IP'-r1.GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1941 PSEIGE TWO FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Omissions from Potsdam Report Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Sumner Daily is pub- Ushed every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon Mararet. Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Associate Editor , . . . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor Business StaGf . . . Business Manager By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Some of the important things really happening at Potsdam but dis- creetly omitted from the communique have now leaked out. Two of them concerned the keeping of Allied troops in occupied Europe this winter, and the intricate problem of setting up real democracy in the Balkans and southern Europe. They caused some near cat-and-dog fights and ended in deadlocks. Biggest fight at Potsdam was over the pro- posal to withdraw Allied troops from a large part of occupied Europe before winter. This was quietly put forward by President Truman, but met with cool reception from Churchill. Stalin was even chillier. Truman was referring, not to Germany, but to the various sattelite Axis countries which never got into the war with any enthusiasm, plus some of the Allied countries which never wanted to get into the war at all. Churchill Says No . . WHEN TRUMAN proposed that British troops withdraw completely from Jugoslavia and Greece (The British have as many troops in Greece as the Germans once did), Churchill bluntly said no. However, Churchill did consent, after con- siderable argument by Truman, to withdraw most American and British troops from Italy during the coming winter. Incidentally, most of the Potsdam agreement was settled while Winston Churchill was still prime minister of England. For better or worse, it stands as a monument to him. By the time new Prime Minister Attlee arrived, most of the job was finished, and, inasmuch as he had sat in on the preceding talks, he OK'd all that Churchill had done - with one exception- Spain. Attlee caused the declaration against Franco to be strengthened. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ;or re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise creditedl in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPIREENED FO NATIONAL AVRTI3IN byI National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4A20 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSON - LOS ANGOLES : SAN FRANcIsco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITORS: SACKS AND ZACK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Trib.te BOTH FACULTY MEMBERS and students have lost a friend in the passing of Prof. Joseph Newhall Lincoln, member of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages. An esteemed member of the faculty, he served as secretary to the faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and as a mem- ber of numerous committees. There are many things that characterized him, but none so much as his gentle disposition, soft-spoken manner and reserved, distinguished appearince. The late Prof. Lincoln was especially hospit- able to younger people. He welcomed graduates 4n4 teaching fellows to his home and was lib- eral with his time. As advisor to concentrates in Spanish, he was a sympathetic friend and counselor. To all, he was kind and generous. -Lynne Sperber Tragedy ofWr MAJOR RICHARD BONG, the greatest of America's fighter pilots, was killed Monday when the jet plane he was testing crashed in California. Bong was testing something new ... jet pro- pulsion is no old story with science. He was fighting a new kind of battle, a battle for science that, like the other battles he fought, should help mankind. The tragedy that is Bong's death is a symbol of all the tragedy that war is. Again the life of a young, fine American was taken . . . a life that, in terms of years, was hardly begun. The death of Bong was for the battle of science, a battle to which there is no end. It is to be hoped that the other battle he fought will have an end, and never again a beginning. --Eunice Mintz Ileparat1ons PLANS FOR THE COLLECTION of repara- tions from guilty Germany were announced in the communique from the Potsdam Confer- ence. According to the principle put forth in the report, Russia will collect its claims and those of Poland from the Russian zone of oc cupation and Britain, the United States and other countries entitled to reparations, from the British, American and French zones. The report goeson-to say that Germany will le treated as a "single economic unit" in mat- ters of trade, money, transport, communica- tions and reparations. And Germany is to as- sume the responsibility of administering con- trols to carry out these objectives. Both of these provisions sound fine. They may even prove workable. But it is easier to claim reparations than to collect them, and it is a far more simple matter to hope for economic reconstruction than to achieve it. After the last war, a wrecked and devastated Germany was assessed by the Allied powers. When she made no attempt to pay her debt, a couple of commissions were set to work to find means of reducing the amount of reparations without admitting to the American people that they could not be paid. The outcome of the reparations issue after the last war should make us blush. German in- dustrialists sold their bonds in this