FOUR T-HE MICHIGAN D AILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1945 74r Airtytauh Year i Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Background Facts on Hirohito DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I . rgs N O( Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lishedevery day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff By DREW PEARSON W7ASHINGTON-Whether we like it or not, the American people are going to hear a lot more about the Emperor of Japan. In fact, during the next several years that we govern Japan we ought to make it our job to know almost as much about Tokyo's governmental system as we know about our own-if we are to build a Japanese democracy which we won't have to fight again. This writer happens to oppose the views of certain Emperor-appeasers in the U. S. State Department. Nevertheless, it is only fair to ex- amine the facts on their side carefully. About 20 years ago, when Hirohito was only Prince Regent, this cblumnist made several trips to Japan, got acquainted with one of Hirohito's intimate aides, and heard many complimentary things about the young man who was to become "the Son of Heaven." Actually, the recent history of the Japanese Emperor is closely interwoven with the history of American troops in Japan. We helped give the Emperor a new start in life when Commo- dore Perry irst opened the .oors of Japan in 1852, and if it had not been for the land- ing of Perry, there might be no royal family of any potency in Japan today. Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth . Bill Mullendore Managing Editor * . . Associate Editor * . . . Associate E~itor Sports Editor Business Staff Dick Strickland- Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or ,t04rwise credited inthis newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $525. REPRESETED FOR NATIO.AL ADVERTSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. aloJ4se Pb/ishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. A -MEW YORK N. Y.. CHICAOO- BOSON - LOS ARLE'S - FANFRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. - - - - - - -- Vie ts IICTORY IS OURS! This is a time of thanksgiving for both the victors and the vanquished. The world, at war for more than 10 years, is again at peace. The horror and the brutality that accompany war has ceased. The anxiety for our loved ones becomes a thing of the past. Those who still live will return to us. We, the children of the long years. of war and the Great Depression, now face the task of building peace and prosperity for the world. We mnust face this task in the same spirit in which we have faced the war- determined that we mst not and cannot fail. Lincoln in 1865 called on this nation "to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." We failed in 1865 to bring to being that hope. Again in 1918 we failed. Now in 1945, if we fail, we destroy ourselves. We have learned many lessons from this war and not the least important is the lesson that "War is hell." It is hell because it entails killing and suffering, because it forces rational man to act as a beast. In years past men talked of the fruits of victory.' Today we know that noth- ing good is won in war. The fruits of war' are the thousands of young lives lost, the thousands of young bodies maim- ed and the thousands of young minds warped. We,. the youth of the world, who have borne the brunt of the war, now rf'eIrt the respionsibiiity of keeping the peace. Our elders have proved themselves inadequate to the job- so concerned were they with keep- ing peace in their time that they fail- ed to prevent war in our time. The youth of the world will now be- come pacifist. And rightly so. But in our quest for peace we cannot close our eyes, wish for it and dismiss the possi- bility that others may endanger that peace. We must be militant pacifists, alert to the dangers of aggression, wary of those who threaten world unity. As United Nations, as united peoples, bound together by our common search for freedom and security, we will find peace, not only in our time, but for all time. -The Senior Editors - t9 Now, 93 years again landing in ate through the him a new lease later, American troops, once Japan, are scheduled to oper- Emperor-perhaps also giving on life. It was not an atomic bomb, but an invention almost as revolutionary, the steamship, which opened up Japan to U. S. troops the first time. When Commodore Perry and the U.S.S. Missis- sippi, first steam-propelled man o' war to cir- cumnavigate the globe, arrived off Japanese waters, the government of Japan was split be- tween Emperor Osahito, then the weakest of weak figureheads, and the Shogun, or premier, then the real ruler of Japan. Perry, knowing who the real ruler was, signed a treaty with the Shogun, not the Emperor, whereby the hated