WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1945 - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE INDEPENDENCE DAY CITATION: Okinawa Unit Commended for Feat qc UBT7E NI JWS EDITOR'SNOTE: This is the first of two columns about a United States Tenth Army company which won a presidential citation and undying fame on Okinawa. The second will follow Friday. By ROBERT GEIGER Associated Press Correspondent OKINAWA, July 4-A presidential citation arrived on this Independence Day for Company L-a gallant in- fantry outfit that sent its last 89 men against a vital Japanese held ridge position on Okinawa. Of those who retturned, only three were unwounded. Company L, of the 383rd Regiment of the 96th Infantry Division, killed 700 Japanese of a battalion on the ridge. "Company L, with fixed bayonets, boldly and fearlessly charged a heav- ily defended position," the presiden- tial citation said, "and attained its objective." 21 Survive Only a captain and 20 men, of the 147 who hit the beaches on Easter Sunday, April 1-Okinawa invasion D Day-remained to hear the citation read. The formal words recalled for those few survivors all that the proud rec- ord of Company L involved-the high courage of the advance, the fury of close battle and the spilled blood and suffering and death of comrades. Blue-eyed Capt. William M. Mit- chell of Ponchatoula, La., recalled the ENEMY AIR POWER: Japanese Aerial Forces Offer Little or No Effective Defense By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Associated Press Correspondent Varying conclusions are drawn from failure of Japanese air power to figure significantly in the war ex-' cept for suicide attacks on shipping and cecasional nuisance raids ashore Cii War Over! Last Seceder ejois Union ATLANTA, July 3-(P)--Tomorrow the Solid South becomes Solid and the United States United. The free state of Dade (it's in Georgia, in case you've never heard) is ending the legend, after all these years, that it still stands seceded. And the Gibraltar of the Con- federacy (Vicksburg, Miss.) is go- ing to celebrate Independence day officially, that is - for the first time in 82 years. The county of Dade, of course, came back into the Union when Georgia did. But the name "Free State of Dade" springs from a fiery !peech to the Georgia legislature back in 1860. Rep. Bob Tatum of Dade told the legislature if Georgia didn't secede, Dade would. The story goes that the impatient Tatum actually sent a secession proclamation to Washing- ton, So tomorrow, with a pageant and speech-making and such, Dade will make certain, beyond any part of a doubt, that there is no mis- understanding-that it is back in the union. Proud old Vicksburg is casting aside all embittered memories or sectional prejudices. The celebration there is citywide, by mayoral proclamation. Ex-Governor etu rs Home ALBANY, Ga., July 3-(A)-Recov- ered from a recent hip injury, Chase S. Osborn, the 85-year-old Michigan ex-governor, author and philanthro- pist, plans to return in a few days to his home state after sojourning at his winter home near Albany.. Osborn's valet, Ne-On-Gis-Gay- Wah-Rib, Ojibway Indian who has resided for many years on the ex- governor's Duck island retreat near I he Michigan-Canadian border, will arrive here Saturday to accompany him on the return trip. Osborn has been recuperating in an Albany hospital from a fractured hip. in the Okinawa sector. In China, Burma, over the Malay peninsula and now on oil-rich Borneo, Nipponese planes have cut no important figure, They have even failed by Tokyo ad- mission to offer any effective resist- ince to the bombing of Japanese home islands. Japanese propagandists now assert "iemeland aerial defense is awaiting a new output of attack ships being built in bomb -proof underground factories. That does not account, however, for the fact that despite heavy enemy losses American offi- cial estimates credit Japan with as many or more ships as she had early in the war. Japs Hoard Fuel AShe may be hoarding them at hcme for us.; when the assault reach- es Japanese beaches and in Man- ;huria against uncertainty as to Russia's intentions. It is more prob- able that, cut off