W'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY No Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: U.S., USSR Row on Reparations FALSE FLASHES AND BEATS: Urge Precautions for Accurate News Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Stafff Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mulendore Dick Strickland . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Associate Editor S . . . .Associate Editor * * . . Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager Telphone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 vs. NIGHT EDITOR: PATRICIA CAMERON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Spain, the Pure FRANCO SPAIN is becoming such a tinder box 1that even its rulers and undercover angelsI are getting nervous. The latest attempt to keep Spain from trying to progress with the rest of the world has come from Rome, and this one is aimed at putting Spain back a few centuries. Rome has asked the heirarchy in Spain to intensify its work in quelling republican move- ments. That is natural. But Rome is also trying to keep Spanish youth "pure" by meth- ods reminiscent of the eighteenth or nine- teenth century. Spanish parents have been given instructions by the Archbishop of Valencia, the Most Rever- end Prudencio Melo, to cloister their daughters. Decollete dresses, or clothes that expose much of the legs are to be strictly taboo. Girls are not to take any excursions with men. Bathing beaches must be separated according to sex for the unmarried. And, for some strange reason, girls must not go bicycling with boys. The insistence that all films which Spaniards see must be first approved by the Church cen- sor has also been renewed. The Archbishop is apparently getting wor- ried about the moral ruin that is sweeping Europe. He's trying to keep Spain "pure". If he can keep her behind a few centuries, and controlled by a fascist regime which cooper- ates with the Church so delightfully on every backward measure, then an anachronism will be perpetuated in western Europe. But we hope not. -Eunice Mintz Radio's Censorship DR. FRANK KINGDON, radio commentator now subbing for Winchell, who attempted to fight Dartmouth College's policy of using the racial quota system in admitting students, found himself gagged by the American Broadcasting Company. Dartmouth's original charter, granted in 1769 by George III of England, provided that the college should not exclude "any person of any religious denomination whatsoever from free and equal liberty and advantage of edu- cation, or from any of the liberties and priv- ireges or immunities of the said College on ac- count of his or their speculative sentiments in religion . ." Kingdon, who had planned to prove that the quota system runs counter to Dartmouth's orig- inal charter, had included in his script: "oes this mean that George III was more interested in safeguarding the democratic right to edu- cation in the 18th century than the trustees and president of Dartmouth in the 20th?" The passage was deleted from the script. "They just simply said that they had so many kicks about the thing last week from both the sponsor and network officials that it would have to go out," Kingdon said. By using the facilities of 'radio to battle anti-Semitism the sponsor and the American Broadcasting Co. might perform a great pub- lic service. But that might be unpleasant. That might not be good business. -Marjorie Mills Jurist Suggested DEAN WILLIAM- H.- HASTIE, of, the Howard University Law School has been suggested by the National Lawyers Guild for appointment to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals post recently vacated by Thurman Arnold. His attainment of this position would not only be 'a precedent-breaking blow against race discrim- ination, since no Negro. has ever held such a post, but would add a progressive, well-trained jurist to the influential Circuit Court b.ench. In - sra~a: t.+r, ...,.1tn-4 nn c. lnnr A'nd By LEON HENDERSON EDITOR'S NOTE: In Drew Pearson's absence, Leon Henderson, former OPA administrator and economic adviser to General Eisenhower, contributes a guest column.) WASHINGTON - Little news has escaped so far from the deliberations of the reparations commission which met in Moscow several weeks before the Potsdam Big Three conference, sup- posedly to settle what Germany is to pay. It is generally assumed that the Potsdam decisions on war booty, restitution and reparations were based on the work done in Moscow by the repar- ations commissioners - Sir Walter Monckton for Great Britain, Ivan Maisky for Russia and Ed Pauley for the United States. But, as a mater of fact, the Moscow con- ference, though it adopted an eight-point for- mula of general guidance, did not arrive at agreed understanding on the most important topics. So, at Potsdam, results were produced by high-grade horse-trading between Stalin, Truman and Attlee, rather than by weighing statistics and facts. The Big Three decision did emphasize the dis- armament of Germany through removal of in- dustrial