Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: GOP Sure To Win Congress in '46 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer d Daily is npub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. _Aay"Dixon Margaret Farmer Hetty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland Editorial Stafff . . * . Managing Editor . * . . Assbciate Editor S . . Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor Business Stafff . . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, 4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTE FOR NATIONAL AOVERTING «Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4O MADISON AVE. NEW YoRK. N.Y. CNICAP * BOSTON " LOS AnE'Es8 SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-4 6 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL ZACK Editorials published 'in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Community Loss A BRILLIANT SURGEON and hospital admini- strator, onetime dean of the University Med- ical School, Dr. Hugh S. Cabot, died last week while sailing in Frenchman's Bay, Maine. Dr. Cabot, who was graduated from Harvard, came to Michigan in 1919 as Professor of Sur- gery in the Medical School, and from 1921 to 1930 he was Professor of Surgery and Dean of the Medical School. Specializing in the field of urology, he was noted as a surgeon and author. He approved of group practice by physicians as the "only method by which modern medicine can be effectively distributed." This great loss to the medical profession is a loss to the community as well. Let Michigan remember Dr. Cabot, both as dean of its Med- ical School and as benefactor of the coimiun- ity. -Elinor Moxness Palestine IT IS A HOPEFUL sign that the United States and Britain have opened discussions on the establishment of a Jewish national home ln Palestine. Great Britain has for too long held back on her promise under the Balfour Declaration, which says, "His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish People and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achieve- ment of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice* the civil and religious rights rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and -political status enjoyed by the Jews in any other country." The arguments for the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine are famil- iar. But, equally familiar are the arguments given against such a project. These latter ar- guments can be easily disposed of. One such argument is that the Jews have no right to the land they are cultivating in Pales- tine. From some of the stories one hears, one would think that the Jews have taken the land they have in Palestine by force. On the con-1 trary, Jewish organizations and individuals have bought every bit of land they have in Palestine. Another cry has been raised that the Jews are driving the Arabs from Palestine. Those who are yelling the loudest on this score are a group of extremely wealthy Pan-Islamic Arabsgwho seek to continue their power over the masses and are afraid of Jewish ideas of social equality. Proof against the argument that the Jews are driving the Arabs from Palestine is the fact that the Arab population there has increased fifty per cent since large Jewish immigration to Pal- estine began twenty-five years ago. One of the most striking arguments heard against the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine is that such an undertaking is an encouragement of nationalism. Although this on the surface may seem to be the case, the es- tablishment of a Jewish home steeped in Hebrew culture and concepts is not nationalism of the dangerous type. It is political nationalism that is dangerous, not cultural nationalism - espe- cially if that culture is one of social equality and brotherhood. It is true that a political national state will be necessary, for the present at least, to the establishment of Hebrew culture in Pales- tine. We hope that this is merely a transitional stage through which all nations are passing, but it is a necessary stage. (EDITOR'S NOTE: In Drew Pearson's absence, Her- bert Brownell, Jr., Chairman of the Republican Na- tional Committee, writes a guest column on GOP plans for 1946.) By HERBERT BROWNELL, Jr. Chairman, Republican National Committee WASHINGTON - The inside story from Re- publican leaders is that the Republican Par- ty will win control of Congress in 1946. Put that down as one of this column's "predictions of things to come." Let's have a quick look at the national political scene as America gdes forward to win the peace; and see why this prediction makes sense. Republican governors now direct the govern- ment of 23 states, containing 56 per cent of the total population of the United States. These same states contribute 67 per cent of the in- ternal revenue to support the Federal givern- ment. In other words, those 23 states, where Republican government encourages the oper- ation of the American system based upon in- dividual opportunity, provide more than two- thirds of the money necessary to keep the na- tion's government operating. After the 1936 election, there were 16 Repub- lican U. S. Senators; after 1940, there were 28. Now there are 40 and when baseball czar "Hap- py" Chandler resigns - as he should - there will be 41. That's only 8 short of a majority. In the House, Republicans had 89 Congressmen after the '36 election. These increased to 162 after the '40 election. After the '44 election, Re- publicans had 190 seats - only 28 short of a majority. In the Montana special election in June -- the first test of a public opinion at the polls on national issues since the advent of the Truman administration - the Republicans won another seat in a district that had been New Deal for 14 years. Right now, the New Deal Governor of New Mexico refuses to call a spe- cial election to fill a congressional vacancy caused by cabinet member Clinton Anderson's' resignation from Congress. Does he fear the outcome? Why this steady increase in Republican strength? GOP Takes Initiative... DURING THE WAR Republicans have demon- strated