from natural oil sources except the very limited sup- ply available in southern Sakhalin, she is hoarding fuel against invasion day in Japan. It was lack of fuel, not lack of planes, that knocked out the Nazi Luftwaffe and paved the way for complete German collapse. General Arnold made that clear during his inspection trip to the Philippines in June. Luftwaffe Destroyed by Shortages "Just before the collapse," he said in Manila, "Germany had more planes than at the start of the war but they didn't have enough gas and oil to train pilots. As we destroyed Germany's refineries, we were de- troying her air force. The sustained pattern of super- fortress raids over Japan is keyed to that strategic conception. Whatever new planes the foe may have in pro- duction below ground designed to cope with American B-29's, retaining of pilots to man them would take fuel from fast dwindling Japanese reserve' stores. Propaganda Soothes Jap People Another favorite Japanese propa- ganda device for lulling fears of the populace is to say that war industries have been and are being shifted to Manchuria. Whatever traffic across the Yellow Sea to China of that na- ture once ran, it probably has been cut to an inconsequential trickle. Official reports tell of Okinawa- based planes ranging deep into the Yellow Sea and there is the likeli- hood that submarine sinkings have taken toll of enemy craft in those waters. As to existing war industries in Manchuria, Arnold was no less em- phatic than as to Japan itself. "From Okinawa we can cover (by air) half of China and all of Man-, churia," he said at Manilla. day of the bayonet charge. "You couldn't move a muscle out there without drawing fire," he said. The day was April 9. The "assign- ed objective" was Kakuzu Ridge, a rimmed mound of coral and dirt about four miles north of the Oki- nawa capital of Naha. It was an evil piece of ground that had to be taken. High Point This high point, the presidential citation reads, "gave the enemy com- plete observation and flanking fire on the entire (383rd) regiment. This spur (the ridge) was of vital import- ance to the entire command." Mitchell, the 23-year-old captain who will talk about his men but not about himself, recalled: "We hopped off before daylight, at five o'clock. The Japs virtually surrounded the hill but we got by them without let- ting them see or hear us. We crossed the gully andreached the ridge." Pfc. Joseph Demolle of New Or- leans, La., spoke up (there's a strong bond of comradeship and respect be- tween the captain and his men) to tell how "we passed close to fires in some caves where the Japs were cooking breakfast but they didn't hear us." Waves to Jap Sgt. Alvin Becker of New Orleans said dawn was "just breaking" when the company reached the ridge. He remembered seeing a Japanese on another ridge and waving to him and added: "The Jap laughed and waved back. I opened up with my BAR (Brown- ing Automatic Rifle) at him and right then hell started popping." There was an entire Japanese bat- talion around the hill, 1,000 men. The coral. rock was so hard the Company L men couldn't dig fox- holes and there was hardly as much as a blade of grass for cover. "We just had to lie there and take it" remarked Pfc. Louis Novak of Streator, Ill. S/Sgt. James E. Dowdy of Marma- duke, Ark., recalled that the Japa- nese opened up with mortars and then turned heavy artillery on the ridge. Flying Duffles "Those flying duffle bags (Japa- nese spigot mortar shells) came over singing the graveyard blues," grin- ned Sgt. Ray -Decker of (route 2) Leachville, Ark. "They blew holes big enough to put a two and a half ton truck into." "They tossed flying horses (91 mm. shells) at us, too," said Sgt. Lloyd G. Backart of Grand Rapids, Mich. "Machinegun fire rattled all around," added T/Sgt. John A. Mur- rah of Fort Worth, Tex. The Japanese made four counterat- tacks. Every man of Company L except three-Backart, Dowdy and Pfc. Lee G. Roberts of Donnelly, Idaho-was wounded. Extend U' Flint Offie for Year Success during the first nine months of its existence'has resulted in extending the life of the Univer- sity Extension Office in Flint for the coming year, it was announced yes- terday. The action was taken by the Board of Regents after reviewing the Flint office record. Opened last October on an ex- perimental basis, it has offerei 22 academic courses with an enrollment of 390 and 12 non-academic courses, enrolling 780. The non-academic work included engineering science and management war training clas- ses, a Latin American Institute, and courses for home planners. 