.. _I
Fifty-Fifth Year
Truman Liquidates Old Cabinet
Political Action for Occupied Nations
. Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control%
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
lished every day during the week except Monday and
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland
., . .Managing Editor
. , . . Associate Editor
* * * . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
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. . . . Business Manager
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College PxA shers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
WASHINGTON - Harry Truman has now
moved faster in cleaning out an inherited
cabinet than any other vice-president succeed-
ing to the presidency. In the short period of
two months, he has already decapitated six
Roosevelt cabineteers.
Calvin Coolidge, the last vice-president who
succeeded to the presidency, had three cabinet
resignations forced upon him by the Teapot
Dome scandals - Secretary of Interior Fall,
Secretary of the Navy Denby and Attorney Gen-
eral Dougherty. Aside from this, however, he
kept most of the Harding cabinet.
Teddy Roosevelt, who succeeded President
McKinley after the latter's death, also made
changes much more slowly in the McKinley cab-
inet. It was not until about a year after Mc-
Kinley's death that T. R. began bringing in his
own friends.
On the other hand, Truman, nominated
only because of Roosevelt's support at.Chi-
cago, and elected on a pledge to support
Roosevelt policies, has proceeded to dump
two-thirds of the Roosevelt cabinet.
While a lot of house-cleaning was needed,
the big question in the minds of politicos is
whether Truman will now make further chan-
ges. Four of the old Roosevelt cabinet re-
main: Secretary of the Interior Ickes, oldest
FDR appointee in years of service; Secretary
of Commerce Wallace, who would have served
an equal length of time with Ickes except for
his four years as Vice-President; Secretary of
War Stimson and Secretary of Navy For-
restal, both relative newcomers and neither
one close to Roosevelt.
Truman Steps on Tloes
SOME POLITICAL leaders (and this does not
include Bob Hannegan) are hoping Truman
will now be a little more cautious in firing the
old Roosevelt cabinet for this reason: they point
out that already has stirred up a large amount
of ill-will.
For instance, Ed Stettinius, the ex-Secretary
of State, is boiling mad, and so are his friends.
No one has heard from Ed since he got the gate
right after San Francisco. Attorney General
Biddle's friends are also peeved at the way he
was suddenly thrown out, while Henry Morgen-
thau's friends aren't happy either.
Furthermore, Truman stepped on some toes
needlessly. Despite his deserved reputation
for getting along with Congress, he forgot one
of the cardinal points of Congressional co-
operation when he appointed Clinton Ander-
son as Secretary of Agriculture. He forgot
to consult the two New Mexican senators,
Hatch and Chavez, from Anderson's state.
They are good friends of Truman's, but they
were peeved.
Also when Truman appointed Judge Vinson
Liberal Education
VITHTHE WAR rapidly coming to an end,
ten million young men must stop and take
stock. The war, the same war that seemed to
be eternally with us, is rapidly clearing away.
Young men in America can no longer dodge that
problem of self-decision, that problem of ele-
ciding to allocate our most valuable resource,
the individual.
These young men must now decide what they
are going to do. Some will go into business, the
greater share of them. Others, the young ones,
will go on to college. But deciding to go to col-
lege is not, enough. What they will get from
college ist more important.
A most challenging article, "A Letter to a
Seventeen-Year-Old Son," offering guidance to
young men, appears in this month's issue of
Harpers Magazine. Although the recent war
news alters its significance, there is much of
value in it.
The anonymous author of this article writes
a letter of advice to his 17-year-old son. He
tells his son that merely going into the army
does not offer a proper adjustment to life.
Entering the army is not a voluntary approach
to a life goal, but is rather an obligation that
every citizen is willing to meet, roughly an-
alagous to paying taxes. To go to school and
to what school to go and what to get out of
that school are the issues facing the 17-year-
The father, in advising his son, stresses the
importance of word subjects. While there is
growing emphasis today on materialism, this
father tells his son that nothing is more im-
portant than language. It is language that holds
all of society together and man's technological
achievements would go for naught had there
not been language to translate these ideas into
a .common, denominator.
