undergraduate women stu-
dents under the supervision of the
University. Standard rents and fa-
cilities are set by the University and
campus regulations are in force at
these houses.
The Inter-cooperative Council is
still taking applications for the fall.!
Three houses will be open to women
students other than freshmen. They
are Owen, Lester and Stevens Houses.
There will be limited accommo-
dations for men at East Quad this
year and at West Quad, as before.
Fletcher Hall will also be open, and
Nelscn House will be used by stu-
dents of foreign nations.
Largel ROTC
Is Expected
Expansion of the University Re-
serve Officers Training Corps
(ROTC) is expected at military head-
quarters here to begin this fall. A
headquarters officer is now attend-
ing a meeting at a military estab-
lishment in the south at which the
future of the ROTC program is be-
ing discussed. An announcement of
ROTC plans will be made upon his
return 'at the end of the month.

More than 1,135 freshman students are expected to enroll in the Uni-
versity for the fall semester, it was annoutnced yesterday.
This figure is only an estimate, University admission officers said,
pointing out that "almost anything can happen between now and Nov. 1.
Total University fall enrollment is expected to top 9,500.
Of this number, Clark Tibbitts, director of the Veterans Service Bu-
reau, has estimated that between 800 and 1,000 fall registrants will be
-veterans of World War II.
With the University facing its most
critical housing shortage in years,
Y yRobert P. Briggs, vice-president in
charge of finance, announced that
out-of-state undergraduate women
will not be admitted this fall unless
they have obtained housing accom-
Emergency housing facilities are
sought for 550 women who have al-
ready been admitted to the Univer-
sity and a study is being made to
determine how many additional res-
idents existing dormitories are able
to take.
4,350 Women Expected
An enrollment of 4,350 women is
expected this fall. This number rep-
resents an increase of more than
1,200 over the 1944 fall coed enroll-
On the building side of the picture,
the University is rushing plans for
three new student housing units,
which include a men's dorm, wo-
men's residence. hall, and a married
students apartment project.
Capacity of the two residence halls
will be approximately 1,000, while the
apartments will accommodate more
than 176 married couples, most of
them World War II veterans and
their. wives.
University President, Dr. Alexan-
der G. Ruthven, has estimated that
as many as 18,000 students may en-
roll here one year after complete
armed service demobilization.
$27,000,000 for Construction
Meanwhile, the physical face of
the campus is well on-the road-to,
be lifted.
{. University spokesmen, have dis-
closed that plans for the new $1,500,-
000 General Service Building will be
completed Jan. 1, 1946, and construc-
tion on the project "will begin as
soon as building material is avail-
Plans for several of the Univer-
sity's postwar projects are being com-
pleted and federal planning appro-
priations amounting to more than
$50,000 have been allocated to the
First on the priority list after the
residence halls and the General Ser-
(See ENROLLMENT, Page 2)

Veteran Group
May Be Vital
In Campus Life
The newly formed Veteran's Or-
ganization on the Michigan campus
is still in the early stages of develop-
ment and its position in student af-
fairs has yet to be determined, ac-
cording to Jack Weiss, publicity di-
Its future, he said, depends largely
on the incoming veterans who can
make it a vital part of campus life.
At the present time the Veteran's Or-
ganization is ,a social and Efraternal
group with a membership of 50 stu-
dents. Out of the 300 veterans on
campus 181 are eligible for member-
The eligibility requirements are 1)
you must be an honorably discharged
veteran of this war; 2) you must
maintain at least a 2.0 average which
is required for all extra-curricular ac-
tivities on campus. Many students
find their program too heavy to en-
gage in outside affairs, but if the
above prerequisites are fulfilled they
may join.
"The Veterans' Organization is a
key to the veteran's introduction to
campus affairs and they will find a
warm reception and friendly help ex-
tended to them," Weiss said.


THIS IS YOU CAMPUS-Engineer or Lit. student, you will find yourself walking, running or bicycling along this path to ward the Romance Language Building, Tappan Hall or State
Street and the Union cafeterio. The Romance Language Building is in the distance. The General Library is in the foreground,


Campu L
all sides. The great freshman de-
scent is coming,
We know of at least one fresh-
man that is ceming to Michigan

Wit Gives Advice


Freshmen ---Gratis

.flnw : AN i 'whne 4iithyMMS a____
to~o l~ bd,;iands thtb 's about alt.41 Y
Fal xpct a1_ooF l h a _______
for a room maite But th-'t cs ioligh
of the m1-se y tforIth non ce,

ford to carry the "Lit school" on the
boors att a loss. The Ohio Staters
tore down and made off with part
of the goal posts after last season's
game, but Michigan made off with

freshmen should select course K7,
listed in the catalog under the title
"How to Become a Better Member
of Our Community," which is pop-
ularly known as "How to Become

M4 higher, Preferred stocks were
selling well.
There'll be plenty of recreation on
campus this fall. We are looking

her feet. She would have 'been a
good dancer except for two things:
her feet.
* * *
In between dances there will be

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