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August 15, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1945-08-15

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Long May It Wave!


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Brings Joy to Ann Arbor

Crowds on Main,

Gen. MacArthur Named

State Jam


Flag-Decked Cars Hoot Through City;
Police Commend Throngs' 'Judgment'

Genuine, but n6t unrestrained, joy
spread throughout most of down-
town Ann Arbor last night following
the announcement that the "war was
actually over."
At 7:05 p. m. EWT The Daily of-
flee was flooded with studen'ts who
had heard the long-awaited news.
There was a general migration to-
ward Main St. Between State and
Main Streets, a greatconcentration
of people on foot and in automobiles
caused traffic jams which lasted well
into the night.
Cars, more cars than are usually
seen in this quiet city, drove through
the main streets loaded to the roof,
displaying flags, bunting and colored
Lining Main Street for this, the
celebration of the end of the most
horrible war in the history of man-
kind, were enthusiastic crowds who,
local police said, "seemed to be exer-
cising exceptionally good judgment."
Sailors and soldiers attached to the
University service units sped through
streets atop cars, shouting, dancing
and kissing girls.
Outside the campus area, all was
quiet. There were fewer than a dozen
people on the streets in the Geddes-
Washtenaw section..
Few homes in this section were
At 9 p. m. the diagonal was almost
The Arboretum was "neglected." A
total of one car was parked at the
Two Bonfires Reported
The fire department reported two
bonfires, but nothing serious. The
same sort of report came from the
city police. Sheriff's deputies report-
Local USO Will Not
Close Before June
Members of the USQ council have
decided to keep open the local club
until at least June 30, 1946, unless
military personnel are removed com-
pletely from the campus before then.
The council at a special meeting
also approved a 20 per cent reduction
of the yearly budget, following a rec-
ommendation by the national or-
Chairman Osias Zwerdling will ap-
point military personnel and volun-
teer workers to a special committee
which will determine the future
character of the USO program.
All-Nations Club
Dance Postponed
The "Dream Dance" of the All-
Nations C~lub, originally scheduled
for this Saturday, has been post-
poned and will be held from 8:30
p. m. to 12 midnight EWT, Aug. 25,
in the small ballroom of the Union,
William E. Magnum, chairman of
the Club's Music and Dance Commit-
tee, announced last night.

ed one serious accident at Miller and
Maple Rds.
A discharged veteran said, "You
people don't know what it's all about.
You should have been there."
Three Chinese boys exclaimed, "We
feel jubilant."
An Ecuadorian said, "I think the
Americans did wonderfully. I felt
like an earthquake had burst inside
of me."
West Quad Roars at News
A sailor reported, "A tremendous
roar rocked the Quad. as the uncon-
ditional surrender was announced."
John Rucker, a veteran of the
Italian campaign who escaped from
an enemy prison camp, now a Law
Schoolrfreshman, said, "Myyounger
brother can come back now. I'm
happy for all mothers."
The feeling of everybody here was
summarized, simply, by a little three-
year-old girl who stood on a corner
wide-eyed and said, "The war's over."
Franklin H. Littell, director of Lane
Hall, added, "The headlines of the
last few days indicate how unpre-
pared we are 'to win the peace'."
"A nation which in war has made
the greatest production record in
history has yet to prove that it can
use that potential for the good life
as well as for destruction."
Reds Gain 93 Miles
Before War Ends
LONDON, Wednesday, Aug. 15-
(IP)-Russian armored forces plunged
93 miles unchecked across western
Manchuria yesterday before an-
nouncement that Emperor Hirohito
had agreed to surrender.
The Red Army was striking toward
Harbin and the Japanese puppet
capital of Hsinking with lightning-
like blows, Moscow said in its com-
munique issued several hours before
the Soviet radio broadcast that Jap-
an had surrendered unconditionally.
Supreme Commander
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 -:)-
General of the Army Douglas A.4
MacArthur, who told the Filipinos
"I will return" and did it, was as-
signed tonight to govern the enemy
he whipped on the road back.

Faculty Of fers
Comments On
End of War
In commenting upon the difficul-
ties facing us in the post-war period,
Dean Joseph A. Bursley said, "The
greatest problem is to get back to
normal conditions as soon as pos-
sible, to take care of the future in-
flux of students."
Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell, director
of the Civil Affairs Training School,
said, "I think it is impossible to say
categorically that the international
or domestic problems are most im-
Labor Problems Important
"In the international field," he
said. "our most important task is
to keep the American people hon-
estly informed and actively interest-
ed in the maintenance of world
peace, not just for the next few years,
but continuously. In the domestic
field," he continued, "I believe our
most important problem is the de-
velopment of a nationally-applicable
formula or program which will pro-
vide tolerance and intelligence in
the solution of labor-management
"'This must involvejth edevelop-
ment of a sense of justice on the
part of both labor and management
and include acceptance of the prin-
ciple of obligation of the individual
to give of his talents to society as
well as to receive benefits from so-
ciety," Prof. Ramsdell concluded.
Japs Must Accept Democracy
Prof. Joseph K. Yamigawa, edu-
cational director of the Army Jap-
anese Lauguage School said, "Intel-
ligent and loyal Americans will, I
believe, agree that the final purposes
of this war are not accomplished
See OPINION, page 6