machinery, which was one of the ex- cellent points in the Moscow formula. And, in the main, both conferences fixed their attention on Germany's disarmament, rather than seek- ing maximum reparations. And both, finally, avoided the disastrous Versailles attempt to fix reparations in money terms, although Maisky, at the beginning of the Moscow conference, did avert to the $20,000,000,000 total discussed by Roosevelt and Stalin at Yalta. Roosevelt had agreed to accept $20,000,000,000 as a basis for discussion, but Churchill remained completely silent. The Potsdam disagreement to remove excess machinery from the Ruhr, and other French- British-American-zone industrial regions, also served to remove some of the Russian suspicion that the British would work for a strong Ger- many as a bulwark against Bolshevism. But another decision, reversing the Moscow agreement, may sow the seed of future conflict between Russia and her Allies. Maisky, Monck- ton and Pauley had agreed to treat Germany as a single region for reparations purposes. When the delegations arrived at Potsdam, how- ever, Luther Gulick of Pauley's staff personally gathered evidence that the Russians were re- moving as war booty entire plants, like sewing- machilte factories, from Berlin. Gulick wrote a hot report to Pauley, who told Maisky that Russia, by proceeding on a zone basis, had destroyed the agreement. The next day the Russians filed a memo to show that the United States had done the same thing in the Russian zone by grabbing labora- tories and 1,000 German scienitsts. So the final Big Three settlement really par- titions Germany into two administrative parts -a Russian zone in the East and a French- British-American zone in the West. The USSR sphere of influence extends unchallenged from the Baltic to the Mediterranean, while her three allies will have constant difficulty in har- monizing their aims. The formal Moscow sessions began with the proposal by Maisky that the Yalta formula be followed. This divided reparations into three parts - 56 per cent for Russia, 22 per cent for the United States and 22 per cent for Great Britain, with reductions for each to meet the approved claims of other allies. (Keep in mind that France assesses her war damage at $97,- 000,000,000..) When Monckton and Pauley con- ferred, Monckton said his government had in- structed him to seek more than 22 per cent and that he had a factual memo to document the equity of the claim. Pauley, however, told Monckton: "My an- swer is 'No'-I'm not going to finish this con- ference as low man." Pauley had statistics to show that the U .S. had borne 60 per cent of the war's cost, and he wanted a dollar value placed on all war booty and restitution already taken by the Russians and the French. This argument, in the end, was dropped. Russia, in effect, will get approximately $4,- 000,000,000 worth of capital equipment removed from Germany, which will give her roughly one- half of such reparations. Forced Labor Ignored NEITHER AT MOSCOW nor Potsdam was a decision reached on Russia's demand that Germany deliver part of her annual production for ten years. Nothing was said about the deli- cate qtestion of forced labor to repair devastated areas. Nor was a decision reached as to what the French, the English and the Americans will actually get in the way of reparations. Presum- ably these will be on the agenda of the Council of Foreign Ministers at its meeting next month. Ambassador Pauley is making a tour of the European capitals to explain the reparations agreements, and his assistant on reparations, Dr. Isadore Lubin, will return soon. When Pauley gets back, President Truman, who was impressed with his work at Potsdam, will prob- bably appoint the reparations ambassador to the post of Federal Loan Administrator. Lond o Conference THE WAY is now clear for staging an economic conference of United Nations members, prob- ably in London, the first two weeks of October. This conference stems directly from the in- creased stature of . the. Economic and Social Council of the United Nations organization, agreed upon at San Francisco, and the determin- ation to proceed in advance of ratification of the charter to discuss troublesome economic matters together. Will Clayton, while ostensibly in London for the UNRRA conference, quietly arranged the economic conference, which wil discuss remov- al of trade barriers, trade policies, cartels and commodity agreements. The latter, which in- clude international agreements on sugar, tin, rubber, etc., are of extraordinary importance, because, in the past, such undertakings by gov- ernments really amounted to official cartels. The American representatives will press to make these "conversion agreements," seeking to bring about gradual shifts in excess production ca- pacity to scarcer commodities - an entirely new approach. The way was cleared for such con- version agreements to supplant inter-govern- ment cartels at Chapultepec last spring, and the principle has been accepted by Latin-Amer- ican countries. The