an ability for constructive leadership in the field of international affairs by taking the initiation in steps leading to the formation of the United Nations organization, and otherwise by doing everything within the power of a min- ority party to make sure that this time we shall win the peace as well as the war. As far back as July, 1943, "The Republican Post-War Policy As- sociation" drew up a declaration favoring the establishment of a post-war security organization to insure the maintenance of peace. About two months later-in September, 1943 -an official Republican meeting at Mackinac drew up a statement of party policy favoring "responsible participation by the United States in post-war cooperative organization among sovereign nations to prevent military aggres- sion and attain permanent peace with organ- ized justice in a free world." Subsequently that declaration of Mackinac was embodied in the Republican platform adopted by the national convention in Chicago in June, 1944, and by the Republican standard bearers in '44. The final development was the drafting-with able leadership from prominent Republican lead- ers - of a United Nations Charter at San Fran- cisco, and the ratification of that charter-again with Republican cooperation - by the United States Senate. Aid for Veterans .. . ON THE DOMESTIC front, the Republicans are also demonstrating affirmative leader- ship. For returning veterans, a survey at the clbse of the 1945 legislative sessions showed the Re- publican-controlled states are far in the lead in providing jobs and deserved benefits for veter- ans. Our people don't like to play partisan poli- tics with the rights of returning veterans. Hence a kickback when Edwin McKim, the chief ad- ministrative assistant to President Truman, sought to use the promise of funds appropriated for wounded veterans to influence the special Congressional election in Montana. Also the kickback when Governor (and Tru- man confidante) Wallgren of Washington said in approval of the action of his State Highway Department in turning down a veteran of three years service because he was a Republican- that veterans who have actively identified themselves with the Republican party would I not be hired by his State government. On the labor front. Republican leadership has offered a plan for a nation-wide labor con- ference of management, labor and government to bring about a charter for industrial peace at home - just as the San Francisco Charter seeks to bring international peace. On the food front, a Republican program to replace the present OPA set-up was rejected by the administration but the "planned" food short- ages will still be remembered in '46. Ihntocra ic Spendin g... REPUBLICANS favor an end to extravagant deficit financing. About the first promise made by President Truman - after his declara- tion that he would follow out the Roosevelt New Deal policies -- was that there would be economy in government. That was in mid-April. On July 26, Senator Harry F. Byrd, Democrat of Virginia, chairman of the joint committee on reduction of nonessential federal expenditures, reported that there had been a 16,000 net increase in the number of civilian federal employes in the United States in June as compared with May. So, it appears, New Deal "economies" haven't changed. A moment's consideration of the composition of the New Deal gives the answer why they can't change: There are three essential elements in the New Deal: 1. The solid South, where political control is based on racial discrimination and intolerance, and what the late President F. D. Roosevelt used to call "economic bourbonism;" 2. The big city machines, controlled by such eminent exemplifiers of liberalism as Mayor Kelly of Chicago, Mayor Hague of Jersey City and Tammany of New York; 3. The radical fringe, composed of groups led by ex-convict Earl Browder and William Z. Foster, (who has now deposed Mr. Browder and endorsed Mr. Truman on probation) to- gether with their fellow travelers in such groups as the American Labor Party of New York and the Wallgren administration in the state of Washington. Obviously, these three discordant elements have no basic interests in common except the de- sire for political power. Once the cohesive power of federal funds, spent for political purposes, is removed, this unholy alliance will fall apart over- night. Removal of this cohesive power will take place as soon as the Republicans win control of Congress next year. With Republicans in control of the nation's purse strings, the Federal payroll will cease to be the happy hunting ground of bureaucratic theorists bent upon using the American people as a vast collection of guinea pigs, and upon perverting the processes of government for po- litical ends. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.) ON SECOND a THOUGHT... By Buyg Dixon OST HARRIED WOMAN on campus this summer is Florence Kingsbury, editor of the Michiganensian. It seems that almost everyone has the big urge to see their phizz in print and they "want their 'Ensian." Miss Kingsbury is very sympa- thetic. She wants hers, too. But, alas and alackofensian, the yearbook is in the lap of the printers and the printers are standing up. The 'Ensian was completed almost on schedule last April. It was thought that the book would be completed and in the hands of subscribers before the end of the spring term (1945). But the people who put out the 'Ensian (and they are very nice people who have no ulterior de- signs) went a little over the deadline on some pictures. At about the same time, the printers wereshit by a big labor shortage that has lasted up until this date and the iron-bound contract became quite rusted. Result: no 'Ensian - yet. It ,is thought and hoped that the book will definitely be ready for distribution by the open- ing of the fall term in November. Then, as al- ways, campus swains. will be able to use it as their favorite reference book to see what their blind date looks like before it's too late. In the meanwhile, the 'Ensian is asking all subscribers who are leaving town after the eight-week