Advising his son further, he claims that next
to language the most important developments
are the sciences of politics and economics. The
father's ,comment is worth quoting:
"Sheep have a herd instinct that tells them to
get under a sheltering bank when they smell a
blizzard coming., Men have no political instinct
to protect them. Instead, we have history which
takes the place of instinct. A people which
doesn't know history is like a sheep which can't
smell a wolf in the wind. In a democracy a citi-
zen cannot entirely delegate to experts his duty
of thinking (language) and his share in exer-
cising the herd instinct for self-preservation
The importance of a non-materialistic so-
ciety is emphasized again and again. The
father says, "The technicians will always be
the slaves to the word artists until the tech-
nicians learn how to handle people, how to
think logically, outside their own narrow fields,
how to talk,'and how to live."
This all leads the father to his important
conclusion. He, advises his son .to study the lib-
eral arts, the humanities, the achievements of
the human races. It' is these humanities that
make men know what to fight for or whether
to fight at all. It is the humanities, the liberal
arts if you please, that ennoble the soul, streng-
then society, and make life worth living.
-The challenge is thrown, out to the young col-
lege student. The purpose of the college edu-
cation is to understand human life. Early spe-
cialization of 'courses or 'concentration in the
physical sciences deprives the indvidual of this
of Kentucky to be Secretary of he Treasury, he
failed to consult the two Democratic senators
from that state - Barkley and Chandler. Bark-
ley, who is Truman's Senate floor leader, cer-
tainly thought he had a right to be consulted,
and he was peeved.
Morgenthau Gets Slapped
HOWEVER, none of these irritations compare
with the deep hurt felt by Henry Morgen-
thau's friends when he was thrown out of the
cabinet. Jewish people generally had taken pride
in the honest, fearless job Henry Morgenthau
had done as Secretary of the Treasury. But
what really hurt was not losing one of their
faith from the cabinet, but the announcement
that Truman and Byrnes would ride separately
to Potsdam, thus leaving the implication that
they would take no chance on a Jew's succeed-
ing to the Presidency. On top of this came the
sudden, abrupt message from Truman in mid-
ocean asking Morgenthau to retire immediately.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Dminic Says
WITH THE LABOR victory in Britain, Chris-
tianity versus Socialism has become a live
issue around the globe. This is true first, because
Christianity has made its case as a universal
way of life. It is more than Church, more than
a system of belief, more than an ethical code
for action, more than one of the several reli-
gions of mankind any one of which can serve
its people while they are primitive. The religion
of Jesus has made its case as an integrity among
men akin to the basic integrity within the struc-
ture of the Universe. As such we have an ideal
for persons, a goal for such groups as the family,
an aim which will endure scrutiny or if accepted
by all would enhance persons as well as streng-
then society.
It is true secondly, because, in our own time
Communism has been accepted as the dynamic
force which at once upset Europe with a so-
cial revolution. Here is a force which now
stands over against Christianity as a rival,
a threat, a certain competitor. We cannot ig-
nore that fact. To' get emotional when Com-
munism is mentioned or to say Socialism only
under one's breath is to -practice the false
strategy of an ostrich. Socialism, just because
her Russian patrons came out of hiding with
all of the modern scientific methods, mastered
illiteracy, banished mental illness, lowered
race antagonism to the vanishing point, cut
delinquency to zero in a quarter of a century
and then stopped the German military ma-
chine, has earned our respect if not our af-
fection. Christianity must reckon with it in
the open by research, discussion, experimen-
tation and prayer.
We say with prayer because we need to find
a deep sincerity such as we in the United States
have not cultivated politically and economical-
Now the Socialism of the Labor government in
Britain focuses attention upon children needing
milk and their fathers needing bread. There is
its power. Socialism insists that life comes first
and that the life of a thousand persons is a
thousand times as interesting and important to
God as the life of one, of anyone. That is a
significant spiritual assumption. The Soviet
Socialists insist that they expect to become kind
after that fact of the minimum for all has been
made a basic good. They say that they will be-
come merciful afer this elemental right is grant-
ed. They observe that rights move all men to-
ward equality but charity inflates one while it
humiliates his brother. The process keeps the
culture tense and unstable. They insist that
they expect to become philosophic afer this basic
assumption that life is just as real and precious
for the poor as for the rich, has been accepted.