Local Churches
To Hold Special
Services Today
V-J Day Program
Also Being Planned
Churches in Ann Arbor-will hold
special services today to observe the
first day of peace.
St. Paul's Church, the First Pres-
byterian Church and the First Con-
gregational Church will conduct ser-
vices at 8 p. mn. EWT. Services at
the First Methodist Church will be
held at 10 a. m. EWT.
A special thanksgiving prayer will
be offered at the regular Friday even-
ing Hillel services.
The Ann Arbor Ministerial Asso-
ciation will cooperate with the Cham-
ber of Commerce in a special pro-
gram after an official announcement
of V-J Day.
TCease Fire'
halts Raid
on Japan
OKINAWA, Wednesday, Aug. 15-
(/P)-The electric command to "cease
fire" rang throughout the Pacific
Island areas today but - first eche-
lons of the Far East Air Forces were
winging to'Japan on one of the big-
gest raids of the war and some could
not be reached to be 'called gack.
Admiral Halsey, aboard a warship,
cautioned his mighty Third Fleet to
be on the alert. And 35 minutes
after the "cease fire" order was given
a Japanesebomber was shot down.
"There must be watchful waiting,"
the Admiral said later from his war-
ship in a broadcast.
At Manila, General MacArthur, as-
signed to accept Japan's surrender,
. "I shall at once take steps to stop
hostilities and further bloodshed."
Superforts, which struck in 800-
plane strength for 24 hours ending
early today, were ordered grounded
along with other planes of the U. S.
Army Strategic Air Force before some
of them had returned from missions
to Japan.
Admiral Niinitz at Guam sent out
"Cease offensive operations" to the
fleet at virtually the same moment
President Truman in Washington
announced Japan had accepted sur-
render terms.
Back in Pearl Harbor, where Jap-
an's sneak attack Dec. 7, 1941, opened
the war, the same air raid sirens
which shrieked that day proclaimed
the war's end. There one newspaper
urged that the formal surrender cer-
emony be held aboard one of the
warships sunk at Pearl Harbor

No classes will be held and all
University offices will be closed today
in celebration of the end of the war,
University officials announced.
Official University recognition of
the Japanese surrender came at 7:30
a. m. EWT today when the power-
house siren sounded a five-minute
blast and the French 75 mm. artillery
piece in the Law Quadrangle fired a
21-round salute.
No All-Campus Celebration
No special military ceremonies, all-
campus celebrations or services have
been planned. University authorities
have not yet decided whether a sec-
ond University holiday will be de-
clared on the official nation-wide
V-J Day to be celebrated the day
the surrender terms are officially
Army units were excusea from su-
pervised study last night, and the
Japanese languageschool, the JAG
school and the medical units will
have neither classes nor morning
formation today.
No Leaves Granted
Navy units stood reveille formation.
and will have liberty for the day un-
til they report at 8:15 EWT today.
No out-of-town leaves have been
granted for any campus military unit.
"Naughty Marietta," produced by
the School of Music and the Michi-
gan Repertory Players, will open as
scheduled at 8:30 p. mn. EWT today.
Closing hour for women's resi-
dences will be 11 p. m. EWT today,
Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women,
Most local stores and restaurants
will be closed all day, but beer and
wine stores, closed for 24 hours after
the surrender announcement by or-
der of the State Liquor Commission,
will reopen at approximately 8 p. m.
Lights in the Burton Memorial
Tower, out since the beginning of
the war, went on last night. Percival
Price, University carillonneur, will
present a concert featuring his "Vic-
tory Rliapsody" today. The compo-
sition was written especially for the
end-of-the-war observance, and will
be played today and on V-J Day by
carillonneurs inrUnited Nations
throughout the world.
Unhappy Japs
GUAM, Wednesday, Aug. 15-(R)-
The only unhappy men on. Guam to-
day were Japanese prisoners of war
held in a camp here.
When they learned Japan had con-
ceded defeat, they broke into cry-
ing and moaning.