country; later Germany repudiated the bonds. Actually Balkan Bickering 00 0 BICKERING OVER THE BALKANS also end- ed in a stalemate. The Big Three could get nowhere regarding the Axis satellites, except on the non-Balkan country of Finland. In describing the problems confronting the' Big Three, this column reported on July 20, 1945, that Stalin last May proposed Allied rec- ognition of Hungary, Bulgaria, Roumania and Finland, but that Truman then was only will- ing to recognize Finland. The column also reported that the American minister in Bulgaria had been held almost a prisoner in his own legation by Soviet troops. At Potsdam, therefore, Truman proposed that tiey review the situation in Finland, Bulgaria, Roumania, et al, and took up Finland first. It was agreed that the Finnish situation was sat- isfactory, that a stable government had been THO U GHT... By Ray Dixon WE HAD NEVER MET a senator before last Friday when Senator Ferguson came to town. The League of Women Voters (which is remarkably active and effective in Ann Arbor) scheduled a little reception for the senator and his wife in the Rackham Building and we re- ceived an invite. After dutifully standing in the reception line for 20 minutes greeting his constituents, the senator took a drink of water and pro-, ceeded to talk in a friendly way about things and stuff -none of which was very spectac- ular, but most of which was interseting. First of all, he made the perennial point about what a wonderful place Ann Arbor is. Then he said a little something about how most of a Congressman's work is done in committee and how it is often more effectively done behind closed doors, intimating that the Mead Com- mittee's recent investigatipn of Detroit labor problems was of this type. The rest of the time he talked of his trip through Europe in May with a bunch of other senators. We gathered that he is in favor of Europe and against more war. He marveled at the German's capacity to obey orders, no matter who was giving them (telling of how fully-armed German officers occupying a Norwegian hotel soon after V-E day moved out at the simple request of the hotel's owner.) He wondered at the remarkable damage done to German cities by the Allies. He doubted that Pastor Nieomoller was the man to take over as head man in Germany be- cause of his weakened condition after. spending eight and a half years in a concentration camp for disagreeing with Hitler on the usefulness of the church in the Nazi world that was to be. After Senator Ferguson's little chat was over we left with these impressions - 1) Ferguson looks like his pictures, 2) a senator is in a po- sition of having to try to please everybody, 3) Ferguson tries. As he is on vacation, Samuel Grafton's "I'd Rather Be Right" will not appear on this page during the remainder of the summer session. The Daily will resume publication of his col- umns at the beginning of the fall term'. formed, and Truman promised to renew dip- lomatic relations with Finland soon. Then came the question of Bulgaria. Stalin said that a democratic government had been set up, and that democratic elections were to be held in Bulgaria. At this point, Truman pulled a letter from his pocket and said, in effect, "Oh yeah?" The letter was from an Agrarian (Peasant Party) member of the Bulgarian cabinet, stating that there could be no free elections under the present set-up and no democratic system in Bulgaria. The letter was addressed to the Bulgarian prime minister, the American min- ister in Bulgaria, and the Allied control com- missioner. It proved a bombshell. Stalin, taken aback, said no more about Bul- garia. Next day, the agrarian cabinet member was dropped from the Bulgarian cabinet and the question of holdng free elections in-Bulgaria went over to the meeting of foreign ministers to be held in London before September 1. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CARTELS: AS AFTER THE LAST World War, the true extent of the secret hookups between cer- tain American businessmen and Nazi manufac- turers is being revealed. The expose of American Bosch, a manufac- turer of magnetos and fuel-injector equipment for Diesel engines and subsidiary for the Robert Bosch Co. of Stuttgart, has pointed up the vaguely-realized problem of these international "merchants of death" to this demand: that the underground connections between American and German business be rooted out and brought into the open. According to a New York Herald Tribune dispatch from Carl Levin in Stuttgart, the German Bosch had "secretly reacquired the majority stock of the American company, us- ing the Darmstadter National Bank of Berlin and Kuhn, Loeb and Co. of New York to pro- vide funds and cloak the true ownership." The Enskilda Bank of Stockholm took nom- inal title of the company, but when the Alien Property Custodian seized the company in 1942, the German Bosch's legal adviser wrote a pre- dated document proposing to transfer German rights to the Wallenbergs, owners of Enskilda. A secret arrangement accompanying the docu- ment overrode its cover-up provisions. On the American side of the dealings, George Murnane, chairman and voting trustee of Amer- ican Bosch, wrote a letter asserting his loyalty to the German Bosch after the outbreak of war but before American entrance. The letter did not prove his disloyalty to the United States. In 1942, however, a memorandum was writ- ten to German Bosch explaining that, as