They say they may be able to indulge in art and
religion when the elementary essence of human
existence is guaranteed to all.
Had they merely talked this way we Christians
might have had a rare time at religious forums,
community conferences, a study of economic
theory and lectures on the remaking of political
Instruments. But when the Soviets took over a
nation of 170,000,000 and actually organized
ignorant peasants, educated them in the elemen-
tal matters, adopted goals deliberately and at-
tained these goals, precisely, built vast plants,
constructed great dams, managed modern cities
and then evolved vast modern armies which
challenged Hitler, we are stunned.
Now while there may be cruelties not ours
to approve or to emulate, there is no one good
in Socialism which is not implicit in a Chris-
tian =Democracy. Therefore no one needs to
"go communistic" to revise America. When
we Christians begin to practice our religion
economically, industrially, socially and polit-
ically with the thoroughness advocated by the
Labor government, there will be no danger of
a clash between Christianity and Commun-
ism, nor a gulf fixed between the Kingdom of
God and the good of Man.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor of Religious Education
PERHAPS the greatest mistake
made at the peacetable after
World War I was the assumption that
all peoples are eager and ready for
The example of our own nation
should disprove that. In this coun-
try the role of thinking, acting citi-
zen is too much trouble for many
people. Large numbers of individuals
neglect to vote or else mark a
"straight ticket" based on, almost
hereditary party affiliations rather
than inform themselves and take the
trouble and responsibility of arriving
at some decision, on an individual
If this is true of a nation with a
heritage of hundreds of years of
republican government following a
colonial apprenticeship of near-
autonomy, it seems almost impos-
or the other about the possibility of
peror Hirohito staying on in the event of a
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all ie -
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LV, No. 29
The American Red Cross has ur-
gent need for Social Workers. Rec-
reation workers and Staff Aides to
help in Hospitals in this country as
well as for overseas positions. Age
23 to 50 and college men and women
preferred. Personnel secretaries from
Headquarters will be in Ann Ar-
bor on August 13 and 14 to inter-
view interested persons.
Appointments for interviews may
be made at Red Cross Headquarters,
The University of Michigan Polo-
nia Club will hold its next meeting on
Tuesday, August 21st at the Interna-
tional Center, at 7:30 EWT. Plans
for a picnic will be discussed at that
Phi Delta Kappa. The last dinner
meeting of the summer will be held
Tuesday evening, August 14, at the
Michigan Union at 6:30 p. m. The
speaker will be Mr. Clark Tibbitts,
Director of the University Veterans'
Program. Members will go through
the cafeteria line and proceed into
the faculty dining room.
La Sociedad Hispanica is present-
ing a lecture on Argentinian Art by
Prof. Julio Payro, visiting prof. at the
Fine Arts Department from Argen-
tina. The lecture will be given in
Spanish Wednesday, August 15th at
8 o'clock (EWT) in Room D Fine
Arts Department. (Alumni Memorial
Hall). Everybody is invited.
State of Connecticut Civil Service
announcements for Deputy Commis-
sioner in Charge of Child Welfare,
salary $4,800 to $6,000 per annum,
has been received in our office. Fur-
ther information regarding the exam-
ination and qualifications may be
obtained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
French Tea: Tuesday at 4 p. m.
EWT, (3 p. m. CWT) in the Grill
Room of the Michigan League.
French Club: The last meeting of
the Summer Session French Club will
be held Thursday, August 16 at 8
p. m. (EWT), 7 p. m. (CWT) at the
Michigan League. Professor Charles
E. Koella, of "the Romance Language
Department, will give an informal
talk entitled "Souvenirs d'Algerie."
Group singing and social hour. Come
all. -
What not to believe about Russia
will be the subject of a talk by Pro-
fessor Andrew Lobanov-Rostovsky on
Monday evening, August 13th, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, at 8:15 p.m.
