PAGE TWO TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1915 PAGE TWO SATURBAY, AUGUST IS, 1945 Fi ftBiYaty, Fifty-Fifth Year ' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: 'The Tumult and the Shouting... THREE CHEERS FOR THE NAVY: Lands Elimination of Jim Crow Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland Managing Editor , . . . Associate Editor S . . . Associate Editor * . * Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPNTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERTtYNG OY National Advertising Service, Inc. ollege Publishers Rpresntative 420 MAISON AVE 1 NEW YORK. N. Y. CICAEO - OSToN Los AGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MYRA SACKS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Full Employrent PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S emphasis on the need. for full employment is commendable, but the question is -- Will he be able to bring about this full employment with the forces of the press, bankers, manufacturers, native fascist groups and members of Cpngress pulling in the opposite direction? A vast propaganda campaign is under way to sabotage the Murray-Wagner-Patman Full Employment Bill which will come before Con- gress when it convenes in a few weeks. If these strong forces have their way, and they wield a great deal of influence, the objectives of Roose- velt andWallace will neverberrealized. The war has shown that there can beobs for all, yet there are those who claim that this will be impossible in peacetime. Newsweek. June 18, called the Full Employment Bill the "Fool" Employment Bill. National Association of Man- facturers' president, Robert Gaylord, when ad- dressing an AFL forum in April, 1944, termed jobs-for-all "a dream planner's paradise." In the New York Journal American of June 13, a cartoon appeared showing the American Eagle looking into a trap with the bait in the form of a bag of gold, called full employment. The trap itself was labeled, "Foreign dictatorship of America's internal affairs." Senators Vandenberg of Michigan and Con- nally of Texas fought a successful battle against the inclusion of full employment in the San Francisco Charter. Full employment is neither a dream plan nor a fool one. It is the natural goal toward which we must strive in order to prevent what many groups desire - a float of a few million un- employed. We must fight against these cam- paigns to prevent .obs-for-all and realize that if we do not have full employment we will have failed on the national scene while we succeed- ed internationally. -Lynne Sperber It's All Over T'S ALL OVER but the shooting, we might say of World War II. That it is difficult to get word of the end of the war to troops fighting on far-flung fronts we realize. But the delay in getting an envoy to MacArthur in Manila we cannot un- derstand. After four-and-a-half days of "watchful wait- ing" the United States finally received word that Japan had accepted surrender terms. This delay is a point against Japan. Enemy bombers took action over Okinawa just a few hours after the first surrender offer had been sent by Japan. This is a second point. It was almost 24 hours after the final sur- render note had been received that Hirohito is- sued his order to "cease fire." This is a third point. Today we learn that the envoy can't quite make it to Manila by the appointed time. And so we have a fourth point. And we wonder - we remember the atomic bomb and the Japanese boast that they had one, too. And we remember the Japanese prom- ise of a 100 years war "to free Asia from West- ern dominance." And we wonder what MacArthur has been do- ing in the Philippines. We've read few official communiques. We've only heard rumors that the liberal elements and the underground forces are being suppressed to make way for fascists By DREW PEARSON NOTES ON TWO ARMISTICES - "The tu- mult and the shouting dies, the captains and the kings depart. . ." Vivid memories of people rejoicing; happy people, delirious people ..telephone books and ticker tape.. horns, horns and more horns. . . the White House, stately, aloof, majestic, glowing with lights. . . the State Department dark. . . the coded mesages have all been sent. . . sailors kissing pretty girls, strange girls. , . immaculate, sprightly, spotless Jimmy Byrnes going into the State Department . . . surging humanity, surging over the side- walks, spilling over the sidewalks, dancing in the streets.. . soldiers singing: "When the war is over we will all enlist again-like heck we will." .. back on my desk a letter from an old class- mate, his boy lost in action. Philadelphia in 1918 - Dim memories of people milling around. .; the armistice came early in the morning giving us all day to mill ... people got a little tired of milling... Then there was the premature "Roy Howard" ar- mistice so people celebrated twice. It took the edge off things. . . The whistles began blowing while we were out drilling. People