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July 04, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-04

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WeDNESD... A, JULY 4, 1945.

Fifty-Fifth Year

Spanish Loyalists Starving



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Ray Dixon
Margaret Farmnr
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Editorial Staff
Managing Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* , . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is eclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, .$4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press 1944-45
Editorials published, in'The Michigan Daily
are written by memnbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
APPOINTMENT of Jimmy Byrnes to succeed
Edward Stettinius as Secretary of State came
as no great surprise to anyone, as President
Truman again displayed his no mean ability to
pick on the right man for the right job.
Byrnes, who has served with distinction in
all three branches of the United States govern-
ment executive, legislative, and judicial, was
about the only available Democrat in Washing-
ton with enough experience and vision to handle
the difficult job of co-ordination and trouble-
shooting that has become the State Depart-
ment's chief task.
The new Secretary of State is, first of all, a
man of great background and experience. He
has been successful as a legislator in both
houses of Congress, as a judge of the Supreme
Court, and in his job as "assistant president"
to the late Franklin Roosevelt under the title
of Director of War Mobilization and Recon-
version. . This wealth of experience cannot
help serving him in good stead in his new role.
Secondly, Byrnes, while not exactly a foreign
relations specialist, has shown in all of his ser-
vice to the government a rare talent for forth-
right, effective administration and an ability to
co-ordinate the various sprawling agencies that
are the United States government. This last
ability, plus his immense personal prestige,
established him as "natural" for the leadership
of the State Department, whose main function
is not to define and administer a foreign policy
so much on its account, but rather to guide the
other departments and agencies in their deal-
ings with foreign affairs. This guidance has
been sadly lacking of late. Byrnes, it is ex-
pected, will be able to supply it:
Byrnes' appointment should satisfy both
Republicans and Democrats. His record shows
that his actions have always been remarkably
free cf party politics. With very few excep-
tions he has not failed to act in the best
national interests. As far as anyone knows,
members of both parties are quite well satis-
fied with the appointment. That, in itself, is
a valuable asset for any Cabinet member.
So it would seem that Truman has again
made a commendable choice to fill the group of
advisors who will act with him in guiding the
future destinies of the nation during the difficult
rehabilitating, reconverting, and peacemaking
period. No one can logically level the accusation
of "one man government" at the new president
as was done so freouently and with so much
violence at his immediate predecessor.
-Bill Mullindore
Borrowing Bogey
The government-borrowing bogey is once more
causing people loudly to laud a piece of legisla-
tien out of one corner of their mouths while con-
demning the means to its efficacy out of the
The lead "Free Press" editorial of yesterday
loudly lauded the Vinson full-employment re-
port (which calls for long-term public works)
and at the same time condemned government
How the "'Free Press" expects the government

to raise the enormous funds required for long-
term works remains unanswered. But, then, the
Free Press cares little for such details. It finds
"the greatest strength of the Vinson document"
in the citicism of others that "the spirit is there
but the substance is lacking; that he (Vinson)
does not lay down a detailed and specific pro-
Gl 1U1"

