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August 08, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-08

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Tokyo Rose A GI Invention;
Helps Morale of Americans

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7- The Navy
jocularly cited Tokyo Rose, today as
a morale builder for American for-
ces in the Pacific, but records of gov-
ernment radio agencies produced
these conclusions:
There is no Tokyo Rose; the name
is strictly a G. I. invention:
The name has been applied to at
least two lilting feminine voices waft-I
ed over the Japanese radio.
Regular Announcer
U. S. government radio monitors
have concluded that Rose is both a
regular woman announcer on radio
Tokyo short wave programs and the
clever girl on the Zero Hour shows.
Whoever she may be, the Navy
praised Tokyo Rose's ability to
War Victims
To Get Clothes
Before Winter
Clothing contributed by the Ameri-
can people will reach millions of war
victims overseas before winter, a re-
port from the United National Cloth-
ing Collection revealed yesterday.
The report was sent to George H.
Gabler, local chairman of the cloth-
Included in the report is a state-
ment from President Truman in
which he pointed out.:
"By meeting and exceeding their
goal of 150,000,000 pounds of cloth-
ing, the American people havehac-
complished the task assigned them
by the late Franklin D. Roosevelt in
a cause that was close to his heart."
, Gabler added, "Every person who
helped our community collect ap-
proximately 100,000 pounds of cloth-
ing for overseas war relief should
feel proud of having participated in
this great cause."
adds a pleasing touch of frhdividuality
to your library. Thesis bound over
night. Free estimates; pick-up and de-
HARALD OLSEN, Bookbinder
815 Brookwood - - - Phone 2-2915

"bring laughter and entertainment
to our men and women."
The legend of Tokyo Rose has
grown steadily since the summer of
1943 but government monitors listen-
ing in 24 hours a day have never
heard the word "Tokyo Rose" over a
Japanese-controlled Far Eastern
First Public Mention
Tokyo Rose first was mentioned
publicly in the spring of 1943 when
newspapers carried a story from the
Aleutians about a Japanese woman
broadcaster known by the name to
servicemen in the area.
When servicemen speak of Tokyo
Rose, they seemingly refer to the
mistress of ceremonies on the "zero
liour" dinnertime program. She has
a girlish voice and a manner de-
scribed as gay and clever. Her ap-
parent purpose is to make her listen-
ers homesick.
The entertainer usually calls her-
self "Annie of Radio Tokyo," "Little
Orphan Annie," or "Your favorite
enemy Anne."
Legend has it that Tokyo Rose al-
most routinely heralds the arrival of
new divisions in a Pacific theatre by
welcoming the commanding officers
and others by name.
'Maling Faces'
Is Topic of Talk
Strauss Will Address
Rotary Club Members
"Making Faces" will be the topic
of a talk to be given by Prof. Ivard
Strauss, visiting faculty member of
the speech department, at noon EWT
(11 a. m. CWT) today before mem-
bers of the Rotary Club.
The various transformations which
make it possible for an actor to as-
sume widely varied roles on the stage
will be demonstrated. Prof. Strauss
will use an actor from the summer
plays as a model.
Prof. Strauss is a member of the
board of directors of the Tryout The-
atre in Seattle, Wash., and heads its
staff as production director.

French Film
To Be Shown
Final Foreign Movie
Of Summer Session
A French production, "Ultimatum "I
to be shown at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) Friday and Saturday in
Rackham auditorium, will be the last
foreign film to be presented by the
Summer Session Office.
The film stars Eric von Stroheim
and Dita Parlo and is directed by
Robert Wiene. Wiene is famous for
the introduction of expressionism into
movies in his production of "The
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari."
Frank Nugent of the New York
Times has written of "Ultimatum":
"A strangely vivid, naturalistic ac-
count of the war of nerves which al-
ways precedes war itself. It is an in-
teresting record of the growth of
those monstrous fungi-hates, sus-
picions, and arrogances which spring
up overnight on a shadowed land."
Admission is free and the film is
supplemented with English titles.
Tickets on Sale
For IAS Ball
At Union, Quads'
Tickets are now on sale in the
East and West Quads and at the
Union for the all-campus semi-for-
mal dance to be held from 9 p. m.
to midnight EWT (8 to 11 p. m.
CWT) Friday in the League ball-
Leroy Smith and his orchestra will
provide music for the dance spon-
sored by the Institute of Aeronauti-
cal Sciences. The orchestra has
broadcast over numerous national
hookups and has played for several
years in New York.
All Army and Navy students will be
given 1 a. m. EWT (midnight CWT)
permission for the dance.