came up to tell us the war was over . . . seemed funny not to have anything more to drill for. Like the bottom had dropped out of things . . . the fellows who had been selected for officer's training school at Camp Lee, Va., were sore. It was a dirty trick, the war ending when it did . . . everybody else was happy. No more wars . . . the war to end wars. The war to save democracy." Lafayette Square, 1945 - Sailors kissing pretty girls . . . telephone books and ticker tape . . . stalled street cars . . . two American Legion vets in uniform. solemn vets, in beautiful blue and gold, brilliant uniform,mstanding in the stalled street car. . . "Remember 1918? . . Remember when you and I did this in Paris? We never thought we would have to do it again." "What d'ya think? Will we have to celebrate another armistice 20 years from now?" . . Solemn vets, older vets, in blue-gold, brilliant uniforms . . . Back on my desk, the letter from Barney, still waiting for his son, still waiting since last No- vember . . . missing in action near Moerdijk, Holland . . . how can.I answer him? What can I possibly write to him? If we could only make certain that this would end all wars, that would be at least some consolation to Barney - . . Can't seem to forget Alfred Noyes' words in the last war: "We who lie here have nothing left to pray. To all your praises we are deaf and blind. We may not even know if you betray our hopes to make earth better for mankind." Pennsylvania Avenue - Military police al- most crushed by the crowds . . . a sailor tak- ing down "No Parking" signs . . . a soldier wearing a WAVE's hat ... a War Department stenog singing: "I'm going back to Topeka, to sleepy, good old Topeka. I I-o-v-e Wash- ington, big, bad, wicked Washington, but the war's over and I'm going back home." . . . Jimmy Byrnes, immaculate, spotless, spright- ly, coming out of the State Department . - . Wonder if he knows the eyes of Barney's dead son are watching him . . . a million cas- ualties. A million pairs of eyes watching Jim- my Byrnes. Does he know they're watching him? When he goes to London for the meet- ing of foreign ministers, when he goes to Rio de Janeiro to sit with Latin American leaders, they will be watching him, praying for him, hoping for his success... John McCrae's words still ringing from the last war: "If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep . .." Telephone books and ticker tape . . . paper, paper, ankle deep . . . hectic crowds, hilarious crowds, happy crowds . . . military police forced to retreat behind White House gates . . . the dark and gloomy State Department . . . ma- jestic, stately White House. A radio blaring forth: "Hirohito broadcasts to people: 'We declared war on America and Britain out of our sincere desire to ensure Ja- pan's self-preservation and the stabilization of East Asia, it being far from our thought either to infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations or to embark upon territorial aggrandizement'." Sounds different from Hirohito's speech right after Pearl Harbor. But what a job for our military governors! What a job for our State Department! . . . How can we reach down to the very roots of the Jap- anese psychology? . . . There are some good people in Japan. Some of the more fearless spent the war in jail. They opposed the war lords ... Some followed the war lords into battle because that was their religion, their whole training. They knew no better. . . How can we change that? . . How can we undo that training? . . Will we spend the money? Will we pick the men? Alfred Noyes' words from the last war still ring- ing: "We have heard men say when we were living that some small dream of good would cost too much; but, when the foe struck we have watched you giving and seen you move the mountains with one touch." Sailors kissing pretty girls . . . millions of eyes - beseeching, imploring - reaching out to Jimmy Byrnes, immaculate, spotless Jimmy Byrnes, following him as he goes to London ... we have seen men move mountains in war, will he move mountains in peace? . . . A fine man, an able man, but he has only two .weeks before he goes to London, two weeks in which to get fresh life and blood into the dark and gloomy State Department . . . Will he leave behind the old gang who were fooled by Hiro- hito's soothing syrup before Pearl Harbor? . . will he be fascinated by the charming gentle- men who failed to see the significance of Fran- co? .. will he pump in fresh blood from men who fought the war, who won the war, who suffered In foxholes? . . will he get transfu- sions from those who understand the Sermon on the Mount? Sailors kissing pretty girls, strange girls . telephone books and ticker tape . . . the Sermon on the Mount! What would happen if we tried it in our foreign relations? Hitherto other na- tions have been only too glad to watch another nation try it out. But when we've tried it with Latin American nations it's usually worked. We've