PAGE TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY lk WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1945 GEN. LERCH TO SPEAK: 'New Newspaper Graduating CATS Officers Is Published Will Help Govern Japan By Union Staff I One hundred Army and Navy officers who will help govern Japan will be graduated from the Civil Affairs Training School, Far Eastern Area, Sat- urday, Dr. Willard F. Ramsdell, director of the School, announced yester- da.y. Finishing a 26-week program, the officers have been trained in two separate groups, 64 officers, including All Manuscripts For Hopwood Are Due Friday Students who wish to enter the annual summer Avery and Jule Hop- wood Contests are reminded that their manuscripts will be due by 4:30 p. in. EWT Friday in the Hopwood Room. Open to summer term and session students alike, the contest is divided into four divisions, drama, fiction, poetry and essay. Judges for the summer contest, all members of the English department are: drama and fiction: Prof. Nor- man E. Nelson, Prof. Carlton F. Wells and Prof. Morris Greenhut; essay: Prof. Henry V. Ogden, Dr. Edward T. Calver and Albert K. Stevens; poetry: Prof. Bennett Weaver, Rosa- mund E. Haas and Dr. Richard H. Fogle. Prizes will be awarded the win- ners during the eighth week of school. Two prizes are awarded in each division of $75.00 and $50.00 each. Pike To Speak At Rackham Ways of Determining Meaning Is Subject The place of pitch, stress, and pauses in determining meaning in English will be discussed by Dr. Ken- neth L. Pike, lecturer in phonetics in the Linguistic Institute, when he gives his public lecture-demonstra- tion, "The Music of Speech," at 7:30 EWT (6:30 CWT) tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Pike has stated that he will present his material so as to be un- derstood by the non-specialist in language studies, and he has espe- cialy invited students of speech, dra- ma and music to attend. Among the features of the demon- stration will be the playing of pitch patterns of English speech on a slide whistle. The speaker also intends to show on the screen a portion of the text of William Gillette's play "Sher- lock Holmes" marked with intonation symbols, and will recite the text ac- cording to the markings in order to indicate how they may be used as a practical aid in learning intonation. Flu' Germs Photographed Photographs of the "invisible germs" which cause virus influenza are being taken by scientists in the physics department as a result of the development of an electron pho- tographic process. Dr. Ralph W. G. Wyckoff, lecturer in epidemiology at the School of Public Health, and Dr. Robley C. Williams of the physics department, have perfected the process which shows the virus with a three-dimen- sional effect. The "electron beams," it has been reported, have made it possible to produce virus images which have long been invisible to the naked eye and through the lenses of ordinary microscopes. The investigators have used mag- niflcations of from 35,000 to 100,000 times to obtain these photographs. As revealed in the pictures, the germ is spherical in shape. Some details discernible in the pictures suggest growth similar to that of bacteria, the scientists explained. Prof. Lobanov Talks on Russia Prof. A. Lobanov-Rostovsky, speak- ing on "What Not To Believe About Russia," Monday, corrected some er- roneous beliefs and ideas of people concerning that country, "Russia is not an Asiatic country." he declared, explaining that Siberia was not explored until the sixteenth century. Russia is essentially a Eur- opean country with population mov- ing eastward." He continued, saying "Russia should be spoken of as a vast Eurasian country." 'Although there are 130 odd na- tions or tribes, the major population 77 per cent Russian, dominates the country," he stated. "The cause of the revolution was not that Russia wasn't progressing but that she was moving with great rapidity," Prof. Lobanov said. "The collapse of the war, rapid three members of the WAC and British Army Maj. Cynan P. Williams, graduating in the military govern- ment course. .The remaining 36 of- ficers, 11 of whom are of the Navy and 12 of the WAC, have been in- structed in civil censorship. Provost Marshal Will Speak Both groups will be addressed by r anorama -t o C e I Distributed Today The desire of Union staff members to bring news of University organ- izations and activities to students willI be carried out today when "Panor- ama," new Union publication, makes its first appearance on campus. A