foreigners were permitted to come ashore and enjoy commercial privileges. This started a wave of resentment against the Shogunate. The merchant princes and feudal leaders, already down on the Shogun because of high taxes, rallied round the Emperor as he led a verbal attack against Perry. A virtual prisoner in Kyoto, the aged Emperor broke forth in verse: "Perish my body 'neath the cold clear wove of some dark well, But let no foreign foot Pollute the water with its presence here." And with a child's misconception of the tre- mendous power of Perry's "big, black fire- ships," the Emperor issued an order that no foreigner could set foot on Japanese soil wearing hats or any article of "barbaric" clothing. This was the cue for the feudal lords to build up the Emperor at the expense of the Sho- gun, and a few years after the Shogun signed his treaty with Commodore Perry, the war lords assassinated him. Tokyo at that time was so crowded with "Jo-I" or "Alien-haters" that no insurance companies would take the risk of underwriting policies on the lives of Americans in Japan. This wave of alien-hating, plus the strategy of the feudal barons in strengthening a rival to the unpopular Shogunate, took the Japanese royal family out of virtual imprisonment and started them on the road to their present power- ful hold on the Japanese people. . Much of this build-up was synthetic. It would have made even Ivy Lee, publicity genius who sold the American public on John D. Rockefeller, green with envy. Hirohito's Grandfather .. . IT WAS under the Emperor Heiji, grandfather of Hirohito, that the royal family enjoyed its most important reign, Meiji came into power 16 years after the arrival of Commodore Perry, and put an end to alien-hating. By so doing, he consolidated his own power to handle Japa- nese foreign relations. It happened that some foreigners had failed to fall on their knees when the Daimio of Bizen passed on the streets of Kobe, and the Daimo's troops, armed with new American rifles, fired on the disrespectful barbarians. The foreign governments involved demanded an apology, not from the Daimo of Bizen, but from the Em- peror of Japan. He promptly gave it, and simultaneously gave notice that control of for- eign affairs henceforth was centralized in the person of the Emperor, not in the Diamios. Prior to this, the Emperor of Japan had been kicked around more than almost any crowned head of Europe. They were jailed and assassi- nated at the pleasure of the Shoguns and war lords. They had been exiled, had to flee for their lives, and one of them lay unburied for sev- eral weeks while his son took up a collection to pay the funeral expenses. But it remained for the Americans who pried open Japan's door, plus smart public relations on the part of a group of powerful merchant princes and miiltary men, to make the Emperor of Japan what he is today. The latter worked harder on Hirohito than on any man who ever assumed the throne. Born just 44 years ago, of a father who was mertally unbalanced, Hirohito practically suc- ceeded his grandfather, Meiji, to the throne. Emperor's Education... A GROUP of Japan's wisest elder statesmen, including the president of the war college, president of the imperial university and a high admiral from the naval staff, sat as a special "Council for the Education of the Crown Prince." Head of the council was Admiral Togo, hero of the Russo-Japanese war; who devoted most of his time to training the Emperor-to-be. Hirohito was allowed to study not only the Japanese and Chinese clasiscs,. but history, biology, physics, chemistry, economics, political science and French-subjects which a few years before were considered revolutionary. Instead of being carried from room to room by nurses with strips of paper over their mouths lest their breath soil his imperial person, as was the case with his grandfather, Hirohito was per- mitted to mingle with other children of the nobility at the peers' school. Later he was trained by private tutors. Old Admiral Togo was chiefly responsible for Hirohito's spartan schedule. He arose at 6 a. m. to go through the rigamarole of paying his respects to the tomb of his ancestors, first praying to the god-ancestors before the great shrine of Ise, then bowing in the direction of his grandfather's tomb at Kyoto, then toward the tomb of his father. Such Oriental customs were mixed with such revolutionary Western exercise as horseback rid- ing and tennis, and finally the council of edu- cation permitted their charge to read newspap- ers. At first the papers were carefully scruti.r nized and clipped, though later, when Hirohito became Emperor, he insisted on reading un- censored papers. None of this seems very extraordinary to Westerners. But, in contrast, Hirohito's grandfather never rode horseback without being assisted to his seat by four attendants. He was supposed to make no movement on his own. Even a cup of tea was raised to his lips, while the court physician felt his pulse through a piece of silk. Hirohito, therefore, was given the most revo- lutionary Western education of any Emperor of Japan. Whether it made him any more lib- eral or democratic is a question which will be discussed in a future column. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) HARVARD REFORM: Ability vs. Wisdom STAID HARVARD apparently is getting ready to follow yeasty Chicago in the field of edu- cational reform. Two years ago, President Con- ant asked a group of his finest faculty members to find out just what was wrong with the college program. Their report has now been made, and to those familiar with what Chancellor Hut- chins has been doing at Chicago for years, it has a very familiar ring. Perhaps Harvard will not wade as far into the stream of change as did Chicago, but if the authors of the report have their way, it will get wet well above the knees. And that, we believe, will be all to the good-especially because of the effect it will have on other American colleges and also on our secondary schools. The first casualty apparently will be the elective system for undergraduates which the late Charles Eliot introduced into- Cambridge from Germany in 1869. Under it, the old, pre scribed course of education was largely aban- doned and the student was given his choice of a wide assortment of subjects. This latitude of choice was supposed to enocurage self-reliance, and enable a student to make greater progress by substituting interest for compulsion. While the system had its advantages in Eu- rope, it worked non too well over here. Our college students almost inevitably missed the solid-foundations of a genuine education. They took "practical" courses. Vocational education in some places began to crowd out the solid, time-tested elements of liberal learning. Courses in dude ranching, tourist information and sub- jects even less academic (if possible) were in- troduced. At Harvard, things did not get that bad, but the elective system led not only to premature specialization but also to barren scat- tering and smattering. Unfortunately, the sys- tem was copied by high schools as well as col- leges. At Chicago something was done about a decade ago. There was a return to the fundamentals of education for good citizenship. Finally, students were admitted to the college earlier so that they might there get the training which the second- ary schools were failing to impart. Harvard apparently is unwilling to take the latter step, feeling that it can raise high school standards by rigorous entrance requirements. Otherwise, the proposed reforms smack mightily of "the Chicago Plan." There is even talk about the "great texts," if not the "great books." Dozens of other schools are moving toward similar reforms. After all, the 'ultimate test is very simple. The question is whether it is more important to teach our youth how to do things-something which can always be learned easily enough-or whether they should be taught to know what to do and why. The difference is that between ability and wisdom. -St. Louis Star Times Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- hers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 30S Notices A Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication sponsored by the Congre- gational-Disciples Guild will be held at the First Congregational Church, State and Williams at 8:00 p. m. (EWT) on the day of the official announcement of the end of war, pro- viding the announcement comes be- fore 6:00 p. m. If the announcement comes after 6:00 p. in. the service will be held at 8:00 p. in. the following day. The program planned will in- clude music, short readings and time for meditation. Welcome is extended to all persons. French Club: The last meeting of the Summer Session French Club will be held Thursday, August 16 at 8 p. in. (EWT), 7 p. in. (CWT) at the Michigan League. Professor Charles E. Koella, o fthe Romance Language Department, will give an informal talk entitled "Souvenirs d'Algerie." Group singing and social hour. Come all. The University of Michigan Polo- nia Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, August 21st at the Interna- tional Center, at 7:30 EWT. Plans wi-HJ I.passnosp aq 111M2 luld P oJ time. La Sociedad Hispanica is present- ing a lecture on Argentinian Art by Prof. Julio Payro, visiting prof. at the Fine Arts Department from Argen- tina. The lecture will be given in Spanish Wednesday, August 15th at 8 o'clock (EWT) in Room D Fine Arts Department. (Alumni Memorial Hall). Everybody is invited. Unitarian Victory Service: Confu- sion is likely to accompany the an- nouncement of the victory over Japan, and