(EWT). The Russky Kruzhok (Rus-
sian Circle) cordially invites all facul-
ty members, students, and towns-
people to attend.
Events Today,
the Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street, at 4:30 p. m. (EWT)
and go from there to Riverside Park
for a Reunion Picnic with recreation
and closing Vesper Service. In case
of rain the group will meet in the
sible that a country schooled to
more or less paternal despotism, to
blind obedience in exchange for the
comfortable security of non-respon-
sibility, could successfully undertake
a democratic form of government.
After the last war this was proved
to be impossible. Circumstances
conspired to defeat the Weimar Re-
public but not the least of these
was the fact that the German people
were accustomed to taking orders,
that they preferred the reassurance
of authoritative commands to the
self-doubts which must accompany
It will not be surprising if, after the
war, the liberated countries find the
experiment of democracy too onerous
to continue. The horrors which to-
talitarianism brought in its wake will
fade in their memories; they will re-
call only the ease and security of
paternalistic control.
If we are not to repeat the errors
of the last peace we must keep in
mind the fact that democracy is
not the easy way. New democra-
cies must be encouraged and helped,
not strangled economically and po-
These new governments must not
be identified with defeat and dis-
grace, but with rebirth. They must
not be leaders in demoralization but
in hope and active reconstruction.
They will need help, and we
must give it. If we allow these
first feeble attempts at democracy
-however incomplete-to die, we
are playing ball with Fascism.
-Marjorie Mills
First Congregational Church, Wil-
liams and State.I
A Service of Thanksgiving and
Dedication sponsored by the Congre-
gational-Disciples Guild will be held
at the First Congregational Church,
'State and Williams at 8:00 p. in.
(EWT) on the day of the official
announcement of the end of war, pro-
viding the announcement comes be-
fore 6:00 p. m. If the announcement
comes after 6:00 p. m. the service will
be held at 8:00 p. m. the following
day. The program planned will in-
clude music, short readings and time
for meditation. Welcome is extended
to all persons.'
Academic Notices
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music, and Public Health: Summer
Session Students wishing a trans-
cript of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.,
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request be-
fore the end of the session will re-
sult in a needless delay of several
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, Schools of Educt-
tion, Music, and Public Health: Tent-
ative lists of seniors for September
and October graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, University Hall. If your name does
not apear, or, if included there, it
is not correctly spelled, please notify
the counter clerk.
Doctoral Examination for Fred
George Walcott, English and Educa-
tion; thesis: "Matthew Arnold and
the Growth of Democratic Educa-
tion in England," Monday, August
13, 3223 Angell Hall, at 9:00 a. m.
EWT. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Symposium on Molecular Struc-
ture. Dr. Kasimir Fajans will speak
on "Electronic Structure of Boron
Compounds and of Some Carbon
Compounds" in Room 303 Chemistry
Building on Monday, August 13 at
3:15 p. m. (CWT), 4:15 p. m. (EWT).
All interested are invited to attend:
Students, Summer Term, College of
Literature, Sciehnce, and the 'Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug.
11, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than 24
hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week, upon the recommendation of
their academic counselors.
Exceptions to these regulations may
be made only because of extraordi-
nary circumstances, such as serious
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music, and Public Health: Each stu-
dent who has changed his address
since June registration should file a
change of address in Room 4, U. H.,
so that the report of this summer
work will not be misdirected.
Linguistic Institute. Introduction
to Linguistic Science. "Pidgin Lang-
uages; Problems and Implications."
Dr. Robert A. 'Hall jr. Tuesday, Aug-
ust 14, 6 p. m. CWT (7 p. m. EWT),
East Lecture Room, Rackham Build-
a Students in Speech: The final
speech assembly will be held at 4
p. m. (EWT) Wednesday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The pro-
gram will be a demonstration debate.