made them pretty good neighbors . . . And if we don't get along with each other in this day of atomic bombs, we're finished any- way, so we can afford to be revolutionary. We can afford to try what no one has ever really dared try since the days of Christ . . . if we fail now . . . if Jimmy Byrnes fails in London, in the State Department, in Japan . . . a million pairs of eyes are watching him. A million pairs of hands are stretched out to help him. . . "And while you deck our graves you shall not know how many scornful legions pass you by." . . . "When the foe struck we have watched you giv- ing and seen you move the mountains with one touch." . . "Short days ago, we lived, felt dawn and sunset glow." . . "What can be done we know. But have no fear! If you fail now, we shall not see nor hear." "The tumult and the shouting dies, the cap- tains and the kings depart . . ." A great war is won. A greater opportunity lies ahead. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) MEMORIAL: Community Need COMMUNITIESthe nation over are beginning the planning of living memorials to the sol- diers who have fought and will soon be returning and even more to those soldiers who won't be returning. Some comunities have extensive plans laid out, while other communities have given the matter little thought. Here in Ann Arbor a decision must be made soon as to what should be constructed and when. It would be very desirable for this project to be constructed as soon as possible, so that it could fit in with the general public works program to employ those people who will be temporarily un- employed because of the transition to peace- time production. The problem of selecting a memorial is indeed a difficult one, but to the students who have come to Ann Arbor from cities all over the coun- try, the lack of any swimming facilities is es- pecially evident. During recent weeks of humid weather, a. community outdoor swimming pool would have been the recreational center of Ann Arbor. The construction of such a pool would be a fitting tribute to those who have brought us vic- tory. It is a memorial that would be appreciated more each year, because of the need that it would satisfy. The wheels should be set in motion now to provide, such a memorial. -Arthur B. Gronik BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN (OLF IS SUCH A SIMPLE, homely little game; < its object is so obvious, and all that you need to succeed is a club and very little conscience. It l'eminds us of Ann Arbor. You can play on Saturday afternoons - we played Wednesday last. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the game we have defined a few of the terms used in golfing. opponent: one who can count your strokes as well as you can. two-some: your word is as good as his. four-some: you can never get a good score with three people watching you. caddie: your partner in crime. handicap: honest caddie. fairway: you have to be a professional to win this way. tee: where the fun begins. tee-hee: an appropriate remark when your opponent misses his shot. green: four misses, two kicks and one long throw from the tee. *, ,* We were playing in a four-some Wednesday, and we had a rather trying time. We were top- ping all our drives, and turning our ball over didn't seem to help. We played 36 holes, ROUGH- LY speaking. It took us 18 strokes for one hole alone: 17 ordinary ones, and one apoplectic. We don't specialize in any particular shot, but Scotch and soda is one of our favorites. Our partner, a dentist, only played 18 holes --he had filled 18 the day before. One of our opponents had a perfect 36. She was a model who came up to Ann Arbor for the day. Our other opponent went around in 81. We weren't even born in 1881. r HE NAVY'S program to eliminate racial discrimination is "so far ahead of the Army's that it's not even funny." So spoke Lester B. Granger, exec- utive secretary of the National Ur- ban League, after a tour of 12 Navy stations throughout the country. lie concluded that the policy was "honestly and intelligently admin- istered" and found "rather a lively and sincere interest in making the policy successful." The top offic- ers are "proud of what they have achieved." As for the reception in the ranks, Granger reported that the "squawk- ing" over the non-segregation policy was not serious. The men had the feeling "we're all in the Navy togeth- er" The reaction of one white sailor was typical of the Southerners: "I'd rather stay with my own people. But I hunk next to a Negro; he leaves me alone and I leave him alone, and so it's all right." Aside from this traditional preju- dice in the ranks, the policy has been successful along several lines. Two years ago, Negroes in the Navy were restricted to serving as stew- ards; now they may hold any posi- tion but that of aviation pilot and a combat post on submarines. Neither are Negroes in general service limited to one or two vessels but are being assigned to auxiliary