tabloid of features, "Panorama" will be distributed free every three7 weeks until Aug. 24 when The Daily} ceases publication for the summer. Afterwards, "Panorama" will be pub- CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS CHGSRM BRCELETS ICC Co-Hop . ...WTtonight in the Union 600 DIFFERENT NUMBERS 0- punder the sponsorship of the y Na. The Inter-Cooperative Council is tional Advisory Committee for Aer- sponsoring Co-Hop, an outdoor street onautics. V dance, from 9 p. m. to midnight EWT The film demonstrates shock Saturday in the driveway behind waves on airfoils and shows the UniversiyHall.fet of high speeds on lift andI Music for tht dance will be fur- drag. I nished over the University public Commenting on the movie, Arnold 717 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE address system. In successive half- M. Kuethe, acting chairman of the hour periods, music of Glenn Miller, Department of Aeronautical Engin- Harry James, Tommy and Jimmy eering, said. "It is new, casily under- Dorsey, and Charlie Barnett will be standable and extremely impotant. heard. With the coming of trans-ocanic I speeds in airplane flight. this topic In o'rder to provide a smooth dan- !siprattoal rnu ica'11A / . R ' M NS c ing floor, the cement driveway is is important to all acror atialsn-W sTl4W!f /' eLKi.~fNSLts lo be sanded. dents and mechanical engineers in N R 1 414 _ LSY 1Sp&ot ttrested in fluid flow sports * The public is invited to attend the fAV j®with Argentine Art Talk . . showing. Bob Uer Julio E. Payro,Argentine author- _. - Maj.-Gen. Archer L. Lerch, Army lished at two-week intervals. Provost Marshal General, who will "Writers for "Panorama are still address the class, the School's third, needed," Charles Hansen, editor, said on their overseas duties at com- yesterday. "We could also use a mencement exercises at 10:30 a. m. couple of cartoonists." Hansen has EWT Saturday in the Rackham Lec- asked that anyone interested in work- ture Hall. Gen. Lerch will be intro- ing on the new publication's staff, duced by Col. Stephen A. Park, as- contact him between 4 and 5 p. m. sociate director of the School. Dean EWT any day except Wednesday in of the literary college, Dr. Hayward the Student Offices at the Union. Keniston, will also be present at the "It is hoped, Hansen declared, "that exercises. 'Panorama' will become a campus or- "The 64 officers finishing the mili- gan, augmenting The Daily." tary government course will be oc- --- cupying the same type of positions and responsibilities in Japan as the Adams of 29' Allied Military Government does int Europe," Dr. Ramsdell revealed. W ill Trained m Censorship Communication censorship, includ- ing telephone, telegraph and cable messages, will be the occupation task of the 36 officers completing the civil censorship course. These officers, Dr. Ramsdell said, have received special- izer training in the control of such communications during their inten- sive study in the Japanese language. "The language barrier," Dr. Rams- dell said, "has been recognized as a probable difficulty in arriving at a clearcut understandingsbetween mili- tary government officers and the Jap- anese officials whom they will sup- ervise. Our officers must depend upon additional interpreter service, but their knowledge of the language will enable them to deal much more suc- cessfully while using interpreters." Two Deans Return From Camp Touir Iean Alice Lloyd, Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, social director of the League, Dean Hayward Keniston and, Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of the Summer Session, returned yesterday from a four-day tour of the Biolog- ical Station and the National Music Camp. Dr. Hopkins said that the Biolog- ical Station houses 112 students plus student and faculty members' f am- ilies. The.e are 56 graduates and 56 undergraduates. The University group arrived at Interlochen for Sunday dinner the guests for which numbered 1,200, "the biggest group of campers ever accommodated here," the report read. Radio Lecture Wendell Adams, program director for the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- tem, is the last of a group of men sent to the University by CBS to lecture before radio classes of the: Department of Speech. Adams, who has just returned from overseas, where he was program manager for Radio Luxembourg, at- tached to the Army Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF, isI speaking on radio production from the director's standpoint and de-I scribing