PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY~ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MNERRY-GO-ROUND: Background of Atomic Bomb ,Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the weel except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon ,Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mullendore lickf Strickland . Managing "Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Sports Editor Business Manager Business Staf ' _ Telephone 23-241 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise'credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter.- Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. RPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVRTdG by National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. " NEW YORK. N.Y. CMCAGO - BOSTON . LOS ANGELES *SAN FRACISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: PATRICIA CAMERON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. VUDousing Problem THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY universities and colleges are concerned with the housing shortage - where to place the products of an increased enrollment. The University of Michi- gan is faced with the duo-problem of housing students in a city of an expanding civilian pop- ulation. Postwar housing plans have been formulated here. The building of several large dormitories and apartment houses for married couples has already been approved by the Board of Regents. Recent announcement of three loans from the Federal Works Agency is eneouraging. In ad- dition to last week's revelation of the allocation of $23,775 for planning apartments for married students and a loan of $5,888 for planning the proposed construction of a University Frequency Modulation radio broadcasting station, we learn today that the Agency has advanced $25,000 to help finance plans for a $1,450,000 building to house the School of Business Administration. Following the war it is expected that an Influx of returning veterans will swell univer- sity enrollments to an unequalled level. It cannot now be ascertained whether a, state Institution will have sufficient funds forth- coming to take care of the increase. If there should be an inadequacy of living quarters it will be essential to provide for addi- tional housing through outside help if neces- sary. The recent Federal subsidies raise the hope that in any event returning veterans and others who seek an education will be able to find the necessary facilities. It would be most unfortunate if the bene- ficiaries of the GI Bill of Rights under Gov- ernment subsidy were to be stymied by the lack of subsidy at the other end - the educa- tional institution itself. -Anita Franz World Threat IF THE WORLD were in need of a conclusive reason for the prevention of future wars, that reason was supplied by the disclosure of the per- fection of the atomic bomb by the United States and its use against the Japanese. The atomic bomb, even in its preliminary stages, represents a force of destruction that pales the havoc wrought by all previous weap- one of war. Hitler's V-bombs were bad enough, but this new weapon throws the robots into insignificance. It takes little imagination to foresee the pos- sibilities of large air fleets loaded with these parcels of destruction, fleets which could wipe out all living things in a large area at a single blow. Nor is it unlikely that man, with his abil- ities at technical improvement, can eventually improve the atomic principle into explosives far more powerful than those used against Hiro- shima. This is probably only the beginning. Harnessing the sun's energy may eventually prove tremendously useful in constructive peace- time technology. As a source of power, it may easily accomiplish miracles hitherto only dreamed of by man. But in the hands of an aggressor, this new discovery can be turned into the most terrible of all weapons, a weapon which might easily enable one nation to destroy completely another. Those who are now formulating, and will con- tinue to formulate, the coming world order for peace and security should recognize this new element of warfare and its potential threat to human life. They should take whatever meas- BY DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-With President Truman's an- nouncement regarding the new atomic bomb, some of the background behind the na- tion's most carefully kept secret can now be told. If the Nazis had known the details of this secret and developed it before V-E Day, the results of this war might have been just the opposite. As it was, there is reason to believe that the Nazis knew we were working on such an invention, because the eight Nazi saboteurs, under cross-examination, admitted that they were instructed to find out what they could about this experiment. Those who have studied the new bomb say that its discovery is just as revolutionary as the Chinese invention of 'gunpowder. It will not only rvolutionize warfare, but might wipe out civilization if nations continue to resort to war. One new atomic bomb, if dropped on New York City by a transatlantic rocket, would wipe out the city