WASHINGTON-With the Army doing every-
thing possible to return displaced Europeans
to their homes, nothing is yet being done for the
first continental fighters against Fascism-the
Spanish Loyalists still penned up with their
families in France.
These freedom-loving Spaniards, many of
whom were hired out to French employers dur-
ing the German occupation as bonded servants,
formed the first and most active guerilla bands
in occupied France, later joined with the French
Maquis. Many wear the Croix de Guerre for
their valiant leadership of these underground
fighters. But now that the war in Europe is
ended, they are back in concentration camps,
close to starvation.
At one camp they were even forbidden to eat
the grass because the authorities did not want
the appearance of the camp spoiled.
UNRRA could help these Spaniards, and
assistant secretary of state Dean Acheson, as
a member of the top UNRRA council, has been
asked to recommend aid. However, he has
~Nra Icy
IT TURNS OT that we cannot send shells to
the Pacific in fiber cases, of the kind we used
in Europe; cases made of sheet steel are needed,
since the climate of the Pacific is just as unkind
to ammunition as to its users. This puts the
need for sheet steel sharply up. As a result, ac-
cording to a New York Times study, a number of
plans for conversion to civilian production this
summer have begun to limp, sheet steel being the
basic material for the American way of life, for
automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines,
No incident could better demonstrate how
any plan to return to "normality" during a war
hangs by a hair. There can be no normality in
any case until our men are back home, and any
effort to cook up a fake or synthetic normality,
or a specious facsimile of same, until, the war
is over, is going to run into the kind of trouble
noted above.
Not only will it probably fail to work out, but
in the attempt we shall make ourselves look
dreary. The War Production Board, says the
Journal of Commerce, is receiving complaints
from a number of manufacturers, all charging
that some other fellow has been allowed to get.
out of war production first. This scramble to
get back to normality is understandable, but I
think of the hot summer trains to the West
Coast, and of the sweating men in them, fero-
ciously jammed together on their way to the
Pacific, and reading of some such news item as
this on their brief passage through their country.
TROOPS are sitting up two and three nights
in coaches, though technically entitled to
Pullman space; one group recently sat so from
the East Coast to points in Texas. Yet the vol-
ume of commercial travel through the country
has been wildly stimulated by the reconversion
frenzy through which we are passing. I make
no big moral point about it; only a kind of
esthetic point, perhaps.
It just doesn't look good, and in a culture
in which it is considered wildly improper to
wear a red necktie with a dinner coat, a case
can be made against a luxurious babble and
movement toward normality, during the great-
est military redeployment in history.
For these things are catching, and one must
think in terms of trends. Two years ago the
average luncheon table speaker told us that we
must put our shoulders to the wheel, and today
he draws equal applause by demanding an end
of war-time controls; a mood has changed. In
Congress, which often gives us exaggerated ex-
pressions of our passing moods, the effect last
week was almost to end price control and pitch
us into an uproarious inflation. The inflationists
were able to lead us into this danger only because
the world "normality" has been made respectable
too soon, by too many, and without rebuke.
It is easy to live in a fantasy, and some of
us are lusting so for a return to normal times
as to be willing to pretend that they are al-
ready here. "Back to normality" says the
speaker in the Purple Room, and "On with the

war" says the speaker in the Orange Room and
they meet later before the same elevator. Go-
ing up or down? They can't be going the same
way, and on the street outside a soldier waits.
Let's hope the message he has heard has drift-
ed to him from the right room. It is not a bad
rule to speak so that your words will make
sense to a man who is prepared to fling away
his cigarette and die for you.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate).