Levin phrases it, "the Alien Property Custodian seized American Bosch somewhat unwillingly and only at the insistence of Henry Morgen- thau, Jr." The American Bosch is not the only company making war supplies which had secret connec- tions with Germany and these others should be exposed. Various South American nations are being severely criticized for their laxity or down- right refusal to eradicate connections such as these and their action is being used as a pre- requisite for admisson to the United Nations circle. And yet complacently, perhaps half fearfully, the United States has been slow in investigating its submerged "trading in war and death," and permits its own skeletons to remain hidden. -Patricia Cameron Rebuilding Germany rj1HELASTING DESTRUCTION of aerial bom- bardment is something which few people can comprehend. For months we read of the terrific bombardment that Greater Berlin re- ceived from the U. S. Eighth Air Force, the R.- A. F. and Russian heavy artillery. The cost of rebuilding dwellings destroyed or hopelessly damaged, estimated by Joel Sayre at 1,200,000 out of a total of 1,600,000 Berlin dwellings in a cable to the New Yorker Magazine last week, will be enormous in money, manpower and time. Clearing rubble, some 35,000,000 cubic yards of it, alone, Sayre writes, will take Berliners 24 years. He bases this estimate on a rate of clearing of 10,000,000 truckloads or 3,000,000 freight car loads, removed at a rate of ten freight train loads of 50 cars apiece every day. As for rebuilding Berlin, Sayre, taking as a maximum, 40,000 new dwellings a year, the peacetime high for construction in Berlin, it will be another 35 years before homes, hotels and apartment houses reach their pre-war num- bers. One ,possible solution to the disposal prob- lem, Sayre reports, is the construction of a vast mountain of rubble, covered with green- ery, on Berlin's largest park, the Tiergarten. Such a mountain of rubble, it strikes us, would be a fitting reminder to German generations of the future that a sleeping democracy, like the peaceful bee, can make an awful lot of trouble for those who choose to disturb the tenor of its ways. -Arthur J. Kraft DISCRIMINATION: Quota Upheld By President 01artrnoutl. THIS WAR must nave been fought for fun. All the time we have battled against the Nazi doctrine of racial segregation and medieval bigotry, the same principle has been upheld in this country by some of its leading cultural institutions. No sooner has the voice of Hit- ler fallen silent than Dr. Ernest M. Hopkins, president of Dart- mouth College, takes up the old anti-Semitic torch, actualy quot- ing the statistics of a Nazi philoso- I pher as his justification. In a telephone interview with the New York Post, Dr. Hopkins stated that Dartmouth College is "a Christ- ian college founded for the Christ- ianization of its students," and ad- mitted that it denies entrance to most Jews simply because they are Jews. He justifies this policy by saying it protects the Jews from anti-Semi- tism. In a letter to Herman Shumlin, movie and theatrical producer, he said there was a grave increase of anti-Semitism in Germany after the first world war because the soldiers returning home found "all their in- stitutions and all of their professions dominated by a race (the Jews) which numbered only one per cent of the population." Dr. Hopkins' background for this statement is to be found in a book by Stephen Roberts, "The House That Hitler Built," which quotes statistics on the subject by Dr.r Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi philosopher. Apparently with the best of in- . tentions, Dr. Hopkins wrote that 'Dartmouth would probably lose its "racial tolerance" which it is "des- perately anxious" to maintain, if it were to admit large numbers of Jews. Dr. 1-pkins is not the only one guilty of such misuse of the word tolerance. Not only his but other educational institutions operate on this theory. Real tolerance is not self-con- scious. It does not hand to minori- tiestas largess privileges which should be theirs by right. It does not pro- mote "racial equality" as a good work but instinctively and without re- striction. Dr. Hopkins has been an active internationalist, a leader in Amer- ' icans United for World Organiza- tion. He has expressed hatred of anti-Semitism. But while he "pro- tects" Jews by keeping them a class apart he defeats his avowed pur- pose. Such efforts only serve to advertiseand emphasize inter-ra- cial hatreds. -Marjorie Mills BY WILLIAM S. GODSEIN THERE ought to be a whipping day, a public scapegoat on whom we can hang the blame for the latest bit of poor planning. It never rains but it pours at Michigan. We go five weeks without a dance, and then two crop up for the same night. The job is more than we can handle. We decided to flip a coin. If it landed heads, we would go to the "Aero" dance. If it landed tails, we would go to the "Grad" dance, and if it landed on edge we decided that we would stay in and study. X* * * We're rather satisfied to learn both dances are semi-formal. We haven't made up our minds yet whether to go formal or wear our own clothes. We expect to see a lot of new summer formals being worn by coeds. We know of at least one girl who has an imported formal. It's not really imported, however. She had last year's dress turned inside out, and now she says that it's "from the other side." We thoroughly enjoy a good dance now and then, but to make dancing a full time job, that's another story. We know one fellow who one-steps in the morning, two-steps in the aft- ernoon, and side-steps his homework in the evening.I We're afraid that we're going to be kept rather busy tonight going from one dance to the other. * *~ - It seems to us that someone could have saved us all the worry by hav- ing a schedule all worked out before hand. We notice that the football team doesn't schedule two games for the same day. A little consulta- tion with the athletic department or some other successful planner might prove to be worth the time and effort. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THEDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 27S j Notices The American Red Cross has ur- gent need for Social Workers, Rec- reation workers and Staff Aides to help in Hospitals in this country as well as for overseas positions. Age 23 to 50 and college men and women preferred. Personnel secretaries from Headquarters will be in Ann Ar- bor on August 13 and 14 to inter- view interested persons. Appointments for interviews may be made at Red Cross Headquarters, 25546. The Fourth Clinic of the season at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp will be held Friday, Aug. 13th, 8:00 p. m. (EWT) at the Main Lodge. Dr. Marie Skodak, Director of the Flint Guidance Center, will be the consultant. The camp is on Pat- terson Lake, near Pickney. Students interested in mental hygiene and the problems of adjustment are wel- come to attend. The Graduate Outing Club is spon- soring a supper picnic, Saturday, August 11 at the island. We will meet at the back entrance to the Rackham building at 5 p. m. EWT and proceed from there. Those in- terested are asked to make their res- ervations at 'the Rackham Building check desk before Friday noon. The charges will be fifty cents per person and food will be provided. In the event of rain the party will be held in the Outing Club Room. State of Michigan Civil Service announcement for Hospital Super- intendent V, salary $460 to $575 per month, has been received in our of- fice. Further information may be obtained at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. La Sociedad Hispanica is present- ing a lecture on Argentinian Art by Prof. Julio Payro, visiting prof. at the Fine Arts Department from Argen- tina. The lecture will be given in Spanish Wednesday, August 15th at 8 o'clock (EWT) in Room D Fine Arts Department. (Alumni Memorial Hall). Everybody is invited. Lectures What not to believe about Russia will be the subject of a talk by Pro- fessor Andrew Lobanov-Rostovsky on Monday evening, August 13th, in the Rackham Amphitheatre, at 8:15 p.m. (EWT). The Russky Kruzhok (Rus- sian Circle) cordially invites all facul- ty members, students, and towns- people to attend. Academic Notices nary circumstances, such as serious illness. Colleges of Literature, Science, and 4he Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session Stundents wishing a trans- cript of this summer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Ar- bor. Failure to file this request be- fore the end of the session will re- sult in a needless delay of several days. Assistance for Veterans in Mathe- matics: All veterans who require ad- ditional assistance in Mathematics are requested to meet in Room 3010 Angell Hall, Friday, August 10, at 5:00 p. m. (EWT) to make arrangements for hours, type of assistance required, etc. Concerts Student Recital: Florcpce Mc- Cracken; mezzo-soprano, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of ,the requirements for the degree of Mast- er of Music at 7:30 p. m., (CWT) Monday, August 13, in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High School. A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Miss McCracken will sing selections by Gluck, Debussey, Dvorak, Medni- koff and Rachmaninoff. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Concert: Louise Rood, vio- linist, and Benjamin Owen, pianist, will present a concert Tuesday eve- ning, August 14, at 7:30 p. m. (CWT) in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High School. The program will consist of compositions by Jac- obi, Griffes and Bloch. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). i Still Mourn Death of Fascism DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Architecture Building. work. . Student Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotunda. Some foods of the American Indian. General Library, main corridor cases. Early military science. Selec- tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27, memorial collection, presented by Col. T. M. Spaulding, '02. Events Today Play. "Over 21" by Ruth Gordon. Michigan Repertory Players, Depart- ment of Speech. 7:30 p. m. CWT or 8:30 p. m. EWT Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The All National Club of the Uni- versity will hold a tea dance on Fri- day afternoon, August 10 from 4 to 6 o'clock (EWT) in the Interna- tional Center. Admission is free to anyone wishing to attend and music will be recorded. Motion Picture. French film, "Ulti- matum," starring Eric von Stroheim. 7:30 p. m. CWT or 8:30 p. m. EWT. Rackham Lecture Hall. JARNABY By Crockett Johnson am= I Me? Why, n.j But, somebody did, Minerva. MI W hy n. She did, too. She thinks Barnaby's The doorbell .. The Mr. and Mrs. Shultz just got here. They're in the house, Mr. O'Malley.