completely. Actually, the inventors of the bomb are not entirely certain what its future strength may be. While the details are still highly secret, it is reported that the effect on atmospheric pressure is such that the bomb's destructive force travels in waves in the atmosphere surrounding it. It is also reported that, if dropped in a bay or con- fined body of water, the bomb could start a tidal wave capable of inundating whole cities. Part of the experimentation for the bomb was performed at the University of Chicago; part also by British scientists at Oxford. While the bomb was in the process of being devel- oped, trusted workmen had to sign an oath that they would work in the secret desert bases without visiting their families. The danger of the bomb to future civilization is almost beyond belief, once the secret becomes known. For instance, it is estimated that a bomb hidden in a safe deposit vault in a New York bank could explode 24 hours later with such terrific force that it would cestroy most of the city. One complication is whether the bomb secret should be given to our other allies. At Teheran it is understood that preliminary arrangements were made for Russian entrance into the war against Japan and that in return the United States was to give Russia knowledge of all our secret weapons. Now, many military men, believing the war with Japan can be terminated relatively soon, doubt the feasibility of handing over this new and revolutionary secret to the Russians. Others believe, however, that an invention of this kind is sure to leak out, just as every mil- itary weapon sooner or later becomes known. Liberals Organize . EVER SINCE FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT died, some of his most ardent Senate followers have talked about organizing to carry on his left-of- center program. Finally, encouraged by the Brit- ish elections, and worried over what would hap- pen to our domestic economy if the war ended overnight, 17 Democratic senators gathered at a private luncheon last week. Practically ever senator present was a per- sonal friend and booster of President Truman. Yet behind their luncheon was a veiled threat that if Truman become too much influenced by the reactionary wing of the Democratic party, he would have trouble - real trouble from the Liberals. The luncheon was called by Senators Pepper of Florida and Kilgore of West Virginia. They brought with them a mimeographed five-page document labelled "Full Employment - Objec- tive of Domestic Policy." In this carefully writ- ten document, they proceeded to point out that: "American economy has never provided stable full employment under modern condi- tions of high labor productivity and mass pro- duction. A review of economic conditions be- tween World War I and World War II makes this clear . . . In 1939, though we reached the production level of 1929, there were 7,000,000 more unemployed. "There are some of short memory," the sur- vey continued, "who today urge on the federal government a 'do nothing' policy toward en- -suring full employment . . . We believe that extensive federal action is essential at this time." The "federal action" proposed by Senators Kil- gore and Pepper was outlined to the other 15 senators immediately after the luncheon in the form of a 12-point program. "I am tired," said the West Virginia Senator, "of seeing the opposition use us ds a chopping block. The time has come for some action - and now." way; if we do spend, our huge public debt will continue to pile up." "There is no problem there," interposed Rhode Island's agile Senator Green, himself a millionaire. "There is only one course. If we do not have a high level of employment and general well-being among the people of the country, then we are headed for bankruptcy anyhow. "This country," continued Green bluntly, "has not caught up with the Democratic move- ment in Europe. The recent British elections are a good example. Those in control over here are not in touch with the changes taking place in the world. They are in contrbl of the press, in control of vast aggregations of wealth, in control of the utilities. But we in the Senate must not be deflected. We must go ahead with a new legislative program." ilbo's Words of Wisdom .. . "THE MAN" Bilbo also threw in his two-cents' worth on reconversion. "I am not a politician," he opined, "but from a practical standpoint, we Democrats had better do something damn quick or the Japanese war will end and we'll have five or ten million people looking for jobs. There will be riotous condi- tions throughout the country and when we come back here for the next Congress, there wou't be enough Democrats around for our own funerals. We've got to do something damn quick to pro- vide 60,000,000 jobs" Bilbo, however, couldn't accept all the 12- point program. Raising the minimum wage level was too much for him. This caused Sen- ator Pepper of Florida to remark jokingly that it wasn't proposed to raise farm wages (Mis- sissippi being largely an agricultural state). "Don't think I'm dumb," shot back the gen- tleman from Mississippi. "You raise industrial wages and you won't get anyone