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July 04, 1945 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-04

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First Ford Car
Rolls Off Line;
One of 39,910
Marks V-8's Return
To Peace Production
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, July 3- A gray two-
door sedan, with cnromium-plated
bumpers. grille and trimming rolled
eof the assembly line of the Ford
Motor Company's Rouge plant yes-
terday to signalize the return o; the
automobile industry to partial peace-
time production.
It was the first civilian passenger
car produced by the industry since
February, 1942. For the Ford Com-
pany it was the first of 39,910 ve-
hicles the War Production Board has
authorized the company to assemble
during 1945.
Ford Drives First
The first car was driven off the
line by Henry Ford II, executive vice-
president of the company. Following
it in various stages of completion,
were approximately a score of other
cars. With the.exception of a singly:
five-passenger coupe, all were pow-
ered with V-8 engines, turning up
100 horsepower. The coupe had a
75-horsepower six-cylinder engine.
All were of the Ford super deluxe
To be put into production about
October 1 are the Ford Company's
ne* Mercury models. They will be
followed later by the Lincoln Conti-
nental and custom-built models.
At the Ford offices it was indicated
that an increase in the company's
production quota will be sought un-
der the "spot" authorization plan
set up Monday by the WPB.
May Cut Employment
"Unless our quota is increased,"
said Ford, "employment in Ford
plants will be cut 50,000 to 60,000
from the current total of 112,000."
. ooking to the future, young Ford
said the comany's $150 ne n.r nost-
war expansion program nrovides- fr
the construction of four new assem-
Nly plants. Two of them will be at
Atlanta, Ga., and St. Louis, Mo. Thre
others probably will be on the East
and West Coasts, but the locations
were not disclosed.

{ Won tkfte4]
All men on campus except first
term freshmen are eligible for posi-
tions on the student committee staff
of the Michigan Union, center of
male activity on campusu.
Tne Union, in addition to being a
place for meetings, relaxation and
study, engages in numerous campus
activities such as smokers, mixers
pep rallies, and dances.
Men interested in Union activitie,
are urged to come to the Union stu-
dent offices between 3 and 5 p.m.
EWT (2 arid 4 p.m. CWT) July 9
tnrough July 13 to register for the
staff. An organizational meeting for
a i:aff members will be held wt
7:3o p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT)
Tuesday at the Union, at which time
a complete explanation of all Union
activities will be presented.
Selected staff candidates will at-
tend a banquet July 14.
* * *
"Steel at War," a photo exhibit of
the United States Steel Corp.'s con-
tribution to the war effort is now on
disp4ay at the Union.
Beginning with shots of the open
pit mines of Minnesota, the exhibi-
tion continues with views of the in-
terior of the plant, the furnaces and
machines for forming the implements
of war.

'U'Student Plans Park for Benton Harbor

Benton Harbor will have a. new
90-acre, half-million dollar recrea-
tional park by 1955-largely through
the designing efforts of a 38-year-old
University undergraduate enrolled in
the School of Architecture and De-
Ernest L. Greene, senior land-
scape design student revealed yes-
terday that his plan for the Jean
Klock Park which will extend from
Benton Harbor to St. Joseph along
Lake Michigan, has been accepted
by a subcommittee of the Benton
Harbor Planning Commission.
The park project, which will turn
the wastelands around Benton Har-
bor into the garden spot of western
Michigan, will be initiated as soon
as sufficient building material is re-
Plans for the park, disclosed here
yesterday for the first time, include
one-half mile of bathing beach, three
Veterans Are Qualified
To Occupy NHA Houses
CHICAGO, July 3-(IP)-Honorably
discharged veterans or their families
now are eligible to occupy privately
financed war housing built with pri-
orities issued under H-1 quotas by
the national housing agency in 13
states of region three, William K.
Divers, regional NHA representative,
said today.

bath houses, picnic grounds, a large
dance hall and a boat house.
Most novel feature of the elan,
a Droduct of four months' work, is
the outdoor water theatre, an
aquatoriumi, which has a floating
stage. Seating capacity of the the-
ater is 7.000.
Other features of the park include.
baseball fields, two theatres, a yacht
basin and numerous shelters.
The federal, state, and local gov-

ernments will cooperate in financing
the pro.iect with present plans call-
ing for the city of Benton Harbor
to bear most of the financial load.
Greene's home is at 633 Haw-
thorne, Birmingham, Mich. He is
a graduate of Birmingham High
School and enrolled at the Univer-
sity in 1941. He was assisted with
the planning by Prof. Harlow 0.
Whittemore of the University
School of Architecture and Design.

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FORD'S 1945 MERCURY-The Ford Motor Company has just made
the first public announcement of its 1946 model Mercury car, showing
a hand-built unit that appears heavier, lower, and wider. Principal
exterior change is the front grill, consisting of vertical louvres extend-
ing across the front.
Russian, French ClubsTHold
eetings Throughout Sumer



You'll major in charm this
summer wearing Jonathon
Logan cottons. Coolness
galore with cap sleeves
will guarantee class com-

fort. Sizes 9-15.



Russky Kruzhok, Russian circle,
composed of students in Russian clas-
ses and those interested in Russian
culture, and the French Club will
hold regular meetings and teas
throughout the summer session to
give students an opportunity to speak
the languages informally.
The French Club will meet at 8
p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT), every
Thursday evening in the Michigan
League for students in the summer
session or term.
Koella To Speak
Prof. Charles E. Koella of the Ro-
mance Language Department, di-
rector of the French Club, will give
an informal talk on "The Future of
France." Group singing of French
songs and a social hour will follow
the talk, and an election of officers
will be held.

The first French tea will be held
at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) to-
morrow at the International Cen-
In addition to this regular Thurs-
day afternoon tea to be held weekly,
students are invited to French teas
to be held at 4 p. m. EWT every
Tuesday and Wednesday in the grill
of the Michigan League beginning
July 10.
The Russky Kruzhok, will hold its
first weekly meeting at 8 p. m. EWT
(7 p. m. CWT) Monday in the
International Center.
At the meeting, plans for the sum-
mer dealing with programs and
speakers will be formulated, and
group singing of Russian songs will
be featured. In addition an elec-
tion of officers to fill vacant sum-
mer positions is to be held.


as low as


WED., JULY 4, 1945
7:05-Morning Round-Up
7:30-Musical Reveille
8:15-1050 Club.
8:30-Breakfast Melodies.
8:45-Bouquet for Today.
8:55-Musical Interlude.
9:05-Music Box.
9:30-Community Calendar
9:45-Music for Millions.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Know.

10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40--Women Today.
10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Popular Vocalist.
11:15--Parson's Grist Mill.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
12:15-Milt Herth.
12:30-Trading Post.
12:45-Luncheon Melodies.
1:05-Hollywood Reporter.
1:15-Baseball Brevities.
1:25-Baseball (Bos. at
5:05-Music for Listening.

5:15-Mystery Melodies.
5:30-Rec. Room Rythms.
5:45-Sports Review.
6 :15-Albert Wallace.
6:30-Telephone Quiz.
6:45-Flashes from Life.
6:55-Piano Interlude.
7:15-Fireside Harmonies.
7:25-Band of the Week.
7:30-Evening Serenade.
8:05-Seventh War Loan.
8:10-Piano Interlude.
8:15-Put & Take It.
8:30-Concert Hall.
9 :05-Frankie Masters.

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