refused to act. Meanwhile, the half-starved
Spaniards cannot go back to Franco Spain on
penalty of death.
Surplus Property Secret
ABOUT the closest wall of secrecy in Wash-
ington shrouds the Surplus War Property
Board, the disposal agency for the richest war
booty in history. Now that public-minded ex-
senator Guy Gillette has resigned and his hard-
hitting friend Wesley Sturges has been fired,
few people really know what goes on inside sur-
plus property.
Here, however, is one interesting inside de-
velopment. The surplus property boys haven't
published it, but they have just about decided
to unload surpluses in England or in British-
dominated areas in exchange for local cur-
rencies rather than dollars. This means tha
in Egypt, and the Near and Middle East, the
United States will play squarely into the hands
of the British sterling bloc.
In these British-dominated areas, all dollars
are collected by British banks, under arrange-
ments with near eastern governments, and sent
to London. This makes it extremely difficult for
U.S. firms to do business in Egypt and the Near
East, and the British want to keep it that way.
U.S. firms can't get paid except in local curren-
cies. It is hard to get dollars in return. Mean-
while London banks are chocked with dollars.
But despite this, the surplus property boys
have decided to play along with the sterling
Republicans Shoot Back
R EPRESENTATIVES George Bender of Cleve-
land, Ohio, and Frank Keefe of Oshkosh,
Wis., are the first Republicans to challenge the
Democrats on their social program in a long
time. Bender got indignant as he sat listening
to chairman Clarence Cannon of Missouri
sonorously proclaim that his appropriations
committee had not blocked the continuance of
the Fair Employment Practices Committee.
Bender promptly called Democrat Cannon'o.
bluff on this and GOP representative Keefe
stepped in to support him. Keefe recounted ie
great detail how the Democrats had knife
"I am sick and tired of this shadow boxing,"
Keefe stormed.
"You have 50 more votes in this house tha
have the Republicans," he continued, "and any
time the President of the United States wants
this legislation passed you fellows will be
whipped into line as you have in the past, and
you will pass it because you have the' votes to
pass it. Why kid anybody any longer?"
The Wisconsin Republican then challenge
Cannon to bring FEPC out for a vote before the
full house.
"My good friend, the gentleman from Wis-
consin-" said Congressman Cannon in reply
But Keefe was interrupted.
"That is the way you addressed John Tabe
of New York (with whom Cannon had a fist
fight)," Keefe reminded him. "You called him
'my good friend.'"
"I would not put the gentleman in the saint
class," Cannon assured Keefe, amid laughter.
Bender Unbends
MOMENT LATER Cleveland's Bender took
the floor again to point out that it was the
vote of Democratic representative Roger Slaugh-
ter of Missouri in the Rules Committee that pre-
vented FEPC from getting to the floor for a full
vote by the entire house.
"He (Slaughter) is from President Truman's
home district," Bender climaxed.
Bender has frequently voted with the Demo-
crats and has been a constant critic of Repub-
lican tactics and policies, but this time he
laced into the Democrats. The sins of the
Republican party are many, he said, but long
before the new deal was ever heard of, Repub-
lican-controlled congresses had built up "a
remarkably fine record for social legislation."
"My father used to work seven days a week,
12 hours a day. Under the Republican admin-
istrations his hours were cut to 11 hours, then
ten hours, then nine hours. Time and again
under Republican legislatures of states in the
north, improvements were adopted. There are
many states in the union not dominated by
Republicans now that do not have workmen's
compensation laws."

"Yet some people would have you believe that
all social progress began on March 4, 1933."
Every congressman present had to agree
that Republicans like Bender and Keefe were
in a position to challenge the Democrats. But
on the other hand, Republican leadership in.
the House has been just as evasive as the
Democrats in dodging a showdown on fair
employment practices.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell SyncUcate, Inc.)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin shold be sent in typewritten
form to the summer Session, Angell hall,
by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding pub-
lication (10:30 a. in. Saturdays).
VOL. LV, No. 2-S
There is an urgent need for Dailies
for the boys in service here in the
U. S. Send copies when through with
them to Mrs. Ruth Buchanan in the
The Michigan Daily will be distrib-
uted on the diagonal between 8:00
and 10:00, Mondays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays to
students who live in house where the
paper is NOT delivered.
To all House Presidents: Frater-
nity rushing will officially begin on
Thursday, July 5
The office of the Interfraternity
Council will be open from 2 to 4 p. m.
(CWT) 3 to 5 p. m. (EWT) every day
except Saturday until July 13 for
general information, and the regis-
tration of men for Fraternity rushing.
After July 13, the office will be open
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
from 2 to 4 p, in. (CWT) 3 to 5 p. in,
Summer Plays to be presented by
the Michigan Repertory Players of
the department of speech include
"Blithe Spirit," by Noel Coward, "The
Male Animal" by James Thurber and
Elliott Nugent, "Quality Street" by
Sir James M, Barrie, "Over 21" by
Ruth Gordon and "Naughty Mari-
etta" by Victor Herbert and Rita J.
Young. Season tickets are now on
sale daily at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre box office, while individual
play tickets will be placed on sale
Monday, July 9. The season will open
July 11 and run through August 20.
Armenian Students Association:
The first meeting this summer will
be held on Friday, July 6, from 6:30-
8:30 p. in. (CWT), at the Interna-
tional Center. All students of Arme-
nian parentage are urged to attend.
- _ - -
At the State: "Murder He Says."
As the title implies, this is a picture
with a murder-but the illegal acts
don't stop there.
The opus includes just about every
form of violence, the most notice-
able coming from the writers, pro-
ducer and director who were funda-
mentally responsible for foisting the
thing on the innocent, but hardened
cinema public.
The story involves Fred MacMur-
ray, a gatherer of public opinion,
who becomes inexplicably involved
with a family in the Southern hills
with definite "shootin" tendencies.
There's a great deal of scuffling
about a hidden treasure or some-
thing, and Marjorie Main carries a
whip. We can't rememger much
else about the plot or performers in
this second class grade B take off on
a take off.
* *' *
At the Michigan: "God is My
A fair movie about Gen. Claire
Chennault's Flying Tigers, who de-
serve much more than Hollywood
gave them.
Dennis Morgan, as Col. Scott, gave
a rather uninspired performance, but
refrained from his usual tendency to
In the role of Gen. Chennault, Ray-
mond Massey turned in an admirable
performance, stealing the show from
a pretty tough looking gang of fliers,
who were otherwise unconvincing.