Speech Clinic To Meet. , .
Members of the speecn clinic staff
will conduct the weekly assembly of
the Department of Speech at 4 p. m.
EWT (3 p. m. CWT) today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
The subject under discussion, "The
Meaning of Speech Rehabilitation,"
will be illustrated by means of per-
sonal appearances and phonograph
records of persons receiving rehabili-
tation training.
Persons who suffer from stutter-
ing, aphasia, cleftupalate and hearing
difficulties will demonstrate the im-
provement which can be made with
such training. All interested persons
are invited to attend the assembly.



Vandalism was given an artistic
touch yesterday.
Maybe it was a whimsical desire
to achieve a rainbow effect to
brighten up the day, or maybe it
was just destructive spite that
prompted someone to open two
large cans, of paint which were
being used at 614 Monroe St., mix
them together and add gasoline to
one can.
Edward Mulreed, 1426 Broad-
way, reported the incident to city
police, pointing out that whatever
the motive, the liquids were made

LANSING, Aug. 7-P)--The State
Land Office Board voted today to
permit discharged servicemen to buy
tax delinquent lands without com-
petitive bidding from other prospec-
tive purchasers.
Auditor General John D. Morrison
Board chairman, said the Board had
rejected the proposal of a Ferndal
veterans counseling agency that ser-
vicemen be allowed to buy the state-
owned lands at less than their ap-
praised value and that entire plots
be preserved for veterans home sites
Morrison asserted the law required
that the landssbe sold for not less
than the appraised valuation and
that the Board believed veterans
might not want to be segregated into
special areas.
However, he said, the Board was
willing to abandon its traditiona
policy of requiring competitive bid-
ding for its lands and would sell them
without bids to veterans who could
i present a certificate of eligibility
from the State Office of Veteran

e Affairs, showing that the applicant
is financially able to build a home
or business place. The veteran also
must show that he served at least
90 days in the armed forces and has
an honorable discharge.
OPA To Decide
On Car Prices
. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7--P)-The
d OPA today promised a decision in
s about two weeks as to whether prices
d for new passenger cars will be higher
S than those of 1942.
o Price Administrator Chester Bow-
les meanwhile denied reports that the
s agency already has decided against
1 any price increase for most manufac-
- turers.
n However, Bowles authorized a
d spokesman to say there is no possi-
bility of an increase as high. as 25
s per cent.



Veterans Allowed to Buy Land
-ith CIrt m *d*Atiti B - RidRi;a"

Brad Will Give Talk

* *

Stethoscope Ball'
Will Be Saturday.
"Stethoscope Ball," Galens-spon-
sored dance, will be held from 9 p. m.
to midnight EWT (8 to 11 p. m.
CWT) Saturday in the League ball-
Phil Brestoff and his 11-piece or-
chestra, with a vocalist, will play
for the dance, which is a get-together
for medical students.

Eugeniea LeMat, grad., will give
a talk before a meeting of the
French club at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p.m..
CWT) tomorrow in the League.
Miss LeMat will discuss some im-
pressions of France formulated
from her own experience.
* * *
Doctor To Give Talky .
Dr. Paul Barberousse, medical doc-
tor from Montevideo, Uruguay, will
give a talk about his country before
a meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica
at 8p.m. EWT (7p.m. CWT) today
in Rm. 302 of the Union.
Dr. Barberousse, on scholarship
from the Institute of International
Education to work on public health
at Columbia University, is here at
the Linguistic Institute studying Eng-
lish. He is supervisor of public health
in the public schools of Montevideo.
In his talk, Dr. Barberousse will
present a general idea of education,
culture, and industry in Uruguay.
* *
To Give Organ Recital . .
Dorothy Jeanne Gentry will
present an organ recital at 8:30
p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Gentry is a student of or-
gan under Prof. Palmer Christian
and the recital is in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree.
Her program will include selec-
tions by Bach, Widor, Jongen and
The public is invited to attend
the recital.
*4 *' *

, k

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r (Continued fr

0 0 *

Prom Page 1)




'OPEN WEEK DAYS from 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.