to stay on the farm. I can't grow cotton today because the hands want too much money." The other items of the 12-point program which apparently met with Senator Bilbo's OK follow: (1) Gearing of reconversion to full employ- ment; (2) Continuing stable and profitable agricul- tural at high levels; (3) Creation of expanded opportunities for business; (4) Expanding foreign trade; (5) National housing program; (6) Stabilization of community construction; (7) A broad national health program and so- cial security system; (8) Increased education and training for all; (9) Greater development of natural resources; (10) Gearing a fiscal policy to full employ- ment; (11) Adequate security, training and job op- portunities for veterans. NOTE - The 15 senators present in addition to Kilgore and Pepper were: Thomas of Utah, Thomas of Oklahoma, Mead of New York, Stewart of Tennessee, Green of Rhode Island, Lucas of Illinois, Murdock of Utah, Johnston of South Carolina, Johnson of Colorado, Tay- lor of Idaho, Magnuson and Mitchell of Wash- ington, McMahon of Connecticut, Radcliffe of Maryland and Bilbo of Mississippi.- (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN WE HAVE ALWAYS FELT that Ann Arbor in the summer is just about as hot and humid as any spot in the United States. For pure scorching heat we'll match Ann Arbor with any- thing that the Devil himself can whip up and still feel confident enough to give him six-to-five odds against us. As a matter of fact, we were so satisfied with our judgment of Ann Arbor as being hotter than a Bogart-Bacall movie that we were more than a little disturbed to find out that a great segment of the South came pp to the Michigan campus for the summer to get away from it all. * * * At least that's the explanation we received from one of the sons of the deep South. He had a great story to tell. It appears that his father is a Southern planter and at one time the old boy had five thousand men under him: he was a caretaker in a Georgia cemetery. He later made cardboard containers and was quite suc- cessful until the bottom dropped out in '29. * * * A young gentleman from Dixie told us that he was one of a family of 16. He said that all the other children were Democrats but that he had taken to reading and was a Republican. * * * With that explanation in mind, it isn't too hard to see why things were too hot for him down in Georgia. We hope that his case is some sort of an exception, for our faith in our own judgment was shaken when he said that the South was too hot for him. The Ann Arbor chamber of commerce notwithstanding, we still claim that the town is as hot as they come. Jjttepi 22G-_ Questions Drama Review To the Editor: IN YOUR August 2nd issue, Mr. Frank A. Haight wrote what look- ed like a brashtundergraduate review of "Quality Street." In all fairness to this production, I would like to submit a few ideas on the other side. "Quality Street" could not be written about America, as we do not understand the genteel poverty which Sir James handles so deli- cately, for we worship the Almighty Dollar, and hence regard poverty as a disgrace. Barrie has deep in- sight into human foibles, he is kind to humanity, and has a mar- velous understanding of the subtle-I ties of a woman's mind. Mr. Haight,. like a Philistine of the first water, damns "Quality Street" with faint praise because it isn't one of those bang-up American farces of clinch, clutch, and divorce. I would like to challenge Mr. Haight on one of his comparisons. The re- semblance to Maeterlinck is obvious, since both playwirghts used a philoso- phy of life in the vehicle; but how can a logical mind compare the bril- liant satire of W. S. Gilbert with the whimsical comedy of Barrie? Is there any reasonable basis of comparison between a penguin and an orchid? Claribel Baird surely deserves the commendation that one would give the musician who is able to render the subtle exquisiteness required by the pure intimacies of chamber mu- sic. Doubtless Mr. Haight's prefer- ence is for a Brass Band. I do not wish to imply that all plays should be classical, but I do feel that no program is well-bal- anced unless, together with farce and musical comedy, it includes a play which does something more than merely poke malicious fun at the weaknesses of humanity. -Henry C. Klingbeil Speech Student. Whitewashing Bilbo? I To the Editor: THE LETTER you published in last Saturday's Daily concerning the 'virtues' of the ignominious Senator Bilbo was a masterpiece in liberal thinking-liberal as distinguished, of course, from Progressive. With a very excellent movement rapidly gaining in strength, particularly in New York, under the leadership of Senator Wagner to have this repul- sibe ghoul impeached from the Unit- ed States Seate and removed as far as possible fromtpublic responsibility. What time could be more appropriate for a frantic search for the charac- ter's virtues, real or imaginery? After all it is much more import- ant to see both sides of the picture even if both sides do not exist, than it is to take some progressive action. I don't know in what fumey joy den or ivory tower'- to use the more familiar