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August 14, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-14

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"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish th
are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan-to do allit

e work we
which may

achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

-Abraham Lincoln

Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865

Peace-for All TimeI

Campus Returns to Peacetime Conditions

This is a time of thanksgiving for both the victors and the
The world, at war for more than 10 years, is again at peace.
The horror and the brutality that accompany war has ceased.
The anxiety for our loved ones becomes a thing of the past.
Those who still live will return to us.
We, the children of the long years of war and the Great
Depression, now face the task of building peace and pros-
Perity for the world. We must face this task in the same
spirit in which we have faced the war-determined that
we must not and cannot fail.
Lincoln in 1865 called on this nation "to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and
with all nations." We failed in 1865 to bring to being that
hope. Again in .1918 we failed. Now in 1945, if we fail, we
destroy ourselves.
We have learned many lessons from this war and not the
least important is the lesson that 'War is hell." It is hell pe-
cause it entails killing and suffering, because it forces rational
man to act as a beast.
In years past men talked of the fruits of victory.' Today
we know that nothing good is won in war. The fruits of
war' are the thousands of young lives lost, the thousands of
young bodies maimed and the thousands of young minds warped.
We, the youth of the world, who have borne the brunt
of the war, now accept the responsibility of keeping the
peace. Our elders have proved themselves inadequate to'
the job-so concerned were they with keeping peace in their
time that they failed to prevent war in our time.
The youth of the world will now become pacifist. And
rightly so. But in our quest for peace we cannot close our
eyes, wish for it and dismiss the possibility that others may
endanger that peace.
We must be militant pacifists, alert to the dangers of
aggression, wary of those who threaten world unity.
As United Nations, and united peoples, bound together by
our common search for freedom and security, we will find peace,
not only in our own time, but for all time.
-The Senior Editors
Immediate Action Necessary
To Prevent Unemployment

His Words Still Guide Us
"In the days and the years that are to come we shall work for a just and
honorable peace, a durable peace, as today we work and fight for a total
victory in war.
"We can and we will achieve such a peace.
"We shall strive for perfection. We shall not achieve it immediately-
but we still shall strive. We may make mistakes--but they must never
be mistakes which result from faintness of heart or abandonment of moral
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Fourth Inaugural Address,
January 20, 1945.

VER three years ago war came to
this nation. It was a war of the
people, all the people, and the stu-
dents at Michigan were no excep-
tions. They were part of that war,
an integral part, and they recognized
their responsibility.
Quickly the campus changed. Frills
were cut out of college life. Week-end
house parties, formals every week,
freshman-sophomore riots became a
thing of the past. A three semester
year was inaugurated to allow stu-
dents to rush their education and get
into the service. Exams were short-
ened from three hours to two so the
exam period could be crowded into
one week instead of prolonged for
two. Life at college became more
than ever a serious affair.
Students Enlist
For many the war meant the end
of college, temporarily at least. When
the news of Pearl Harbor came out,
hundreds dropped their books and
ran off to enlist. Others enlisted in
the various reserve programs. . .
V-5, V-7, V-12, the ERC all filled up
quickly. Men in uniform on campus
became a familiar sight; men in
civies an oddity.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
gave the students their sound-off
note. Addressing the huge assembly
of students that gathered in Hill
Auditorium the day after Pearl Har-
bor, he said "We shall all work for
victory. The University of Michigan
shall assume her battle station."
Manpower Corps Organized
The students did. The War Man-
power Corps was organized under the
direction of Marvin Borman, now Lt.
Marvin Borman, USMCR. It en-
listed workers to collect scrap metal
during the numerous scrap drives, to
pick sugar cane in northern Michi-
gan when the crop was threatened
because of lack of workers.
The students did other things too.
Everyone was talking about the war,
but some farsighted students thought
of the inevitable victory and peace
to follow. The Post War Council and
Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac-
tion came into being, and since 'Ap-
ril, 1942, have conducted serious dis-
cussions and conferences concerning
the post war period.
100 of Faculty Join Services
The faculty wasnot left untouch-
ed by the war. Within a year more
than 100 faculty members had left
to join the armed forces. Those re-
maining had to assume new and ever
increasing tasks.
Women on campus changed their
usual projects to activities connected
with the war. Rolling bandages,

working as nurse's aides, bond sell-
ing became part of the routine of the
Michigan coeds. Directing all the
activities was the Women's War
Council made up of representatives
from all coed organizations.
PEM Instituted
Pulling no punches, Col. William
Ganoe, then head of the ROTC at
Michigan, told campus men that they
were "lounge lizards" fit for the tough
job of eating cream puffs. PEM came
with the war, and the trek to Ferry
Field to get "toughened up" was part
of the Michigan man's curriculum.
Well, it's over now. The war has
ended and we can all relax, breathe
a little easier,. We need have no
guilty conscience, we have done our
share. At college we worked to aid
our fighting men. On every battle-
front Michigan men fought, and died,
many of them, too.
New Era for Campus
The war's over now and we can
think about college in terms of peace.
That means a lot. It means college
in four years, not two and a half. It
means vacations at Christmas,.in the
spring, and for three months in the
summer. It means eighteen week
terms and three hour finals. It means
dances with big name bands and
more boys than girls.
But, actually, all that is rather tri-
vial. The boys who will come back
to college will be a sober group. Those
who will first start college will have
the meaning of almost four years of