5 U M-M E R S C E N E A T C 0 N Y I S L A N D-New Yorkers by the thousands, seeking escape from the heat and humidity, cover the beach at Goney Island in this view of a typical crowd at the famous -musement area. _ 0 \Q U E E N--A letter from a Ma- rine detachment in the South Pacific informed singer Bea Wain (above) she had been voted queen of the island, unidentified at censor's request.. N E W- S E A H A W K P L A N E--The Curtiss Seahawk, highly-rated new Navy scout plane, is a single place, single float seaplane with nine-cylinder,"engine and four-blade elebtric propeller.' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) ings of the French Club, which are free of charge. All interested please see Prof. Koella from 9 to 10 and 1 to 2 Tuesday and Thursday of this veek in Room 111, Romance Lang- iage Building. French Teas: There will be held French Teas every Tuesday and Wed- nesday at 4 p. m. in the Grill Room of the Michigan League and on 'Thursdays at the same hour at the International Center. All interested in speaking informed French are cordially invited. The first of these teas will take place Thursday, July 5, in the International Center. Motion Picture. French film, "D'Orage," Michele Moran, Charles Boyer, French . dialogue, English Titles, plus short. 7:30 p. m. (CWT) 8:30( EWT) Friday and Saturday, July 6, 7, Rackham Lecture Hall. Ad- mission free. The Departments of Latin and Greek will hold an informal recep- 3:15 p. m. (CWT), 4:15 p. m. (EWT). (EWT). Play-"Blithe Spirit," by Noel Monday, July 9: Lecture-"The Psy- Coward, Michigan Repertory Play- chology of Character," Harry J. ers, Department of Speech. 7:30 Baker, Director of the Psychologi- p. m. (CWT), 8:30 p. m. (EWT). cal Clinic, Detroit Public Schools. Lydia Mendelssohn. 2:05 (CWT), 3:05 (EWT), Univer- Friday, July 13: Lecture-"Teaching sity High School Auditorium. as a Dramatic Art," William J. Tuesday, July 10: University Lecture Sanders, New Haven Teachers Col- -"How to Locate Materials on lege. 2:05 p. m. (CWT), 3:05 p. m. Specific Educational Problems," (EWT). Warren R. Good, Instructor in Ed- Play-"Blithe Spirit," by Noel ucational Psychology. 2:05 p. m. Coward, Michigan Repertory Play- (CWT), 3:05 p. m. (EWT), Uni- ers, Department of Speech. 7:30 versity High School Auditorium. p. m. (CWT), 8:30 p. m. (EWT). University Lecture-"Interpret- Lydia Mendelssohn. ing the News." Professor Preston Motion Picture. Russian film Slosson. Auspices of the Summer Beethoven Concerto with outstand- Session, 3:10 p. m. (CWT), 4:10 ing Child Stars. Vladimir Shevt- p. m. (EWT) Rackham Amphithe- sov and Maria Popovna, 7:30 p. m. atre. (CWT), 8:30 p. m. (EWT) Rack- Wednesday, July 11. University Lec- ham Lecture Hall. Russian Dia- ture-"Contemporary Trends in logue, English Sub-titles. Under Foreign Language Teaching," C. C. the auspices of the Russian De- Fries, Professor of English and Di- partment. Admission free. rector of the English Language In- Saturday, July 14: Play-"Blithe stitute. 2:05 p. m. (CWT), 3:05 Spirit," by Noel Coward, Michigan p. m. (EWT). Repertory Players, Department of Play-"Blithe Spirit," by Noel Speech. 7:30 p. m. (CWT), 8:30 Coward, Michigan Repertory Play- p. m. (EWT). Lydia Mendelssohn. ers, Department of speech. 7:30 COMING EVENTS VA U D E V I L L E A C T-Senator Ford (right)veteran'fun 'ster, goes into a routine with (1. to r.) Eddie Miller, Don Loringi Rogers and Geoffrey O'Hara at a get-together in New York. O'Har C and Ford were members ofthe-old Sioux City Four.' A I RB O R N E W E D D I N C-Under a cloud ofrice a for- ner Flying Tiger, Col. Herbert Morgan, Jr., commander of the Clovis,, N. M., air base, and his bride, the 'former 'Wasp, Doris Marland, leave a Lowry Field chapeL 71, _ , ; ~ . ~ . ' ~