his experience overseas. Radio Production Problems He will hold a conference on radio production problems in psychological warfare at 4 p. m. EWT tomorrow in the West Conference Room in the Rackham Building. Before joining OWI in April, 1944, Adams was affiliated with CBS as program manager for commercial programs featuring such performers as Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Jerry Sullivan, Colonel Stoopnagel, the Raymond Scott Orchestra and Paul Barron. Associated With Hit Parade He had previously worked as chief arranger and assistant conductor for Mark Warnow and was associated with the Hit Parade, We the People, and Helen Hayes and Sophie Tucker shows. Adams was graduated from Deane College, Crete, Neb., and took his master's degree at Eastman School of Music, the University of Roches- ter, Rochester, N. Y. ity and critic, who is a member of the University fine arts department for the summer session, will give a lecture on "Argentine Art" before a meeting of La Sociedad Hispan- ica at 8 p. m. EWT tomorrow in Room D, Alumni Hall. The talk will be ilustrated with slides. * * Exhibition Debate . . Peacetime conscription for men from 18 to 24 years of age will be discussed at a demonstration debate at the weekly assembly of the De- partment of Speech at 4 p. m. EWT today in the Rackham Amphitheatre, Prof. Lionel Crocker has announced. Georgt Hale and Helen Pate will take the affirmative and Virginia Alley and Carolyn Binkley the neg- ative. Prof Carl G. Brandt will act as moderator and Prof. Crocker as chairman of the debate. According to Prof. Crocker, speech- es will be organized on the "Michigan plan," with six minutes of argumen- tation and four minutes of cross- questioning. The conscription ques- tion will be the issue next year in high school and, probably, university debating classes. Film on Shock Waves .. . "Compressibility Effects," a mo- tion picture, will be shown at 7:30 Of ~Naughty 'N hyMarietta' Openis "Naughty Marietta" will open at 8:30 p. m. EWT today through Sat- urday with an added performance being given- Monday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The Saturday3i matinee will be presented at 2:30 p. m. EWT. Victor Herbert's popular operetta is being given by the Michigan Rep- ertory Players of the Dlpartment of Speech in conjunction with the School of Music. This is the eleventh consecutive season the two depart- ments have combined to produce tieI finale of the summer season program of the Players. Staring in "Naughty Marietta" is Doris Lawton and Charlotte Mae Mullen who play the role of Marietta on alternate nights. The handsome hero, Capt. Richard Warrington, is portrayed by Guy. Baker. Other leading members of the cast are Donald Straka, Eugene Malin, Arthur Markey, Louis Calfin, Carolyn Street, and Henry Kaminski. A full chorus of singers and dan- cers are accompanied by the Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Earl Moore, head of the music school. EEE\ *I3 /4* 4-; A ' silt ° cHER ALEXANDER DRUG STORE 727 NORTH UNIVERSITY, A n n o u nt c e s NEW STORE HOURS OPEN WEEK DAYS from 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. { t!I I I I I 111111 f r l I - r Arm AIL low C l ' c- -Q/ ' r { S Nw O riceS! t ,t *0ift at N ewoLow p rec iour beyour § 0ch s 5 .ce,.t.c s tjor oa s ut new !ow prth e o o afu Raylaine flannel jum in aqua, brown, nm green, blue for a qL change of your favo blouse or sweater. Mi sizes. 10 Blouse to match orc trast. Long sleeves, neck. Misses sizes. iper boss wck Trite sses 95 S con- tie ?I 95 4 Now is the time to think about Fall and Winter. June Grey Shop has a stock of new coats in a variety of colors and styles. The new short coat is especially good this season, a type that can be worn with any- thing, dressed-up or casual. There are some very short ones lined with soft South American lamb's skin, and a full length one with a detachable cape decorated in rich embroidery. The Sports Shop learance 11 Summer Sportswear Limited Quantities of Some Items I I I Blouses - Shortalls Denim Jackets Orig. 3.00-3.50 Blouses - Playsuits Slacks - Jackets Blouses Sweaters Orig. 4.95 ~8s Slack Suits - Skirts Blouses - Slacks Jumpers - Sweaters Orig. 10.95 to 19.95 I I s ; ; z , :> s '> s z _ 1 ' . 11 El L Four Leaf Clover . . . $3.00 Heart and Key . . . $2.00 Telescope . . . $3.00 ] Engraved Heart Locket . . $4.00 ] Lawn Mower . . . $3.00 Q Bng . . . $3.00 Q Sewing Machine . . $3.50 Q Book Locket . . . $5.00 Q Scissors . . . $2.00 Swim Orig. Su it, Sweaters 7.95 to 10.95 E - ° ,' -