new Attlee government in England is expected to join with the American hemisphere group. Will Clayton is determined to avoid clashes such as those between Raymond Moley and Cor- dell Hull which destroyed the London Economic Conference in 1933. Clayton's emergence to power in foreign policy will be fortified by the reorganization of the State Department, which in the past had emphasized political decisions by foreign service officers. In reality, there will be two under secretaries of state - one political and one economic. The old system of "desks" for each foreign country will disappear, and a functional system will replace it. Under the new plan, the new economic under secretary will determine policy on cartels, trade bar- riers, reciprocal trade agreements and other economic matters, which policies will be bind- ing on the diplomats. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CRYSTAL GAZING: False Prophets A FEW YEARS AGO a couple of prominent gents on the U. S. front gazed into their crystal balls, and came out with some mighty startling predictions of things to come. PM lists a few of these pearly words of wisdom in a recent issue . . "... If somebody could show me how we could win this war by getting into it; but I have not yet been able to find a single man in the Army or Navy who says we could win." -Sen. Burton K. Wheeler, Nov. 5, 1941. . rBut what is the good of talking about 50,000 planes unless we know what we are talk- ing about?" -Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, May 27, 1940. "This war is lost . . . It is not within our power today to win the war for England, even though we throw the entire resources of our nation into the conflict." -Charles A. Lind- bergh, April 17, 1941. "Nothing that Britain can do now can pull the chestnuts out of the fire. It matters nothing to America which group controls Europe, be it England or Germany." -Ex-Gov. Philip F. La- Follette, June 6, 1941. "In my judgment, Hitler will be in control of Russia in 30 days." -Martin Dies, June 24, 1941. "Win or lose the war, the Stalin regime is fairly certain to go. It is doubtful if the Com- munist regime can withstand the shock of such a war." -Karl H. von Wiegand, Hearst correspondent, June 23, 1941. "We lack the guns, tanks, planes, ammuni- tion, without which an army can be slaughtered like sheep. We have not the ships to transport a mass army." -Charles E. Coughlin, Jan. 5, 1942. "There is no righteousness in either cause. Both are motivated by the same evil impulse, which is greed. If we can keep both sides fighting long enough, until they cannot fight any more, then maybe the little people will open their eyes." -Henry Ford, Feb. 16, 1941. "I speak tonight because I believe that the American people are about to commit suicide. We are not planning to. We have no plan. We are drifting into suicide." -Dr. Robert M. Hut- chins. Jan. 23, 1941. And to these men we now say, "Are you glad you were wrong?" -Anita Franz To the Editor: NOTED THIS morning that Mr. Haight's agents (as well as the "critic" himself) are wrong again. I am an individual, not a group. I am sure that I am not the first letter writer to borrow a phrase from a Ph. D. But the conveyor is unimportant, the facts still stand. Mr. Haight may attack me all he likes, but he$cannot cover up the obvious errors he has made. He cannot camouflage his obvious lack 'of knowledge of the ABC of theatre. He may bask in his vain glory as much as he finds time to do so; for the glory exists only in his own mind. -Philip Richards DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ANOTHIER false flash went out over the wires last week to newspapers and radio stations. Again premature jubilation took hold of a war-weary populace. Again questioning eye- brows have been raised. Apparently, the erron~ous United Press report of Japan's surrender was the work of a prankster or a scoundrel. Perhaps he will be nab- bed. If and when he is, he should be properly punished. Dissemina- tion of false news of momentous import can have serious consequen- ces. Willful dissemination of it is a crime. But solution of the present mys- tery will not solve the problems that are re-emphasized by this latest incident. The first questions asked, in and out of the newspaper business, when such incidents occur are: "Why is the 'beat' valued so high- ly? Why are newsmen willing to risk boldly the transmission of false news for the sake of gaining a purposeless minute?" There are answers. First, the flash came into being for a purpose that it still serves admir- ably. It alerts editors and gives them precious minutes in which to make provision for an important story. Second, the fact that a very few news flashes have proved inaccurate is no ground on which to outlaw them. U. P. has announced it is work- ing on a method of locking teletype machines to prevent such unauthor- ized tampering as occurred last week. That's one step in the right direc- tion. Further measures can be taken, especially now that the lightning speed of radio