modate," the report said. "It is very
doubtful if all the new rooms that
could be uncovered by a house-to-
house canvass would add more than
four or five hundred to the present
indicated capacity."
Tabulation of Rents
In its study of Ann Arbor housing,
the Bureau of Business Research
made a complete tabulation of the
room, house and apartment rents fil-
ed with the Rent Control Division of
the Office of Price Administration.
On the basis of this tabulation, it
was discovered that as of June 1,
1945, rooms with a capacity of 3,235
not now occupied by students have
been rented in Ann Arbor since 1941.
Records of the University cover pres-
ent housing facilities for 7,505 stu-
dents including approximately 1,133
military personnel living in register-
ed rooms.
Possible 2,886 Capacity
If the commercial rentals, such as
hotels and rooms in substandard dis-
tricts are eliminated from the OPA
registration figures, the report point-
ed out, the capacity of additional
rooms which might be available for
students is 2,886. This figure, it was
explained, is an unattainable maxi-
mum which is subject to downward
The recently announced postwar
dormitory construction program will
not be little pas't the blueprint stage
at the beginning of the fall term this


To Give Broadcasts

- ;;;(K;;;;> 4;> <;;;;;;;;;>0> (<;=;;0 :;;>0<;=;;> U<;;= O<;;;t>);;;;>{;;; :
. in .
Tonight through Saturday - 8:30 P.M.
Saturday Matinee - 2:30 P.M.
TICKETS: $1.02 - 78c - 54c (tax included)
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
-Learn to FLY!
It's part of a Modern Education
This ad is worth $5.00 to you if you enroll during
the month of August. Bring the ad with you.
Gridley Flying Service
(Formerly Ann Arbor Aircraft Co.)
Phone 25-8825 4320 S. State St.

A religious feature, Campus News,
and a program of music, are being
sponsored by the University Broad-
casting Service today.
Today's Religion, featuring Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, Religious
Counselor to students, will be broad-
cast at 2:45 p. m. EWT (1:45 p. m.
CWT) over station WKAR, East Lan-
Campus News, presented by stu-
dents enrolled in the broadcasting
classes of the speech department, will
be broadcast at 2:15 p. m. EWT (1:15
p. m. CWT) on the same station, fol-
lowed 15 minutes later by Moments
in Music, featuring David Blair Mc-
Closky, baritone.
Attitudes in China..
"Changing Attitudes in China"
will be the topic of a lecture to be
given by the Rev. George W. Shep-
herd at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow in Kellogg Auditorium.
Dr. Shepherd, formerly an ad-
visor to Generalisimo Chiang Kai-
Shek and director of the New Life
Movement, will speak under the
auspices of the Religious Educa-
tion Workshop.
Since his return from China, Dr,
Shepherd has been engaged in
study and writing at the Univer-
sity for the American Board of
No Sneezes Today
LANSING, Aug. 7--()-Hay fever
sufferers were assured today that
most areas of Michigan are still
without ragweed pollen in the State
Health Department's Monday pollen
1 A


. .




. . .

(Continued from Page 1)
and Predictions," will be the sub-
.ject of Guthrie McClintic, husband
of Katherine Cornell and director
of more plays, among them several
critic prize winners, than any oth-
er man in the theatre, when he
speaks here February 15.
He will be followed March 5,
when Edmund Stevens, war cor-
respondent with the Russian Army
for the Christian Science Monitor,
taking his topic from the title of
his recent book, will speak on
"Russia Is No Riddle."
"Britain Looks to the Future" will
be the topic of the Honorable Robert
Boothby, Member of Parliament in
the British House of Commons for
25 years and Undersecretary for Food
during the present war. He will speak
here March 12.
"What We May Expect in the Fu-
ture" will be news comentator Stowe's
topic when he concludes the lecture
series March 21. He is the Pulitzer
prize winner author of "They Shall
Not Sleep."
Mail orders for season tickets will
be taken at the Oratorical Associa-
tion Office, 3211 Angell Hall.

:?' . ,f .
., : '
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A-flawlessly fitted su
contrast with the flo
wing sleeves. Smalls
lated yokes for shot
interest. Tiny tucks to;
it to your waist. Col
wool crepe, forest g
Misses sizes.

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Permanent. positions at good
pay after the war will be the
result of specialized training.
The expert stenographer, book-
keeper, office machine worker,
or accountant is always in de-
Our courses may be complet-
ed in from nine months to 15
months, depending on course
selected and previous training
Free employment service. I

to send your spirits sooting . . . to add to the 'beauty of softly
rounded shoulders ... to set off the new slim silhouette . .. to emphasize
the diminutive doll waist. Graceful as a bird poised for flight ... free and
easy as a gentle breeze . . . You'll agree that these deep-sleeved Suits
with Wings are another of Jacobson's famous "firsts" in fashion.









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