craft up to 10 per cent of the ships' crew. Segre- gation has been eliminated in mess halls and in recreational facilities, but Negroes and whites still have separate barracks. Granger also pointed out that Negroes are now being trained as commissioned officers. Previously, they were barried from commis- sions, whatever their training or DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN experience. A Michigan graduate, Henry A. Martin Jr., was one of the first sworn in as an ensign. (See picture page 4). In contrast with this advanced Navy program is the Army policy. Negroes are grouped together in units -such as the all-Negro paratrooper company and the famed 92nd. In some camps the post exchange clerks refuse to sell anything to Negroes,' who are addressed as "niggers." One soldier brought up in the North and stationed in the South wrote to the New Republic: "We are all ready and willing to do our part to win the war, but at least we should get some kind of consideration." He asked this poignant question, "If we are kicked around now, dur- ing the war, what will happen after the war?" -Patricia Cameron Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University.Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (1030 a. m. Sat-I urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIALR BULLETIN SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1945 J VOL. LV, No. 32S Notices The University of Michigan Polo-' nia Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, August 21st at the Interna- tional Center, at 7:30 EWT. Plans for a picnic will be discussed at that time. The Michigan Christian Fellow- ship. "Missionary Opportunities in the Post-War Era." Lane Hall, Fire- side Room. Sunday, August 19, 1945, 4:30 p. m. EWT. Hymn sing at 4:00 p. m. the same day. Aunt Ruth Buchanan still wants Daily's for the men in service even though the war is over. Please send them to Aunt Ruth, Museum Build- ing, Campus. United States' Civil Service an- nouncements for Accounting and Auditing Assistant, $2,100 and $2,320, Recreational Aide, $2,320 and $2,6540, Physical Director, $2,980, Teacher (Academic Subjects), $2,320, and Commercial Aide, $2,320, have been received in our office. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Student Football Tickets to the Great Lakes, Indiana and Northwest- ern Football Games: Civilian students enrolled in the 1945 Summer Term who are entitled to student admis- sion to the first three University of Michigan home football games, should exchange their Physical Education coupon (ticket No. 7) for their foot- ball tickets at the Athletic Office Ferry Field, between 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. on the following days: Senior and graduate students- Monday, August 27th. Junior Students-Tuesday, August 28th. Sophomore Students-Wednesday, August 29th. Freshman Students - Thursday, August 30th. Class preference will be obtainable only on the date indicated. Students desiring their tickets in one block should present. their Physical Educa- tion coupons together. One student may present all of the coupons for such a block of student tickets. Where students of different classes desire adjacent seats, the preference of the lowest class will prevail. A cademic Notices Attention August and October Graduates: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, School of Educa- tion, School of Music, School of Pub- lic Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Aug- ust, or October. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make- up grade not later than noon, Aug- ust 31, for the Summer Session, and noon, October 26, for the Summer Term. Grades received after that time may defer the student's gradua- tion until a later date. Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Music, and Public Health: Tent- ative lists of seniors for September and October graduation have beent posted on the bulletin board in RoomI 4, University Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, itI is not correctly spelled, please notifyI the counter clerk. Recommendations for Department- al Honrors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative Aug- ust graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for de- partmental honors should send such names to the Registrar's office, Room 4, University Hall, by noon August 31. Recommendations for tentative Octobe candidates should be in the Registrar's Office by noon October 26. Notice to Students in the Summer Session Regarding Library Books: 1. Students enrolled in the eight weeks' Summer Session who have in their possession books drawn from the General Library and its branches are notified that such books are due Tuesday, August 21. 