About all that can be said about
"God Is My Co-Pilot" is that we
left the Michigan with a feeling
that we had not seen or felt the
real story about these really great
Americans and Chinese.
In fact, the movie gave us a
rather empty feeling.
-Bob Goldman

Housemothers of undergraduate
women's residences are notified that
beginning with the end of this term,
it will no longer be necessary for
them to send notices of students' ill-
nesses to the Office of the Dean of
Women for the purpose of securing
class excuses. Class excuses for min-
or or temporary illnesses will no
longer be handled by this office as
has been the case this year. The
Health Service will give statements
only in cases where students have
first been seen.
Identification Cards: All identifica-
tion cards which were given out dur-
ing the Summer, Fall or Spring
Terms of the year 1944-45 must be
validated by the Dean of Students for
the Summer Term 1945. Cards which
were not turned in at registration in
Waterman Gymnasium should be left
at Room 2, University Hall at once.
Cards which are not revalidated will
not be honored for the Summer Term
by University officials,
Eligibility Certificates for the Sum-
mer Term may be secured immediate-
ly if the report of Spring Term is
brought to the Office of the Dean of
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
of groups which maintain houses on
the campus, or which formerly main-
tained houses, should apply to the
Office of the Dean of Students at
once for a blank lor listing current
The organization meeting of the
Men's Education Club will be held in
Rooms 318 to 320, Michigan Union
at 7:15 (EWT), 6:15 (CWT) Thurs-
day evening, Jijly 5. Commande
Charles M. Davis, U.S.N.R. will speak
on "Experiences in the' Pacific War."
Commander Davis is Associate Pro-
fessor of Geography and has been
Plans Officer Special Air Task Force
United States Pacific Fleet. Dean
Edmonson will preside during the
election of officers.
ATTENTION--All organized houses
in which undergraduate women are
1. Closing hours will be 10:00 p. in
CWT on Sunday through Thurs-
day and 11:30 p. .in CWT on Fri-
day and Saturday. Every woman
must sign out when leaving he
.house after 6:30 p. im. CWT and
must sign in upon her return.
2. Sign-out sheets must be turned in
by the house pr'esident by Monday
July 9 at 11:00 a. m. CWT. These
should include the period from the
opening of the particular hous
through Sunday, July 8, and sign-
out sheets must be in by 11:00
a. m. CWT on every Monday there-
after. A composite sheet must ac-
company the original sign-out
sheets. Also attached must be any
late permission slips which ar
signed by the house head. All
writing must be in ink.
3. The sheets must be placed in the
box marked "Sign-out Sheets" in
the Undergraduate Offices of the
Michigan League. A model sign-
out sheet and a composite sheet
may be found posted in the Under.
graduate Office. Illustrations ar
given of the proper procedure in
encircling permissions, probations
etc., and methods of recording
these on the composite record
Copies of house rules, sign-out
sheets, and composite sheets are
available in the Social Director
Office in the League. House presi-
dents should 'be responsible fo
keeping their houses supplied witi
these and for posting a copy of the
house rules in a prominent place.
4. Every house must elect a presiden
and vote on quiet hours by Friday
July 6. Basic quiet hours will be:
6:30 p. m. CWT to 9:30 p. m. CWT
Sunday through Thursday. Addi-
tional quiet hours may be estab-
lished by individual houses if they
vote to do so.
5. The house head and house presi-
dent will be held responsible foi
the accuracy of all reports turned