Blast. 21-Round
Herald Holiday

'U' To Suspend
All Aetivities,
Classes Today

MacArthur Made
Surrender Chief
Signing Terms, Official Proclamation
Of V-J Day Remain; Censorship To End
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14-The second World War, history's greatest
flood of death and destruction, ended tonight with Japan's unconditional
Formalities still remained-the official signing of surrender terms and
a proclamation of V-J Day.
But from the moment President Truman announced at 7 p. m. EWT
that the ehemy of the Pacific had agreed to Allied terms, the worldput
aside for a time woeful thoughts of the cost in dead and dollars and cele-
brated in wild frenzy. Formalities meant nothing to people freed at last
of war.
To reporters crammed into his office, shoving now-useless war maps
against a marble mantle, the President disclosed that:
Potsdam Terms Accepted Without Reservation
Japan, without ever being invaded, had accepted completely and with-
out reservation an Allied declarption of Potsdam dictating unconditional
General Douglas MacArthur had been designated supreme Allied com-
mander, the man to receive surrender.
There is to be no power for the Japanese Emperor-Although Allies
will let him remain their tool. No longer will the war-lords reign, through
him. Hirohito-or any successor-will take orders from MacArthur.
Allied forces were ordered to "suspend offensive action" everywhere.
The surrender announcement set in motion a-wholechain of events
among them:
Formal Surrender Being Arranged
To a Japanese government which once had boasted it would dictate
peace terms in the White House, Mr. Truman dispatched orders to "direct
prompt cessation of hostilities," tell MacArthur of the effective date and
hour, and send emissaries to the general to arrange formal surrender.
The War Manpower Commission terminated all manpower controls.
The Navy piled a $6,000,000,000 cancellation of contracts on top of a
previous $1,200,000,000 cut in its shipbuilding program.
Congress was summoned back to work on Sept. 5, more than a month
ahead of schedule, to get busy on unemployment compensation, surplus
property disposal, full employment, government reorganization and the
continuation or abolition of war agencies.
Office of Censorship to Fold Up
The Office of Censorship said it was getting ready to fold up. News,
radio and mail censorship are due to end on V-J Day.
Director Elmer Davis declared the life of the Office of War Informa-
tion "soon will be over."
A War Production Board official predicted that agency would go
out of business once industry is on a solid peacetime basis.
War Labor Board Chairman George W. Taylor predicted there would
be no epidemic of strikes.
Those were developments which on any other night would have com-
manded smash headlines. Those developments and surrender capped a
week packed with some of history's most stunning news:
The first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Russia's declaration of war, an-
other atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan's offer to surrender if she could have
her Emperor and his sovereign prerogatives, an Allied declaration that he
would become merely their instrument.
Surrender followed-at an instant when carrier planes of the mighty
Pacific Fleet were a few seconds from the targets in the Tokyo area. Pilots
eager for a last lick at a weakening foe were reported to have gotten this
word from Admiral William F. Halsey, who wants to ride Hirohito's white
horse through Tokyo streets:
'Shoot 'Em Down in Friendly Fashion'
"It looks like the war is over. Cease firing, but if you see any enemy
planes in the air shoot them down in friendly fashion."
So tonight there was reason for rejoising. A war-wracked world made
the most of it. Three times President Truman had to come out on the
White House porch to greet tremendous crowds-75,000 people by official
estimate-who jammed the streets and parks around the Executive Man-
They jammed so tightly against the iron fence around the White
House grounds it looked as if they were coming right on through, despite
military police stationed at four foot intervals.
No 'Celebration' for Truman
The Chief Executive spent half an hour dining with his staff. For
him there was no personal celebrating, even with close friends.
For days, the national capital had taken surrender reports with com-
plete calm and a generous portion of salt. At 7 p. m. EWT, not a minute
before or a minute earlier, it gave way to utter abandon.
But across the Potomac in the Pentagon Building, nerve center of the
Army, there wasn't any jubilation. There was no one left except a couple
of bored public relations officers answering phones.
* * * * * *
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Wednesday, Aug. 15 -(P)- Japanese War linister
Korechika Anami has committed suicide, the Japanese Domel Agencyre-
ported today. The English-language wireless broadcast was recorded by

Main Street. Throngs cher Chinese Flyers

Wild pandemonium broke out
among the crowds that blocked all
north west traffic along Main street
as our car, piled high with veterans
of the air war in China and flying
the flags of the United States and
China, threaded our way through the
dlown town area.

extended his hand to Chang, as a
gayly decorated bicycle whizzed
past the stalled Liberty street traf-
Cars were strung out behind us
for blocks on end. Everyone, it
seemed was burning that last "A"
coupon just to be part of that line.
Jimmy Moore, veteran of Chen-

an hour earlier, to throw more than
a careless glance at the half-track.
Firecrackers exploded as we
reached .Main street for the third
time on our circuitous route. Trucks
packed with kids rolled past us,
trailing tin cans, whose rattle was
hardly audible.
Some oldsters, perched on a fire

in sight as were scraps of paper' fly-
ing in the breeze. On Liberty street,
just past the P-Bell, one boy, perch-
ed on a man's shoulders, lifted up
the Daily banner-"Peace," as an
old lady excitedly tinkled a dinner
bell at our Chinese entourage.
Earlier Clint Caster, proprietor of
the Bell told us that his establish-

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