Attendance is required of all Speech
make-up grade not later than noon,
August 31, for the Summer Session,
and noon, October 26, for the Sum-
mer Term. Grades received after
that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Recommendations for Department-
al Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative Aug-
ust graduates from the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts,
and the School of Education for de-
partmental honors should send such
names to the Registrar's office, Room
4, University Hall, by noon August
31. Recommendations for tentative
October candidates should be in the
Registrar's Office by noon October
Engineering Faculty: The fourth of
a series of lectures on Electron Tubes
will be given Monday, Aug. 13, at
3:15 CWT (4:15 EWT) in Room
246, West Engineering Bldg. The
topic will be "The Electron Tube as
an Amplifier. The subject matter of
each lecture is to a large degree inde-
pendent of the others in the series.
Linguistic Institute Lecture-dem-
onstration. "The Music of Speech."
Dr. Kenneth L. Pike, lecturer in pho-
netics in the Institute and professor
of phonetics at the Summer Insti-
tute of Linguistics at the University
of Oklahoma. Wednesday, August
15, 6:30 p. m. CWT (7:30 p. m. EWT),
Rackham Amphitheatre. Students of
speech, drama, music, and the lang-
uages are invited to attend.
Geometry Seminar: Tuesday, 3:00
p. m. (CWT), 4 p. m. (EWT). Manuel
Rizon will discuss "Projective Trans-
formations Leaving the Circular
Points Fixed."
Student Recital: Florence Mc-
Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Mast-
er of Music at 7:30 p. m. (CWT)
Monday, August 13, in Pattengill
Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High
School. A pupil of Arthur Hackett,
Miss McCracken will sing selections
by Gluck, Debussey, Dvorak, Medni-
koff and Rachmaninoff. The public
is cordially invited.
Faculty Concert: Louise Rood, viol-
ist, and Benjamin Owen, pianist, will
present a concert Tuesday evening,
August 14, at 7:30 p. m. (CWT) in
Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann Ar-
bor High School. The program will
consist of compositions y Jacobi,
Griffes and Bloch. The general pub-
lic is invited.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (142-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
-160 Rackham Building. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war.
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
General 'Library, main corridor
cases. Early military science. Selec-
tion from Stephen~ Spaulding, 27,
memorial collection, presented by Col.
T. M. Spaulding, '021
Coming Events
Concerts, Florence McCracken,
Mezzo-Soprano, August 13; Chamber
Music Series, August '16, Pattengill
Operetta. "Naughty Marietta," by
Victor Herbert and Rita Johnson
Youhg! School of Music and Michigan
anese surrender. We had more or less taken it
for granted that the Emperor would have to go.
If he remained on the scene, he would presum-
ably retain sovereignty over his white horse;
that possibility and Admiral Halsey's announced
objectives are mutually exclusive.
Admiral Halsey long ago said that he, in-
tended to possess himself of the Emperor's
steed and ride it down Tokyo's main stem in
the grand victory parade, and we must con-
fess that we were looking forward to reading
about the unusual spectacle. We had fully
expected it to be the finest show in its, line
since Lady Godiva put on her famous per-
formance in London.
* * *
IT IS UNLIKELY that Halsey would agree to
any sort of "two men on a horse" proposal,
and from our own intimate experiences we are
sure of this much: the horse would register
strenuous objections.
We can remember our one and only eques-
trian attempt. The trainer assured us that
we were starting off on an equal footing; the
horse had never been ridden and we had never
been riding. The whole thing ended tragically
when the horse threw a shoe, our shoe, and
we were in it.
WITH THIS background we feel qualified to
predict that the Tokyo show will be a one
man affair. We understand that the citizens
of one Western state presented the Admiral
with a silver saddle, Western style, with a horn
to be used in heavy traffic. It is also said that
the Admiral has had a pair of spurs made for the
occasion and that he has already chosen his rid-
ing habit.
The thought of Halsey riding through Tokyo
sans battleship may seem startling at first, but
nothing stopped the Admiral in his chase
across the Pacific, and we are willing to bet
six-to-five that Halsey and the Emperor's
horse will be at the post when the victory par-
ade gets under way.
By Crockett Johnson
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