session and who will not be back in the fall to leave their mailing addresses at the Student Publications Building on Maynard St. before 5 p. m. EWT tomorrow. When the book finally does show up, the entire 'Ensian staff is going out and have their own private V-E (Victory over 'Ensian print- ers) celebration. GOVERNMENT BY MONOPOLY: World Cartels Menace to Future Peace DrESPITE te sordid recirdeaso faiSynthetic rubber was the subject of difficult because of private interna- a private treaty between a great tional rubber deals. Divided loyalty believe that these great cartels will American oil company and I. G. of this sort has been repeated many again dominate the world's economy; Farben, the German chemical colos- times. that through reestablishment of the sus. These two great concerns made An American concern actually re- cartel system. German industry may a deal. The Germans were given a fused to advertise in anti-Nazi news- emerge from the war an economic monopoly on synthetic rubber, the papers in South America because it victor despite a military defeat; that Americans one on synthetic gasoline. felt obliged to comply with its com- the common man . . n may find that This secret agreement between an mittments to a German partner. he has been led again into fighting a American monopoly and a German Another American cartel mem- futile war," said Robert Reuben in cartel was submitted to no public ber felt obliged to send confiden- the Oct. 11. 1943 issue of New Re- author'ity in this country. The tial information to Germany which public. peoples and governments of the the War Department had specific- This statement is almost two years world had unwittingly let the cartels ally requested it not to divulge. old, yet we might well take heed. form a super government by means This has happened before, but our The cessation of hostilities offers of which they could monopolize and government and those of the United no reason to believe that cartelists divide whole fields of science and Nations must see to it that it does not are remaining idle. German in- carve up the markets of the world happen again. dustrialists have made many plans at their own sweet pleasure. Many American businessmen and agreements and it is to be As'a result of its deal, the Amer- would have you believe that attacks hoped that our State Department ican oil company had to choose be- - on cartels are attacks on American will not ignore them, thus bul- tween loyalty to the United States business. On the contrary, cartels warking the German industrial and its comercial obligation to its are the greatest menace to the Amer- power. German partner. Because of its ican business principles of free, pri- We know now that, with the full commitments to its German part- vate enterprise and equal opportu- cooperation of American partici- ner, the oil company did this: it nity. pants, the cartels systematically held assured government officials that In a letter to the late President down this country's ability to produce every effort would be made to bring Roosevelt, former Secretary of State in volume all the basic necessities about a large production of syn- Cordell Hull said: "The elimination for waging war-magnesium, optical thetic rubber for tires and then of- of the restrictive practices of cartels equipment, synthetic rtibber-while j fered licenses which were deliber- is an objective that consistently fol- at the same time, through the skillful ately oppressive in order to prevent lows from the liberal principles of in- connivance of German industrial- the production of tires from this ternational trade which this govern- ists and fascists they made the Ger- rubber. ment . . . has constantly sought to man economy into a powerful war For five years, the production of implement through the trade agree- machine. butyl rubber was held back although ment program and other aspects of Long before Pearl Harbor, many the American company had invented commercial policy. It is an objective men in government had done their it and knew that it possessed greater which consistently follows from this best to build up a rubber. stock- possibilities than buna. Full infor- country's traditional and long-stand- pile, to encourage the growing of mation and regular reports were giv- ing program designed to protect the natural rubber in this hemisphere en to the German cartel partner and consumer against monopoly and to and to get syntheite rubber pro- at that time the company tried to preserve individual enterprise on a duction started. What very few mislead the representative of the freely competitive basis." Americans knew was that the pri- United States Navy who was sent This is a job for our law making vate rulers of world industry had specifically to 'learn about butyl. body and Congress should place their own private approach to syn- The civilian and war effort of the this item high on its agenda. thetic rubber. United States has been made more -Lynne Sperber DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should' be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 35S Notices Detroit Civil Service announcement for Farm Supervisor (Dairy & Live- stock), $2,348 to $2,553, has been re- ceived in our office. For further in-a formation regarding examination, stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. pus favorite. Everybody is cordially invited. Student Football Tickets to the Great Lakes, Indiana and Northwest- ern Football Games: Civilian students enrolled in the 1945 Summer Term who are entitled to student admis- sion to the first three University of Michigan home football games, should exchange their Physical Education coupon (ticket No. 7) for their foot- ball tickets at the Athletic Office Ferry Field, between 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. on the following days: Senior and graduate students- Monday, August 27th. Junior Students-Tuesday, August 28th. Sophomore Students--Wednesday, August 29th. Freshman Students - Thursday, August 30th. Class preference will be obtainable only on the date indicated. Students desiring