TUESDA'Y', AUGUST 14 1945 THlE MICHIGAN, DAILY PACE SEVVN TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1945 PAGE s1~V1~N JoR F CTORS I P CII ICTORY GENERAL MAL"CISk.R!8. IR AUlkC i L NIMI IZ .-UJ11iy aa1 tAUXiLAL0.L yx vutG 1Fidi.S HALL O K I N A W A A I R F I E L D G R 0 W S--Trucks aid giant shovels and bulldozers to construct an airfield on'Okinawa which will serve as a ,base for attack on Japan., S P EAR H EADS OF U. S. -SO U TH P A CIFIC MI1G.H T-These U. S. Navy ,PBY patrol bombers on an Australian beach are part of a large force that scout the vast South Pacific sea and air in advance of heavier American forces. L E A T H E R N E C K S M A R C H 0 U T--Swinging along between cocoanut trees, U. S. Ma. rines leave their positions on Guadalcanal Island, as Army troops take over isle's defense" SEARCHLIGHT BARRAGE-Searchlights and tracer bullets probe the LANDING SHIP TANK--LCT's helped materially in the sky for attacking Jap planes, Pacific invasions. A B A N D 0 N S H 1 P !-Hundreds of men crowd the deck of the mortally-wounded U. S. aircraft carrier Lexington as the order to abandon ship is given. Some men descend on ropes. The Lexington was lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea. .a..:>.Wk...) -..,. ......a:>:. ., ...._...... }. a'; ...... .,"saa. ."."." .:.;n. ......._..,,.....; #'±'::}'+ .' :.'.,.-.. _:as;;;;i's:.::::X22::...<':" s;'":?t:: ':k:;: .'.". 'S___. _ ._t. --"-war . ._.......... ... . __ w"_.__..... Y' v;: - .:":; ______ }'L' .}L+ C};: :' :>?" .:}