expression -the editors of the Nation reached the conclusion that the most out- standing characteristic of racial hatred and Jim Crow is its subtlety. It somehow has never occurred to me that there is anything subtle about segregation and lynchings. Perhaps Senator Bilious is doing the country a commendable favor when he helps awaken these "dream children." It seems to be, however, that the little good he may accom- plish in this direction is so far out- weighed by the incalculable harm this American style Fascist inflicts upon the American people, not to mention the vast encouragement his words and actions give to Klansmen and Crackers in general who far out- number and out act people like the editors of the Nation that anything said in his favor is something said to support the policies he advocates. In the words of a great labor song I would like to ask Miss Patricia Cam- eron "Which Side Are You On?" Presuming, in spite of her letter, that she is on the side of progress, I would like to suggest that if she were to make up a petition calling for the impeachment of Senator Bilbo and pass it around among her schoolmates, the vast majority of whom would be overjoyed to' sign it, she would be doing a real service, a much more valuable ser- vice than slapping this people's enemy on the back. -Cornelius J. Loeser Shaw Warns S EORGEBERNARD SHAW writes in the Glasgow Weekly Forward that the only thing wrong with the Way the British election went was the defeat of Sir William Beveridge (cradle-to-grave social security) Plan, But, adds Shaw: "His defeat will teach Sir William that a Liberal who goes out of his way to disavow Social- ism is doomed." -PM, August 5, 1945 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office,t Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the dayG preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-t urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL " BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 25S1 Notices1 The American Red Cross has ur- gent need for Social Workers, Rec-I reation workers and Staff Aides toi help in Hospitals in this country as1 well as for overseas positions. Age 23 to 50 and college men and women preferred. Personnel secretaries from Headquarters will be in Ann Ar- bor on August 13 and 14 to inter- view interested persons. Appointments for interviews may be made at Red Cross Headquarters, 25546. French Club: The sixth meeting of the club will take place Thursday, Aug. 9 at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) at the Michigan League. Mrs. Eugenia Le Mat, grad., will speak on "Souven- irs de France." Group singing, social hour. All students, servicemen, facul- ty people interested are cordially in- vited. The Fourth Clinic of the season at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp will be held Friday, Aug. 13th, 8:00 p. m. (EWT) at the Main Lodge. Dr. Marie Skodak, Director of the Flint Guidance Center, will be the consultant. The camp is on Pat- terson Lake, near Pickney. Students interested in mental hygiene and the problems of adjustment are wel- come to attend. The Graduate Outing Club is spon- soring a supper picnic, Saturday, August 11 at the island. We will meet at the back entrance to the Rackham building at 5 p. m. EWT and proceed from there. Those in- terested are asked to make their res- ervations at the Rackham Building check desk before Friday noon. The charges will be fifty cents per person and food will be provided. In the event of rain the party will be held in the Outing Club Room. State of Michigan Civil Service announcement for Hospital Super- intendent V, salary $460 to $575 per month, has been received in our of- fice. Further information may be obtained at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Russian Tea will be served Thurs- day at 4:00 to 5:30 p. m. (EWT) at the International Center. French Tea today at 4 p. in., EWT, (3 p. m. CWT) in the Grill Room of the Michigan League. Lectures Lecture. "The Parochial Contro- versy in Nineteenth Century Eng- land." Fred G. Walcott, Instructor in Education and Teacher of English at the University High School. 2:05 p. m. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT. Uni- versity High School Auditorium, Thursday. Lecture. "Is There a Hiatus be- tween Staff Functions and Operations in Education?" William Clark Trow, Professor of Educational Psychology. 2:05 p, m. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT. University High School Auditorium today. The Rev. George W. Shepherd, formerly an advisor to Generalis- imo Chiang Kai-Shek in the New Life Movement, will speak at Kellogg Auditorium, Thursday at 7 p. in. (CWT). Academic Noices Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in School of Education. These examinations will be held dur- ing the summer on August 27-28-29 from 8 till 11 o'clock (CWT). Any- one desiring to take the examinations should notify Dr. Woody's Office, 4,000 University High School, before August 10. A.I.E.E. A meeting of the Michigan Student Branch of the American In- stitute of Electrical Engineers will be held Wednesday, Aug. 8, at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m., CWT) in the Michi- gan Union. Mr. W. A. Frankenfield of Detroit Edison will speak on the subject, "Electric Circuit Protection." All interested in electrical engineering are invited. Students, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug. 11, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week, upon the recommendation of their academic counselors. Exceptions to these regulations may be made only because of extraordi- nary circumstances, such as serious Students in Speech: An assembly dealing with speech science will be held at 4 p.m. (EWT) Wednesday in the Rackham Amphiteater. Attend- ance is required of all Speech concen- trates, teaching majors and minors in Speech, and all graduate students working toward advanced degrees in Speech. - Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Music, and Public Health: Tent- ative lists of seniors for September and October graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4, University Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Linguistic Institute. Introduction to Linguistic Science. "American Indian Languages." Dr. C. F. Voegelin. 6 p. in. CWT (7 p. m. EWT), Thursday, August 9, Rackham Amphitheatre. L. S. & A. Civilian Freshman Five- Week Reports will be given out in the Academic Counselors' Office, 198 Ma- son Hall, in the following order: Wednesday, August 8th, A through K. Thursday, August 9th, L through Z. Concerts Student Recital: Dorothy Jeanne Gentry, a student of organ under Palmer Christian, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements of the degree of Master of Music, at 7:30 p. m. CWT, Wed- nesday, August 8, in Hill Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Chamber Music Concert: The fourth in a series of Chamber Music Concerts will be presented Thursday evening, August 9, at 7:30 p. m. (CWT), in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann' Arbor High School. The program will consist of compositions by Mozart and Brahms played by Gilbert Ross and Marian Struble Freeman, violinists, Louise Rood and Elizabeth Green, violinists, and Rob- ert Swenson, cellist. The last concert of the series will be presented Thursday evening, Aug- ust 6, at 7:30 p. m. (CWT) ,in Pat- tengill Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Universit Carillonneur. 6:15 p.d. CWT or 7:15 p. m. EWT Thursday Exhibitions Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Golumbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotunda. Some foods of the American Indian, General Library, main corridor cases. Early military science. Selec- tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27, memorial collection, presented by Col. T. M. Spaulding, '02. Events Today La Sociedad Hispanica is presenting tonight a lecture on Uruguay given by Dr. Carlos Barberousse from Mon- tevideo, capital of Uruguay. The lecture will be given in Spanish at 8 o'clock (EWT) in room 302, Mich- igan Union. Everybody is invited. La Sociedad Hispanica is holding an hour of talking in Spanish this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Inter- national' Center. Everybody inter- ested in Spanish is invited. Linguistic Institute Special Lecture, "Language and Immigration." Dr. Einar Haugen, Professor of Scandi- navian Languages, University of Wis- consin. 6:30 p. m. CWT (7:30 p. m. EWT), Rackham Amphitheatre. Play. "Over 21" by Ruth Gordon. Michigan Repertory Players, Depart- ment of Speech. 7:30 p. m. CWT or 8:30 p. m. EWT Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The regular Wednesday evening record concert of the All Nations Club will feature an all Beethoven program. Held at 8 p. m. (EWT in the lounge of the International Cen- ter, the program will consist of Bee- thoven's Symphony No. 7 and the Leonore Overture. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanica will have coke-bar Tuesday and Wednesday and tea Thursday at 4 o'clock in the International Center. Everybody is invited. Do not miss these opportu- nities of practicing Spanish. The regular Thursday afternoon tea will be held at the International Center from 4 to 5:30 EWT. Honor- ed guests will be Mr. Robert Swen- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN When Jap War Ends 0 0 "NE OF THE MOST INTERESTING inter- changes took place between Maryland's Sen- ator Radcliffe and Connecticut's Senator Brien McMahon. Radcliffe expressed general approval of the program but added that he knew of no unemployment problem in the nation. Where- upon, McMahon interrupted to say that there was a growing unemployment problem in Con- necticut. "We're in for a bad time if the war in the Pacific should end during the summer, before adequate legislation has been passed to pro- vide for additional employment," McMahon continued, "It seems to me," he added, "the administra- tion is on the horns of a dilemna. If we don't spend to provide employment, we'll be in a bad BARNABY By Crockett Johnson ISeven for dinner is What's the a n e -.... (I/T . PU m -. I - - J Hanson's housekeeper, Mrs. Abel, is helina me 'srve .. .Evervthina Another couvert, m'boy. Some careless] flunkev has made a mistake ...Shift