2. The names of all such students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Friday, August 24, will be sentato the Recorder's Office. The credits of these students will be held up until their records are clear- ed, in compliance with regulations established bythe Regents. Linguistic Institute. The question- and-answer program will be held Tu- esday, August 21, at 7 p. m. EWT in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Questions will be answered by a panel of members of the In- stitute faculty. Members of the In- stitute are requested to leave ques- tions on linguistic topics in Profes- sor Fries's box in the English depart- ment office, 3221 Angell Hall, any time before noon Tuesday. Geometry Seminar: Tuesday, 3:00 CWT (4:00 EWT) 3201 Angell Hall. K. Leisenring will discuss "Transfor- mations in Inversive Geometry." Students in Speech: The .final as- sembly of the Department of Speech, originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 15, will be held at 4 p. m. Monday in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. The program will include a dem- onstration debate 'and a citation of candidates who are to receive degrees at the end of the summer session or term. Symposium on Molecular Structure. Dr. Peter Smith will speak on "Car- bon Attached Groups of Ionic Char- acter" in Room 303 Chemistry Build- ing on Monday, August 20 at 3:15 p. m. (CWT), 4:15 p. m. (EWT). All interested are invited to attend. Physical Education-Women Stu- dents: Registration for the second eight weeks of activities will be held on Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24, 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 4:30 in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Saturday, August 25. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- ports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at midse- mester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid- semester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additinal cards may be had at 108 the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Concerts Student Recital: Elaine Ashbey Rathbun, pianist, will present a re- cital Wednesday, August 22, 1945, 7:30 p. m. (CWT) in the Rackham Assembly. A pupil of Joseph Brink- man, Miss Rathbun will be heard in compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Sandro Fuga and Schubert. The general public is invited. Choral Union Concerts: Concerts will be given in the Sixty-seventh an- nual Choral Union Series next season as follows: PAUL ROBESON, Baritone. Sat- urday, Nov. 3. CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, Erich Leinsdorf, Conductor. Sunday, Nov. 11. ALEXANDER UNINSKY, Pianist. Monday, Nov. 19. JENNIE TOUREL, Contralto. Tues- day, Nov. 27. DON COSSACK CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 3. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRA, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 10. JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist. Fri- day, Jan. 18. CHICAGO SYMPHOUY ORCHES- TRA, Desire Defauw, Conductor. Thursday, Jan. 31. ARTUR SCHNABEL, Pianist, Wed- nesday, Feb. 13. DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRA, Karl Krueger, Conductor. Mon- day, March 1 g. Orders for season tickets, accom- panied by remittance to cover, will be accepted, and filed in sequences; and selections made accordingly. Ticket prices are as follows: $15.60 (Block A, Patron Tickets). Three center sections on main floor and in first balcony. $13.20 (Block B). Side sections on both main floor and in first balcony. $10.80 (Block C). First sixteen rows in the top balcony $8.40 (Block C). Last six rows in the top balcony. Remittances should be made pay- able to University Musical Society, and mailed to Charles A. Sink, Presi- dent, Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor. The University Choir, George Oscar Bowen, Guest Conductor, will present a concert Sunday afternoon, August 19, 1945, 3:15 p. m. CWT, in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League. Miss Helen Briggs will be guest pianist 'on the program. The Choir will be heard in compositions by Bach, Gretchaninoff, Robertson, Palestrina and Steffe-Ringwald. The general public is invited. Student Recital Series: A string quartet class will be presented Tues- day, August 21, 1945, 7:30 p. m. CWT, in the Rackham Assembly. The class will be under the direction of Louise Rood, violist, and Robert Swenson, cellist. Heard on the pro- gram will be compositions by Haydn, Brahms and Beethoven. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Hubert Fitch, pia- nist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Music, Sunday, August 19, 1945, 7:30 p. m. (CWT), in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High School. Mr. Fitch's pro- gram will include compositions by Schubert, Bach, Sowerby and Al- mand. He is a pupil of Joseph Brink- man. The. public is cordially invited. 'rA>iih4itnQe BARNABY By Crockett Johnson ~ On account of the rain everybody's in the You should have gone in, too. Instead of rI n ;n:.. fc t.. i n f :. a fhin...,m fnr _m You'd better hurry down. They're 1 ;..r. fn ,rve th ii ,r4I f flo -- I