has complicated the difficulty. Perhaps instructions, official or unofficial, should be giv- en to editors and announcers in the radio news rooms, not to broadcast flashes. A wait of a minute or two for the follow-up bulletin can- not be nearly so costly as the trans- mission .of false news. As the events of Sunday night prov- ed, an erroneous flash can do 'little harm so far as the newspapers are 'concerned. The correction within ton minutes came quickly enough to stop the fastest editorial staff in the land. It was not speedy enough to stop the radio announcements which touched off frenzied celebrations in many cities here and abroad. Radio's great speed has its un- doubted virtues, but that same speed should impose both on it and on all news sources a watchful guard. -Editor & Publisher, Aug. 18, 1945 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all me - bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Sumier Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:39 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays).1 CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL1 BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 34S Notices, The University of Michigan Polo- nia Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, August 21st at the Interna- tional Center, at 7:30 EWT. Plans for a picnic will be discussed at that time. Aunt Ruth Buchanan still wants Daily's for the men in service even though the war is over. Please send them to Aunt Ruth, Museum Build- ing, Campus. Student Football Tickets to the Great Lakes, Indiana and Northwest- ern Football Gaines: Civilian students enrolled in the 1945 Summer Term who are entitled to student admis- sion to the first three University of Michigan home football games, should exchange their Physical Education coupon (ticket No. 7) for their foot- ball tickets at the Athletic Office' Ferry Field, between 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. on the following days:' Senior and graduate students- Monday, August 27th. Junior Students-Tuesday, August 28th. Sophomore Students-Wednesday, August 29th. Freshman Students - Thursday, August 30th. Class preference will be obtainable only on the date indicated. Students desiring their 'tickets in one block should present their Physical Educa- tion coupons together. One student may present all of the coupons for such a block of student tickets. Where students of different classes desire adjacent seats, the preference of the lowest class will prevail. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Regular meeting Wed- nesday, August 22. Movies on the use of the milling machine in a ma- chine shop and a tool room. 7:30 EWT. Michigan Union. Detroit Civil Service announcement for Farm Supervisor (Dairy & Live- stock), $2,348 to $2,553, has been re- ceived in our office. For further in- formation regarding examination,. stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Examination Schedule. For the schools and colleges on the eight- week basis. Hour of Time of Recitation Examination 8 Thursday 8-10 9 Friday 8-10 10 Thursday 2- 4 11 Friday 2- 4 1 Thursday 4- 6 2 Thursday 10-12 3 Friday 10-12 All other hours Friday 4- 6 Any deviation from the above sche- dule may be made only by mutual agreement between student and in- structor, and with the approval of the Examination Schedule Commit- tee. After the Summer Session, the Gen- eral Library will be open -daily the usual hours, 7 a. m. to 9 p. m., CWT, except that it will close at 5 p. m. CWT, on Saturdays, beginning Aug- ust 25. There will be no service on Sundays until November. Most of the divisional libraries will be closed or will operate on a short- ened schedule. Hours will be posted k on the doors. a --- s Jordan Hall will hold an Open . House from 6:00 to 10:00 p. m. on h Friday night, August 24. Entertain- V ment will be highlighted by a cam- pus favorite. Everybody is cordially t invited. t c t Academic Notices t Attention August and October Y Graduates: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, School of Educa- tion, School of Music, School of Pub-c lic Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Aug- E ust, or October. When such grades C are absolutely imperative, the workc must be made up in time to allow f your instructor to report the make- g up grade not later than noon, Aug- r ust 31, for the Summer Session, and noon, October 26, for the Summer e Term. Grades received after that time may defer the student's gradua- tion until a later date.c F Recommendations for Department-' al Honors: Teaching departments 1 wishing to recommend tentative Aug- ust graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for de- partmental honors should send such t names to the Registrar's office, Room i 4, University Hall, by noon August 31. Recommendations for tentative October candidates should be in the Registrar's Office by noon October, 26. f Notice to Students in the Summer Session Regarding Library Books: The names of all students whor have not cleared their recordsc at the Library by Friday, August 24, will be sent to the Recorder's Office. The credits of these students will be held up until their records are clear- ed, in compliance with regulations established by the Regents. Linguistic Institute Lecture. "From Morpheme to Utterance." Prof. Zellig S. Harris, of the University of Penn--r sylvania. Wednesday, August 22, 6:30 p. m. CWT (7:30' p. m. EWT), Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Students, College of Engineering:] The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, Aug- ust 25. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session Students wishing a trans- cript of this summer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Ar- bor. Failure to file this request be- fore the end of the session will re- sult in a needless delay of several days. Physical Education-Women Stu- dents: Registration for the second eight weeks of activities will be held on Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24, 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 4:30 in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Saturday, August 25. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- ports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at midse- mester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid- semester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Doctoral Examination for Leo Lem- e, Education; thesis: "Improvement n Playing the Violin Through In- truction in Phrasing," Wednesday, August 22, East Council Room, Rack- iam, at 2:00 p. m. EWT. Chairman, W.7 C. Trow., By action of the Executive Board he Chairman may invite members of he faculties and advanced doctoral andidates to attend this examina- ion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Faculty of College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: College of Architecture and Design: School of Education: School of Forestry and Conservation: School of Music: and School of Public Health: Class lists for use "in reporting summer session grades of undergraduate students en- oiled in these units, and also grad- uate students in the Schools of For- estry and Conservation, Music, and Public Health, were mailed Monday, August 20. Any one failing to re- ceive their lists should notify the Registrar's Office, Miss Cuthbert, Phone 308, and duplicates will be prepared for them. Faculty, College ofnEngineering: There will be a meeting of the fac- ulty on Friday, August 24, at 4:15 p. m., in Room 348, West Engineer- ng Building. Concerts Student Recital: Elaine Ashbey Rathbun, pianist, will present a re- cital Wednesday, August 22. 1945, 7:30 p. m. (CWT) in the Rackham Assembly. A pupil of Joseph Brink- nan, Miss Rathbun will be heard in ompositions by Bach, Beethoven, Sandro Fuga and Schubert. The general public is invited. Choral Union Concerts: Concerts will be given in the-Sixty-seventh an- nual Choral Union Series next season as follows: PAUL ROBESON, Baritone. Sat- urday, Nov. 3. CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, Erich Leinsdorf, Conductor. Sunday, Nov. 11. ALEXANDER UNINSKY, Pianist. Monday, Nov. 19. JENNIE TOUREL, Contralto. Tues- day, Nov. 27. 'DON COSSACK CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 3. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRA, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 10. JASCHA HEIFTZ, Violinist. Fri- day, Jan. 18. CHICAGO SYMPHOUY ORCHES- TRA, Desire Defauw, Conductor. Thursday, Jan. 31. ARTUR SCINABEL, Pianist, Wed- nesday, Feb. 13. DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRA, Karl Krueger, Conductor. Mon- day, March 11. Orders for season tickets, accom- panied by remittance to cover, will be accepted, and filed in seuences; and selections made accordingly. Ticket prices are as follows: $15.60 (Block A, Patron Tickets). Three center sections on main floor and in first balcony. " $13.20 (Block B). Side sections on both main floor and in first balcony. $10.80 (Block C). First sixteen rows in the top balcony $8.40 (Block C). Last six rows in the top balcony. Remittances should be made pay- able to University Musical Society, and mailed to Charles A. Sink, Presi- dent, Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor. Exhibitions Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical. Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war Museums Building, rotunda. Some fnnr Ads theAmerian Tndian. BARNABY T he rain stopped and they're all out on the terrace now. Go join them, Mr. O'Malley. I waited an hour out there. Wherever 1 blt kfor them , 3 v~r r. ew - . - a cOKE- - I've often argued with Barnaby about JOHNSO7 that silly Pixey he claims really exists. How cute. I ask him, if this pink-winged creature is around the house all the time, why is itll never happened to meet him? By Crockett Johnson if, and sometimes I doubt it, your parents actually do exist, I cannot but conclude they're avoiding me! Coincidence can go only so far ... If I'm wrong, they can contact me re.A r.t r I-nmlat.vin m'hf