war clearly stamped on their minds.
College will be a place for fun and
friendship. But, above all, it will
be a place of learning, a place for
serious minded students to get an
~'U' Recognition1
Of '18 Victory
TRESIDENT Wilson issued a for-
mal proclamation at 10 o'clock
this morning that the armistice with
Germany had been signed,"-Michi-
gan Daily, Nov. 11, 1918.
"The greatest thanksgiving day
is here -- the greatest war is over
--the greatest victory won," the
Michigan Director of the United
War Work Campaign declared.
"'the work of making peace is as
hard as the work of making war"
All Ann Arbor turned out to par-
ade after the armistice was signed.
Classes then as now were dismissed.
Michigan looked "ragged against
the University of Chicago eleven,
even though the Wolverines took the
The Daily reported, "Nobody could
get peeved - the enemy got 'spurlos
The work of making peace is as
hard as the work of making war.



Governor's Proclamation


By The Associated Press
ONLY TIME will tell whether the
sudden end of the Japanese war
caught government planners flat-
footed on industrial reconversion.
The planners themselves insisted
they were ready with adequate ma-
But regardless of the adequacy of
the planning, the impact on the civil-
ian economy is bound to be terrific.
Until Japan quit, munitions re-
mained the biggest business in this
country. Now the task is to shift
civilian goods and fast enough to
avoid vast unemployment. As quick-
ly as it can be done, most war con-
tracts will be cancelled outright.
Some consumer "hard goods" which
have been long scarce or completely
missing are due to reach retail out-
lets in the fall. Volume production
had not been expected until well into
1946. Now all this will be speeded up,
but a long pent-up consumer demand
is expected to gobble up these items
for a long time to come.
The war's end means less ration-
ing and less price control soon, but
not the end of either. Tire and
gasoline rationing will not last long,
now that tremendous military de-
mands have been drastically lessen-
Rationing of meat; however, may
continue for some time because the
supply falls so short of what civilians
want to buy. Large amounts still
will be needed to feed troops.
Price control will be lifted -from
Headlines in Daily
December 6, 1941
End to Appeasement of Japan
Urged by Professor Ehrmann.
Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
history department declared, ". .
any concessions granted now would
only lead to further demands by
"The Washington Merry-Go-Round"
Editor's note: A brass ring and a
free ride on the Washington Merry-
Go-Round go this week to Maxim
Litvinoff, new Russian ambassador
to Washington, whose colorful career
has been a phenomenon of inter-
national politics.

LANSING-(R)-Following is Gov-
ernor Harry F. Kelly's proclamation
marking final victory over the Axis
"The people of Michigan give
thanks to God today that this most
terrible and deadly of all wars has
finally run its inevitable course and
been brought to a victorious conclu-
sion. We are thankful because we
know this means the end of loneli-
ness and anxiety for millions of our
people, means that those who rest
today on some foreign battlefield have
not died in vain. We are thankful
and proud that it was given to Mich-
igan to play such a great part in
forging the tools of victory. We are
humbly grateful for the spirit of dedi-
cation which sent more than half a
million Michigan youth forth to fight
for their country. Words cannot ex-
press our feelings of obligation to
those who served, or to those 11,000
dead and almost 30,000 who gave
their life blood in this great cause.
"Thousands have died and other
untold thousands have suffered that
this victory might be won. Our debt
to them must be paid-by unrelent-
ing efforts on all our parts to insure
a lasting peace; by just and thought-
ful provision for the veteran who re-
turns.and for the dependents of those

who shall never return by building a
greater Michigan and a greater Amer-
ica for all our people; and by mak-
ing certain beyond possibility of fail-
ure that the blessing of freedom will
be preserved, strengthened and hand-
ed on to the generations that follow.
"History will record August-as
the day which ended the greatest
war in the annals of human ex-
perience. Let us resolve that it
will also be marked, through the
centuries, as the day which ended
all war, once and forever."

The Radio & Record Shop



1 G

FOR FUN AND EXERCISE spend the week-end
bicycling. Cool summer evenings and warm sunny
afternoons -- you'll have a perfect time cycling
along the country roads. Rates set to fit college
pocketbooks: 25c an hour or all day until six p.m.
for $1.00.
Trouble getting to eight o'clocks on time? Ride
to classes on a bike which can be' rented by the
week or month. Cycling - an eye-opener in
the morning.

If"/ 1' 17tA1 Tdml 7:,.:s 9n :nfLhPw~x .Ale1

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