it is hard to make very definite plans. We shall have at the church a Vic- tory Service. It will be at 8:00 p. in. on the day of announcement if the announcement occurs before 6:00 p. in. If after 6:00 p. m. then the service will be on the following eve- ning. Should it occur after 6:00 p. m. on Saturday, then we will hold our ser- vice at 11:00 a. in. Sunday morning, even though regular services do not recommence until Sept. 9th. The First Unitarian Church, Edward H. Redman, Minister. State of Connecticut Civil Service announcement for Probation Officer, $2,100 to $3,000 per annum, has been C7/ 0 Veterans ,. To the Editor: RECENT discussions of the Veter- ans' Organization of the Univer- sity of Michigan warrants a state- ment of objectives and purposes as a campus organization: (1) To clarify, by investigation, the meaning of the laws ap- plying to veterans. (2) To assist veterans in solving financial, social and educa- tional problems. (3) To gain close cooperation with the Veterans Admini- stration in administering benefits. (4) To gain close cooperation with the University in han- dling and preventing veter- an problems. (5) To inform veterans of rights and responsibilities. (6) To provide veteran social af- fairs. (7) To coordinate veteran activ- ity with other campus ac- tivities. (8) To represent the veterans of the University. (9) To assist veterans in hous- ing and subsistance prob- - lems. (10) To further international cooperation on the student and intellectual level. -Robert E. Andrews, President, VO received in our office. For further information call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Michigan State Civil Service an-. nouncements for Library Executive II, $230 to $270 per month, has been received in our office. For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Detroit Civil Service announce- ments for the following examina- tions have been received in our office: Zoological Instructor, $2,553 to $2,691 per year, Social Case Worker, $2,100 to $2,460 per year, Student Social Worker, $1,734 to $1,920 per year, As- sistant Dietitian, $1,998 to $2,130, Dietitian, $2,262 to $2,670, and Public Housing Aid, $2,150 to $2,553. For further information regarding these openings, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Russian tea at the International Center on Thursday, 4:00 to 5:30 p. m. (EWT). Lectures' Lecture. "Knowledge and Skill in the Field of English That May Be Expected of the Student Entering College." Clarence D. Thorpe, Pro- fessor of English and of the Teaching of English. Thursday, 2:05 p. m.' CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT. University High School Auditorium. Professor Julio Payro, visiting pro-f fessor from Argentina will speak on Argentinia Art, with slides, 8:00 pm. EWT, August 15, Alumni Memorial Hall,. Lecture. "Recent Developments in Music Education." David Mattern, Professor of Music Education Wed- nesday 2:05 p. m. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT University High-School Audit-c orium. Academic Notices Linguistic Institute Lecture-dem- onstration. "The Music of Speech." Dr. Kenneth L. Pike, lecturer in pho- netics in the Institute and professor of phonetics at the Summer Insti- tute of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma. Wednesday, August 15, 6:30 p. m. CWT (7:30 p.m. EWT), Rackham Amphitheatre. Students of speech, drama, music, and the lang- uages are invited to attend. Attention August and October Graduates: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, School of Educa- tion, School of Music, School of Pub- lic Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Aug- ust, or October. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make- up grade not later than noon, Aug- ust 31, for the Summer Session, and noon, October 26, for the Summer Term. Grades received after that time may defer the student's gradua- tion until a later date. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Each stu- dent who has changed his address since June registration should file a change of address in Room 4, U. H., so that the report of this summer work will not be misdirected. Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Music, and Public Health: Tent- ative lists of seniors for September and October graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4, University Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Recommendations for Department- al Honors: Teaching departments+ wishing to recommend tentative Aug- ust graduates from the Colelge of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for de- partmental honors should send such names to the Registrar's office, Room 4, University Hall, by noon August 31. Recommendations for tentative October candidates should be in the Registrar's Office by noon October 26. The final clinic of the season at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp will be held Friday, August 17, 8:00 (EWT) at the Main Lodge. Selma Horowitz, of Detroit, will be the consultant. The clinic will be devoted to a study of cabin adjust- ment and the implications for group therapy in a camp situation. The camp is on Patterson Lake, near Pickney. Students interested in Mental Hygiene and the problems of adjustment are welcome to attend. The Mathematics Club will meet Friday, August 17, at 4:15 p. m. (EWT) in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. D. K. Kazarinoff will speak on "Sphero- Conics." Linguistic Institute luncheon con-3 a panel of the faculty of the Insti- tute at the meeting Thursday, August 16, 6 p. in. CWT (7 p. in. EWT), in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Ques- tions may be left in Prof. C. C. Pries's box in the English department office, 3221 Angell Hall. All Manuscripts to be submitted In the Summer Hopwood contest should be in the Hopwood Room by 4:30 p. in. EWT; 3:30 CWT this Friday afternoon, August 17. Concerts Chamber Music Concert: The last in a series of Chamber Music Con- certs will be presented Thursday eve- ning, August 16, at 7:30 p. in. (CWT), in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High School. In keeping with previous concerts of the season, the program will include compositions by Mozart and Brahms played by Gil- bert Ross and Marian Struble Free- man, violinists, Louise Rood and Eli- zabeth Green, violinists, Robert Swen- son and Hanns Pick, cellists and Jo- seph Brinkman, pianist. The public is cordially invited. Choral Union Concerts: Concerts will be given in the Sixty-seventh an- nual Choral Union Series next season as follows: PAUL ROBESON, Baritone. Sat- urday, Nov. 3. CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, Erich Leinsdorf, Conductor. Sunday, Nov. 11. ALEXANDER UNINSKY, Pianist. Monday, Nov. 19. JENNIE TOUREL, Contralto. Tues- day, Nov. 27. DON COSSACK CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 3. BOSTON SYSPHONY ORCHES- TRA, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 10. JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist. Fri- day, Jan. 18. CHICAGO SYMPHOUY ORCHES- TRA, Desire Defauw, Conductor. Thursday, Jan. 31. ARTUR SCHNABEL, Pianist, Wed- nesday, Feb. 13. DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRA, Karl Krueger, Conductor. Mon- day, March 11. Orders for season tickets, accom- panied by remittance to cover, will be accepted, and filed in sequences; and selections made accordingly. Ticket prices are as follows: $15.60 (Block A, Patron Tickets). Three center sections on main floor and in first balcony. $13.20 (Block B). Side sections on both main floor and in first balcony. $10.80 (Block C). First sixteen rows in the top balcony $8.40 (Block C). Last six rows in the top balcony. Remittances should be made pay- able to University Musical Society, and mailed to Charles A. Sink, Presi- dent, Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor. Exhibitions Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Jerry .(1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotunda. Some foods of the American Indian. General Library, main corridor cases: History of the efforts toward world peace. Events Today The regular classical record concert of the All Nations Clu will be held Wednesday, August 15, at 8 p. m. The program will consist of Brahms Symphony No. 2 and Mendelssohn's Concerto for Violin. Anyone inter- ested is cordially invited to attend. La Sociedad Hispanica is having a coke-bar for practicing Spanish Wedgy nesday at 4 o'clock at the Interna- tional Center. Everybody interested is invited. Operetta. "Naughty Marietta," by Victor Herbert and Rita Johnson Young. School of Music and Michigan Repertory Players, Department of Speech. August 15-18 and August 20. Students in Speech: The final speech assembly will be held at 4 p. m. (EWT) Wednesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The pro- gram will be a demonstration debate. Attendance is required of all Speech concentrates, teaching majors and minors in Speech, and all graduate students working toward advanced degrees in Speech. French Tea today at 4 p. m. EWT, (3 p. m. CWT) in the Grill Room of the Michigan League. Coming Events The regular Thursday tea will be held at the International Center on August 16 from 4 to 5:30. Honored guests will be Professor George C. Wheeler, of the University of North Dakota; Mr. F. L. D. Goodrich, Col- BARNABY Let's not fly in the face of science, Barnaby. It won't rain. The paper says "Fair." Besides, , your Fairy Godfather can doubly insure clement Get the table inside,- John! It's pouring- I'l help. By Crockett Johnson ' JONSON There. That should clear it up nicely. Tell all the.