in at the Undergraduate office.
The house president shall be re-
sponsible for their delivery. TherE
will be a compulsory meeting of al)
house heads and presidents on
Monday, July 9 at 6:30 p. .in CWT
at the Michigan League.
Important Notice:
All women students and house
heads are held responsible for the
House Rules. Copies of these rules
are available at all times in the
Social Director's office in the Mich-
igan League.
The Women's Education Club will
hold a Get Acquainted Meeting for
all women interested in Education on
Thursday, July 5, at 7:30 p. m.,
EWT, in the Michigan League Gar-
den. Everyone interested is wel-
Pi Lambda Theta: A social hour
will be held in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building at 7:00
p. m. (CWT) 8:00 p. m. (EWT) on
Thursday, July 5. Members of all
chapters are cordially invited to join
this group which is open to faculty,
students and residents of the Ann

seeking positions in business, indu-
stry,iand professions other than ed-
It is important to register now be-
cause there will be only one registra-
tion during the two summer sessions.
There is no fee for registration.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Social Dancing Class: A social
dance instruction class will be held
on Thursday evenings at 6:30 (CWT)
7:30 (EWT) in Barbour Gymnasium.
This is open to all men and women
.students. Sign up in Room 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium promptly.
Recreational Swimming for Women
Students: The Union pool will be
open for recreational swimming for
women students on Tuesday and
8:30 (EWT), and Saturday mornings
8:30 EWT), and Saturday mornings
from 8:15 to 10:15 (CWT), 9:15 to
11:15 (EWT). Any woman student
may swim during this hour provided
she has a medical permit. This may
be obtained at the Health Service. A
fee of 25c per swim is charged.
University Lecture: "Milestones in
American Secondary Education."
Fred S. Dunham, Associate Profes-
sor of Latin and of the Teaching of
Latin; auspices of the School of Edu-
cation, 2:05 p. m., Thursday, July 5.
University High School Auditorium.
University Lecture: "Education for
International Understandings." Mo-
wat C. Fraser, Dean of Winthrop Col-
lege; auspices of the Summer Ses-
sion. 2:05 p. i., Friday, July 6. Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, July 6, from 3 to 5 p. m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dictionaries may be used.
Mathematics: There will be a
meeting of all those interested in
seminar work in Mathematics in
Room 3010 Angell Hall on Thursday,
July 5, at 3 p. m.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health. Stu-
dents who receive marks of I or X at
the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by August 2. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
'rder to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Engineering . Aptitude Tests: All
first-term civilian Engineering Fresh-
nen will meet in Rackham Lecture
Hall at 7 o'clock (CWT) 8:00 (EWT)
:n Thursday morning, July 5, for the
purpose of taking the Engineering
Aptitude Tests developed by the Car-
negie Foundation for the Advance-
ment of Teaching. There will be no
nake-up opportunity. Freshmen will
be excused from classes on Thursday,
since the tests will require the full
Mathematics 151, Advanced Cal-
culus, will be offered in the 16 week
Summer Term meeting MWF at 11
'clock in Room 3201 Angell Hall.
rirst session of class will be Fri-
lay at 10 p. m. (CWT) 11 p. m.
Political Science 151s. This class
will meet Friday from 1-3 (CWT)
'-4 (EWT) in room 408 of the Li-

Carillon Recital: Professor Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, 6:15
p. m. Thursday, July 5.
General Library, main corridor
cases. Books printed in English be-
fore 1640.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. Representative
items in the Michigan Historical Col-
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the Alnerican Indian.
Events Today
Coming Events
French Club: The first meeting of

By Crockett Johnson

i can't quite reach the cot.
This broom is too short--
How does the
Witch get the
broom to fly?,


She never told me the
real secret. She always
put me off by claiming
it flew at the sound of
some corny magicians'
ward . .. ABRACA--

ri , lit"l




1445, the New~spaperPMinc.a



Your Fairy Godfather is almost
out of sight. He's still holding

Shall we wait for the Witch to o)IiNsoy/l
come back with the hook and

No. Let's wake Pop up. . . He sod

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