their tickets in one block{ should present their Physical Educa- tion coupons together. One student may present all of the coupons for such a block of student tickets. Where students of different classes desire adjacent seats, the preference of the lowest class will prevail. Polonia Club: The University of Michigan Polonia Club will hold its next meeting Tuesday, September 4 rather than August 28 as scheduled.j The meeting will take place in the International Center at 6:30 p. m. (CWT). Examination Schedule. For the schools and colleges on the eight- week basis. Hour of Time of Recitation 8 9 10 11 2 3 Examination Thursday 8-10 Friday 8-10 Thui'sday 2- 4 Friday 2- 4 Thursday 4- 6 Thursday 10-12 Friday 10-12 All other hours Friday 4- 6 Any deviation from the above sche- dule may be made only by mutual r. cpmant 1 htnwen suiirent and in-I ag eemeniiu e1 uL eI uuuAi,±±UIIii - --- structor, and with the approval of City of Detroit Civil Service an- the Examination Schedule Commit- nouncement for Photographer's As- tee. sistant, $2,064 to $2,463 per 'year, has ~- - - -just been received in our office. For After the Summer Session, the Gen- further information call at the Bu- eral Library will be open daily the reau of Appointments, 201 Mason usual hours, 7 a. m. to 9 p. i., CWT Hal. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, August 25. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before August 25. Faculty of College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: College of Architecture and Design: School of Education: School of Forestry and Conservation: School of Music: and School of Public Health: Class lists for use in reporting summer session grades of undergraduate students~ en- rolled in these units, and also grad- uate students in the Schools of For- estry and Conservation, Music, and Public Health, were mailed Monday, August 20. Any one failing to re- ceive their lists should notify the Registrar's Office, Miss Cuthbert, 'Phone 308, and duplicates will be prepared for them. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the fac- ulty on Friday, August 24, at 4:15 p. in., in Room 348, West Engineer- ing Building. Engineering Faculty: The last of a series of lectures on Electron Tubes will be given on Thursday, August 23, at 3:15 CWT (4:15 EWT) in Room 246, West Engineering Build- ing. The topic will be: The Thyra- tron. Concerts Choral Union Concerts: Concerts will be given in the Sixty-seventh an- nual Choral Union Series next season as follows: PAUL ROBESON, Baritone. Sat- urday, Nov. 3. CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, Erich Leinsdorf, Conductor. Sunday, Nov. 11. ALEXANDER UNINSKY, Pianist. Monday, Nov. 19. JENNIE TOUREL, Contralto. Tues- day, Nov. 27. DON COSSACK CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 3. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHES- IRA, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 10. JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist. Fri- ay, Jan. 18. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHES- IRA, Desire Defauw, Conductor. T'hursday, Jan. 31. ARTUR SCHNABEL, Pianist, Wed- nesday, Feb. 13. DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHES- RA, Karl Krueger, Conductor. Mon- lay, March 11. Orders for season tickets, accom- anied by remittance to cover, will e accepted, and filed in sequences; nd selections made accordingly. Picket prices are as follows: $15.60 (Block A, Patron Tickets). ['hree center sections on nain floor rid in first balcony. $13.20 (Block B). Side sections on >oth main floor and in first balcony. $10.80 (Block C). First sixteen -ows in the top balcony except that it willclose at 5 p. in. CWT, on Saturdays, beginning Aug- ust 25. There will be no service on Sundays until November. Most of the divisional libraries will be closed or will operate on a short- ened schedule. Hours will be posted on the doors. Jordan Hall will hold an Open House from 6:00 to 10:00 p. m. on Friday night, August 24. Entertain-I ment will be highlighted by a cam- BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I didn't see your Fairy r -a Godfather at my party Mr. O Ma lost evening, larnaby. missing yo ...Imissed him-- Aven Miny said every hiding fror lley kept u, too, rva. He 'one was IM him... Minerva, don't encourage him- /,vc The doorbell. Maybe it's your Fairy Godfather- No. He's mad at us. Copyzgh l 1945 The Newspaper PM, ic Mr. O'Malley said to forward any mal- But this is for Aunt Minerva. A special delivery- Academic Notices Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, Aug- ust 25. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign;,Schools of Education, Forestry, IMusic, and Public Health: Summer Session Students wishing a trans- cript of this summer's work only should file a request in Room.4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Ar- bor. Failure to file this request be- fore the end of the session will re- sult in a needless delay of several days, Physical Education-Women Stu- dents: Registration for the second eight weeks of activities will be held on Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24, 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 4:30 in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts:, Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Saturday, August 25. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- ports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108' Mason Hall;+ ., 4 CiROK 1' JOHNSOV C The Evening Satellite wants me to do a daily column on cooking. With the idea of possible syndication ... It's a great deal of work. I'll have to think this over very carefully- 6i}r 0 i simames Mr. O'Malley! Aunt Minerva's going to work for a newspaper! I'm no longer ierested in her activities, Barnaby, nor-- What's that? A newspaper? I suppose it's the printer's ink in my veins. But where would the fourth estate be if we veteran journaiists refused to counsel struggling cubs ... Yes, I'll roll up my sleeves, open my vest, cock my eyeshade, and pitch in!... Your aunt's new career is assured!.'...